HALL OF FAME – Die Western Awards
Infos – von unserem Gastautor Reinhard Windeler
Von Spur und Wrangler bis zum Pulitzer
Im deutschsprachigen Raum gab es zu keiner Zeit Bemühungen, Preise für Westernromane (in welcher Form auch immer) ins Leben zu rufen. Im Mutterland des Westernromans war das nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg der Fall.
1953 wurde der Verband der „Western Writers of America“ gegründet, der die SPUR AWARDS verleiht, die bis heute angesehenste Auszeichnung im Western-Genre. Eine fast ebenso lange Tradition haben die seit 1961 vergebenen WESTERN HERITAGE AWARDS, die etwas griffiger auch als WRANGLER AWARDS bezeichnet werden.
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Daneben gab und gibt es natürlich auch Literaturpreise, die nicht auf den Westernbereich beschränkt waren und sind, mit denen aber Romane mit Westernthemen eher selten prämiert wurden, z.B. der PULITZER PRIZE und der NATIONAL BOOK AWARD.
Um die Jahrtausendwende, und vermehrt in den 2000er Jahren, kamen jedoch zahlreiche neue Auszeichnungen hinzu, sodass man mittlerweile von einer regelrechten Inflation sprechen kann, die den Anschein erweckt, dass mit ihr dem Niedergang der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung von Westernliteratur entgegengewirkt werden soll, denn auch in den USA ist die Blütezeit dieses Genres längst vorbei.
Insbesondere die PEACEMAKER AWARDS sind 2010 mit der Botschaft angetreten, den traditionellen Western zu fördern und ins Bewusstsein der potenziellen Leserschaft zu heben.
Außer den bereits genannten haben wir insbesondere noch folgende Auszeichnungen berücksichtigt:
Bei vielen Preisen wurde eine fast unüberschaubare Vielzahl von Kategorien geschaffen. Zudem umfassen manche Auszeichnungen nicht nur Romane, ja nicht einmal nur Bücher, sondern beispielsweise auch Filme und Musik. Bei gedruckten Texten wiederum werden auch Kurzgeschichten, Gedichte sowie Sach- und Bilderbücher, ja sogar Kochbücher erfasst.
Auswahl an Romanen, die wichtige Preise gewonnen haben.
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Letztes Update: 7. August 2024
Die Spur-Awards
Seit 1953 wird der wohl bedeutendste Literaturpreis im Western-Genre verliehen. Er wird jährlich vom Schriftstellerverband Western Writers of America in mehreren Kategorien vergeben.
Jahr | Titel | Autor | Status | Jahr | Kategorie | Anmerkungen | |
1953 | Law Man | Lee Leighton (Wayne D. Overholser) | Gewinner | 1953 | Best Western Novel | dt.: Befehl des Gesetzes / Wer den Stern trägt / Am Ende der Galgen | |
1953 | The Wheel and the Hearth | Lucia Moore | Gewinner | 1953 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1953 | Sagebrush Sorrel | Frank C. Robertson | Gewinner | 1953 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | dt.: Ollie und der Wildhengst | |
1954 | The Violent Land | Wayne D. Overholser | Gewinner | 1954 | Best Western Novel | dt.: Weidekrieg | |
1954 | Young Hero of the Range | Stephen Payne | Gewinner | 1954 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1954 | Journey by the River | John Prescott | Gewinner | 1954 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1955 | Somewhere They Die | L.P. Holmes | Gewinner | 1955 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1956 | High Gun | Leslie Ernenwein | Gewinner | 1956 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1956 | Generations of Men | John Clinton Hunt | Gewinner | 1956 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1956 | Trapping the Silver Beaver | Charles Niehuis | Gewinner | 1956 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1957 | Silver Mountain | Dan Cushman | Gewinner | 1957 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1957 | Buffalo Wagons | Elmer Kelton | Gewinner | 1957 | Best Western Novel | dt.: Büffeljäger / Die letzte Jagd | |
1957 | Wolf Brother | Jim Kjelgaard | Gewinner | 1957 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1958 | The Fancher Train | Amelia Bean | Gewinner | 1958 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1958 | Short Cut to Red River | Noel Loomis | Gewinner | 1958 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1958 | Steamboat Up the Missouri | Dale White | Gewinner | 1958 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1959 | Long Run | Nelson Nye | Gewinner | 1959 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1959 | The Buffalo Soldiers | John Prebble | Gewinner | 1959 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1959 | Hold Back the Hunter | Dale White | Gewinner | 1959 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1960 | The Nameless Breed | Will C. Brown (Clarence Boyles) | Gewinner | 1960 | Best Western Novel | dt.: … sie ritten für Texas | |
1960 | From Where the Sun Now Stands | Will Henry (Henry Wilson Allen) | Gewinner | 1960 | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Weg der Tränen | |
1960 | Their Shining Hour | Ramona Maher Weeks | Gewinner | 1960 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1961 | The Winter War | William Wister Haines | Gewinner | 1961 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1961 | The Honyocker | Giles Lutz | Gewinner | 1961 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1961 | The Horse Talker | Jeanne Williams | Gewinner | 1961 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1962 | Moontrap | Don Berry | Gewinner | 1962 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1962 | Comanche Captives | Fred Grove | Gewinner | 1962 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1963 | Follow the Free Wind | Leigh Brackett | Gewinner | 1963 | Best Western Novel | dt.: Frei wie der Wind | |
1963 | By the Great Horn Spoon! | Sid Fleischman | Co-Gewinner | 1963 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1963 | Gates of the Mountains | Will Henry (Henry Wilson Allen) | Gewinner | 1963 | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Im Land der Schoschonen | |
1963 | The Story Catcher | Mari Sandoz | Co-Gewinner | 1963 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | dt.: Schreib es auf die Haut des Büffels | |
1964 | The Trail to Ogallala | Benjamin Capps | Gewinner | 1964 | Best Western Novel | dt.: Das endlose Treiben | |
1964 | Indian Fighter | E.E. Halleran | Gewinner | 1964 | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Bis zur letzten Patrone | |
1964 | Ride a Northbound Horse | Richard Wormser | Gewinner | 1964 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | dt.: Der Weg nach Kansas | |
1965 | Gold in California | Todhunter Ballard | Co-Gewinner | 1965 | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Gold in Kalifornien | |
1965 | Sam Chance | Benjamin Capps | Gewinner | 1965 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1965 | Mountain Man | Vardis Fisher | Co-Gewinner | 1965 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1965 | The Stubborn One | Rutherford Montgomery | Gewinner | 1965 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1966 | The Burning Class | Annabel Johnson & Edgar Johnson | Gewinner | 1966 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1966 | My Brother John | Herbert R. Purdum | Gewinner | 1966 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1966 | Hellfire Jackson | Garland Roark & Charles Thomas | Gewinner | 1966 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1967 | The Dunderhead War | Betty Baker | Co-Gewinner | 1967 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1967 | The Valdez Horses | Lee Hoffman | Gewinner | 1967 | Best Western Novel | dt.: Wilde Pferde | |
1967 | Half Breed | Evelyn Lampman | Co-Gewinner | 1967 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1967 | The Wolf is My Brother | Chad Oliver | Gewinner | 1967 | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Der Wolf - mein Bruder | |
1968 | Middl'un | Elizabeth Burleson | Gewinner | 1968 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1968 | Down the Long Hills | Louis L'Amour | Gewinner | 1968 | Best Western Novel | dt.: Allein in der Wildnis | |
1968 | The Red Sabbath | Lewis B. Patten | Gewinner | 1968 | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Little Big Horn | |
1969 | Tragg's Choice | Clifton Adams | Gewinner | 1969 | Best Western Novel | dt.: Satans Silberdollar | |
1969 | The White Man's Road | Benjamin Capps | Gewinner | 1969 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1969 | The Meeker Massacre | Wayne D. Overholser & Lewis B. Patten | Gewinner | 1969 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1969 | Big With Vengeance | Cecil Snyder | Gewinner | 1969 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
1970 | The Last Days of Wolf Garnett | Clifton Adams | Gewinner | 1970 | Best Western Novel | dt.: Ein Grab in Texas | |
1970 | Cayuse Courage | Evelyn Lampman | Gewinner | 1970 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1971 | The Day the Cowboys Quit | Elmer Kelton | Gewinner | 1971 | Best Western Novel | dt.: Die letzten Cowboys | |
1971 | The Black Mustanger | Richard Wormser | Gewinner | 1971 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1972 | Only Earth & Sky Last Forever | Nathaniel Benchley | Gewinner | 1973 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1972 | The True Memoirs of Charlie Blankenship | Benjamin Capps | Finalist | 1972 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1972 | Chiricahua | Will Henry (Henry Wilson Allen) | Gewinner | 1972 | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Apachen kennen kein Erbarmen | |
1972 | A Killing in Kiowa | Lewis B. Patten | Gewinner | 1972 | Best Western Novel | dt.: Die wilde Meute | |
1973 | The Time It Never Rained | Elmer Kelton | Gewinner | 1973 | Best Western Novel | dt.: Der Weidekönig | |
1973 | Freedom Trail | Jeanne Williams | Gewinner | 1973 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1974 | Susy's Scoundrel | Harold Keith | Gewinner | 1974 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1974 | A Hanging in Sweetwater | Stephen Overholser | Gewinner | 1974 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1975 | Dust of the Earth | Vera Cleaver & Bill Cleaver | Gewinner | 1975 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | dt.: Ab morgen hüte ich Schafe | |
1975 | The Shootist | Glendon Swarthout | Gewinner | 1975 | Best Western Novel | dt.: Der Superschütze | |
1976 | The Kincaids | Matt Braun | Gewinner | 1976 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1976 | The Spirit Horses | Lou Cameron | Co-Gewinner | 1976 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1976 | The Court Martial of George Armstrong Custer | Douglas C. Jones | Co-Gewinner | 1976 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1977 | The Great Horse Race | Fred Grove | Gewinner | 1977 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1977 | A Shepherd Watches, a Shepherd Sings: Growing Up a Basque Shepherd in California's San Joaquin Valley | Louis Irigaray & Theodore Taylor | Gewinner | 1977 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1977 | Swimming Man Burning | Terrence Kilpatrick | Gewinner | 1977 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1978 | The No-Return Trail | Sonia Levitin | Gewinner | 1978 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1978 | Riders to Cibola | Norman Zollinger | Gewinner | 1978 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1979 | Woman Chief | Benjamin Capps | Finalist | 1979 | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Die Legende von Woman Chief | |
1979 | The Holdouts | William Decker | Gewinner | 1979 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1979 | Thirsty | Andrew Dequasie | Gewinner | 1979 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1980 | The Valiant Women | Jeanne Williams | Gewinner | 1980 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1981 | Ride Down the Wind | Wayne Barton | Gewinner | 1981 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1981 | Aces & Eights | Loren D. Estleman | Gewinner | 1981 | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Der Teufel teilt die Karten aus | |
1981 | The Last Run | Mark Jonathan Harris | Gewinner | 1981 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1981 | Horizon | Lee Head | Co-Gewinner | 1981 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1981 | Eyes of the Hawk | Elmer Kelton | Co-Gewinner | 1981 | Best Western Novel | dt.: Die Augen des Falken | |
1982 | Before the Lark | Irene Bennett Brown | Gewinner | 1982 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1982 | Match Race | Fred Grove | Gewinner | 1982 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1982 | Carry the Wind | Terry C. Johnston | Gewinner | 1982 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | # 1 der Serie „Titus Bass“ | |
1982 | Ride the Wind | Lucia St. Clair Robson | Gewinner | 1982 | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Die mit dem Wind reitet | |
1983 | Leaving Kansas | Frank Roderus | Gewinner | 1983 | Best Western Novel | dt.: Rivalen in Kansas | |
1983 | Winter Grass | Richard S. Wheeler | Finalist | 1983 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1983 | Thunder on the Tennessee | G. Clifton Wisler | Gewinner | 1983 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1983 | Sam Bass | Bryan Woolley | Gewinner | 1983 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1984 | Gone the Dreams and Dancing | Douglas C. Jones | Gewinner | 1984 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1984 | Winterkill | Craig Leslie | Gewinner | 1984 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1984 | Trapped in Slickrock Canyon | Gloria Skurzynski | Gewinner | 1984 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1985 | Prairie Songs | Pam Conrad | Gewinner | 1985 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | dt.: Lied der Prärie | |
1985 | The Snowblind Moon | John Byrne Cooke | Gewinner | 1985 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1985 | The Snowblind Moon | John Byrne Cooke | Gewinner | 1985 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1985 | Lonesome Dove | Larry McMurtry | Gewinner | 1985 | Best Western Novel | dt.: Weg in die Wildnis | |
1986 | The Blind Corral | Ralph Robert Beer | Gewinner | 1986 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1986 | Come Spring | Charlotte Hinger | Gewinner | 1986 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1986 | Roman | Douglas C. Jones | Gewinner | 1986 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1987 | Wanderer Springs | Robert Flynn | Gewinner | 1987 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1987 | Skinwalkers | Tony Hillerman | Gewinner | 1987 | Best Western Novel | # 7 der Serie „Leaphorn and Chee“; dt.: Die Nacht der Skinwalkers | |
1987 | Jenny's Mountain | Elaine Long | Gewinner | 1987 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1987 | A Family Apart | Joan Lowery Nixon | Gewinner | 1987 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 1 der Serie „The Orphan Train“ | |
1988 | Mattie | Judy Alter | Gewinner | 1988 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1988 | In the Face of Danger | Joan Lowery Nixon | Gewinner | 1988 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 3 der Serie „The Orphan Train“ | |
1988 | Spirit of the Hills | Dan O'Brien | Gewinner | 1988 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1988 | The Homesman | Glendon Swarthout | Gewinner | 1988 | Best Novel of the West | dt.: The Homesman - Es führt ein Weg zurück | |
1989 | My Daniel | Pam Conrad | Gewinner | 1989 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1989 | South Texas | Ann Gabriel | Gewinner | 1989 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1989 | Panther in the Sky | James Alexander Thom | Gewinner | 1989 | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1989 | Fool's Coach | Richard S. Wheeler | Gewinner | 1989 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1989 | Among the Eagles | G. Clifton Wisler | Gewinner | 1989 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1990 | The Changing Wind | Don Coldsmith | Gewinner | 1990 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1990 | Honey Girl | Madge Harrah | Gewinner | 1990 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1990 | Caesar of Santa Fe | Tim MacCurdy | Gewinner | 1990 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1990 | Sanctuary | Gary D. Svee | Gewinner | 1990 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1990 | Home Mountain | Jeanne Williams | Gewinner | 1990 | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1991 | Journal of the Gun Years | Richard Matheson | Gewinner | 1991 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1991 | The Sixth Rider | Max McCoy | Gewinner | 1991 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1991 | Rescue Josh McGuire | Ben Mikaelsen | Gewinner | 1991 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1991 | The Medicine Horn | Jory Sherman | Gewinner | 1991 | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1991 | Rage in Chupadera | Norman Zollinger | Gewinner | 1991 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1992 | Nickajack | Robert J. Conley | Gewinner | 1992 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1992 | John Stone and the Choctaw Kid | Wayne Davis (Stephen Bly) | Gewinner | 1992 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1992 | Slaughter | Elmer Kelton | Gewinner | 1992 | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1992 | The Golden Chance | T.V. Olsen | Gewinner | 1992 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1992 | The Haymeadow | Gary Paulsen | Gewinner | 1992 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1993 | Friends | Charles Hackenberry | Gewinner | 1993 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1993 | Empire of Bones: A Novel of Sam Houston and the Texas Revolution | Jeff Long | Gewinner | 1993 | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1993 | Leaving Eldorado | Joann Mazzio | Gewinner | 1993 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1993 | The Gila River | Gary McCarthy | Gewinner | 1993 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 10 der Reihe „Rivers West“ | |
1993 | People of the Whistling Water | Mardi Oakley Medawar | Gewinner | 1993 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1993 | Before Honor | Geo. W. Proctor | Finalist | 1993 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1994 | The Plainswoman | Irene Bennett Brown | Finalist | 1994 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1994 | Hey, Cowboy, Wanna Get Lucky? | Baxter Black | Finalist | 1994 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1994 | Shortgrass Song | Mike Blakely | Finalist | 1994 | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1994 | Wyatt Earp | Matt Braun | Finalist | 1994 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1994 | When Cowboys Die | Patrick Dearen | Finalist | 1994 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1994 | St. Agnes' Stand | Thomas Eidson | Gewinner | 1994 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1994 | St. Agnes' Stand | Thomas Eidson | Gewinner | 1994 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1994 | City of Widows | Loren D. Estleman | Finalist | 1994 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1994 | Wyatt Earp | Dan Gordon | Finalist | 1994 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | dt.: Wyatt Earp - Das Leben einer Legende | |
1994 | The Hookmen | Timothy Hillmer | Finalist | 1994 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1994 | Crockett of Tennessee | Cameron Judd | Finalist | 1994 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1994 | The Far Canyon | Elmer Kelton | Gewinner | 1994 | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1994 | A Dangerous Promise | Joan Lowery Nixon | Finalist | 1994 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1994 | Survival: A Novel of the Donner Party | K.C. McKenna (Robert Vaughan) | Gewinner | 1994 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1994 | The Journey of Hector Rabinal | Donley Watt | Finalist | 1994 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1994 | Cashbox | Richard S. Wheeler | Finalist | 1994 | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1994 | Mr. Lincoln's Drummer | G. Clifton Wisler | Finalist | 1994 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1994 | Not of War Only | Norman Zollinger | Finalist | 1994 | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1995 | Stone Song: A Novel of the Life of Crazy Horse | Win Blevins | Gewinner | 1995 | Best Novel of the West | # 3 der Reihe „American Dreamers“ | |
1995 | Lone Survivor | Will Camp (Preston Lewis) | Finalist | 1995 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1995 | The Dark Island | Robert J. Conley | Gewinner | 1995 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1995 | Indio | Sherry Garland | Gewinner | 1995 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1995 | Thunder in the Valley | Jim R. Woolard | Gewinner | 1995 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1995 | Thunder in the Valley | Jim R. Woolard | Gewinner | 1995 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1996 | Blood of Texas | Will Camp (Preston Lewis) | Gewinner | 1996 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1996 | Far North | Will Hobbs | Gewinner | 1996 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | dt.: Weit im Norden | |
1996 | Death of a Healing Woman | Allana Martin | Gewinner | 1996 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1996 | Potter's Fields | Frank Roderus | Gewinner | 1996 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1996 | Ghost Horses | Pamela Smith Hall | Finalist | 1996 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1996 | Sierra | Richard S. Wheeler | Gewinner | 1996 | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1997 | Keepers of the Earth | LaVerne Harrell Clark | Gewinner | 1998 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1997 | The Kiowa Verdict | Cynthia Haseloff | Gewinner | 1998 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1997 | Brandish | Douglas Hirt | Finalist | 1998 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1997 | Comanche Moon | Larry McMurtry | Gewinner | 1998 | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1997 | Leaving Missouri | Ellen Recknor | Gewinner | 1998 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1997 | Danger Along the Ohio | Patricia Willis | Gewinner | 1998 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1998 | Comanche Dawn | Mike Blakely | Finalist | 1999 | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1998 | The Spanish Peaks | Jon Chandler | Gewinner | 1999 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1998 | Journey of the Dead | Loren D. Estleman | Gewinner | 1999 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1998 | Deadwood | Douglas Hirt | Finalist | 1999 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 2 der Reihe „Boom Town“ | |
1998 | Dark Trail | Hiram King | Gewinner | 1999 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1998 | Petey | Ben Mikaelsen | Gewinner | 1999 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1998 | The All-True Travels and Adventures of Lidie Newton | Jane Smiley | Gewinner | 1999 | Best Novel of the West | dt.: Lidie Newton oder ein abenteuerliches Frauenleben | |
1999 | Ten and Me | Johnny D. Boggs | Finalist | 2000 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1999 | Wrango | Brian Burks | Gewinner | 2000 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1999 | Mine Work | Jim Davidson | Gewinner | 2000 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1999 | Mine Work | Jim Davidson | Gewinner | 2000 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1999 | Jason's Gold | Will Hobbs | Finalist | 2000 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | dt.: Im Goldrausch | |
1999 | Prophet Annie | Ellen Recknor | Gewinner | 2000 | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1999 | Masterson | Richard S. Wheeler | Gewinner | 2000 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2000 | The Chivalry of Crime | Desmond Barry | Gewinner | 2001 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
2000 | Summer of Pearls | Mike Blakely | Gewinner | 2001 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2000 | The Gates of the Alamo | Stephen Harrigan | Gewinner | 2001 | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
2000 | Requiem at Dawn | Sheldon Russell | Finalist | 2001 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2000 | Bound for the Promise Land | Troy D. Smith | Gewinner | 2001 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2000 | The Midnight Train Home | Erika Tamar | Gewinner | 2001 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2000 | The Witness | Richard S. Wheeler | Finalist | 2001 | ?Best Western Novel? | ||
2001 | Moon Medicine | Mike Blakely | Finalist | 2002 | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
2001 | Open Season | C.J. Box | Finalist | 2002 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | # 1 der Serie „Joe Pickett“ | |
2001 | The Master Executioner | Loren D. Estleman | Finalist | 2002 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2001 | Walk Across the Sea | Susan Fletcher | Finalist | 2002 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2001 | Last Year's River | Allen Morris Jones | Finalist | 2002 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
2001 | The Way of the Coyote | Elmer Kelton | Gewinner | 2002 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2001 | Code of the West | Aaron Latham | Finalist | 2002 | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
2001 | Touching Spirit Bear | Ben Mikaelsen | Finalist | 2002 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2001 | Rockbuster | Gloria Skurzynski | Gewinner | 2002 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2001 | Corps of Discovery | Jeffrey W. Tenney | Gewinner | 2002 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
2001 | Corps of Discovery | Jeffrey W. Tenney | Finalist | 2002 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2001 | The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint | Brady Udall | Gewinner | 2002 | Best Novel of the West | dt.: Das wundersame Leben des Edgar Mint / Der Bierdosenbaum | |
2001 | Blind Your Ponies | Stanley Gordon West | Finalist | 2002 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2001 | Drum's Ring | Richard S. Wheeler | Gewinner | 2002 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2001 | Restitution | Richard S. Wheeler | Finalist | 2002 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2002 | The Callings | Henry C. Chappell | Finalist | 2003 | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
2002 | The Chili Queen | Sandra Dallas | Gewinner | 2003 | Best Western Novel | dt.: Die Chili Queen | |
2002 | The Big Burn | Jeanette Ingold | Gewinner | 2003 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2002 | Perma Red | Debra Magpie Earling | Gewinner | 2003 | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
2002 | Silver Lies | Ann Parker | Finalist | 2003 | Best Novel of the West | # 1 der Serie „Silver Rush Mystery“ | |
2002 | Jo's Triumph | Nikki Tate | Finalist | 2003 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2002 | Oblivion's Altar: A Novel of Courage | David Marion Wilkinson | Gewinner | 2003 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2003 | The Lucky | H. Lee Barnes | Finalist | 2004 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2003 | So Wild a Dream | Win Blevins | Gewinner | 2004 | Best Novel of the West | # 1 der Serie „Rendezvous“ | |
2003 | In the Eye of the Storm: The Adventures of Young Buffalo Bill | Elizabeth Cody Kimmel | Gewinner | 2004 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2003 | I Should Be Extremely Happy in Your Company | Brian Hall | Gewinner | 2004 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2003 | The Long Way West | Hershell H. Nixon | Finalist | 2004 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2003 | The Sergeant's Lady | Miles Hood Swarthout | Gewinner | 2004 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2003 | Plain Language | Barbara Wright | Gewinner | 2004 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2004 | Ghost Ocean | Richard Benke | Finalist | 2005 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2004 | Field of Honor | D.L. Birchfield | Gewinner | 2005 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2004 | Blood Kin | Henry C. Chappell | Finalist | 2005 | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
2004 | Fire in the Hole! | Mary Cronk Farrell | Gewinner | 2005 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2004 | A Sudden Country | Karen Fisher | Finalist | 2005 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2004 | People of the Raven | W. Michael Gear & Kathleen O'Neal Gear | Gewinner | 2005 | Best Novel of the West | # 12 der Serie „North America's Forgotten Past“ | |
2004 | Worth | A. LaFaye | Finalist | 2005 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2004 | Buy the Chief a Cadillac | Rick Steber | Gewinner | 2005 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2004 | Vengeance Valley | Richard S. Wheeler | Gewinner | 2005 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2005 | Camp Ford | Johnny D. Boggs | Co-Gewinner | 2006 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2005 | Dakota | Matt Braun | Gewinner | 2006 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2005 | The Undertaker's Wife | Loren D. Estleman | Co-Gewinner | 2006 | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2005 | Hombrecito's War | W. Michael Farmer | Finalist | 2006 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2005 | Black Storm Comin' | Diane Lee Wilson | Gewinner | 2006 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2005 | Big Lonesome: Stories | Jim Ruland | Finalist | 2006 | Short Fiction Story | _ | |
2005 | High Country | Willard Wyman | Gewinner | 2006 | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
2005 | High Country | Willard Wyman | Gewinner | 2006 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2006 | Deserter | Paul Bagdon | Finalist | 2007 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2006 | The Hart Brand | Johnny D. Boggs | Finalist | 2007 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2006 | Geronimo | Joseph Bruchac | Gewinner | 2007 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2006 | The Night Journal | Elizabeth Crook | Gewinner | 2007 | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2006 | The Lawless Frontier | Randy Denmon | Finalist | 2007 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2006 | The Whistling Season | Ivan Doig | Finalist | 2007 | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2006 | The Adventures of Johnny Vermillion | Loren D. Estleman | Finalist | 2007 | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2006 | The Lost Thoughts of Soldiers | Delia Falconer | Finalist | 2007 | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2006 | Broken Trail | Alan Geoffrion | Gewinner | 2007 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2006 | Teresa's Journey | Josephine Harper & Jo Harper | Finalist | 2007 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2006 | Augusta Locke | William Haywood Henderson | Finalist | 2007 | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2006 | The Shape Shifter | Tony Hillerman | Gewinner | 2007 | Best Western Short Novel | # 18 der Serie „Leaphorn and Chee“ | |
2006 | The Horse Creek Incident | Dusty Richards | Gewinner | 2007 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 1 der Serie „Herschel Baker“ | |
2006 | Elsie's Business | Frances Washburn | Finalist | 2007 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2006 | X-Indian Chronicles: The Book of Mausape | Thomas M. Yeahpau | Finalist | 2007 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2007 | Doubtful Cañon | Johnny D. Boggs | Gewinner | 2008 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2007 | Northfield | Johnny D. Boggs | Finalist | 2008 | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2007 | Tallgrass | Sandra Dallas | Gewinner | 2008 | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2007 | Lake of Fire | Linda Jacobs | Finalist | 2008 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 3 der Reihe „Yellowstone“ | |
2007 | Ambush at Mustang Canyon | Mike Kearby | Finalist | 2008 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 3 der Serie „Free Anderson & Parks Scott“ | |
2007 | The God of Animals | Aryb Kyle | Gewinner | 2008 | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2007 | The Night Birds | Thomas Maltman | Gewinner | 2008 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2007 | The Night Birds | Thomas Maltman | Finalist | 2008 | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2007 | Pedrito’s World | Arturo O. Martínez | Finalist | 2008 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2007 | Hellfire Canyon | Max McCoy | Gewinner | 2008 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 1 der Serie „Jacob Gamble“ | |
2007 | Raven Springs | John D. Nesbitt | Finalist | 2008 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2007 | Turpentine | Spring Warren | Finalist | 2008 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2007 | The Canyon of Bones | Richard S. Wheeler | Finalist | 2008 | Best Western Short Novel | # 15 der Serie „Barnaby Skye“ | |
2008 | Dreams Beneath Your Feet | Win Blevins | Finalist | 2009 | Best Western Short Novel | # 6 der Serie „Rendezvous“ | |
2008 | Killstraight | Johnny D. Boggs | Finalist | 2009 | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2008 | Wolves at Our Door | J.P.S. Brown | Finalist | 2009 | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2008 | God's Thunderbolt: The Vigilantes of Montana | Carol A. Buchanan | Gewinner | 2009 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2008 | Shavetail | Thomas Cobb | Gewinner | 2009 | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2008 | Undiscovered Country | Lin Enger | Finalist | 2009 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2008 | The Buffalo Rock | Bob Faulkner | Finalist | 2009 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2008 | The Trespassers | Andrew J. Fenady | Finalist | 2009 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2008 | Her Enemies, Blue and Gray | Ellen Gray Massey | Finalist | 2009 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2008 | Another Man's Moccasins | Craig Johnson | Gewinner | 2009 | Best Western Short Novel | # 4 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“ | |
2008 | I am Apache | Tanya Landman | Gewinner | 2009 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | dt.: Apache | |
2008 | The Long Knives Are Crying | Joseph M. Marshall III | Finalist | 2009 | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2008 | I, Quantrill | Max McCoy | Finalist | 2009 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2008 | Trouble at the Redstone | John D. Nesbitt | Gewinner | 2009 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2008 | The Gold Rush Kid | Mary Waldorf | Finalist | 2009 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2009 | Wild Sorrow | Sandi Ault | Finalist | 2010 | Best Western Short Novel | # 3 der Reihe „Wild Mystery“ | |
2009 | A Cold Place in Hell | William Blinn | Finalist | 2010 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2009 | Hard Winter | Johnny D. Boggs | Gewinner | 2010 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2009 | Hanging Judge | Lyle Brandt (Michael Newton) | Finalist | 2010 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 5 der Serie „The Lawman“ | |
2009 | One-Eyed Jacks | Bob Cherry | Finalist | 2010 | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2009 | Journey to Goliad | Melodie A. Cuate | Finalist | 2010 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2009 | Echoes of Glory | Robert Flynn | Gewinner | 2010 | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2009 | Spoon | Robert Greer | Finalist | 2010 | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2009 | The Devil's Paintbox | Victoria McKernan | Finalist | 2010 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2009 | Stranger in Thunder Basin | John D. Nesbitt | Gewinner | 2010 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2009 | Far Bright Star | Robert Olmstead | Gewinner | 2010 | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2009 | Tenderfoot | Mary E. Trimble | Finalist | 2010 | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2010 | Wild Penance | Sandi Ault | Finalist | 2011 | Best Western Short Novel | # 4 der Reihe „Wild Mystery“ | |
2010 | 'Nada | Daniel Boyd (Dan Stumpf) | Finalist | 2011 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2010 | Avenging Angels | Lyle Brandt (Michael Newton) | Finalist | 2011 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 7 der Serie „The Lawman“ | |
2010 | Gold Under Ice | Carol A. Buchanan | Finalist | 2011 | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2010 | Crosswire | Dotti Enderle | Finalist | 2011 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2010 | Roy and Lillie: A Love Story | Loren D. Estleman | Finalist | 2011 | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2010 | Damnation Road | Max McCoy | Gewinner | 2011 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 3 der Serie „Jacob Gamble“ | |
2010 | Galveston | Nic Pizzolatto | Gewinner | 2011 | Best First Western Novel | dt.: Galveston | |
2010 | Wulf's Tracks | Dusty Richards | Finalist | 2011 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 4 der Serie „Herschel Baker“ | |
2010 | Last Train from Cuernavaca | Lucia St. Clair Robson | Gewinner | 2011 | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2010 | Going Through Ghosts | Mary Sojourner | Finalist | 2011 | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2010 | The Last Summer of the Death Warriors | Francisco X. Stork | Finalist | 2011 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2010 | Moon Over Manifest | Clare Vanderpool | Gewinner | 2011 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2010 | Snowbound | Richard S. Wheeler | Gewinner | 2011 | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2010 | A Congregation of Jackals | S. Craig Zahler | Finalist | 2011 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2011 | Rode | Thomas Fox Averill | Finalist | 2012 | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2011 | Legacy of a Lawman | Johnny D. Boggs | Gewinner | 2012 | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2011 | South By Southwest | Johnny D. Boggs | Finalist | 2012 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2011 | West Texas Kill | Johnny D. Boggs | Gewinner | 2012 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2011 | Feast Day of Fools | James Lee Burke | Finalist | 2012 | Best Western Long Novel | # 3 der Reihe „Hackberry Holland“; dt.: Glut und Asche | |
2011 | Remember Ben Clayton | Stephen Harrigan | Gewinner | 2012 | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2011 | Lime Creek | Joe Henry | Finalist | 2012 | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2011 | Unbridled | Tammy Hinton | Finalist | 2012 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2011 | Killed By Indians 1871 | Alan C. Huffines | Finalist | 2012 | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2011 | The Long Hunt | Cameron Judd | Finalist | 2012 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2011 | Double Crossing | Meg Mims | Gewinner | 2012 | Best First Western Novel | # 1 der Reihe „Double Crossing“ | |
2011 | Rescue in Poverty Gulch | Nancy Oswald | Finalist | 2012 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 1 der Serie „A Ruby and Maude Adventure“ | |
2011 | Between Hell and Texas | Dusty Richards | Finalist | 2012 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 2 der Serie „Byrnes Family Ranch“ | |
2011 | Birdie | Candace Simar | Gewinner | 2012 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2011 | Whispers of the Greybull | Stephen B. Smart | Finalist | 2012 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2012 | Wide Open | Larry Bjornson | Gewinner | 2013 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2012 | Wide Open | Larry Bjornson | Finalist | 2013 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2012 | Country of the Bad Wolfes | James Carlos Blake | Finalist | 2013 | Best Western Long Novel | # 1 der Serie „Wolfe Family“ | |
2012 | And There I'll Be A Soldier | Johnny D. Boggs | Finalist | 2013 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2012 | The Secret of Lodestar | Tim Champlin | Finalist | 2013 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2012 | With Blood in Their Eyes | Thomas Cobb | Gewinner | 2013 | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2012 | Panhandle | Brett Cogburn | Gewinner | 2013 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2012 | The Orchardist | Amanda Coplin | Finalist | 2013 | Best Western Long Novel | dt.: Im Licht von Apfelbäumen | |
2012 | The Orchardist | Amanda Coplin | Finalist | 2013 | Best First Western Novel | dt.: Im Licht von Apfelbäumen | |
2012 | Lonesome Animals | Bruce Holbert | Finalist | 2013 | Best Western Short Novel | dt.: Einsame Tiere | |
2012 | Tucker's Reckoning: A Ralph Compton Novel | Matthew P. Mayo | Gewinner | 2013 | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2012 | Redemption: Hunters | James Reasoner | Finalist | 2013 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 2 der Serie „Redemption“ | |
2012 | Blooming Prairie | Candace Simar | Finalist | 2013 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2012 | The Coyote Tracker | Larry D. Sweazy | Gewinner | 2013 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 5 der Serie „Josiah Wolfe, Texas Ranger“ | |
2012 | City of Rocks | Michael Zimmer | Finalist | 2013 | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2013 | The Old Man's Love Story | Rudolfo Anaya | Finalist | 2014 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2013 | Kind of Kin | Rilla Askew | Finalist | 2014 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2013 | Greasy Grass: A Story of the Little Big Horn | Johnny D. Boggs | Finalist | 2014 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2013 | Summer of the Star | Johnny D. Boggs | Finalist | 2014 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2013 | Light of the World | James Lee Burke | Gewinner | 2014 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | # 20 der Serie „Dave Robicheaux“ | |
2013 | Silent We Stood | Henry C. Chappell | Gewinner | 2014 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2013 | Destiny Made Them Brothers | Andrew J. Fenady | Finalist | 2014 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2013 | Papa's Gold | Ellen Gray Massey | Gewinner | 2014 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2013 | Spider Woman's Daughter | Anne Hillerman | Gewinner | 2014 | Best First Western Novel | # 19 der Serie „Leaphorn and Chee“ | |
2013 | The Hardest Ride | Gordon L. Rottman | Finalist | 2014 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2013 | Crossing Purgatory | Gary L. Schanbacher | Gewinner | 2014 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2013 | Crossing Purgatory | Gary L. Schanbacher | Finalist | 2014 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2013 | How I Became a Ghost | Tim Tingle | Finalist | 2014 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2013 | The Promise | Ann Weisgarber | Finalist | 2014 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2013 | La Grulla | John R. Wright | Finalist | 2014 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2014 | Poison Spring | Johnny D. Boggs | Finalist | 2015 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2014 | Wild Ran the Rivers | James D. Crownover | Gewinner | 2015 | Best Western Historical Novel | # 1 der Reihe „Five Trails West“ | |
2014 | Wild Ran the Rivers | James D. Crownover | Gewinner | 2015 | Best First Western Novel | # 1 der Reihe „Five Trails West“ | |
2014 | Red Berries, White Clouds, Blue Sky | Sandra Dallas | Finalist | 2015 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2014 | The Big Drift | Patrick Dearen | Gewinner | 2015 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2014 | Any Other Name | Craig Johnson | Finalist | 2015 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | # 10 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“ | |
2014 | A Light in the Wilderness | Jane Kirkpatrick | Finalist | 2015 | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Licht über weitem Land | |
2014 | Dance With the Devil | J.D. March | Finalist | 2015 | Best Western Traditional Novel | # 1 der Serie „Devil's Own“ | |
2014 | Backlands | Michael McGarrity | Finalist | 2015 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2014 | Bad Country | C.B. McKenzie | Gewinner | 2015 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2014 | Rawhide Robinson Rides the Range: True Adventures of Bravery and Daring in the Wild West | Rod Miller | Gewinner | 2015 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2014 | A Promise Broken, a Promise Kept | Vicky J. Rose | Finalist | 2015 | Short Fiction Story | _ | |
2014 | The Red Bird All-Indian Traveling Band | Frances Washburn | Finalist | 2015 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2014 | The Poacher's Daughter | Michael Zimmer | Finalist | 2015 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2015 | The Darkness Rolling | Win Blevins & Meredith Blevins | Finalist | 2016 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2015 | Walk on Earth a Stranger | Rae Carson | Gewinner | 2016 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Gold Seer Trilogy“ | |
2015 | The Canyon | Stanley Crawford | Finalist | 2016 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2015 | The Last Midwife | Sandra Dallas | Gewinner | 2016 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2015 | Lords of an Empty Land | Randy Denmon | Gewinner | 2016 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2015 | Custer | Gerald Duff | Finalist | 2016 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2015 | The Long High Noon | Loren D. Estleman | Finalist | 2016 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2015 | The Memory Weaver | Jane Kirkpatrick | Finalist | 2016 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2015 | Paradise Sky | Joe R. Lansdale | Gewinner | 2016 | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Das abenteuerliche Leben des Deadwood Dick | |
2015 | Chili Queen: Mi Historia | Marian L. Martinello | Finalist | 2016 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Crazy Mountain Kiss | Keith McCafferty | Gewinner | 2016 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | # 4 der Serie „Sean Stranahan Mystery“ | |
2015 | Rawhide Robinson Rides the Tabby Trail: The True Tale of a Wild West CATastrophe | Rod Miller | Finalist | 2016 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2015 | American Copper | Shann Ray | Gewinner | 2016 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2015 | Frontier | Susan K. Salzer | Finalist | 2016 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 1 der Reihe „Frontier“ | |
2015 | Thunder at Dawn | Susan K. Salzer | Finalist | 2016 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 2 der Reihe „Frontier“ | |
2015 | Buell | Wallace J. Swenson | Finalist | 2016 | Best Western Traditional Novel | # 1 der Serie „Journey to the White Clouds“ | |
2016 | Return to Red River | Johnny D. Boggs | Gewinner | 2017 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2016 | Off The Grid | C.J. Box | Gewinner | 2017 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | # 16 der Serie „Joe Pickett“ | |
2016 | Hidden Star | Corinne Joy Brown | Finalist | 2017 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2016 | Widowmaker Jones | Brett Cogburn | Finalist | 2017 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 1 der Serie „Widowmaker Jones“ | |
2016 | The Green Colt | S.J. Dahlstrom | Finalist | 2017 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 4 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“ | |
2016 | Silver City | Jeff Guinn | Gewinner | 2018 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2016 | Jasper Spring | James T. Hughes | Finalist | 2017 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2016 | Jasper Spring | James T. Hughes | Gewinner | 2017 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2016 | News of the World | Paulette Jiles | Finalist | 2017 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2016 | Trouble Returns | Nancy Oswald | Gewinner | 2017 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 3 der Serie „A Ruby and Maude Adventure“ | |
2016 | Saddle Up! | Donna Alice Patton & Emily Chase Smith | Finalist | 2017 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2016 | The Mustanger and the Lady | Dusty Richards | Gewinner | 2017 | Best Western Traditional Novel | # 2 der Reihe „Brandiron“ | |
2016 | Powder River | Susan K. Salzer | Finalist | 2017 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 3 der Reihe „Frontier“ | |
2016 | Odell's Bones | Troy D. Smith | Gewinner | 2017 | Short Fiction Story | _ | |
2016 | The Contractor | James C. Work | Finalist | 2017 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2017 | Double Wide | Leo W. Banks | Gewinner | 2018 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2017 | Double Wide | Leo W. Banks | Gewinner | 2018 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2017 | Buzzard Bait | Brett Cogburn | Finalist | 2018 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 2 der Serie „Widowmaker Jones“ | |
2017 | Huck Out West | Robert Coover | Finalist | 2018 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2017 | Katrine: High Valley Home | Joseph Dorris | Finalist | 2018 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2017 | The Stone Place | Randy Lee Eickhoff | Finalist | 2018 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2017 | Moon Hunt: A People of Cahokia Novel | W. Michael Gear & Kathleen O'Neal Gear | Finalist | 2018 | Best Western Historical Novel | # 24 der Serie „North America's Forgotten Past“ | |
2017 | Willene: Jewel of the West | Sally Harper Bates | Finalist | 2018 | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2017 | Courting Carrie in Wonderland | Carla Kelly | Finalist | 2018 | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2017 | Viva, Rose! | Susan Krawitz | Finalist | 2018 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2017 | Copper Sky | Milana Marsenich | Finalist | 2018 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2017 | Stranded: A Story of Frontier Survival | Matthew P. Mayo | Gewinner | 2018 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2017 | The Coming | David Osborne | Gewinner | 2018 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2017 | Murder on the Red River | Marcie R. Rendon | Finalist | 2018 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | dt.: Am roten Fluss | |
2017 | Valley of Bones | Dusty Richards | Finalist | 2018 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 10 der Serie „Byrnes Family Ranch“ | |
2017 | Slate Creek | Wallace J. Swenson | Finalist | 2018 | Best Western Traditional Novel | # 4 der Serie „Journey to the White Clouds“ | |
2017 | The Promise Bride | Gina Welborn & Becca Whitham | Gewinner | 2018 | Best Western Romance Novel | # 1 der Reihe „Montana Brides Romance“ | |
2017 | Hell Hath No Fury | Charles G. West | Gewinner | 2018 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 1 der Serie „John Hawk“ | |
2018 | River of Porcupines | G.K. Aalborg | Gewinner | 2019 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2018 | Taos Lightning | Johnny D. Boggs | Gewinner | 2019 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2018 | Line of Glory: A Novel of the Alamo | Thomas D. Clagett | Finalist | 2019 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2018 | The Woman Who Built a Bridge | C.K. Crigger | Gewinner | 2019 | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2018 | Hardscrabble | Sandra Dallas | Finalist | 2019 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2018 | This Scorched Earth: A Novel of the Civil War and the American West | William Gear | Finalist | 2019 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2018 | Deep Fire Rise | Jon Gosch | Finalist | 2019 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2018 | The Flicker of Old Dreams | Susan Henderson | Gewinner | 2019 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2018 | Broken Field | Jeff Hull | Finalist | 2019 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2018 | The Long Shadow | Beth Kanell | Finalist | 2019 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2018 | Where the Bullets Fly | Terrence McCauley | Finalist | 2019 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 1 der Serie „Sheriff Aaron Mackey“ | |
2018 | Rawhide Robinson Rides a Dromedary: The True Tale of a Wild West Camel Caballero | Rod Miller | Finalist | 2019 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2018 | The River by Starlight | Ellen Notbohm | Gewinner | 2019 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2018 | The River by Starlight | Ellen Notbohm | Finalist | 2019 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2018 | Out of the Ashes | Tracie Peterson & Kimberley Woodhouse | Finalist | 2019 | Best Western Romance Novel | # 2 der Reihe „The Heart of Alaska“ | |
2018 | The Return of Kid Cooper | Brad Smith | Gewinner | 2019 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2018 | Born to the Badge | Mark Warren | Finalist | 2019 | Best Western Traditional Novel | # 2 der Serie „Wyatt Earp, an American Odyssey“ | |
2018 | The Kitchen Marriage | Gina Welborn & Becca Whitham | Finalist | 2019 | Best Western Romance Novel | # 2 der Reihe „Montana Brides Romance“ | |
2018 | No Justice in Hell | Charles G. West | Finalist | 2019 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 2 der Serie „John Hawk“ | |
2018 | Hawke's War | Reavis Z. Wortham | Gewinner | 2019 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 2 der Serie „Sonny Hawke Thriller“ | |
2019 | The Cost of Dying | Peter Brandvold | Finalist | 2020 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 13 der Serie „Lou Prophet, Bounty Hunter“ | |
2019 | Finding Home | Corinne Joy Brown | Finalist | 2020 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2019 | Sweep out the Ashes | Mary Clearman Blew | Finalist | 2020 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2019 | Friends Call Me Bat | Paul Colt (Paul Schmelzer) | Finalist | 2020 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2019 | All Man's Land | D. László Conhaim | Finalist | 2020 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2019 | The Yeggman's Apprentice | C.K. Crigger | Gewinner | 2020 | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2019 | Someplace to Call Home | Sandra Dallas | Gewinner | 2020 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2019 | This New Day | Harlan Hague | Finalist | 2020 | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2019 | Dark Territory | Terrence McCauley | Finalist | 2020 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 2 der Serie „Sheriff Aaron Mackey“ | |
2019 | The Fang of Bonfire Crossing | Brad McLelland & Louis Sylvester | Finalist | 2020 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 2 der Reihe „Legends of the Lost Causes“ | |
2019 | On Swift Horses | Shannon Pufahl | Gewinner | 2020 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2019 | On Swift Horses | Shannon Pufahl | Gewinner | 2020 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2019 | A Forgotten Evil | Sheldon Russell | Gewinner | 2020 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2019 | Cut Nose | Ron Schwab | Finalist | 2020 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2019 | This Side of Night | J. Todd Scott | Finalist | 2020 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2019 | Cherokee America | Margaret Verble | Gewinner | 2020 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2019 | The Glovemaker | Ann Weisgarber | Finalist | 2020 | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Unter Heiligen | |
2019 | The Telegraph Proposal | Gina Welborn & Becca Whitham | Finalist | 2020 | Best Western Romance Novel | # 3 der Reihe „Montana Brides Romance“ | |
2019 | Hawke's Target | Reavis Z. Wortham | Gewinner | 2020 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 3 der Serie „Sonny Hawke Thriller“ | |
2020 | A Thousand Texas Longhorns | Johnny D. Boggs | Gewinner | 2021 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2020 | The Fortunes and Vicissitudes of Stern Whitman | Derek Burnett | Finalist | 2021 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2020 | Gunpowder Express | Brett Cogburn | Finalist | 2021 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 3 der Serie „Widowmaker Jones“ | |
2020 | Silverbelly | S.J. Dahlstrom | Finalist | 2021 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 6 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“ | |
2020 | Like Rum-Drunk Angels | Tyler Enfield | Gewinner | 2021 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2020 | The King of Taos | Max Evans | Finalist | 2021 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2020 | Beyond the Goodnight Trail | Roy V. Gaston | Finalist | 2021 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2020 | All God's Children | Aaron Gwyn | Finalist | 2021 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2020 | City of Gold | Will Hobbs | Finalist | 2021 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2020 | Midnight's Whisperer | Tom Lowe | Gewinner | 2021 | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2020 | Dilly | Matthew P. Mayo | Gewinner | 2021 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2020 | The Valley of Decision | Major Mitchell | Finalist | 2021 | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2020 | Forever Hidden | Tracie Peterson & Kimberley Woodhouse | Finalist | 2021 | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2020 | The Resurrection of Fulgencio Ramirez | Rudy Ruiz | Finalist | 2021 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2020 | Stardust Trail | J.R. Sanders | Finalist | 2021 | Best Western Historical Novel | # 1 der Serie „Nate Ross“ | |
2020 | Follow the Angels, Follow the Doves | Sidney Thompson | Finalist | 2021 | Best Western Historical Novel | # 1 der Serie „The Bass Reeves Trilogy“ | |
2020 | All Things Left Wild | James Wade | Gewinner | 2021 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2020 | Winter Counts | David Heska Wanbli Weiden | Gewinner | 2021 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2020 | Winter Counts | David Heska Wanbli Weiden | Gewinner | 2021 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2021 | Dark Sky | C.J. Box | Gewinner | 2022 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | # 21 der Serie „Joe Pickett“ | |
2021 | This Side of Hell | Brett Cogburn | Gewinner | 2022 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 4 der Serie „Widowmaker Jones“ | |
2021 | Madame's Daughter | C.K. Crigger | Finalist | 2022 | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2021 | The Last Comanche Warrior | James D. Crownover | Finalist | 2022 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2021 | Cow Boyhood | S.J. Dahlstrom | Gewinner | 2022 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 7 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“ | |
2021 | The Comanche Kid | James Robert Daniels | Finalist | 2022 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2021 | Deputized | T.L. Davis | Finalist | 2022 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2021 | Dissolution | W. Michael Gear | Finalist | 2022 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | # 1 der Reihe „The Wyoming Chronicles“ | |
2021 | The Healing of Natalie Curtis | Jane Kirkpatrick | Finalist | 2022 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2021 | Imperfect Promise | Susanna Lane | Gewinner | 2022 | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2021 | The Too Late Trail | Matthew P. Mayo | Finalist | 2022 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2021 | The Transformation of Chastity James | Kathleen Morris | Finalist | 2022 | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2021 | Bats, Bandits & Buggies | Nancy Oswald | Finalist | 2022 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 4 der Serie „A Ruby and Maude Adventure“ | |
2021 | The Loving Wrath of Eldon Quint | Chase Pletts | Gewinner | 2022 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2021 | The Loving Wrath of Eldon Quint | Chase Pletts | Gewinner | 2022 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2021 | Ridgeline | Michael Punke | Gewinner | 2022 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2021 | Maddie McDowell and the Rodeo Robbery | LuAnn M. Rod | Finalist | 2022 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2021 | A Particular Madness | Sheldon Russell | Finalist | 2022 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2021 | Lost Mountain Pass | Larry D. Sweazy | Finalist | 2022 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 1 der Serie „Trusty Dawson“ | |
2021 | Land of Heroes | Dorothy Wiley | Finalist | 2022 | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2022 | Where Duty Calls | Jennifer Bohnhoff | Finalist | 2023 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Rebels Along the Rio Grande“ | |
2022 | All My Sins Remembered | Peter Brandvold | Finalist | 2023 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2022 | Blind Eye | Martha Burns | Finalist | 2023 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2022 | Wish Upon a Crawdad | Curtis W. Condon | Gewinner | 2023 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2022 | Tenmile | Sandra Dallas | Finalist | 2023 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2022 | Proving Her Claim: On the Dakota Frontier | C.K. van Dam | Gewinner | 2023 | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2022 | Proving Her Claim: On the Dakota Frontier | C.K. van Dam | Gewinner | 2023 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2022 | A Man Called Justice | John Deacon | Finalist | 2023 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2022 | The Wonder Stone and Other Stories About an Early African Settlement in Central Texas | Butch Denny | Finalist | 2023 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2022 | Hearts and Mountains | Lynn Eldridge | Finalist | 2023 | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2022 | River Woman, River Demon | Jennifer Givham | Finalist | 2023 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2022 | Yet I Will Love Him | Carla Kelly | Finalist | 2023 | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2022 | The Unlikely Lawman | Steve Kelton | Finalist | 2023 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2022 | Dead Man's Trail | Nate Morgan (Victor Gischler) | Gewinner | 2023 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2022 | The Secret in the Wall | Ann Parker | Gewinner | 2023 | Best Western Traditional Novel | # 8 der Serie „Silver Rush Mystery“ | |
2022 | Pony Boys | Richard Prosch | Finalist | 2023 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2022 | Justice For All: The Search for Big Poker Tom | Wayne E. Purcell | Finalist | 2023 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2022 | Beasts of the Earth | James Wade | Gewinner | 2023 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2022 | Properties of Thirst | Marianne Wiggins | Gewinner | 2023 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2023 | The Heart Beneath the Badge | George T. Arnold | Co-Gewinner | 2024 | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2023 | The Worst Enemy | Jennifer Bohnhoff | Finalist | 2024 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 2 der Serie „Rebels Along the Rio Grande“ | |
2023 | Aesop's Travels: A Crackerjack Tale of the Old West | Daniel Boyd (Dan Stumpf) | Gewinner | 2024 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2023 | The Redemption of Mattie Silks | Kimberly Burns | Finalist | 2024 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2023 | Jane Fury | James Robert Daniels | Finalist | 2024 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2023 | Grizzly Moon | Patrick Dearen | Finalist | 2024 | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2023 | Chase Cooper | Lynn Eldridge | Finalist | 2024 | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2023 | Calico | Lee Goldberg | Finalist | 2024 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2023 | The Last Man: A Novel of the 1927 Santa Claus Bank Robbery | Thomas Goodman | Gewinner | 2024 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2023 | Love on Target | Shanna Hatfield | Co-Gewinner | 2024 | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2023 | The Longmire Defense | Craig Johnson | Gewinner | 2024 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | # 19 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“ | |
2023 | Tom Mix and The Wild West Christmas | Scott McCrae (Bob Madison) | Finalist | 2024 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 9 der Serie „Tales of Tom Mix“ | |
2023 | A Sky Full of Song | Susan Lynn Meyer | Gewinner | 2024 | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2023 | Standing Dead | Margaret Mizushima | Finalist | 2024 | Best Western Contemporary Novel | # 8 der Serie „Timber Creek K-9 Mystery“ | |
2023 | A Short Rope for a Tall Man | Nate Morgan (Victor Gischler) | Finalist | 2024 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2023 | Golddigger: The Legendary Nellie Cashman | Kathleen Morris | Finalist | 2024 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2023 | … By the Way They Treat Their Horses | M. Timothy Nolting | Co-Gewinner | 2024 | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2023 | The Bundling Year | Anne Schroeder | Finalist | 2024 | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2023 | Gunmetal Mountain | John Shirley | Gewinner | 2024 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2023 | Wild Bill and the Pirates! | Thadd Turner; Ill.: Jeanne Conway | Finalist | 2024 | Children's Picture Book | _ | |
2023 | To Hell and Gone | Charles G. West | Finalist | 2024 | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2023 | Death in the Tallgrass: A Young Man's Journey Through the Western Frontier | Donald Willerton | Gewinner | 2024 | Best Western Historical Novel | _ |
Die Wrangler-Awards
Seit 1961 wird der “Wrangler Bronze Cowboy” verliehen. Das National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum vergibt dabei eine Skulptur, den sogenannten “Wrangler”, die einen Cowboy auf seinem Pferd zeigt. Das Kunstwerk stammt vom Künstler John Free.
Jahr | Titel | Autor | Status | Jahr | Kategorie | Anmerkungen | |
1961 | The Shadow Catcher | James D. Horan | Gewinner | 1962 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1962 | Fire on the Mountain | Edward Abbey | Gewinner | 1963 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1963 | Killer-of-Death | Betty Baker; Ill.: John Kaufmann | Gewinner | 1964 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
1963 | Honor Thy Father | Robert A. Roripaugh | Gewinner | 1964 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1964 | Little Big Man | Thomas Berger | Gewinner | 1965 | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Der letzte Held | |
1965 | Mountain Man | Vardis Fisher | Gewinner | 1966 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1966 | They Came to a Valley | Bill Gulick | Gewinner | 1967 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1966 | Mustang: Wild Spirit of the West | Marguerite Henry; Ill.: Robert Lougheed | Gewinner | 1967 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | dt.: Wildpferd-Annie und die Mustangs / Annie und die Mustangs | |
1967 | North to Yesterday | Robert Flynn | Gewinner | 1968 | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Lampassas oder Der lange Weg | |
1968 | The Buffalo Runners | Fred Grove | Gewinner | 1969 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1969 | The White Man's Road | Benjamin Capps | Gewinner | 1970 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1970 | And One Was a Wooden Indian | Betty Baker | Gewinner | 1971 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
1970 | Arfive | A.B. Guthrie Jr. | Gewinner | 1971 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1971 | Pike's Peak: A Family Saga | Frank Waters | Gewinner | 1972 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1971 | The Black Mustanger | Richard Wormser | Gewinner | 1972 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
1972 | Chiricahua | Will Henry (Henry Wilson Allen) | Gewinner | 1973 | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Apachen kennen kein Erbarmen | |
1973 | The Time It Never Rained | Elmer Kelton | Gewinner | 1974 | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Der Weidekönig | |
1974 | Susy's Scoundrel | Harold Keith | Gewinner | 1975 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
1974 | Centennial | James A. Michener | Gewinner | 1975 | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Colorado-Saga | |
1975 | Owl in the Cedar Tree | N. Scott Momaday | Gewinner | 1976 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
1977 | Buffalo Woman | Dorothy M. Johnson | Gewinner | 1978 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1978 | The Obstinate Land | Harold Keith | Gewinner | 1979 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
1978 | The Good Old Boys | Elmer Kelton | Gewinner | 1979 | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Frei wie der Wind | |
1979 | Hanta Yo: An American Saga | Ruth Beebe Hill | Gewinner | 1980 | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Hanta Yo: Eine Indianer-Saga | |
1983 | The Long Riders' Winter | Frank Calkins | Gewinner | 1984 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1984 | English Creek | Ivan Doig | Gewinner | 1985 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1985 | Prairie Songs | Pam Conrad | Gewinner | 1986 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | dt.: Lied der Prärie | |
1985 | Playing Catch-Up: A Sheriff Chick Charleston Mystery | A.B. Guthrie Jr. | Gewinner | 1986 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1986 | Heart of the Country | Greg Matthews | Gewinner | 1987 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1987 | The Man Who Rode Midnight | Elmer Kelton | Gewinner | 1988 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1988 | The Homesman | Glendon Swarthout | Gewinner | 1989 | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: The Homesman - Es führt ein Weg zurück | |
1988 | Stay Put, Robbie McAmis | Francis G. Tunbo | Gewinner | 1989 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
1989 | Broken Eagle | Chad Oliver | Gewinner | 1990 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1990 | Buffalo Girls | Larry McMurtry | Gewinner | 1991 | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Buffalo Girls | |
1991 | Set for Life | Judith Freeman | Gewinner | 1992 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1992 | All the Pretty Horses | Cormac McCarthy | Gewinner | 1993 | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: All die schönen Pferde | |
1993 | Pigs in Heaven | Barbara Kingsolver | Gewinner | 1994 | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Siebengestirn / Siebengestirn, meine Tochter | |
1994 | Bluefeather Fellini in the Sacred Realm | Max Evans | Gewinner | 1995 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1995 | A Sweetness to the Soul | Jane Kirkpatrick | Gewinner | 1996 | Outstanding Western Novel | # 1 der Reihe „Dreamcatcher“ | |
1996 | Out of Eden | Kate Lehrer | Gewinner | 1997 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1997 | The Mercy Seat | Rilla Askew | Gewinner | 1998 | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Meines Bruders Hüter | |
1998 | Journey of the Dead | Loren D. Estleman | Gewinner | 1999 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1998 | Alice Rose & Sam | Kathryn Lasky | Gewinner | 1999 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | dt.: Alice Rose und die große Silberverschwörung | |
1999 | The Birchbark House | Louise Erdrich | Gewinner | 2000 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | dt.: Ein Jahr mit sieben Wintern | |
1999 | The Contract Surgeon | Dan O'Brien | Gewinner | 2000 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2000 | The Gates of the Alamo | Stephen Harrigan | Gewinner | 2001 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2001 | The Master Executioner | Loren D. Estleman | Gewinner | 2002 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2001 | Delfino's Journey | Jo Harper | Gewinner | 2002 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
2002 | Moon of Bitter Cold | Frederick J. Chiaventone | Gewinner | 2003 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2003 | Spark on the Prairie: The Trial of the Kiowa Chiefs | Johnny D. Boggs | Gewinner | 2004 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2004 | And Not to Yield: A Novel of the Life and Times of Wild Bill Hickok | Randy Lee Eickhoff | Gewinner | 2005 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2005 | Buffalo Calf Road Woman: The Story of a Warrior of the Little Bighorn | Rosemary Agonito & Joseph Agonito | Gewinner | 2006 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2006 | Broken Trail | Alan Geoffrion | Gewinner | 2007 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2007 | Harpsong | Rilla Askew | Gewinner | 2008 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2007 | Journey to San Jacinto | Melodie A. Cuate | Gewinner | 2008 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
2008 | Jackalope Dreams | Mary Clearman Blew | Gewinner | 2009 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2008 | Journey to Gonzales | Melodie A. Cuate | Gewinner | 2009 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
2009 | Bull Rider | Suzanne Morgan Williams | Gewinner | 2010 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
2009 | The Sundown Chaser | Dusty Richards | Gewinner | 2010 | Outstanding Western Novel | # 3 der Serie „Herschel Baker“ | |
2010 | Impatient with Desire | Gabrielle Burton | Gewinner | 2011 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2011 | Rode | Thomas Fox Averill | Gewinner | 2012 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2011 | Milagro of the Spanish Bean Pot | Emerita Romero-Anderson | Gewinner | 2012 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
2012 | The Quilt Walk | Sandra Dallas | Gewinner | 2013 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
2012 | Unbroke Horses | D.B. Jackson | Gewinner | 2013 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2013 | Grandmas Santo on Its Head / El santo patas arriba de mi abuelita | Nasario García | Gewinner | 2014 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
2013 | The Son | Philipp Meyer | Gewinner | 2014 | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Der erste Sohn | |
2014 | The Poacher's Daughter | Michael Zimmer | Gewinner | 2015 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2015 | Endangered | C.J. Box | Gewinner | 2016 | Outstanding Western Novel | # 15 der Serie „Joe Pickett“ | |
2015 | The Ways of Water | Teresa Healy Janssen | Gewinner | 2024 | Outstanding Western Novel | 2023 wiederveröffentlicht? | |
2016 | The Green Colt | S.J. Dahlstrom | Gewinner | 2017 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | # 4 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“ | |
2016 | Robert B. Parker's Blackjack | Robert Knott | Gewinner | 2017 | Outstanding Western Novel | # 8 der Serie „Virgil Cole & Everett Hitch“ | |
2017 | Stranded: A Story of Frontier Survival | Matthew P. Mayo | Gewinner | 2018 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2018 | Hardscrabble | Sandra Dallas | Gewinner | 2019 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
2018 | The Hunger | Alma Katsu | Gewinner | 2019 | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: The Hunger - Die letzte Reise | |
2019 | J is for Jackalope | Teal Blake | Gewinner | 2020 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
2019 | The Cheyenne Story: An Interpretation of Courage | Gerry Robinson | Gewinner | 2020 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2020 | Silverbelly | S.J. Dahlstrom | Gewinner | 2021 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | # 6 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“ | |
2020 | The King of Taos | Max Evans | Gewinner | 2021 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2021 | Cow Boyhood | S.J. Dahlstrom | Gewinner | 2022 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | # 7 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“ | |
2021 | The Removed | Brandon Hobson | Gewinner | 2022 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2022 | Think of Horses | Mary Clearman Blew | Gewinner | 2023 | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2022 | The Rowdy Randy Wild West Show | Casey Rislov; Ill.: Zachary Pullen | Gewinner | 2023 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
2023 | Heartwood Mountain | S.J. Dahlstrom | Gewinner | 2024 | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | # 8 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“ |
Ein umfassender Überblick aller Auszeichnungen und wichtige Werke der Westernliteratur
Unser einzigartiger Überblick versucht, sich auf längere fiktionalisierte (eben: romanhafte) Texte zu beschränken, wobei das Themenspektrum allerdings breit gefächert ist. Die Aufstellungen umfassen nicht nur klassische Westernromane, sondern beispielsweise auch Geschichten, die im zeitgenössischen nordamerikanischen Westen spielen, und solche für Jugendliche und Kinder.
Dies liegt daran, dass die Kategorien der verschiedenen Preise sehr unterschiedlich definiert werden, wobei manchmal noch nicht einmal Fiktion und Nicht-Fiktion getrennt werden.
Leider gibt es nur von einem eher geringen Teil der prämierten Werke auch deutschsprachige Ausgaben.
Wir möchten hiermit auch Anregungen bieten, denn natürlich kommt es nicht von ungefähr, dass einige Titel und Autoren mehrfach auftauchen.
Es wurden außerdem ein paar Werke aufgenommen, die zwar nicht preisgekrönt sind, aber in diversen Listen der besten Westernromane aller Zeiten genannt oder empfohlen werden, und es daher verdient haben, hier zu erscheinen.
Jahr | Titel | Autor | Status | Jahr | Preis | Kategorie | Anmerkungen | |
1902 | The Virginian, a Horseman of the Plains | Owen Wister | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Virginian und Trampas / Der Virginier | |
1903 | The Log of a Cowboy: A Narrative of the Old Trail Days | Andy Adams | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Der Trail im wilden Westen: Aus dem Tagebuch eines Cowboys / Das große Treiben / Ein Cowboy erzählt | |
1903 | The Call of the Wild | Jack London | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Der Ruf der Wildnis / Ruf der Wildnis | |
1912 | Riders of the Purple Sage | Zane Grey | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Das Gesetz der Mormonen | |
1913 | O Pioneers! | Willa Cather | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Neue Erde / Zwei Frauen / Unter den Hügeln die kommende Zeit | |
1918 | My Ántonia | Willa Cather | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Antonia / Meine Antonia | |
1921 | Stepsons of Light | Eugene Manlove Rhodes | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Im Westen die Freiheit | |
1922 | One of Ours | Willa Cather | Gewinner | 1923 | Pulitzer Prize | Novel | dt.: Einer von uns / Sei leise, wenn du gehst | |
1926 | Smoky the Cow Horse | Will James (Joseph Dufault) | Gewinner | 1927 | Newbery Medal | Best Novel | dt.: Smoky, das Cowboypferd | |
1927 | Death Comes for the Archbishop | Willa Cather | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Der Tod kommt zum Erzbischof / Der Tod holt den Erzbischof / Der Tod bittet den Erzbischof | |
1929 | Laughing Boy: A Navajo Love Story | Oliver la Farge | Gewinner | 1930 | Pulitzer Prize | Novel | dt.: Der große Nachtgesang / Indianische Romanze / Indianische Liebesgeschichte | |
1930 | Destry Rides Again | Max Brand (Frederick Faust) | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Destry reitet wieder | |
1930 | Cimarron | Edna Ferber | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Cimarron | |
1932 | Little House in the Big Woods | Laura Ingalls Wilder | _ | _ | _ | _ | # 1 der Serie „Little House“; dt.: Kleines Haus im großen Wald / Laura im großen Wald | |
1935 | Honey in the Horn | Harold L. Davis | Gewinner | 1936 | Pulitzer Prize | Novel | dt.: Nach dem großen Treck | |
1935 | Little House on the Prairie | Laura Ingalls Wilder | _ | _ | _ | _ | # 2 der Serie „Little House“; dt.: Kleines Haus in der Prärie / Laura in der Prärie / Laura erlebt die Prärie | |
1935 | Tortilla Flat | John Steinbeck | Silber-Medaille | 1935 | California Book Award | General Literature | dt.: Die wunderlichen Schelme von Tortilla Flat / Die Schelme von Tortilla Flat / Tortilla Flat | |
1936 | The Baron of Coyote River | L. Ron Hubbard | Finalist | 2011 | International Book Award | Fiction: Western | 2010 posthum wiederveröffentlicht | |
1936 | Gone With the Wind | Margaret Mitchell | Gewinner | 1937 | Pulitzer Prize | Novel | dt.: Vom Winde verweht | |
1936 | The Sea of Grass | Conrad Richter | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Endlos ist die Prärie | |
1936 | In Dubious Battle | John Steinbeck | Silber-Medaille | 1936 | California Book Award | General Literature | dt.: Stürmische Ernte | |
1937 | Pecos Bill: The Greatest Cowboy of All Time | James Cloyd Bowman | Finalist | 1938 | Newbery Medal | Best Novel | dt.: Pecos Bill, der größte Cowboy aller Zeiten | |
1937 | Cattle King for a Day | L. Ron Hubbard | Finalist | 2011 | International Book Award | Fiction: Western | 2010 posthum wiederveröffentlicht | |
1937 | Cattle King for a Day | L. Ron Hubbard | Finalist | 2011 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | 2010 posthum wiederveröffentlicht | |
1937 | Gunman's Tally | L. Ron Hubbard | lobend erwähnt | 2014 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | 2013 posthum wiederveröffentlicht | |
1937 | On the Banks of Plum Creek | Laura Ingalls Wilder | Finalist | 1938 | Newbery Medal | Best Novel | # 4 der Serie „Little House“; dt.: Kleines Haus am blauen Fluß / Laura und ihre Freunde | |
1937 | Of Mice and Men | John Steinbeck | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Von Mäusen und Menschen | |
1938 | Branded Outlaw | L. Ron Hubbard | Finalist | 2009 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | 2008 posthum wiederveröffentlicht | |
1938 | Death Waits at Sundown | L. Ron Hubbard | Gewinner | 2012 | International Book Award | Fiction: Western | 2011 posthum wiederveröffentlicht | |
1938 | King of the Gunmen | L. Ron Hubbard | lobend erwähnt | 2014 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | 2013 posthum wiederveröffentlicht | |
1939 | By the Shores of Silver Lake | Laura Ingalls Wilder | Finalist | 1940 | Newbery Medal | Best Novel | # 5 der Serie „Little House“; dt.: Kleines Haus am Silbersee / Laura und das schwarze Pony / Laura am Silbersee | |
1939 | The Grapes of Wrath | John Steinbeck | Silber-Medaille | 1939 | California Book Award | General Literature | dt.: Früchte des Zorns / Die Früchte des Zorns | |
1939 | The Grapes of Wrath | John Steinbeck | Gewinner | 1940 | Pulitzer Prize | Novel | dt.: Früchte des Zorns / Die Früchte des Zorns | |
1940 | The Ox-Bow Incident | Walter van Tilburg Clark | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Kurzen Prozeß, Sheriff! / Ritt zum Ox-Bow | |
1940 | Shadows from Boot Hill | L. Ron Hubbard | Finalist | 2012 | International Book Award | Fiction: Western | 2011 posthum wiederveröffentlicht | |
1940 | Shadows from Boot Hill | L. Ron Hubbard | Finalist | 2013 | International Book Award | Fiction: Short Story | 2011 posthum wiederveröffentlicht | |
1940 | The Long Winter | Laura Ingalls Wilder | Finalist | 1941 | Newbery Medal | Best Novel | # 6 der Serie „Little House“; dt.: Der lange Winter / Laura und der lange Winter / | |
1941 | Little Town on the Prairie | Laura Ingalls Wilder | Finalist | 1942 | Newbery Medal | Best Novel | # 7 der Serie „Little House“; dt.: Kleine Stadt auf weiter Prärie / Kleine Stadt auf der weiten Prärie / Laura in der kleinen Stadt | |
1941 | Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison | Lois Lenski | Finalist | 1942 | Newbery Medal | Best Novel | dt.: Die Abenteuer der jungen „Maisblüte“: Ein junges Mädchen wird Indianerin | |
1941 | Hardcase | Luke Short (Frederick Glidden) | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Ein Name wie der Hauch des Todes | |
1943 | These Happy Golden Years | Laura Ingalls Wilder | Finalist | 1944 | Newbery Medal | Best Novel | # 8 der Serie „Little House“; dt.: Diese glücklichen goldenen Jahre / Lauras glückliche Jahre | |
1944 | Bugles in the Afternoon | Ernest Haycox | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Die Reinen und die Sündigen / Das letzte Gefecht | |
1947 | Blood Brother | Elliott Arnold | Gold-Medaille | 1947 | California Book Award | Fiction | dt.: Cochise [= Teil 1] / Blutsbrüder [= Teil 2] | |
1947 | The Big Sky | A.B. Guthrie Jr. | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Der weite Himmel | |
1949 | The Way West | A.B. Guthrie Jr. | Gewinner | 1950 | Pulitzer Prize | Fiction | dt.: In ein schöneres Land / Der Weg nach Westen | |
1949 | Gun Boss of Tumbleweed | L. Ron Hubbard | Finalist | 2013 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | 2012 posthum wiederveröffentlicht | |
1949 | Gun Boss of Tumbleweed | L. Ron Hubbard | lobend erwähnt | 2014 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | 2012 posthum wiederveröffentlicht | |
1949 | Shane | Jack Schaefer | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Mein großer Freund Shane | |
1950 | Devil's Manhunt | L. Ron Hubbard | Gewinner | 2011 | International Book Award | Fiction: Western | 2010 posthum wiederveröffentlicht | |
1950 | Little Britches: Father and I Were Ranchers | Ralph Moody | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Bleib im Sattel! Vater und ich waren Siedler im wilden Westen | |
1950 | The Town | Conrad Richter | Gewinner | 1951 | Pulitzer Prize | Fiction | dt.: Die Stadt | |
1951 | The Grass Beyond the Mountains | Rich Hobson | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | |
1952 | Moccasin Trail | Eloise Jarvis McGraw | Finalist | 1953 | Newbery Medal | Best Novel | dt.: Grüne Aue und frisches Wasser | |
1952 | East of Eden | John Steinbeck | Finalist | 1953 | National Book Award | Fiction | dt.: Jenseits von Eden | |
1953 | Hondo | Louis L'Amour | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Hondo / Man nennt mich Hondo | |
1953 | Law Man | Lee Leighton (Wayne D. Overholser) | Gewinner | 1953 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | dt.: Befehl des Gesetzes / Wer den Stern trägt / Am Ende der Galgen | |
1953 | The Wheel and the Hearth | Lucia Moore | Gewinner | 1953 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1953 | Sagebrush Sorrel | Frank C. Robertson | Gewinner | 1953 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | dt.: Ollie und der Wildhengst | |
1954 | The Searchers | Alan LeMay | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Der schwarze Falke | |
1954 | The Last Hunt | Milton Lott | Finalist | 1955 | National Book Award | Fiction | dt.: Die letzte Jagd | |
1954 | Lord Grizzly | Frederick Manfred (Frederick Feikema) | Finalist | 1955 | National Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
1954 | The Violent Land | Wayne D. Overholser | Gewinner | 1954 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | dt.: Weidekrieg | |
1954 | Young Hero of the Range | Stephen Payne | Gewinner | 1954 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1954 | Journey by the River | John Prescott | Gewinner | 1954 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1955 | Somewhere They Die | L.P. Holmes | Gewinner | 1955 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1956 | The Brave Cowboy | Edward Abbey | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | |
1956 | High Gun | Leslie Ernenwein | Gewinner | 1956 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1956 | Old Yeller | Fred Gipson; Ill.: Carl Burger | Finalist | 1957 | Newbery Medal | Best Novel | dt.: Old Yeller / Sein Freund Jello | |
1956 | These Thousand Hills | A.B. Guthrie Jr. | Finalist | 1957 | National Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
1956 | Generations of Men | John Clinton Hunt | Gewinner | 1956 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1956 | Generations of Men | John Clinton Hunt | Finalist | 1957 | National Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
1956 | The Authentic Death of Hendry Jones | Charles Neider | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Billy the Kid: Die einzig wahre Geschichte vom Leben und grausamen Ende des berühmten Revolverhelden Hendry Jones, genannt Billy the Kid | |
1956 | Trapping the Silver Beaver | Charles Niehuis | Gewinner | 1956 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1957 | Silver Mountain | Dan Cushman | Gewinner | 1957 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1957 | Rifles for Watie | Harold Keith | Gewinner | 1958 | Newbery Medal | Best Novel | _ | |
1957 | Buffalo Wagons | Elmer Kelton | Gewinner | 1957 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | dt.: Büffeljäger / Die letzte Jagd | |
1957 | Wolf Brother | Jim Kjelgaard | Gewinner | 1957 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1957 | The Hell Bent Kid | Charles O. Locke | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | |
1957 | The Horse Catcher | Mari Sandoz | Finalist | 1958 | Newbery Medal | Best Novel | _ | |
1958 | The Fancher Train | Amelia Bean | Gewinner | 1958 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1958 | Warlock | Oakley Hall | Gold-Medaille | 1958 | California Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
1958 | Warlock | Oakley Hall | Finalist | 1958 | Pulitzer Prize | Fiction | _ | |
1958 | Short Cut to Red River | Noel Loomis | Gewinner | 1958 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1958 | Steamboat Up the Missouri | Dale White | Gewinner | 1958 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1959 | Long Run | Nelson Nye | Gewinner | 1959 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1959 | The Buffalo Soldiers | John Prebble | Gewinner | 1959 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1959 | Hold Back the Hunter | Dale White | Gewinner | 1959 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1960 | The Nameless Breed | Will C. Brown (Clarence Boyles) | Gewinner | 1960 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | dt.: … sie ritten für Texas | |
1960 | Welcome to Hard Times | E.L. Doctorow | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Willkommen in Hard Times | |
1960 | The Rounders | Max Evans | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | |
1960 | From Where the Sun Now Stands | Will Henry (Henry Wilson Allen) | Gewinner | 1960 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Weg der Tränen | |
1960 | From Where the Sun Now Stands | Will Henry (Henry Wilson Allen) | Gewinner | 1961 | Saddleman Award | _ | dt.: Weg der Tränen | |
1960 | Their Shining Hour | Ramona Maher Weeks | Gewinner | 1960 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1960 | Old Ramon | Jack Schaefer | Finalist | 1961 | Newbery Medal | Best Novel | dt.: Die große Herde | |
1960 | Butcher's Crossing | John Williams | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Butcher's Crossing | |
1961 | The Winter War | William Wister Haines | Gewinner | 1961 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1961 | The Shadow Catcher | James D. Horan | Gewinner | 1962 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1961 | Hombre | Elmore Leonard | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Man nannte ihn Hombre | |
1961 | The Honyocker | Giles Lutz | Gewinner | 1961 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1961 | Horseman, Pass By | Larry McMurtry | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Der Wildeste unter Tausend | |
1961 | The Horse Talker | Jeanne Williams | Gewinner | 1961 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1961 | The Horse Talker | Jeanne Williams | Gewinner | 1962 | Saddleman Award | _ | _ | |
1962 | Fire on the Mountain | Edward Abbey | Gewinner | 1963 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1962 | Moontrap | Don Berry | Gewinner | 1962 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1962 | Comanche Captives | Fred Grove | Gewinner | 1962 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1962 | Comanche Captives | Fred Grove | Gewinner | 1963 | Saddleman Award | _ | _ | |
1963 | Killer-of-Death | Betty Baker; Ill.: John Kaufmann | Gewinner | 1964 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
1963 | Follow the Free Wind | Leigh Brackett | Gewinner | 1963 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | dt.: Frei wie der Wind | |
1963 | By the Great Horn Spoon! | Sid Fleischman | Co-Gewinner | 1963 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1963 | Gates of the Mountains | Will Henry (Henry Wilson Allen) | Gewinner | 1963 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Im Land der Schoschonen | |
1963 | Honor Thy Father | Robert A. Roripaugh | Gewinner | 1964 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1963 | The Story Catcher | Mari Sandoz | Co-Gewinner | 1963 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | dt.: Schreib es auf die Haut des Büffels | |
1963 | The Story Catcher | Mari Sandoz | Gewinner | 1964 | Saddleman Award | _ | dt.: Schreib es auf die Haut des Büffels | |
1963 | Monte Walsh | Jack Schaefer | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | |
1964 | Little Big Man | Thomas Berger | Gewinner | 1965 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Der letzte Held | |
1964 | The Trail to Ogallala | Benjamin Capps | Gewinner | 1964 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | dt.: Das endlose Treiben | |
1964 | The Trail to Ogallala | Benjamin Capps | Gewinner | 1965 | Saddleman Award | _ | dt.: Das endlose Treiben | |
1964 | Indian Fighter | E.E. Halleran | Gewinner | 1964 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Bis zur letzten Patrone | |
1964 | A Mule for the Marquesa / auch: The Professionals | Frank O'Rourke | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Die Wölfe von Mexiko | |
1964 | Ride a Northbound Horse | Richard Wormser | Gewinner | 1964 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | dt.: Der Weg nach Kansas | |
1965 | Gold in California | Todhunter Ballard | Co-Gewinner | 1965 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Gold in Kalifornien | |
1965 | Sam Chance | Benjamin Capps | Gewinner | 1965 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1965 | Mountain Man | Vardis Fisher | Co-Gewinner | 1965 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1965 | Mountain Man | Vardis Fisher | Gewinner | 1966 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1965 | The Stubborn One | Rutherford Montgomery | Gewinner | 1965 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1966 | They Came to a Valley | Bill Gulick | Gewinner | 1967 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1966 | Mustang: Wild Spirit of the West | Marguerite Henry; Ill.: Robert Lougheed | Gewinner | 1967 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | dt.: Wildpferd-Annie und die Mustangs / Annie und die Mustangs | |
1966 | The Burning Class | Annabel Johnson & Edgar Johnson | Gewinner | 1966 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1966 | My Brother John | Herbert R. Purdum | Gewinner | 1966 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1966 | Hellfire Jackson | Garland Roark & Charles Thomas | Gewinner | 1966 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1967 | The Dunderhead War | Betty Baker | Co-Gewinner | 1967 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1967 | North to Yesterday | Robert Flynn | Gewinner | 1968 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Lampassas oder Der lange Weg | |
1967 | The Valdez Horses | Lee Hoffman | Gewinner | 1967 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | dt.: Wilde Pferde | |
1967 | Half Breed | Evelyn Lampman | Co-Gewinner | 1967 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1967 | The Wolf is My Brother | Chad Oliver | Gewinner | 1967 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Der Wolf - mein Bruder | |
1967 | Die Söhne der großen Bärin | Liselotte Welskopf-Henrich | Gewinner | 1968 | Friedrich-Gerstäcker-Preis für Jugendliteratur | _ | _ | |
1968 | Middl'un | Elizabeth Burleson | Gewinner | 1968 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1968 | The Buffalo Runners | Fred Grove | Gewinner | 1969 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1968 | Down the Long Hills | Louis L'Amour | Gewinner | 1968 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | dt.: Allein in der Wildnis | |
1968 | House Made of Dawn | N. Scott Momaday | Gewinner | 1969 | Pulitzer Prize | Fiction | dt.: Haus aus Dämmerung / Haus aus Morgendämmerung | |
1968 | The Red Sabbath | Lewis B. Patten | Gewinner | 1968 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Little Big Horn | |
1968 | True Grit | Charles Portis | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Die mutige Mattie / Der Marshal und die mutige Mattie / True Grit | |
1969 | Tragg's Choice | Clifton Adams | Gewinner | 1969 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | dt.: Satans Silberdollar | |
1969 | The White Man's Road | Benjamin Capps | Gewinner | 1969 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1969 | The White Man's Road | Benjamin Capps | Gewinner | 1970 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1969 | Geheimauftrag | Christopher S. Hagen (Heinz-Josef Stammel) | Gewinner | 1970 | Friedrich-Gerstäcker-Preis für Jugendliteratur | _ | Überarbeitung eines Originals von 1962 (Fort der Verlorenen) | |
1969 | Valdez Is Coming | Elmore Leonard | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Valdez | ||
1969 | The Meeker Massacre | Wayne D. Overholser & Lewis B. Patten | Gewinner | 1969 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1969 | Big With Vengeance | Cecil Snyder | Gewinner | 1969 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
1970 | The Last Days of Wolf Garnett | Clifton Adams | Gewinner | 1970 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | dt.: Ein Grab in Texas | |
1970 | And One Was a Wooden Indian | Betty Baker | Gewinner | 1971 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
1970 | Arfive | A.B. Guthrie Jr. | Gewinner | 1971 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1970 | Cayuse Courage | Evelyn Lampman | Gewinner | 1970 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1971 | The Day the Cowboys Quit | Elmer Kelton | Gewinner | 1971 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | dt.: Die letzten Cowboys | |
1971 | Angle of Repose | Wallace Stegner | Gewinner | 1972 | Pulitzer Prize | Fiction | _ | |
1971 | Pike's Peak: A Family Saga | Frank Waters | Gewinner | 1972 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1971 | The Black Mustanger | Richard Wormser | Gewinner | 1971 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1971 | The Black Mustanger | Richard Wormser | Gewinner | 1972 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
1972 | Only Earth & Sky Last Forever | Nathaniel Benchley | Gewinner | 1973 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1972 | The True Memoirs of Charlie Blankenship | Benjamin Capps | Finalist | 1972 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1972 | Chiricahua | Will Henry (Henry Wilson Allen) | Gewinner | 1972 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Apachen kennen kein Erbarmen | |
1972 | Chiricahua | Will Henry (Henry Wilson Allen) | Gewinner | 1973 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Apachen kennen kein Erbarmen | |
1972 | A Killing in Kiowa | Lewis B. Patten | Gewinner | 1972 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | dt.: Die wilde Meute | |
1973 | The Outlaw Josey Wales | Forrest Carter | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | |
1973 | The Cowboy and the Cossack | Clair Huffaker | Silber-Medaille | 1973 | California Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
1973 | The Time It Never Rained | Elmer Kelton | Gewinner | 1973 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | dt.: Der Weidekönig | |
1973 | The Time It Never Rained | Elmer Kelton | Gewinner | 1974 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Der Weidekönig | |
1973 | Freedom Trail | Jeanne Williams | Gewinner | 1973 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1974 | Susy's Scoundrel | Harold Keith | Gewinner | 1974 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1974 | Susy's Scoundrel | Harold Keith | Gewinner | 1975 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
1974 | Centennial | James A. Michener | Gewinner | 1975 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Colorado-Saga | |
1974 | A Hanging in Sweetwater | Stephen Overholser | Gewinner | 1974 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1975 | Dust of the Earth | Vera Cleaver & Bill Cleaver | Gewinner | 1975 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | dt.: Ab morgen hüte ich Schafe | |
1975 | Owl in the Cedar Tree | N. Scott Momaday | Gewinner | 1976 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
1975 | The Shootist | Glendon Swarthout | Gewinner | 1975 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | dt.: Der Superschütze | |
1976 | The Kincaids | Matt Braun | Gewinner | 1976 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1976 | The Spirit Horses | Lou Cameron | Co-Gewinner | 1976 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1976 | The Court Martial of George Armstrong Custer | Douglas C. Jones | Co-Gewinner | 1976 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1976 | A River Runs Through It, and Other Stories | Norman Maclean | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Aus der Mitte entspringt ein Fluß | |
1977 | Silvermoon: Weißer Hengst aus der Prärie | Barbara Bartos-Höppner | Gewinner | 1978 | Friedrich-Gerstäcker-Preis für Jugendliteratur | _ | _ | |
1977 | The Great Horse Race | Fred Grove | Gewinner | 1977 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1977 | A Shepherd Watches, a Shepherd Sings: Growing Up a Basque Shepherd in California's San Joaquin Valley | Louis Irigaray & Theodore Taylor | Gewinner | 1977 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1977 | A Shepherd Watches, a Shepherd Sings: Growing Up a Basque Shepherd in California's San Joaquin Valley | Louis Irigaray & Theodore Taylor | Silber-Medaille | 1977 | California Book Award | Juvenile | _ | |
1977 | Buffalo Woman | Dorothy M. Johnson | Gewinner | 1978 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1977 | Swimming Man Burning | Terrence Kilpatrick | Gewinner | 1977 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1978 | The Obstinate Land | Harold Keith | Gewinner | 1979 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
1978 | The Good Old Boys | Elmer Kelton | Gewinner | 1979 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Frei wie der Wind | |
1978 | The No-Return Trail | Sonia Levitin | Gewinner | 1978 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1978 | Riders to Cibola | Norman Zollinger | Gewinner | 1978 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1979 | Hanta Yo: An American Saga | Ruth Beebe Hill | Gewinner | 1980 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Hanta Yo: Eine Indianer-Saga | |
1979 | Woman Chief | Benjamin Capps | Finalist | 1979 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Die Legende von Woman Chief | |
1979 | Woman Chief | Benjamin Capps | Finalist | 1980 | National Book Award | Western | dt.: Die Legende von Woman Chief | |
1979 | The Holdouts | William Decker | Gewinner | 1979 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1979 | Thirsty | Andrew Dequasie | Gewinner | 1979 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1979 | The High Rocks | Loren D. Estleman | Finalist | 1980 | National Book Award | Western | # 1 der Serie „Page Murdock“; dt.: Der Skalpjäger | |
1979 | Wild Times | Brian Garfield | Finalist | 1980 | National Book Award | Western | _ | |
1979 | Desperadoes | Ron Hansen | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | |
1979 | Bendigo Shafter | Louis L'Amour | Gewinner | 1980 | National Book Award | Western | dt.: Bendigo Shafter | |
1979 | My Brother, the Wind | G. Clifton Wisler | Finalist | 1980 | National Book Award | Western | dt.: Mein Bruder, der Wind | |
1980 | The Valiant Women | Jeanne Williams | Gewinner | 1980 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1981 | Ride Down the Wind | Wayne Barton | Gewinner | 1981 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1981 | Aces & Eights | Loren D. Estleman | Gewinner | 1981 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Der Teufel teilt die Karten aus | |
1981 | The Last Run | Mark Jonathan Harris | Gewinner | 1981 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1981 | Horizon | Lee Head | Co-Gewinner | 1981 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1981 | Eyes of the Hawk | Elmer Kelton | Co-Gewinner | 1981 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | dt.: Die Augen des Falken | |
1982 | Before the Lark | Irene Bennett Brown | Gewinner | 1982 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1982 | Match Race | Fred Grove | Gewinner | 1982 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1982 | Carry the Wind | Terry C. Johnston | Gewinner | 1982 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | # 1 der Serie „Titus Bass“ | |
1982 | The Gunslinger | Stephen King | _ | _ | _ | _ | # 1 der Serie „Dark Tower“; dt.: Der dunkle Turm: Schwarz | |
1982 | Ride the Wind | Lucia St. Clair Robson | Gewinner | 1982 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Die mit dem Wind reitet | |
1983 | The Long Riders' Winter | Frank Calkins | Gewinner | 1984 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1983 | The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford | Ron Hansen | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Die Ermordung des Jesse James durch den Feigling Robert Ford | |
1983 | The Lonesome Gods | Louis L'Amour | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Die einsamen Götter | |
1983 | Leaving Kansas | Frank Roderus | Gewinner | 1983 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | dt.: Rivalen in Kansas | |
1983 | Winter Grass | Richard S. Wheeler | Finalist | 1983 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1983 | Thunder on the Tennessee | G. Clifton Wisler | Gewinner | 1983 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1983 | Sam Bass | Bryan Woolley | Gewinner | 1983 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1984 | English Creek | Ivan Doig | Gewinner | 1985 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1984 | Gone the Dreams and Dancing | Douglas C. Jones | Gewinner | 1984 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1984 | Winterkill | Craig Leslie | Gewinner | 1984 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1984 | Trapped in Slickrock Canyon | Gloria Skurzynski | Gewinner | 1984 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1984 | Ride the Laughing Wind | Blaine Yorgason & Brenton Yorgason | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | |
1985 | Prairie Songs | Pam Conrad | Gewinner | 1985 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | dt.: Lied der Prärie | |
1985 | Prairie Songs | Pam Conrad | Gewinner | 1986 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | dt.: Lied der Prärie | |
1985 | The Snowblind Moon | John Byrne Cooke | Gewinner | 1985 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1985 | The Snowblind Moon | John Byrne Cooke | Gewinner | 1985 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1985 | Playing Catch-Up: A Sheriff Chick Charleston Mystery | A.B. Guthrie Jr. | Gewinner | 1986 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1985 | Jubal Sackett | Louis L'Amour | _ | _ | _ | _ | # 17 der Serie „The Sacketts“; dt.: Jubal Sackett | |
1985 | Blood Meridian or The Evening Redness in the West | Cormac McCarthy | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Die Abendröte im Westen | |
1985 | Lonesome Dove | Larry McMurtry | Gewinner | 1985 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | dt.: Weg in die Wildnis | |
1985 | Lonesome Dove | Larry McMurtry | Gewinner | 1986 | Pulitzer Prize | Fiction | dt.: Weg in die Wildnis | |
1986 | The Blind Corral | Ralph Robert Beer | Gewinner | 1986 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1986 | Deadwood | Pete Dexter | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Deadwood | |
1986 | Come Spring | Charlotte Hinger | Gewinner | 1986 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1986 | Roman | Douglas C. Jones | Gewinner | 1986 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1986 | Heart of the Country | Greg Matthews | Gewinner | 1987 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1987 | Wanderer Springs | Robert Flynn | Gewinner | 1987 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
1987 | Skinwalkers | Tony Hillerman | Gewinner | 1987 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | # 7 der Serie „Leaphorn and Chee“; dt.: Die Nacht der Skinwalkers | |
1987 | The Man Who Rode Midnight | Elmer Kelton | Gewinner | 1988 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1987 | The Haunted Mesa | Louis L'Amour | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Berg des Unheils | |
1987 | Jenny's Mountain | Elaine Long | Gewinner | 1987 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1987 | A Family Apart | Joan Lowery Nixon | Gewinner | 1987 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 1 der Serie „The Orphan Train“ | |
1988 | Mattie | Judy Alter | Gewinner | 1988 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1988 | Dances With Wolves | Michael Blake (Michael Webb) | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Der mit dem Wolf tanzt | |
1988 | In the Face of Danger | Joan Lowery Nixon | Gewinner | 1988 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 3 der Serie „The Orphan Train“ | |
1988 | Spirit of the Hills | Dan O'Brien | Gewinner | 1988 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1988 | The Homesman | Glendon Swarthout | Gewinner | 1988 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | dt.: The Homesman - Es führt ein Weg zurück | |
1988 | The Homesman | Glendon Swarthout | Gewinner | 1989 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: The Homesman - Es führt ein Weg zurück | |
1988 | Stay Put, Robbie McAmis | Francis G. Tunbo | Gewinner | 1989 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
1989 | My Daniel | Pam Conrad | Gewinner | 1989 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1989 | South Texas | Ann Gabriel | Gewinner | 1989 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1989 | Broken Eagle | Chad Oliver | Gewinner | 1990 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1989 | Panther in the Sky | James Alexander Thom | Gewinner | 1989 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1989 | Fool's Coach | Richard S. Wheeler | Gewinner | 1989 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1989 | Among the Eagles | G. Clifton Wisler | Gewinner | 1989 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1990 | The Changing Wind | Don Coldsmith | Gewinner | 1990 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1990 | Honey Girl | Madge Harrah | Gewinner | 1990 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1990 | Caesar of Santa Fe | Tim MacCurdy | Gewinner | 1990 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1990 | Buffalo Girls | Larry McMurtry | Gewinner | 1991 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Buffalo Girls | |
1990 | Sanctuary | Gary D. Svee | Gewinner | 1990 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1990 | Home Mountain | Jeanne Williams | Gewinner | 1990 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1991 | Set for Life | Judith Freeman | Gewinner | 1992 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1991 | Journal of the Gun Years | Richard Matheson | Gewinner | 1991 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1991 | The Sixth Rider | Max McCoy | Gewinner | 1991 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1991 | Rescue Josh McGuire | Ben Mikaelsen | Gewinner | 1991 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1991 | The Medicine Horn | Jory Sherman | Gewinner | 1991 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1991 | A Thousand Acres | Jane Smiley | Gewinner | 1992 | Pulitzer Prize | Fiction | dt.: Tausend Morgen | |
1991 | Rage in Chupadera | Norman Zollinger | Gewinner | 1991 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1992 | Nickajack | Robert J. Conley | Gewinner | 1992 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1992 | John Stone and the Choctaw Kid | Wayne Davis (Stephen Bly) | Gewinner | 1992 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1992 | Slaughter | Elmer Kelton | Gewinner | 1992 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1992 | All the Pretty Horses | Cormac McCarthy | Gewinner | 1992 | National Book Award | Fiction | dt.: All die schönen Pferde | |
1992 | All the Pretty Horses | Cormac McCarthy | Gewinner | 1993 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: All die schönen Pferde | |
1992 | The Golden Chance | T.V. Olsen | Gewinner | 1992 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1992 | The Haymeadow | Gary Paulsen | Gewinner | 1992 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1993 | Friends | Charles Hackenberry | Gewinner | 1993 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1993 | Pigs in Heaven | Barbara Kingsolver | Gewinner | 1994 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Siebengestirn / Siebengestirn, meine Tochter | |
1993 | Empire of Bones: A Novel of Sam Houston and the Texas Revolution | Jeff Long | Gewinner | 1993 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1993 | Leaving Eldorado | Joann Mazzio | Gewinner | 1993 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1993 | The Gila River | Gary McCarthy | Gewinner | 1993 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 10 der Reihe „Rivers West“ | |
1993 | People of the Whistling Water | Mardi Oakley Medawar | Gewinner | 1993 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1993 | Before Honor | Geo. W. Proctor | Finalist | 1993 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1994 | The Plainswoman | Irene Bennett Brown | Finalist | 1994 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1994 | Hey, Cowboy, Wanna Get Lucky? | Baxter Black | Finalist | 1994 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1994 | Shortgrass Song | Mike Blakely | Finalist | 1994 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1994 | Wyatt Earp | Matt Braun | Finalist | 1994 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1994 | When Cowboys Die | Patrick Dearen | Finalist | 1994 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1994 | St. Agnes' Stand | Thomas Eidson | Gewinner | 1994 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1994 | St. Agnes' Stand | Thomas Eidson | Gewinner | 1994 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1994 | City of Widows | Loren D. Estleman | Finalist | 1994 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1994 | Bluefeather Fellini in the Sacred Realm | Max Evans | Gewinner | 1995 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1994 | Wyatt Earp | Dan Gordon | Finalist | 1994 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | dt.: Wyatt Earp - Das Leben einer Legende | |
1994 | The Hookmen | Timothy Hillmer | Finalist | 1994 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1994 | Crockett of Tennessee | Cameron Judd | Finalist | 1994 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1994 | The Far Canyon | Elmer Kelton | Gewinner | 1994 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1994 | A Dangerous Promise | Joan Lowery Nixon | Finalist | 1994 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1994 | Survival: A Novel of the Donner Party | K.C. McKenna (Robert Vaughan) | Gewinner | 1994 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1994 | The Journey of Hector Rabinal | Donley Watt | Finalist | 1994 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1994 | Cashbox | Richard S. Wheeler | Finalist | 1994 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1994 | Mr. Lincoln's Drummer | G. Clifton Wisler | Finalist | 1994 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1994 | Not of War Only | Norman Zollinger | Finalist | 1994 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1995 | Stone Song: A Novel of the Life of Crazy Horse | Win Blevins | Gewinner | 1995 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | # 3 der Reihe „American Dreamers“ | |
1995 | Lone Survivor | Will Camp (Preston Lewis) | Finalist | 1995 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1995 | The Dark Island | Robert J. Conley | Gewinner | 1995 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1995 | Indio | Sherry Garland | Gewinner | 1995 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1995 | A Sweetness to the Soul | Jane Kirkpatrick | Gewinner | 1996 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | # 1 der Reihe „Dreamcatcher“ | |
1995 | Thunder in the Valley | Jim R. Woolard | Gewinner | 1995 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1995 | Thunder in the Valley | Jim R. Woolard | Gewinner | 1995 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1996 | Blood of Texas | Will Camp (Preston Lewis) | Gewinner | 1996 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1996 | Pushing the Bear: A Novel of the Trail of Tears | Diane Glancy | Finalist | 1997 | Minnesota Book Award | Novel | _ | |
1996 | Far North | Will Hobbs | Gewinner | 1996 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | dt.: Weit im Norden | |
1996 | Out of Eden | Kate Lehrer | Gewinner | 1997 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1996 | Death of a Healing Woman | Allana Martin | Gewinner | 1996 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1996 | Potter's Fields | Frank Roderus | Gewinner | 1996 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1996 | Ghost Horses | Pamela Smith Hall | Finalist | 1996 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1996 | Sierra | Richard S. Wheeler | Gewinner | 1996 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1997 | The Mercy Seat | Rilla Askew | Gewinner | 1998 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Meines Bruders Hüter | |
1997 | The Mercy Seat | Rilla Askew | Gewinner | 1998 | Oklahoma Book Award | Fiction | dt.: Meines Bruders Hüter | |
1997 | Keepers of the Earth | LaVerne Harrell Clark | Gewinner | 1998 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1997 | The Kiowa Verdict | Cynthia Haseloff | Gewinner | 1998 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1997 | Brandish | Douglas Hirt | Finalist | 1998 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1997 | Comanche Moon | Larry McMurtry | Gewinner | 1998 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1997 | Leaving Missouri | Ellen Recknor | Gewinner | 1998 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1997 | Danger Along the Ohio | Patricia Willis | Gewinner | 1998 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1998 | Comanche Dawn | Mike Blakely | Finalist | 1999 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1998 | The Spanish Peaks | Jon Chandler | Gewinner | 1999 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1998 | The Story Teller | Margaret Coel | Finalist | 1999 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | # 4 der Reihe „Wind River Mystery“ | |
1998 | Journey of the Dead | Loren D. Estleman | Gewinner | 1999 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1998 | Journey of the Dead | Loren D. Estleman | Gewinner | 1999 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1998 | Deadwood | Douglas Hirt | Finalist | 1999 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 2 der Reihe „Boom Town“ | |
1998 | Waltzing the Cat | Pam Houston | Gewinner | 1999 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | dt.: Die Farbe des Abenteuers | |
1998 | Dark Trail | Hiram King | Gewinner | 1999 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1998 | Alice Rose & Sam | Kathryn Lasky | Gewinner | 1999 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | dt.: Alice Rose und die große Silberverschwörung | |
1998 | Daughter of Joy | JoAnn Levy | Gewinner | 1999 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
1998 | Petey | Ben Mikaelsen | Gewinner | 1999 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1998 | Riding Freedom | Pam Muñoz Ryan; Ill.: Brian Selznick | Gewinner | 1999 | WILLA Literary Award | Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
1998 | The All-True Travels and Adventures of Lidie Newton | Jane Smiley | Gewinner | 1999 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | dt.: Lidie Newton oder ein abenteuerliches Frauenleben | |
1998 | River of Our Return | Gladys Smith | Gewinner | 1999 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Paperback Fiction | _ | |
1998 | These Is My Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881-1901 | Nancy E. Turner | Finalist | 1999 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
1999 | Daughter of Fortune / im Original: Hija de la fortuna | Isabel Allende | Gewinner | 2000 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | dt.: Fortunas Tochter | |
1999 | The White Horses | C.A. Bauer | Finalist | 2000 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Paperback Fiction | _ | |
1999 | Ten and Me | Johnny D. Boggs | Finalist | 2000 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
1999 | Right from Wrong | Cindy Bonner | Finalist | 2000 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
1999 | Wrango | Brian Burks | Gewinner | 2000 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
1999 | Mine Work | Jim Davidson | Gewinner | 2000 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
1999 | Mine Work | Jim Davidson | Gewinner | 2000 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
1999 | The Birchbark House | Louise Erdrich | Finalist | 1999 | National Book Award | Young People's Literature | dt.: Ein Jahr mit sieben Wintern | |
1999 | The Birchbark House | Louise Erdrich | Gewinner | 2000 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | dt.: Ein Jahr mit sieben Wintern | |
1999 | The Birchbark House | Louise Erdrich | Gewinner | 2000 | WILLA Literary Award | Young Adult Fiction | dt.: Ein Jahr mit sieben Wintern | |
1999 | Jason's Gold | Will Hobbs | Finalist | 2000 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | dt.: Im Goldrausch | |
1999 | The Contract Surgeon | Dan O'Brien | Gewinner | 2000 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
1999 | Close Range: Wyoming Stories | Annie Proulx | Gewinner | 2000 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | dt.: Weit draußen: Geschichten aus Wyoming | |
1999 | Close Range: Wyoming Stories | Annie Proulx | Finalist | 2000 | Pulitzer Prize | Fiction | dt.: Weit draußen: Geschichten aus Wyoming | |
1999 | Prophet Annie | Ellen Recknor | Gewinner | 2000 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
1999 | Prophet Annie | Ellen Recknor | Gewinner | 2000 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Paperback Fiction | _ | |
1999 | Red Flower Goes West | Ann Turner; Ill.: Dennis Nolan | Gewinner | 2000 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's Fiction | _ | |
1999 | Masterson | Richard S. Wheeler | Gewinner | 2000 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2000 | Smoke Eaters | Christine Andreae | Finalist | 2001 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2000 | The Chivalry of Crime | Desmond Barry | Gewinner | 2001 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
2000 | Summer of Pearls | Mike Blakely | Gewinner | 2001 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2000 | Dead Man Falls | Paula Boyd | Gewinner | 2001 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Paperback Fiction | # 2 der Serie „Jolene Jackson Mystery“ | |
2000 | The Spirit Woman | Margaret Coel | Gewinner | 2001 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | # 6 der Reihe „Wind River Mystery“ | |
2000 | The Spirit Woman | Margaret Coel | Gewinner | 2001 | Colorado Book Award | Mystery Fiction | # 6 der Reihe „Wind River Mystery“ | |
2000 | Alice's Tulips | Sandra Dallas | Finalist | 2001 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2000 | A Rant of Ravens | Christine Goff | Finalist | 2001 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Paperback Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Birdwatcher's Mystery“ | |
2000 | Holding Up the Earth | Dianne E. Gray | Finalist | 2001 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2000 | Painted by the Sun | Elizabeth Grayson (Karen Witmer-Gow) | Finalist | 2001 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Paperback Fiction | _ | |
2000 | Twisted River | Mel Hague | Gewinner | 2012 | Global ebook Award | Western Fiction | 2011 wiederveröffentlicht; # 1 der Serie „Sheriff Jud Harris“ | |
2000 | Catching Heaven | Sands Hall | Finalist | 2001 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | dt.: Den Himmel umarmen | |
2000 | The Gates of the Alamo | Stephen Harrigan | Gewinner | 2001 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
2000 | The Gates of the Alamo | Stephen Harrigan | Gewinner | 2001 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2000 | For California's Gold | JoAnn Levy | Gewinner | 2001 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2000 | Soul of the Sacred Earth | Vella Munn | Finalist | 2001 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | # 4 der Serie „Soul Searchers“ | |
2000 | Esperanza Rising | Pam Muñoz Ryan | Gewinner | 2001 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2000 | The Likes of Me | Randall Platt | Finalist | 2001 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2000 | Requiem at Dawn | Sheldon Russell | Finalist | 2001 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2000 | Bound for the Promise Land | Troy D. Smith | Gewinner | 2001 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2000 | The Midnight Train Home | Erika Tamar | Gewinner | 2001 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2000 | The Witness | Richard S. Wheeler | Finalist | 2001 | Spur Award | ?Best Western Novel? | ||
2001 | Moon Medicine | Mike Blakely | Finalist | 2002 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
2001 | Open Season | C.J. Box | Finalist | 2002 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | # 1 der Serie „Joe Pickett“ | |
2001 | The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse | Louise Erdrich | Finalist | 2001 | National Book Award | Fiction | dt.: Die Wunder von Little No Horse | |
2001 | The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse | Louise Erdrich | Gewinner | 2002 | Minnesota Book Award | Novel | dt.: Die Wunder von Little No Horse | |
2001 | The Master Executioner | Loren D. Estleman | Gewinner | 2002 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2001 | The Master Executioner | Loren D. Estleman | Finalist | 2002 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2001 | Walk Across the Sea | Susan Fletcher | Finalist | 2002 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2001 | Walk Across the Sea | Susan Fletcher | Finalist | 2002 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2001 | The Good Journey | Micaela Gilchrist | Gewinner | 2002 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2001 | Death of a Songbird | Christine Goff | Finalist | 2002 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Paperback Fiction | # 2 der Serie „Birdwatcher's Mystery“ | |
2001 | The Jasmine Trade | Denise Hamilton | Finalist | 2002 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2001 | Delfino's Journey | Jo Harper | Gewinner | 2002 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
2001 | Boston Jane: An Adventure | Jennifer L. Holm | Finalist | 2002 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | dt.: Boston Jane: Ein Mädchen in der Wildnis | |
2001 | The Magic of Ordinary Days | Ann Howard Creel | Finalist | 2002 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2001 | Across the Sweet Grass Hills | Gail L. Jenner | Gewinner | 2002 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Paperback Fiction | _ | |
2001 | Last Year's River | Allen Morris Jones | Finalist | 2002 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
2001 | The Way of the Coyote | Elmer Kelton | Gewinner | 2002 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2001 | Code of the West | Aaron Latham | Finalist | 2002 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
2001 | This House of Women | Paul Scott Malone | Gewinner | 2002 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2001 | Touching Spirit Bear | Ben Mikaelsen | Finalist | 2002 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2001 | Fragile Treaties | Faye Roberts | Finalist | 2002 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Paperback Fiction | _ | |
2001 | Rockbuster | Gloria Skurzynski | Gewinner | 2002 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2001 | Cissy Funk | Kim Taylor | Gewinner | 2002 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2001 | Corps of Discovery | Jeffrey W. Tenney | Gewinner | 2002 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
2001 | Corps of Discovery | Jeffrey W. Tenney | Finalist | 2002 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2001 | The Water and the Blood | Nancy E. Turner | Finalist | 2002 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2001 | The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint | Brady Udall | Gewinner | 2002 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | dt.: Das wundersame Leben des Edgar Mint / Der Bierdosenbaum | |
2001 | Heart of the Beast | Joyce Weatherford | Finalist | 2002 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2001 | Blind Your Ponies | Stanley Gordon West | Finalist | 2002 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2001 | Drum's Ring | Richard S. Wheeler | Gewinner | 2002 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2001 | Restitution | Richard S. Wheeler | Finalist | 2002 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2002 | Flight from Fear | Sarah Byrn Rickman | Finalist | 2003 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Paperback Fiction | _ | |
2002 | The Callings | Henry C. Chappell | Finalist | 2003 | Spur Award | Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel) | _ | |
2002 | Moon of Bitter Cold | Frederick J. Chiaventone | Gewinner | 2003 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2002 | The Shadow Dancer | Margaret Coel | Gewinner | 2003 | Colorado Book Award | Mystery Fiction | # 8 der Reihe „Wind River Mystery“ | |
2002 | The Chili Queen | Sandra Dallas | Gewinner | 2003 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | dt.: Die Chili Queen | |
2002 | The Chili Queen | Sandra Dallas | Finalist | 2003 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | dt.: Die Chili Queen | |
2002 | Strength of Stone | Dianne Elliott | Finalist | 2003 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2002 | Whistler in the Dark | Kathleen Ernst | Finalist | 2003 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2002 | Together Apart | Dianne E. Gray | Gewinner | 2003 | Nebraska Book Award | Children / Young Adult | _ | |
2002 | Together Apart | Dianne E. Gray | Finalist | 2003 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2002 | The Big Burn | Jeanette Ingold | Gewinner | 2003 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2002 | Enemy Women | Paulette Jiles | Gewinner | 2003 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2002 | Small Rocks Rising | Susan Lang | Gewinner | 2003 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Paperback Fiction | _ | |
2002 | The Caballeros of Ruby, Texas | Cynthia Leal Massey | Finalist | 2003 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Paperback Fiction | _ | |
2002 | Perma Red | Debra Magpie Earling | Gewinner | 2003 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
2002 | Perma Red | Debra Magpie Earling | Gewinner | 2003 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2002 | A Circle of Time: A Time Travel Mystery | Marisa Montes | Gewinner | 2003 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2002 | Silver Lies | Ann Parker | Finalist | 2003 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | # 1 der Serie „Silver Rush Mystery“ | |
2002 | Silver Lies | Ann Parker | Gewinner | 2004 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Silver Rush Mystery“ | |
2002 | The Revenant: A Novel of Revenge | Michael Punke | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Der Totgeglaubte: Eine wahre Geschichte / The Revenant - Der Rückkehrer | |
2002 | No Man Standing | Barbara Seranella | Finalist | 2003 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | # 5 der Serie „Munch Mancini“ | |
2002 | Jo's Triumph | Nikki Tate | Finalist | 2003 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2002 | Bad Faith | Aimée Thurlo & David Thurlo | Finalist | 2003 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Sister Agatha Mystery“ | |
2002 | Oblivion's Altar: A Novel of Courage | David Marion Wilkinson | Gewinner | 2003 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2003 | The Scout | Lynna Banning | Finalist | 2004 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2003 | The Lucky | H. Lee Barnes | Finalist | 2004 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2003 | So Wild a Dream | Win Blevins | Gewinner | 2004 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | # 1 der Serie „Rendezvous“ | |
2003 | Spark on the Prairie: The Trial of the Kiowa Chiefs | Johnny D. Boggs | Gewinner | 2004 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2003 | Matchless | Jane Candia Coleman | Finalist | 2004 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2003 | In the Eye of the Storm: The Adventures of Young Buffalo Bill | Elizabeth Cody Kimmel | Gewinner | 2004 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2003 | Rodzina | Karen Cushman | Gewinner | 2004 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | dt.: Rodzina | |
2003 | Fireweed: A Woman's Saga in Gold Rush America | Carolyn Evans Campbell | Finalist | 2004 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2003 | Stone Heart: A Novel of Sacajawea | Diane Glancy | Finalist | 2004 | Minnesota Book Award | Novel | _ | |
2003 | I Should Be Extremely Happy in Your Company | Brian Hall | Gewinner | 2004 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2003 | The Long Way West | Hershell H. Nixon | Finalist | 2004 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2003 | All Over Creation | Ruth Ozeki | Gewinner | 2004 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2003 | Meadow Lark | Mary Peace Finley | Finalist | 2004 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2003 | Unpaid Dues | Barbara Seranella | Finalist | 2004 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | # 6 der Serie „Munch Mancini“ | |
2003 | Deliverance Valley | Gladys Smith | Gewinner | 2004 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2003 | The Sergeant's Lady | Miles Hood Swarthout | Gewinner | 2004 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2003 | Desert Wives | Betty Webb | Finalist | 2004 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | # 2 der Serie „Lena Jones Mystery“ | |
2003 | Plain Language | Barbara Wright | Gewinner | 2004 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2004 | Ghost Ocean | Richard Benke | Finalist | 2005 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2004 | Field of Honor | D.L. Birchfield | Gewinner | 2005 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2004 | Where Heaven Begins | Rosanne Bittner | Finalist | 2005 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2004 | Tombstone Travesty: Allie Earp Remembers | Jane Candia Coleman | Gewinner | 2005 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2004 | Blood Kin | Henry C. Chappell | Finalist | 2005 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
2004 | Wife of Moon | Margaret Coel | Gewinner | 2005 | Colorado Book Award | Mystery Fiction | # 10 der Reihe „Wind River Mystery“ | |
2004 | Fire in the Hole! | Mary Cronk Farrell | Gewinner | 2005 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2004 | And Not to Yield: A Novel of the Life and Times of Wild Bill Hickok | Randy Lee Eickhoff | Gewinner | 2005 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2004 | Four Souls | Louise Erdrich | Finalist | 2005 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2004 | A Sudden Country | Karen Fisher | Finalist | 2005 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2004 | People of the Raven | W. Michael Gear & Kathleen O'Neal Gear | Gewinner | 2005 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | # 12 der Serie „North America's Forgotten Past“ | |
2004 | Echoes | Erin Grady | Gewinner | 2005 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2004 | Moon in the Water | Elizabeth Grayson (Karen Witmer-Gow) | Finalist | 2005 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2004 | Last Lullaby | Denise Hamilton | Finalist | 2005 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2004 | Worth | A. LaFaye | Finalist | 2005 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2004 | Nothing Here but Stones | Nancy Oswald | Gewinner | 2005 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2004 | Bad Dirt: Wyoming Stories 2 | Annie Proulx | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Hinterland: Neue Geschichten aus Wyoming | |
2004 | The Real Minerva | Mary Sharratt | Gewinner | 2005 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2004 | Higher Ground | Gladys Smith | Finalist | 2005 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2004 | Buy the Chief a Cadillac | Rick Steber | Gewinner | 2005 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2004 | Useful Girl | Marcus Stevens | Finalist | 2005 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2004 | Vengeance Valley | Richard S. Wheeler | Gewinner | 2005 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2005 | Buffalo Calf Road Woman: The Story of a Warrior of the Little Bighorn | Rosemary Agonito & Joseph Agonito | Gewinner | 2006 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2005 | Loving Mercy | Teresa Bodwell | Finalist | 2006 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2005 | Loving Miranda | Teresa Bodwell | Finalist | 2006 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2005 | Camp Ford | Johnny D. Boggs | Co-Gewinner | 2006 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2005 | Dakota | Matt Braun | Gewinner | 2006 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2005 | Apache Lance, Franciscan Cross | Florence Byham Weinberg | Finalist | 2006 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2005 | Eye of the Wolf | Margaret Coel | Gewinner | 2006 | Colorado Book Award | Mystery Fiction | # 11 der Reihe „Wind River Mystery“ | |
2005 | A Feather in the Rain | Alex Cord | Finalist | 2006 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2005 | New Mercies | Sandra Dallas | Gewinner | 2006 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2005 | The Undertaker's Wife | Loren D. Estleman | Co-Gewinner | 2006 | Spur Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2005 | Hombrecito's War | W. Michael Farmer | Finalist | 2006 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2005 | Anna's Blizzard | Alison Hart | Finalist | 2006 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2005 | Under A Stand Still Moon | Ann Howard Creel | Finalist | 2006 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2005 | Summer of Fire | Linda Jacobs | Gewinner | 2006 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | # 1 der Reihe „Yellowstone“ | |
2005 | Summer of Fire | Linda Jacobs | 4. Platz (geteilt) | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | 2019 wiederveröffentlicht | |
2005 | Black Storm Comin' | Diane Lee Wilson | Gewinner | 2006 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2005 | No Country for Old Men | Cormac McCarthy | _ | _ | _ | _ | dt.: Kein Land für alte Männer | |
2005 | Return to Abo | Sharon Niederman | Finalist | 2006 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2005 | Appaloosa | Robert B. Parker | _ | _ | _ | _ | # 1 der Serie „Virgil Cole & Everett Hitch“; dt.: Appaloosa | |
2005 | Crazy Quilt | Paula Paul | Finalist | 2006 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2005 | Sky Bridge | Laura Pritchett | Gewinner | 2006 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2005 | Big Lonesome: Stories | Jim Ruland | Finalist | 2006 | Spur Award | Short Fiction Story | _ | |
2005 | Sarah's Quilt | Nancy E. Turner | Finalist | 2006 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | dt.: Goldenes Land | |
2005 | High Country | Willard Wyman | Gewinner | 2006 | Spur Award | Best Novel of the West | _ | |
2005 | High Country | Willard Wyman | Gewinner | 2006 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2006 | Bleeding Hearts | Susan Wittig Albert | Finalist | 2007 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2006 | Hallowed Ground | Lori G. Armstrong | Gewinner | 2007 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | # 2 der Serie „PI Julie Collins“ | |
2006 | Deserter | Paul Bagdon | Finalist | 2007 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2006 | Absaroka | Joan Bochmann | Finalist | 2006 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2006 | The Hart Brand | Johnny D. Boggs | Finalist | 2007 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2006 | The Last Jaguar | Bruce Bradley | Finalist | 2006 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2006 | Geronimo | Joseph Bruchac | Gewinner | 2007 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2006 | The Girl from Charnelle | K.L. Cook | Gewinner | 2007 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2006 | The Night Journal | Elizabeth Crook | Gewinner | 2007 | Spur Award | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2006 | The Night Journal | Elizabeth Crook | Gewinner | 2007 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2006 | Quarry | Susan Cummins Miller | Finalist | 2007 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2006 | The Lawless Frontier | Randy Denmon | Finalist | 2007 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2006 | The Whistling Season | Ivan Doig | Finalist | 2007 | Spur Award | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2006 | The Adventures of Johnny Vermillion | Loren D. Estleman | Finalist | 2007 | Spur Award | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2006 | The Lost Thoughts of Soldiers | Delia Falconer | Finalist | 2007 | Spur Award | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2006 | Broken Trail | Alan Geoffrion | Gewinner | 2006 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2006 | Broken Trail | Alan Geoffrion | Gewinner | 2007 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2006 | Broken Trail | Alan Geoffrion | Gewinner | 2007 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2006 | Horses They Rode | Sid Gustafson | Finalist | 2007 | High Plains Book Award | Book of the Year | _ | |
2006 | Teresa's Journey | Josephine Harper & Jo Harper | Finalist | 2007 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2006 | Augusta Locke | William Haywood Henderson | Finalist | 2007 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2006 | Augusta Locke | William Haywood Henderson | Finalist | 2007 | Spur Award | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2006 | Nick & Slim: The Legend of Falcon Mine | Pamela L.V. Henn | Finalist | 2006 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2006 | The Shape Shifter | Tony Hillerman | Gewinner | 2007 | Spur Award | Best Western Short Novel | # 18 der Serie „Leaphorn and Chee“ | |
2006 | Call Me the Canyon | Ann Howard Creel | Finalist | 2007 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2006 | Rain of Fire | Linda Jacobs | Finalist | 2007 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | # 2 der Reihe „Yellowstone“ | |
2006 | Rain of Fire | Linda Jacobs | 4. Platz (geteilt) | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | 2019 wiederveröffentlicht | |
2006 | A Clearing in the Wild | Jane Kirkpatrick | Finalist | 2007 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Change and Cherish“ | |
2006 | Hattie Big Sky | Kirby Larson | Gewinner | 2006 | Montana Book Award | _ | _ | |
2006 | Hattie Big Sky | Kirby Larson | Finalist | 2007 | Newbery Medal | Best Novel | _ | |
2006 | One Night in a Bad Inn | Christy Leskovar | Finalist | 2007 | High Plains Book Award | Best New Book | _ | |
2006 | Iron Ties | Ann Parker | Gewinner | 2007 | Colorado Book Award | Mystery Fiction | # 2 der Serie „Silver Rush Mystery“ | |
2006 | The Horse Creek Incident | Dusty Richards | Gewinner | 2007 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 1 der Serie „Herschel Baker“ | |
2006 | Dreams to Dust: A Tale of the Oklahoma Land Rush | Sheldon Russell | Gewinner | 2007 | Oklahoma Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2006 | Elsie's Business | Frances Washburn | Finalist | 2007 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2006 | Harvey Girl | Sheila Wood Foard | Gewinner | 2007 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2006 | X-Indian Chronicles: The Book of Mausape | Thomas M. Yeahpau | Finalist | 2007 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2007 | Spanish Dagger | Susan Wittig Albert | Finalist | 2008 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2007 | Shallow Grave | Lori G. Armstrong | Finalist | 2008 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | # 3 der Serie „PI Julie Collins“ | |
2007 | Shallow Grave | Lori G. Armstrong | Finalist | 2008 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | # 3 der Serie „PI Julie Collins“ | |
2007 | Harpsong | Rilla Askew | Gewinner | 2008 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2007 | Harpsong | Rilla Askew | Gewinner | 2008 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2007 | Harpsong | Rilla Askew | Gewinner | 2008 | Oklahoma Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2007 | Doubtful Cañon | Johnny D. Boggs | Gewinner | 2008 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2007 | Northfield | Johnny D. Boggs | Finalist | 2008 | Spur Award | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2007 | The Girl With Braided Hair | Margaret Coel | Gewinner | 2008 | Colorado Book Award | Mystery Fiction | # 13 der Reihe „Wind River Mystery“ | |
2007 | Journey to San Jacinto | Melodie A. Cuate | Gewinner | 2008 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
2007 | Tallgrass | Sandra Dallas | Gewinner | 2008 | Spur Award | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2007 | Tallgrass | Sandra Dallas | Finalist | 2008 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2007 | Blood on the Rimrock | Phil Dunlap | Finalist | 2009 | Best Books of Indiana | Fiction | _ | |
2007 | Bronc Buster: Short Stories of the American West | Dave P. Fisher | Gewinner | 2008 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2007 | The Hearts of Horses | Molly Gloss | Finalist | 2008 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2007 | Lake of Fire | Linda Jacobs | Finalist | 2008 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 3 der Reihe „Yellowstone“ | |
2007 | Lake of Fire | Linda Jacobs | Finalist | 2008 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | # 3 der Reihe „Yellowstone“ | |
2007 | Lake of Fire | Linda Jacobs | 4. Platz (geteilt) | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | 2019 wiederveröffentlicht | |
2007 | Ambush at Mustang Canyon | Mike Kearby | Finalist | 2008 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 3 der Serie „Free Anderson & Parks Scott“ | |
2007 | A Tendering in the Storm | Jane Kirkpatrick | Gewinner | 2008 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | # 2 der Serie „Change and Cherish“ | |
2007 | A Feast of Longing | Sarah Klassen | Gewinner | 2008 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2007 | Pioneer Lady | Lester Fulford Kramer | Finalist | 2007 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2007 | The God of Animals | Aryb Kyle | Gewinner | 2008 | Spur Award | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2007 | Cibolero | Kermit D. Lopez | Gewinner | 2007 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2007 | The Night Birds | Thomas Maltman | Gewinner | 2008 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2007 | The Night Birds | Thomas Maltman | Finalist | 2008 | Spur Award | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2007 | Pedrito’s World | Arturo O. Martínez | Finalist | 2008 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2007 | Hellfire Canyon | Max McCoy | Gewinner | 2008 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 1 der Serie „Jacob Gamble“ | |
2007 | Hellfire Canyon | Max McCoy | Co-Gewinner | 2008 | Kansas Notable Book | _ | # 1 der Serie „Jacob Gamble“ | |
2007 | Where the Rivers Run North | Sam Morton | Finalist | 2008 | High Plains Book Award | First Book | _ | |
2007 | Paint the Wind | Pam Muñoz Ryan | Finalist | 2008 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2007 | Raven Springs | John D. Nesbitt | Finalist | 2008 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2007 | What the Thunder Said | Janet Peery | Gewinner | 2008 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2007 | Toquop: The Warrior Stallion | Mike Prince | Gewinner | 2008 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Young Adult | _ | |
2007 | Longhorn Lullabies | Joanne K. Rhoades | Gewinner | 2008 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Elementary | _ | |
2007 | Seven Ox Seven, Part One: Escondido Bound | P.A. Ritzer | Gewinner | 2008 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2007 | Seven Ox Seven, Part One: Escondido Bound | P.A. Ritzer | Gewinner | 2008 | National Indie Excellence Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2007 | Seven Ox Seven, Part One: Escondido Bound | P.A. Ritzer | Gewinner | 2008 | Hollywood Book Festival | Western | _ | |
2007 | The Watershed Years | Russell Rowland | Finalist | 2008 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2007 | Migration Patterns: Stories | Gary L. Schanbacher | Gewinner | 2008 | High Plains Book Award | First Book | _ | |
2007 | Deadman's Switch | Barbara Seranella | Finalist | 2008 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Charlotte Lyon“ | |
2007 | Turpentine | Spring Warren | Finalist | 2008 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2007 | Turpentine | Spring Warren | Finalist | 2008 | High Plains Book Award | First Book | _ | |
2007 | The Canyon of Bones | Richard S. Wheeler | Finalist | 2008 | Spur Award | Best Western Short Novel | # 15 der Serie „Barnaby Skye“ | |
2008 | Wild Inferno | Sandi Ault | Finalist | 2009 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | # 2 der Reihe „Wild Mystery“ | |
2008 | A Dance Around the Desert | Raechel Bailey Kolb | Finalist | 2008 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2008 | Dreams Beneath Your Feet | Win Blevins | Finalist | 2009 | Spur Award | Best Western Short Novel | # 6 der Serie „Rendezvous“ | |
2008 | Killstraight | Johnny D. Boggs | Finalist | 2009 | Spur Award | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2008 | Wolves at Our Door | J.P.S. Brown | Finalist | 2009 | Spur Award | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2008 | God's Thunderbolt: The Vigilantes of Montana | Carol A. Buchanan | Gewinner | 2009 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2008 | Beyond the Smoke | Terry W. Burns | Gewinner | 2009 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Young Adult | _ | |
2008 | The Sky Took Him | Donis Casey | Finalist | 2010 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | # 4 der Serie „Alafair Tucker Mystery“ | |
2008 | Jackalope Dreams | Mary Clearman Blew | Gewinner | 2009 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2008 | Shavetail | Thomas Cobb | Gewinner | 2009 | Spur Award | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2008 | Journey to Gonzales | Melodie A. Cuate | Gewinner | 2009 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
2008 | Hoodoo | Susan Cummins Miller | Finalist | 2009 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2008 | So Brave, Young, and Handsome | Leif Enger | Gewinner | 2009 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2008 | Undiscovered Country | Lin Enger | Finalist | 2009 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2008 | The Plague of Doves | Louise Erdrich | Gewinner | 2009 | Minnesota Book Award | Novel | dt.: Solange du lebst | |
2008 | The Plague of Doves | Louise Erdrich | Finalist | 2009 | Pulitzer Prize | Fiction | dt.: Solange du lebst | |
2008 | The Buffalo Rock | Bob Faulkner | Finalist | 2009 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2008 | The Trespassers | Andrew J. Fenady | Finalist | 2009 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2008 | Sherlock Holmes: The Montana Chronicles | John S. Fitzpatrick | Finalist | 2009 | High Plains Book Award | First Book | _ | |
2008 | Her Enemies, Blue and Gray | Ellen Gray Massey | Finalist | 2009 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2008 | Arizona War | Melody Groves | Gewinner | 2008 | New Mexico/Arizona Book Award | Historical Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Colton Brothers Saga“ | |
2008 | Charley's Choice: The Life and Times of Charley Parkhurst | Fern J. Hill | Gewinner | 2009 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2008 | Another Man's Moccasins | Craig Johnson | Gewinner | 2009 | Spur Award | Best Western Short Novel | # 4 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“ | |
2008 | Another Man's Moccasins | Craig Johnson | Finalist | 2009 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | # 4 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“ | |
2008 | I am Apache | Tanya Landman | Gewinner | 2009 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | dt.: Apache | |
2008 | Massacre at Pilgrim's Pass | Tim Lister | Finalist | 2008 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2008 | El Tigre | John H. Manhold | Finalist | 2008 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2008 | The Long Knives Are Crying | Joseph M. Marshall III | Finalist | 2009 | Spur Award | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2008 | I, Quantrill | Max McCoy | Finalist | 2009 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2008 | Kyleah's Tree | Janet Muirhead Hill | Finalist | 2009 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2008 | Trouble at the Redstone | John D. Nesbitt | Gewinner | 2009 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2008 | Chances | Pamela Nowak | Finalist | 2009 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2008 | Sittin' Round the Stove: Stories from the Real West | Ken Overcast | Gewinner | 2009 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2008 | The Last Cowgirl | Jana Richman | Gewinner | 2009 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2008 | River of the Arms of God | Irene Sandell | Finalist | 2009 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2008 | Buffalo Bill's Defunct | Sheila Simonson | Gewinner | 2009 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | # 1 der Reihe „Latouche County Mystery“ | |
2008 | In the Shadow of Rebellion | Gladys Smith | Finalist | 2009 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2008 | The Gold Rush Kid | Mary Waldorf | Finalist | 2009 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2009 | Counting the Cost | Liz Adair | Finalist | 2009 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2009 | Counting the Cost | Liz Adair | Finalist | 2010 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2009 | Wild Sorrow | Sandi Ault | Gewinner | 2010 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | # 3 der Reihe „Wild Mystery“ | |
2009 | Wild Sorrow | Sandi Ault | Finalist | 2010 | Spur Award | Best Western Short Novel | # 3 der Reihe „Wild Mystery“ | |
2009 | The General and Monaville, Texas | Joe G. Bax | Co-Gewinner? | 2011 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2009 | The General and Monaville, Texas | Joe G. Bax | Finalist | 2010 | International Book Award | Fiction: Historical | _ | |
2009 | The General and Monaville, Texas | Joe G. Bax | Finalist | 2010 | International Book Award | Fiction: Young Adult | _ | |
2009 | A Cold Place in Hell | William Blinn | Finalist | 2010 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2009 | Hard Winter | Johnny D. Boggs | Gewinner | 2010 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2009 | Adam's Daughter | David Bowles | Finalist | 2010 | International Book Award | Fiction: Historical | # 2 der Serie „Westward Sagas“ | |
2009 | Hanging Judge | Lyle Brandt (Michael Newton) | Finalist | 2010 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 5 der Serie „The Lawman“ | |
2009 | Wind Dancer | Jamie Carie | Finalist | 2010 | Best Books of Indiana | Fiction | _ | |
2009 | One-Eyed Jacks | Bob Cherry | Finalist | 2010 | Spur Award | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2009 | White Seed: The Untold Story of the Lost Colony of Roanoke | Paul Clayton | Finalist | 2010 | International Book Award | Fiction: Historical | _ | |
2009 | Journey to Goliad | Melodie A. Cuate | Finalist | 2010 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2009 | Prayers for Sale | Sandra Dallas | Finalist | 2010 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2009 | Love Finds You in Liberty, Indiana | Melanie Dobson | Gewinner | 2010 | Best Books of Indiana | Fiction | # 10 der Reihe „Love Finds You“ | |
2009 | Sheepeater: To Cry for a Vision | Joseph L. Dorris | Finalist | 2009 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2009 | Power's Garden | Dianne Ebertt Beeaff | Finalist | 2010 | International Book Award | Fiction: Historical | _ | |
2009 | Jacob's Hollow | Duane Vadron Evans | Gewinner | 2010 | International Book Award | Fiction: Western | # 1 der Serie „Jacob Keever“ | |
2009 | The Mimbre Trail | Duane Vadron Evans | Finalist | 2010 | International Book Award | Fiction: Western | # 2 der Serie „Jacob Keever“ | |
2009 | The Mimbre Trail | Duane Vadron Evans | Finalist | 2010 | International Book Award | Fiction: Historical | # 2 der Serie „Jacob Keever“ | |
2009 | Echoes of Glory | Robert Flynn | Gewinner | 2010 | Spur Award | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2009 | Euphoria | Connie Gault | Finalist | 2010 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2009 | Spoon | Robert Greer | Finalist | 2010 | Spur Award | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2009 | Spoon | Robert Greer | Finalist | 2010 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2009 | The White Ox: The Journey of Emily Swain Squires | Ruth Hailstone, Ill.: Dan Burr | Finalist | 2010 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2009 | Lee and Eli's Quest | WC Hargis | Finalist | 2009 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2009 | Ride for Justice | John W. Harte | Gewinner | 2009 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2009 | A Flickering Light | Jane Kirkpatrick | Gewinner | 2010 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Portrait of the Heart“ | |
2009 | 600 Hours of Edward | Craig Lancaster | Finalist | 2009 | Montana Book Award | _ | dt.: 600 Stunden aus Edwards Leben | |
2009 | 600 Hours of Edward | Craig Lancaster | Gewinner | 2010 | High Plains Book Award | First Book | dt.: 600 Stunden aus Edwards Leben | |
2009 | The Devil's Paintbox | Victoria McKernan | Finalist | 2010 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2009 | Twisted Tree | Kent Meyers | Gewinner | 2010 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2009 | Bull Rider | Suzanne Morgan Williams | Gewinner | 2010 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
2009 | What Lies West | LaDene Morton | Finalist | 2010 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2009 | The Healing One | Deb Murzyn | Finalist | 2010 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2009 | Stranger in Thunder Basin | John D. Nesbitt | Gewinner | 2010 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2009 | Far Bright Star | Robert Olmstead | Gewinner | 2010 | Spur Award | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2009 | Dry Gulch | Judith Parr Simmons | Finalist | 2009 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2009 | Hellie Jondoe | Randall Platt | Gewinner | 2010 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2009 | Hellie Jondoe | Randall Platt | Gewinner | 2010 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Young Adult | _ | |
2009 | Texas Blood Feud | Dusty Richards | Gewinner | 2010 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Byrnes Family Ranch“ | |
2009 | The Sundown Chaser | Dusty Richards | Gewinner | 2010 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | # 3 der Serie „Herschel Baker“ | |
2009 | A Sandhills Ballad | Ladette Rudolph | Finalist | 2010 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2009 | Desert Heat, Desert Cold, and Other Tales of the West | Charlie Steel | Finalist | 2009 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2009 | Three Threads Woven | Lucinda Stein | Finalist | 2010 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2009 | The Rattlesnake Season | Larry D. Sweazy | Finalist | 2010 | Best Books of Indiana | Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Josiah Wolfe, Texas Ranger“ | |
2009 | Cowgirl Dreams | Heidi M. Thomas | Finalist | 2009 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | # 1 der Serie „Cowgirl Dreams“ | |
2009 | Tenderfoot | Mary E. Trimble | Finalist | 2010 | Spur Award | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2009 | My Name is Falon: One Woman's Saga from Scotland to the Texas Frontier | Kim Wiese | Gewinner | 2010 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2010 | No Mercy | Lori G. Armstrong | Finalist | 2011 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Mercy Gunderson“ | |
2010 | Wild Penance | Sandi Ault | Finalist | 2011 | Spur Award | Best Western Short Novel | # 4 der Reihe „Wild Mystery“ | |
2010 | 'Nada | Daniel Boyd (Dan Stumpf) | Finalist | 2011 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2010 | Manhunt | Lyle Brandt (Michael Newton) | Gewinner | 2011 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | # 6 der Serie „The Lawman“ | |
2010 | Avenging Angels | Lyle Brandt (Michael Newton) | Finalist | 2011 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 7 der Serie „The Lawman“ | |
2010 | Avenging Angels | Lyle Brandt (Michael Newton) | Finalist | 2011 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | # 7 der Serie „The Lawman“ | |
2010 | Gold Under Ice | Carol A. Buchanan | Finalist | 2011 | Spur Award | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2010 | Impatient with Desire | Gabrielle Burton | Gewinner | 2011 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2010 | The Spider's Web | Margaret Coel | Gewinner | 2011 | Colorado Book Award | Mystery Fiction | # 15 der Reihe „Wind River Mystery“ | |
2010 | Whiter Than Snow | Sandra Dallas | Finalist | 2011 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2010 | Red Fox Woman | Judy Ann Davis | Finalist | 2011 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2010 | Red Fox Woman | Judy Ann Davis | Finalist | 2011 | International Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2010 | Crosswire | Dotti Enderle | Finalist | 2011 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2010 | Settler's Chase | D.H. Eraldi | Finalist | 2011 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2010 | Settler's Chase | D.H. Eraldi | Finalist | 2011 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2010 | Roy and Lillie: A Love Story | Loren D. Estleman | Finalist | 2011 | Spur Award | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2010 | Unbroken | Jamie Lisa Forbes | Gewinner | 2011 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2010 | Ghosts of Wyoming: Stories | Alyson Hagy | Gewinner | 2011 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2010 | Stealing the Wild | Beth Hodder | Finalist | 2011 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2010 | They Rode Good Horses | D.B. Jackson | Co-Gewinner? | 2012 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2010 | They Rode Good Horses | D.B. Jackson | Gewinner | 2013 | Laramie Award | Prairie/Pioneer | _ | |
2010 | Jackson Hole Journey | Linda Jacobs | 4. Platz | 2014 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 4 der Reihe „Yellowstone“ | |
2010 | The Chameleon Rancher | Pat Jacobs | Co-Gewinner? | 2011 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2010 | A Hundred Miles to Water | Mike Kearby | Co-Gewinner? | 2011 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2010 | Blessing, Bullets and Bad Bad Men | B.A. Kelly | Finalist | 2012 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2010 | An Absence So Great | Jane Kirkpatrick | Finalist | 2011 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | # 2 der Serie „Portrait of the Heart“ | |
2010 | Take Me Home | Brian Leung | Gewinner | 2011 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2010 | Damnation Road | Max McCoy | Gewinner | 2011 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 3 der Serie „Jacob Gamble“ | |
2010 | Love Finds You in Golden, New Mexico | Lena Nelson Dooley | Co-Gewinner? | 2011 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 27 der Reihe „Love Finds You“ | |
2010 | The Midnight Ride of Blackwell Station | Mary Peace Finley | Finalist | 2011 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2010 | Catch a Killer by the Toe | Pete Peterson | Finalist | 2011 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Short Fiction | _ | |
2010 | Just a Cowboy | Kenny Phipps | Co-Gewinner? | 2011 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Humor | _ | |
2010 | The Scent of Rain and Lightning | Nancy Pickard | Finalist | 2011 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2010 | Galveston | Nic Pizzolatto | Gewinner | 2011 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | dt.: Galveston | |
2010 | Long Ride to Limbo | Kit Prate | Finalist | 2011 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2010 | The Burning Jacket | Nel Rand | Finalist | 2011 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2010 | Wulf's Tracks | Dusty Richards | Finalist | 2011 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 4 der Serie „Herschel Baker“ | |
2010 | Wulf's Tracks | Dusty Richards | Finalist | 2011 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | # 4 der Serie „Herschel Baker“ | |
2010 | Threads West: An American Saga | Reid Lance Rosenthal | Gewinner | 2010 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | # 1 der Serie „Threads West“ | |
2010 | Threads West: An American Saga | Reid Lance Rosenthal | Finalist | 2011 | International Book Award | Fiction: Romance | # 1 der Serie „Threads West“ | |
2010 | Threads West: An American Saga | Reid Lance Rosenthal | Finalist | 2014 | International Book Award | Fiction: Western | # 1 der Serie „Threads West“ | |
2010 | Last Train from Cuernavaca | Lucia St. Clair Robson | Gewinner | 2011 | Spur Award | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2010 | Last Train from Cuernavaca | Lucia St. Clair Robson | Finalist | 2011 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2010 | Light on a Distant Hill | B.J. Scott | Gewinner | 2011 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2010 | Going Through Ghosts | Mary Sojourner | Finalist | 2011 | Spur Award | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2010 | The Last Summer of the Death Warriors | Francisco X. Stork | Finalist | 2011 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2010 | The Scorpion Trail | Larry D. Sweazy | Co-Gewinner? | 2011 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 2 der Serie „Josiah Wolfe, Texas Ranger“ | |
2010 | The Scorpion Trail | Larry D. Sweazy | Gewinner | 2011 | Best Books of Indiana | Fiction | # 2 der Serie „Josiah Wolfe, Texas Ranger“ | |
2010 | Follow the Dream | Heidi M. Thomas | Gewinner | 2011 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | # 2 der Serie „Cowgirl Dreams“ | |
2010 | Moon Over Manifest | Clare Vanderpool | Gewinner | 2011 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2010 | Moon Over Manifest | Clare Vanderpool | Gewinner | 2011 | Newbery Medal | Best Novel | _ | |
2010 | Moon Over Manifest | Clare Vanderpool | Co-Gewinner | 2011 | Kansas Notable Book | _ | _ | |
2010 | Trail of Storms | Marsha Ward | Finalist | 2010 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2010 | Aliens in the Prime of Their Lives | Brad Watson | Finalist | 2011 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2010 | Hotter 'n Pecos | Bobby Weaver | Co-Gewinner? | 2011 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Humor | _ | |
2010 | Snowbound | Richard S. Wheeler | Gewinner | 2011 | Spur Award | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2010 | A Congregation of Jackals | S. Craig Zahler | Finalist | 2011 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2010 | A Congregation of Jackals | S. Craig Zahler | Finalist | 2011 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2011 | Rode | Thomas Fox Averill | Finalist | 2012 | Spur Award | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2011 | Rode | Thomas Fox Averill | Gewinner | 2012 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2011 | Rode | Thomas Fox Averill | Co-Gewinner | 2012 | Kansas Notable Book | _ | _ | |
2011 | The Legend of Dynamite George, The Mining Pack Rat | Carroll Bennett | Finalist | 2011 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2011 | Séance in Sepia | Michelle Black | Finalist | 2012 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2011 | Legacy of a Lawman | Johnny D. Boggs | Gewinner | 2012 | Spur Award | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2011 | South By Southwest | Johnny D. Boggs | Finalist | 2012 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2011 | West Texas Kill | Johnny D. Boggs | Gewinner | 2012 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2011 | Blood Trails | Lyle Brandt (Michael Newton) | Finalist | 2012 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | # 8 der Serie „The Lawman“ | |
2011 | Feast Day of Fools | James Lee Burke | Finalist | 2012 | Spur Award | Best Western Long Novel | # 3 der Reihe „Hackberry Holland“; dt.: Glut und Asche | |
2011 | The Guerrilla Man: Bloody Trail to Kansas | Steven Clark | Finalist | 2012 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2011 | Fracture | Susan Cummins Miller | Finalist | 2012 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2011 | The Bride's House | Sandra Dallas | Gewinner | 2012 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | dt.: Das Brauthaus | |
2011 | The Sisters Brothers | Patrick deWitt | Finalist | 2011 | Man Booker Prize | Best Novel | dt.: Die Sisters Brothers | |
2011 | The Sisters Brothers | Patrick deWitt | Gewinner | 2012 | Oregon Book Award | Ken Kesey Award for Fiction | dt.: Die Sisters Brothers | |
2011 | The Sisters Brothers | Patrick deWitt | Finalist | 2012 | Walter Scott Prize | Best Historical Novel | dt.: Die Sisters Brothers | |
2011 | Dismal River | Wayne D. Dundee | Gewinner | 2012 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2011 | The Year We Were Famous | Carole Estby Dagg | Gewinner | 2012 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2011 | The Year We Were Famous | Carole Estby Dagg | Gewinner | 2012 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Young Adult | _ | |
2011 | Love Finds You in Sundance, Wyoming | Miralee Ferrell | Co-Gewinner? | 2012 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 43 der Reihe „Love Finds You“ | |
2011 | Forgiven | Janet Fox | Finalist | 2012 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2011 | Secrets of the Plumed Saint: A Tale of Intrigue from Northern New Mexico | Elizabeth Ann Galligan | Finalist | 2012 | International Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2011 | The Inn at Little Bend | Bobbi Groover | Gewinner | 2012 | Blue Ribbon Award | Romance/Western | _ | |
2011 | Remember Ben Clayton | Stephen Harrigan | Gewinner | 2012 | Spur Award | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2011 | Lime Creek | Joe Henry | Finalist | 2012 | Spur Award | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2011 | Kings of Colorado | David E. Hilton | Gewinner | 2012 | High Plains Book Award | First Book | dt.: Wir sind die Könige von Colorado | |
2011 | Kings of Colorado | David E. Hilton | Finalist | 2012 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | dt.: Wir sind die Könige von Colorado | |
2011 | Unbridled | Tammy Hinton | Finalist | 2012 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2011 | Unbridled | Tammy Hinton | Finalist | 2012 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2011 | Unbridled | Tammy Hinton | Finalist | 2012 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2011 | Unbridled | Tammy Hinton | Co-Gewinner? | 2012 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2011 | Unbridled | Tammy Hinton | Finalist | 2014 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2011 | The American Café | Sara Sue Hoklotubbe | Gewinner | 2012 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | # 2 der Serie „Sadie Walela Mystery“ | |
2011 | The American Café | Sara Sue Hoklotubbe | Gewinner | 2012 | New Mexico/Arizona Book Award | Fiction: Mystery/Suspense | # 2 der Serie „Sadie Walela Mystery“ | |
2011 | Killed By Indians 1871 | Alan C. Huffines | Finalist | 2012 | Spur Award | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2011 | The Long Hunt | Cameron Judd | Finalist | 2012 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2011 | Day unto Day | Louise Lenahan Wallace | lobend erwähnt | 2012 | Blue Ribbon Award | Cozy Novel | _ | |
2011 | The Sonora Noose | Jackson Lowry (Robert E. Vardeman) | Finalist | 2012 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2011 | The Assassination of Governor Boggs | Rod Miller | Finalist | 2012 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2011 | Double Crossing | Meg Mims | Gewinner | 2012 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | # 1 der Reihe „Double Crossing“ | |
2011 | Double Crossing | Meg Mims | Finalist | 2012 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | # 1 der Reihe „Double Crossing“ | |
2011 | Rescue in Poverty Gulch | Nancy Oswald | Finalist | 2012 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 1 der Serie „A Ruby and Maude Adventure“ | |
2011 | Captive Trail | Susan Page Davis | Finalist | 2012 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2011 | Captive Trail | Susan Page Davis | Co-Gewinner? | 2012 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2011 | Mercury's Rise | Ann Parker | Finalist | 2012 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | # 4 der Serie „Silver Rush Mystery“ | |
2011 | American Masculine: Stories | Shann Ray | Gewinner | 2012 | High Plains Book Award | Short Stories | _ | |
2011 | American Masculine: Stories | Shann Ray | Gewinner | 2012 | High Plains Book Award | First Book | _ | |
2011 | Redemption, Kansas | James Reasoner | Gewinner | 2012 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | # 1 der Serie „Redemption“ | |
2011 | Between Hell and Texas | Dusty Richards | Finalist | 2012 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 2 der Serie „Byrnes Family Ranch“ | |
2011 | Between Hell and Texas | Dusty Richards | Finalist | 2012 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | # 2 der Serie „Byrnes Family Ranch“ | |
2011 | Milagro of the Spanish Bean Pot | Emerita Romero-Anderson | Gewinner | 2012 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
2011 | Doc | Mary Doria Russell | Co-Gewinner | 2012 | Kansas Notable Book | _ | _ | |
2011 | The Ringer | Jenny Shank | Gewinner | 2012 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2011 | Look for Me | Janet K. Shawgo | Gewinner | 2012 | Blue Ribbon Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2011 | Look for Me | Janet K. Shawgo | Gewinner | 2012 | International Book Award | Fiction: Romance | _ | |
2011 | Look for Me | Janet K. Shawgo | Finalist | 2012 | International Book Award | Fiction: Historical | _ | |
2011 | The Last Letter | Kathleen Shoop | Gewinner | 2011 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2011 | Birdie | Candace Simar | Gewinner | 2012 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2011 | Whispers of the Greybull | Stephen B. Smart | Finalist | 2012 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2011 | Ride a Lonely Wind | Ed Stowers | Silber-Medaille | 2013 | Global ebook Award | Western Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Matt Brannigan“ | |
2011 | The Cougar's Prey | Larry D. Sweazy | Co-Gewinner? | 2012 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 4 der Serie „Josiah Wolfe, Texas Ranger“ | |
2011 | The Black Hills | Rod Thompson | Finalist | 2012 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2011 | Liberty Lanes | Robin Troy | Finalist | 2012 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2011 | The Snake Den | Chuck Tyrell (Charles Whipple) | Gewinner | 2011 | Global ebook Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2011 | A Race to Splendor | Ciji Ware | Finalist | 2012 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2011 | Raising Wrecker | Summer Wood | Gewinner | 2012 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2011 | A Book for Black-Eyed Susan | Judy Young | Finalist | 2012 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2011 | Heart's Blood | Elizabeth Zinn | Finalist | 2012 | International Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2012 | A Texas Destiny: The Saga Begins | Joe G. Bax | Gewinner | 2013 | International Book Award | Fiction: Historical | _ | |
2012 | A Texas Destiny: The Saga Begins | Joe G. Bax | 2. Platz | 2013 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2012 | Wide Open | Larry Bjornson | Gewinner | 2013 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2012 | Wide Open | Larry Bjornson | Finalist | 2013 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2012 | Wide Open | Larry Bjornson | Gewinner | 2013 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2012 | Wide Open | Larry Bjornson | Finalist | 2013 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2012 | Wide Open | Larry Bjornson | Co-Gewinner | 2013 | Kansas Notable Book | _ | _ | |
2012 | Because of the Camels | Brenda Blair | Gewinner | 2013 | Laramie Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2012 | Because of the Camels | Brenda Blair | Gewinner | 2014 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2012 | Country of the Bad Wolfes | James Carlos Blake | Finalist | 2013 | Spur Award | Best Western Long Novel | # 1 der Serie „Wolfe Family“ | |
2012 | A Growing Season | Sue Boggio & Mare Pearl | Finalist | 2013 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2012 | And There I'll Be A Soldier | Johnny D. Boggs | Finalist | 2013 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2012 | The Secret of Lodestar | Tim Champlin | Finalist | 2013 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2012 | With Blood in Their Eyes | Thomas Cobb | Gewinner | 2013 | Spur Award | Best Western Long Novel | _ | |
2012 | Panhandle | Brett Cogburn | Gewinner | 2013 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2012 | The Orchardist | Amanda Coplin | Finalist | 2013 | Spur Award | Best Western Long Novel | dt.: Im Licht von Apfelbäumen | |
2012 | The Orchardist | Amanda Coplin | Finalist | 2013 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | dt.: Im Licht von Apfelbäumen | |
2012 | The Orchardist | Amanda Coplin | Gewinner | 2013 | National Book Award | 5 Under 35 | dt.: Im Licht von Apfelbäumen | |
2012 | Confessions of a Gunfighter | Tell Cotten | Gewinner | 2013 | Laramie Award | First Novel | # 1 der Serie „Landon Saga“ | |
2012 | Confessions of a Gunfighter | Tell Cotten | Bronze-Medaille | 2013 | Global ebook Award | Western Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Landon Saga“ | |
2012 | Journey to Plum Creek | Melodie A. Cuate | 2. Platz | 2013 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Juvenile | _ | |
2012 | The Quilt Walk | Sandra Dallas | Gewinner | 2013 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
2012 | The Quilt Walk | Sandra Dallas | Finalist | 2013 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2012 | True Sisters | Sandra Dallas | Gewinner | 2013 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2012 | The Miseducation of Cameron Post | Emily M. Danforth | Gewinner | 2012 | Montana Book Award | _ | _ | |
2012 | The Miseducation of Cameron Post | Emily M. Danforth | Gewinner | 2013 | High Plains Book Award | Young Adult Book | _ | |
2012 | The Miseducation of Cameron Post | Emily M. Danforth | Gewinner | 2013 | High Plains Book Award | Woman Writer | _ | |
2012 | To Hell or the Pecos | Patrick Dearen | 4. Platz | 2013 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2012 | Apache Lawman | Phil Dunlap | Finalist | 2013 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2012 | Secret History of the Cherokees | Deborah L. Duvall & Murv Jacob & James Murray | Finalist | 2012 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2012 | The Round House | Louise Erdrich | Gewinner | 2012 | National Book Award | Fiction | dt.: Das Haus des Windes | |
2012 | The Round House | Louise Erdrich | Gewinner | 2013 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | dt.: Das Haus des Windes | |
2012 | The Round House | Louise Erdrich | Gewinner | 2013 | Minnesota Book Award | Novel | dt.: Das Haus des Windes | |
2012 | The Nations | Ken Farmer & Buck Stienke | Finalist | 2013 | Elmer Kelton Book Award | Fiction | # 1 der Serie „The Nations“ | |
2012 | The Nations | Ken Farmer & Buck Stienke | Gewinner | 2014 | Laramie Award | Classic | # 1 der Serie „The Nations“ | |
2012 | Haunted Falls | Ken Farmer & Buck Stienke | Gewinner | 2013 | Laramie Award | Action/Adventure | # 2 der Serie „The Nations“ | |
2012 | Haunted Falls | Ken Farmer & Buck Stienke | Finalist | 2013 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | # 2 der Serie „The Nations“ | |
2012 | The Auction Horse | Dave P. Fisher | Gewinner | 2013 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Humor | _ | |
2012 | Canada | Richard Ford | Finalist | 2013 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | dt.: Kanada | |
2012 | Outcasts of River Falls | Jacqueline Guest | Finalist | 2013 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2012 | Outcasts of River Falls | Jacqueline Guest | Finalist | 2013 | High Plains Book Award | Young Adult Book | _ | |
2012 | Tales from the B-O Ranch | Buck Helton | 2. Platz | 2013 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Humor | _ | |
2012 | Lonesome Animals | Bruce Holbert | Finalist | 2013 | Spur Award | Best Western Short Novel | dt.: Einsame Tiere | |
2012 | The Bones and the Book | Jane Isenberg | Gewinner | 2013 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2012 | Unbroke Horses | D.B. Jackson | Gewinner | 2013 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2012 | Unbroke Horses | D.B. Jackson | Gewinner | 2013 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2012 | Unbroke Horses | D.B. Jackson | Gewinner | 2013 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2012 | Unbroke Horses | D.B. Jackson | Gewinner | 2013 | Laramie Award | Literary Western | _ | |
2012 | Unbroke Horses | D.B. Jackson | Gewinner | 2013 | Laramie Award | Grand Prize | _ | |
2012 | The Whip | Karen Kondazian | Gewinner | 2012 | International Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2012 | The Whip | Karen Kondazian | Finalist | 2012 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2012 | The Whip | Karen Kondazian | Gewinner | 2013 | National Indie Excellence Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2012 | The Whip | Karen Kondazian | Gold-Medaille | 2013 | Global ebook Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2012 | Lick Creek | Deborah Lincoln | Gewinner | 2013 | Laramie Award | Best Manuscript | _ | |
2012 | Dog Soldier Moon | McKendree Long | Finalist | 2013 | International Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2012 | Theft | BK Loren | Gewinner | 2013 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2012 | Tucker's Reckoning: A Ralph Compton Novel | Matthew P. Mayo | Gewinner | 2013 | Spur Award | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2012 | The Royal Wulff Murders | Keith McCafferty | Finalist | 2013 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Sean Stranahan Mystery“ | |
2012 | Ford at Valverde | Anita Melillo | Gewinner | 2013 | Laramie Award | Civil War | _ | |
2012 | The Boarding House | Marcia Melton; Ill.: Fran Doran | Finalist | 2013 | High Plains Book Award | First Book | _ | |
2012 | Double or Nothing | Meg Mims | Gewinner | 2013 | Laramie Award | Mystery | # 2 der Serie „Double Crossing“ | |
2012 | Sipping Whiskey in a Shallow Grave | Mark Mitten | Finalist | 2013 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2012 | In Need of a Good Wife | Kelly O'Connor McNees | Finalist | 2013 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2012 | Dance with a Gunfighter | Joanne Pence | Finalist | 2013 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2012 | Liberty's Christmas | Randall Platt | Gewinner | 2013 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2012 | Liberty's Christmas | Randall Platt | Gewinner | 2013 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Juvenile | _ | |
2012 | Dead Girl Moon | Charlie Price | Finalist | 2013 | High Plains Book Award | Young Adult Book | _ | |
2012 | Redemption: Hunters | James Reasoner | Finalist | 2013 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 2 der Serie „Redemption“ | |
2012 | Tributary | Barbara K. Richardson | Finalist | 2013 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2012 | Last Stand at Bitter Creek | Tom Rizzo | Finalist | 2013 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2012 | Maps of Fate | Reid Lance Rosenthal | Gewinner | 2012 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | # 2 der Serie „Threads West“ | |
2012 | Maps of Fate | Reid Lance Rosenthal | Gewinner | 2014 | International Book Award | Fiction: Western | # 2 der Serie „Threads West“ | |
2012 | Maps of Fate | Reid Lance Rosenthal | Finalist | 2022 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | # 2 der Serie „Threads West“; 2021 wiederveröffentlicht? | |
2012 | The Lonesome Wind | Allen Russell | 3. Platz | 2013 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Buffalo Grass Rider“ | |
2012 | The House on Swiss Avenue | Irene Sandell | Finalist | 2013 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2012 | Blooming Prairie | Candace Simar | Finalist | 2013 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2012 | Elizabeth's Christmas Eve Gift | Chesna Smith | 3. Platz | 2013 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Juvenile | _ | |
2012 | High Stakes | Chad Strong | Finalist | 2013 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2012 | The Coyote Tracker | Larry D. Sweazy | Gewinner | 2013 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 5 der Serie „Josiah Wolfe, Texas Ranger“ | |
2012 | The Coyote Tracker | Larry D. Sweazy | Gewinner | 2013 | Elmer Kelton Book Award | Fiction | # 5 der Serie „Josiah Wolfe, Texas Ranger“ | |
2012 | Red Lands Outlaw: The Ballad of Henry Starr | Phil Truman | Finalist | 2013 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2012 | Red Lands Outlaw: The Ballad of Henry Starr | Phil Truman | 5. Platz | 2013 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2012 | City of Rocks | Michael Zimmer | Finalist | 2013 | Spur Award | Best Western Short Novel | _ | |
2012 | City of Rocks | Michael Zimmer | Finalist | 2013 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2012 | Rio Tinto | Michael Zimmer | Finalist | 2013 | Elmer Kelton Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2012 | Rio Tinto | Michael Zimmer | 5. Platz | 2014 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2013 | A Wilder Rose | Susan Wittig Albert | Finalist | 2014 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2013 | The Old Man's Love Story | Rudolfo Anaya | Finalist | 2014 | Spur Award | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2013 | Merciless | Lori G. Armstrong | Finalist | 2014 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | # 3 der Serie „Mercy Gunderson“ | |
2013 | Kind of Kin | Rilla Askew | Finalist | 2014 | Spur Award | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2013 | Greasy Grass: A Story of the Little Big Horn | Johnny D. Boggs | Finalist | 2014 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2013 | Summer of the Star | Johnny D. Boggs | Finalist | 2014 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2013 | Our Daily Bread | Paul C. Breslin | Finalist | 2014 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2013 | Light of the World | James Lee Burke | Gewinner | 2014 | Spur Award | Best Western Contemporary Novel | # 20 der Serie „Dave Robicheaux“ | |
2013 | Blood of the White Bear | Marcia Calhoun Forecki & Gerald Schnitzer | Finalist | 2014 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2013 | Taking the Reins | Dayle Campbell Gaetz | Finalist | 2014 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2013 | Forgiving Effie Beck | Karen Casey Fitzjerrell | Gewinner | 2014 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Fiction | _ | |
2013 | Silent We Stood | Henry C. Chappell | Gewinner | 2014 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2013 | Demon Gate | Marty Chan | Finalist | 2014 | High Plains Book Award | Young Adult Book | # 1 der Serie „The Ehrich Weisz Chronicles“ | |
2013 | The Pursuit of Murieta | Thomas D. Clagett | lobend erwähnt | 2014 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2013 | Along the Way Home | Christi Corbett | Gewinner | 2014 | Laramie Award | Civil War | # 1 der Serie „Along the Way“ | |
2013 | The Adventures of the Lone Jack Kid | Joe Corso | Finalist | 2014 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 1 der Serie „Lone Jack Kid“ | |
2013 | Heart-Scarred | Theo Czuk | Gewinner | 2014 | Laramie Award | Literary Western | _ | |
2013 | Copperhead | Juliette Douglas | Gewinner | 2014 | Laramie Award | Debut Novel | # 1 der Serie „Freckled Venom“ | |
2013 | Hell Hole | Ken Farmer | Finalist | 2014 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 3 der Serie „The Nations“ | |
2013 | Terms of Surrender | Lorrie Farrelly | Gewinner | 2014 | Laramie Award | Adventure | _ | |
2013 | The Parson of Styx Crossing | Robert M. Fells | Finalist | 2014 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2013 | Destiny Made Them Brothers | Andrew J. Fenady | Finalist | 2014 | Spur Award | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2013 | Jury of Six | Dave P. Fisher | Gewinner | 2014 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2013 | Shadow Trails | Graham J. Flowers | Finalist | 2014 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2013 | Songs of Willow Frost | Jamie Ford | Finalist | 2014 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | dt.: Die chinesische Sängerin | |
2013 | Grandmas Santo on Its Head / El santo patas arriba de mi abuelita | Nasario García | Gewinner | 2014 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
2013 | Papa's Gold | Ellen Gray Massey | Gewinner | 2014 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2013 | Lakota Betrayal | A.P. Greenwood | Finalist | 2014 | International Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2013 | The Throne | Beth Goobie | Finalist | 2014 | High Plains Book Award | Young Adult Book | _ | |
2013 | West From Yesterday | Randolph Carter Harrison | Finalist | 2014 | Peacemaker Award | Best Independently Published Western Novel | _ | |
2013 | Come Home to Me | Peggy L. Henderson | Gewinner | 2014 | Laramie Award | Blended Genre | # 1 der Reihe „Second Chances Time Travel Romance“ | |
2013 | Spider Woman's Daughter | Anne Hillerman | Gewinner | 2014 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | # 19 der Serie „Leaphorn and Chee“ | |
2013 | Spider Woman's Daughter | Anne Hillerman | Gewinner | 2014 | New Mexico/Arizona Book Award | Fiction: Mystery/Suspense | # 19 der Serie „Leaphorn and Chee“ | |
2013 | Retribution | Tammy Hinton | 2. Platz | 2014 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Fiction | _ | |
2013 | Retribution | Tammy Hinton | Finalist | 2014 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2013 | Capturing Charlie | Susan Horsnell | Finalist | 2014 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2013 | Songbird | Colby Jackson (Bill Crider) | Gewinner | 2014 | Peacemaker Award | Best Independently Published Western Novel | # 8 der Reihe „Rancho Diablo“ | |
2013 | Deadman's Lament | Linell Jeppsen | Finalist | 2014 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | # 1 der Serie „The Deadman“ | |
2013 | Deadman's Lament | Linell Jeppsen | Finalist | 2014 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 1 der Serie „The Deadman“ | |
2013 | Deadman's Lament | Linell Jeppsen | Silber-Medaille | 2014 | Global ebook Award | Western Fiction | # 1 der Serie „The Deadman“ | |
2013 | A Serpent's Tooth | Craig Johnson | Co-Gewinner | 2015 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 9 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“ | |
2013 | Spirit of Steamboat | Craig Johnson | Co-Gewinner | 2015 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 9 ½ der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“ | |
2013 | Jackson's Pond, Texas | Teddy Jones | Finalist | 2014 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2013 | The Outcasts | Kathleen Kent | 3. Platz | 2014 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2013 | Where They Bury You | Steven W. Kohlhagen | Gewinner | 2014 | National Indie Excellence Award | Western Fiction | dt.: Wo man dich begräbt | |
2013 | Louis L'Amour: Law of the Desert Born | Beau L'Amour & Katherine Nolan; Ill.: Thomas Yeates | Gewinner | 2014 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Graphic Novels | _ | |
2013 | West: Journey Across the Plains | David S. Larson | Finalist | 2014 | Peacemaker Award | Best Independently Published Western Novel | _ | |
2013 | Junction, Utah | Rebecca Lawton | Gewinner | 2014 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2013 | Dollybird | Anne Lazurko | Gewinner | 2014 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2013 | My Magic Cowboy | Katy Lente | Finalist | 2014 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2013 | Silver | Kristen Lynch | Finalist | 2014 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2013 | Cowboys and East Indians | Nina McConigley | Gewinner | 2014 | High Plains Book Award | Short Stories | _ | |
2013 | Mundy's Law | Monty McCord | Gewinner | 2014 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | # 1 der Serie „The Legend of Joe Mundy“ | |
2013 | Mundy's Law | Monty McCord | Finalist | 2014 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | # 1 der Serie „The Legend of Joe Mundy“ | |
2013 | Mundy's Law | Monty McCord | lobend erwähnt | 2014 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 1 der Serie „The Legend of Joe Mundy“ | |
2013 | Not on My Mountain | Jared McVay | Gewinner | 2014 | Laramie Award | Contemporary Western | _ | |
2013 | Not on My Mountain | Jared McVay | Gewinner | 2014 | Laramie Award | Grand Prize | _ | |
2013 | The Son | Philipp Meyer | Gewinner | 2014 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: Der erste Sohn | |
2013 | The Son | Philipp Meyer | Finalist | 2014 | Pulitzer Prize | Fiction | dt.: Der erste Sohn | |
2013 | The First Raven Mocker | Courtney Miller | Finalist | 2014 | International Book Award | Fiction: Historical | _ | |
2013 | Between Heaven & Hell | Jacqui Nelson | Gewinner | 2014 | Laramie Award | Romance/Dramatic | # 1 der Reihe „Lonesome Hearts“ | |
2013 | Catherine's Pursuit | Lena Nelson Dooley | 3. Platz | 2014 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Fiction | _ | |
2013 | Dark Prairie | John D. Nesbitt | 2. Platz | 2014 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2013 | The Avenging Angel | Michael Newton | Finalist | 2014 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | # 2 der Reihe „West of the Big River“ | |
2013 | Written in Stone | Rosanne Parry | Gewinner | 2014 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2013 | Boy Soldier | Roger W. Peck | Finalist | 2014 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2013 | Bone Horses | Lesley Poling-Kempes | Gewinner | 2014 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2013 | Flint Pierce: The Adventures of a Young Nevada Cowboy | Mike Prince | 2. Platz | 2014 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | _ | |
2013 | The Last Desperado | Rebecca Rockwell | Gewinner | 2014 | Laramie Award | Historical | _ | |
2013 | Much Ado about Miners | Jacquie Rogers | Gewinner | 2014 | Laramie Award | Romance/Comedy | # 4 der Serie „Hearts of Owyhee“ | |
2013 | Uncompahgre: Where Water Turns Rock Red | Reid Lance Rosenthal | Finalist | 2014 | International Book Award | Fiction: Romance | # 3 der Serie „Threads West“ | |
2013 | Uncompahgre: Where Water Turns Rock Red | Reid Lance Rosenthal | Gewinner | 2015 | International Book Award | Fiction: Western | # 3 der Serie „Threads West“ | |
2013 | The Hardest Ride | Gordon L. Rottman | Gewinner | 2014 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2013 | The Hardest Ride | Gordon L. Rottman | Finalist | 2014 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2013 | The Hardest Ride | Gordon L. Rottman | Finalist | 2014 | Spur Award | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2013 | A River Divides | Michael J. Roueche | Gewinner | 2014 | Laramie Award | Drama | # 2 der Serie „Beyond the Wood“ | |
2013 | High and Inside | Russell Rowland | Finalist | 2014 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2013 | Crossing Purgatory | Gary L. Schanbacher | Gewinner | 2014 | Spur Award | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2013 | Crossing Purgatory | Gary L. Schanbacher | Finalist | 2014 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2013 | Lantern in the Mist: Book One | Liliana Shelbrook | Bronze-Medaille | 2014 | Global ebook Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2013 | Lantern in the Mist: Book One | Liliana Shelbrook | Finalist | 2015 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2013 | Bodie | Anne Sweazy-Kulju | Finalist | 2014 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2013 | How I Became a Ghost | Tim Tingle | Finalist | 2014 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2013 | Wolf Eye's Silence | Elisabeth Ward | Gewinner | 2014 | Laramie Award | Young Adult | _ | |
2013 | Spinster's Folly | Marsha Ward | Gewinner | 2013 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2013 | Spinster's Folly | Marsha Ward | Finalist | 2014 | International Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2013 | Let Him Go | Larry Watson | Gewinner | 2014 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2013 | The Promise | Ann Weisgarber | Finalist | 2014 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2013 | Bronco Sam and the Mustang | Vaughn Wilson, Ill.: Kevin Cordtz | Co-Gewinner | 2014 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | _ | |
2013 | Lecile and the Racing Rodeo Mule | Vaughn Wilson, Ill.: Kevin Cordtz | Co-Gewinner | 2014 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | _ | |
2013 | Trevor and the Cow-Shy Cow-Horse | Vaughn Wilson, Ill.: Kevin Cordtz | Co-Gewinner | 2014 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | _ | |
2013 | Meadowlark | Dawn Wink | Finalist | 2014 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2013 | Meadowlark | Dawn Wink | Finalist | 2014 | High Plains Book Award | Woman Writer | _ | |
2013 | Black Helicopters | Blythe Woolston | Gewinner | 2014 | High Plains Book Award | Young Adult Book | _ | |
2013 | La Grulla | John R. Wright | Finalist | 2014 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2014 | Teresa of the New World | Sharman Apt Russell | Finalist | 2016 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2014 | Pioneer Pups | Nancy Kay Arnold; Ill.: Ellen Berger | 2. Platz | 2015 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated | _ | |
2014 | The Story Is the Thing | Amy Hale Auker | Finalist | 2015 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2014 | Blood Lines | S. Thomas Bailey | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 4 der Serie „The Gauntlet Runner“ | |
2014 | Camp Outlook | Brenda Baker | Gewinner | 2015 | High Plains Book Award | Young Adult Book | _ | |
2014 | To Swallow the Earth | Karl Beckstrand & Ransom Wilcox | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | To Swallow the Earth | Karl Beckstrand & Ransom Wilcox | Gewinner | 2016 | International Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2014 | Poison Spring | Johnny D. Boggs | Finalist | 2015 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2014 | Winter Bride: A Stone Mountain Novel | Caroline Clemmons | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | Destiny's Journey | Cheri Kay Clifton | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 2 der Serie „Wheels of Destiny“ | |
2014 | Thieving Forest | Martha Conway | Gewinner | 2015 | Laramie Award | Adventure/Drama | _ | |
2014 | Tainted Dreams | Christi Corbett | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 2 der Serie „Along the Way“ | |
2014 | The Devil's Own Desperado | Lynda J. Cox | Gewinner | 2015 | Laramie Award | Debut | _ | |
2014 | Okatibbee Creek | Lori Crane | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | Monday, Monday | Elizabeth Crook | Finalist | 2015 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2014 | Wild Ran the Rivers | James D. Crownover | Gewinner | 2015 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | # 1 der Reihe „Five Trails West“ | |
2014 | Wild Ran the Rivers | James D. Crownover | Gewinner | 2015 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | # 1 der Reihe „Five Trails West“ | |
2014 | Journey to Galveston | Melodie A. Cuate | 2. Platz | 2015 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | _ | |
2014 | Texas Grit | S.J. Dahlstrom | Gewinner | 2015 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | # 2 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“ | |
2014 | Doctor Kinney's Housekeeper / auch: Widow 1881 | Sara Dahmen | Gewinner | 2015 | Laramie Award | Women's Historical | # 1 der Serie „Flats Junction“ | |
2014 | Doctor Kinney's Housekeeper / auch: Widow 1881 | Sara Dahmen | Gewinner | 2015 | Laramie Award | Grand Prize | # 1 der Serie „Flats Junction“ | |
2014 | A Quilt for Christmas | Sandra Dallas | Gewinner | 2015 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2014 | Red Berries, White Clouds, Blue Sky | Sandra Dallas | Finalist | 2015 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2014 | Red Berries, White Clouds, Blue Sky | Sandra Dallas | Finalist | 2015 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2014 | Red Berries, White Clouds, Blue Sky | Sandra Dallas | Finalist | 2015 | High Plains Book Award | Children's Book | _ | |
2014 | Girls and Gunsmoke | Mikki Daniel | 3. Platz | 2015 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Fiction | _ | |
2014 | The Big Drift | Patrick Dearen | Gewinner | 2014 | Elmer Kelton Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2014 | The Big Drift | Patrick Dearen | Gewinner | 2015 | Spur Award | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2014 | The Big Drift | Patrick Dearen | Gewinner | 2015 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2014 | The Big Drift | Patrick Dearen | 3. Platz | 2015 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2014 | Fugitive Trail | Wayne D. Dundee | Finalist | 2015 | Peacemaker Award | Best Independently Published Western Novel | _ | |
2014 | Trail Revenge | Wayne D. Dundee | Finalist | 2015 | Peacemaker Award | Best Independently Published Western Novel | _ | |
2014 | Ragtime Cowboys | Loren D. Estleman | 5. Platz | 2015 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2014 | Across the Red | Ken Farmer & Buck Stienke | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 4 der Serie „The Nations“ | |
2014 | The Long Trample | Robert Morgan Fisher | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | Left-Hand Kelly | Elisabeth Grace Foley | Finalist | 2015 | Peacemaker Award | Best Independently Published Western Novel | _ | |
2014 | The Widow Smalls and other Stories | Jamie Lisa Forbes | Gewinner | 2015 | High Plains Book Award | Short Stories | _ | |
2014 | The Accidental Wife | C.J. Fosdick | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | Queen of Fire | Regine Haensel | Finalist | 2015 | High Plains Book Award | Young Adult Book | _ | |
2014 | My Pony Bucks | Jay Hahnkamp; Ill.: Bonnie Shields | Gewinner | 2015 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated | _ | |
2014 | The Calling | James P. Hanley | Finalist | 2015 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2014 | Stein House | Myra Hargrave McIlvain | Finalist | 2015 | International Book Award | Fiction: Historical | _ | |
2014 | Zeke's Fate | Jenna Hestekin | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | The March of the 18th: A Story of Crippled Heroes in the Civil War | Kevin Horgan | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | The March of the Orphans and the Battle of Stones River | Kevin Horgan | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | Pleasant Hill | Driskell Horton | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | Saving Grace | Sandy James | Finalist | 2014 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | # 1 der Serie „Safe Havens“ | |
2014 | Second Chance | Linell Jeppsen | Gewinner | 2015 | Laramie Award | Mystery | # 5 der Serie „The Deadman“ | |
2014 | Mariano's Choice | David M. Jessup | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | The New Indians | Joe Jessup | Finalist | 2015 | National Indie Excellence Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2014 | The New Indians | Joe Jessup | Finalist | 2015 | International Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2014 | Any Other Name | Craig Johnson | Co-Gewinner | 2015 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 10 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“ | |
2014 | Any Other Name | Craig Johnson | Finalist | 2015 | Spur Award | Best Western Contemporary Novel | # 10 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“ | |
2014 | Any Other Name | Craig Johnson | Finalist | 2015 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | # 10 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“ | |
2014 | Wait for Signs | Craig Johnson | Co-Gewinner | 2015 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 10 ½ der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“ | |
2014 | Silver State | Quinn Kayser-Cochran | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | A Light in the Wilderness | Jane Kirkpatrick | Gewinner | 2015 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | dt.: Licht über weitem Land | |
2014 | A Light in the Wilderness | Jane Kirkpatrick | Finalist | 2015 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Licht über weitem Land | |
2014 | The Other Side of Life | Andy Kutler | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | Colorado Gold | J.v.L. Bell (Julie van Lamnen Bell) | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | Children of the Day | Louise Lenahan Wallace | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | Agnes Canon's War | Deborah Lincoln | Finalist | 2015 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2014 | Higher Ground | McKendree Long | Gewinner | 2015 | Laramie Award | Classic | _ | |
2014 | Dance With the Devil | J.D. March | Finalist | 2015 | Spur Award | Best Western Traditional Novel | # 1 der Serie „Devil's Own“ | |
2014 | Wrange | Jonnie Martin | 2. Platz | 2015 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | _ | |
2014 | The Blackbird | Kristy McCaffrey | Gewinner | 2015 | Laramie Award | Romance | # 4 der Reihe „Wings of the West“; dt.: Verliebt in Arizona | |
2014 | Backlands | Michael McGarrity | Finalist | 2015 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2014 | A Gunfighter's Gift | Vonn McKee | Finalist | 2015 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Short Fiction | _ | |
2014 | Bad Country | C.B. McKenzie | Gewinner | 2015 | Spur Award | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2014 | Winter Shadows | Laura McMennamin | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | Deliverance, Mary Fields: First African American Woman Star Route Mail Carrier in the United States | Miantae Metcalf McConnell | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | Deliverance, Mary Fields: First African American Woman Star Route Mail Carrier in the United States | Miantae Metcalf McConnell | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | Rawhide Robinson Rides the Range: True Adventures of Bravery and Daring in the Wild West | Rod Miller | Gewinner | 2015 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2014 | Searching for Silverheels | Jeannie Mobley | Gewinner | 2015 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2014 | Searching for Silverheels | Jeannie Mobley | Gewinner | 2015 | Colorado Book Award | Juvenile Literature | _ | |
2014 | Looking for Lynne | John L. Moore | 2. Platz | 2015 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2014 | Eagle Talons | Robert Lee Murphy | 3. Platz | 2015 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | # 1 der Serie „The Iron Horse Chronicles“ | |
2014 | Leroy Watches Jr. & the Badass Bull | Sandy Nathan | Finalist | 2014 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | # 3 der Reihe „Bloodsong“ | |
2014 | The White Hart | Rebecca S. Nieminen | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | The Piano Player | Carolyn Niethammer | Finalist | 2015 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2014 | The Piano Player | Carolyn Niethammer | Finalist | 2015 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2014 | The Piano Player | Carolyn Niethammer | Finalist | 2015 | International Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2014 | Anung's Journey: An Ancient Ojibway Legend as told by Steve Fobister | Carl Nordgren; Ill:: Brita Wolf | Finalist | 2015 | International Book Award | Children's Fiction | _ | |
2014 | Timber Rose | Janet L. Oakley | Finalist | 2015 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2014 | Trouble on the Tracks | Nancy Oswald | 5. Platz | 2015 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | # 2 der Serie „A Ruby and Maude Adventure“ | |
2014 | Stars Go Blue | Laura Pritchett | Gewinner | 2015 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2014 | Stars Go Blue | Laura Pritchett | Finalist | 2015 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2014 | Return to Sierra Valley: A California Cowboy's Quest for Adventure | Arthur Rathburn | Finalist | 2014 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2014 | Outlaw Ranger | James Reasoner | Finalist | 2015 | Peacemaker Award | Best Independently Published Western Novel | # 1 der Serie „Outlaw Ranger“ | |
2014 | Hangman's Knot | James Reasoner | Gewinner | 2015 | Peacemaker Award | Best Independently Published Western Novel | # 2 der Serie „Outlaw Ranger“ | |
2014 | Prodigal Gun | Kathleen Rice Adams | Finalist | 2015 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2014 | Morgan | Frank Roderus | Finalist | 2015 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2014 | A Promise Broken, a Promise Kept | Vicky J. Rose | Finalist | 2015 | Spur Award | Short Fiction Story | _ | |
2014 | Rough River Gold | Allen Russell | 4. Platz | 2015 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 3 der Serie „Buffalo Grass Rider“ | |
2014 | Crow Feather: A Rough River Western | Allen Russell | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | The Rail Queen | B.J. Scott | 3. Platz | 2015 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | _ | |
2014 | The Home Place | Carrie La Seur | Gewinner | 2015 | High Plains Book Award | Woman Writer | dt.: Denn wir waren Schwestern | |
2014 | The Home Place | Carrie La Seur | Finalist | 2015 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | dt.: Denn wir waren Schwestern | |
2014 | Bust Out | W.M. Shockley | Finalist | 2015 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2014 | Texas: Cowboys and Campfires | Nancy Sifford Alana | 4. Platz | 2015 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | _ | |
2014 | Vanishing Raven | Stephen Smart | 2. Platz | 2015 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Fiction | _ | |
2014 | Romancing the Widow | Davalynn Spencer | Gewinner | 2015 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Fiction | _ | |
2014 | Desperate Straights | Janet Squires | Finalist | 2015 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2014 | Devil's Canyon | Buck Stienke | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | Comanche Trail: A Ralph Compton Novel | Carlton Stowers | Finalist | 2015 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2014 | A Soldier's Covenant | D.W. Tarman | Finalist | 2015 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | Of Art and Air | Michele Venné | Finalist | 2015 | International Book Award | Fiction: Romance | # 1 der Serie „The Tanner Trilogy“ | |
2014 | Of Hoof Prints and Heartbeats | Michele Venné | Gewinner | 2015 | International Book Award | Fiction: Romance | # 2 der Serie „The Tanner Trilogy“ | |
2014 | The Red Bird All-Indian Traveling Band | Frances Washburn | Finalist | 2015 | Spur Award | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2014 | Point of Direction | Rachel Weaver | Gewinner | 2015 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | dt.: Die Stille unter dem Eis | |
2014 | Walls for the Wind | Alethea Williams | Gewinner | 2015 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | _ | |
2014 | Walls for the Wind | Alethea Williams | Gewinner | 2015 | Laramie Award | Prairie | _ | |
2014 | Walls for the Wind | Alethea Williams | Finalist | 2014 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2014 | Walls for the Wind | Alethea Williams | Finalist | 2015 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2014 | A Desperate Cattle Drive | Big Jim Williams | Gewinner | 2015 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2014 | The Poacher's Daughter | Michael Zimmer | Gewinner | 2015 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2014 | The Poacher's Daughter | Michael Zimmer | Finalist | 2015 | Spur Award | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2015 | Caldera - A Man of Blood | Dan Baldwin | Finalist | 2015 | National Indie Excellence Award | Western Fiction | # 3 der Serie „Caldera“ | |
2015 | The Orphanage | Sara Barnard | Finalist | 2016 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Young Adult / Children Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Crazy Old Horses | T.A. Barnes | Finalist | 2015 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2015 | Petey and Cecil | Denny Bertrand | 2. Platz | 2016 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Humor - Written | # 1 der Serie „Somewhere Outwest“ | |
2015 | Cat House | Jack Bessie | Bronze-Medaille | 2016 | Global ebook Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2015 | The Darkness Rolling | Win Blevins & Meredith Blevins | Finalist | 2016 | Spur Award | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2015 | Endangered | C.J. Box | Gewinner | 2016 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | # 15 der Serie „Joe Pickett“ | |
2015 | Five Shots Left | Ben Bridges (David Whitehead) | Finalist | 2016 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Short Fiction | _ | |
2015 | The Skeleton Walkers | Derek Burnett | Finalist | 2016 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2015 | Anywhere but Paradise | Anne Bustard | Finalist | 2016 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Marshal Banner | Jerry E. Bustin | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2015 | A Blanket of Butterflies | Richard van Camp | Finalist | 2016 | High Plains Book Award | Young Adult Book | _ | |
2015 | Three Feathers | Richard van Camp | Finalist | 2016 | High Plains Book Award | Young Adult Book | _ | |
2015 | The Wild Inside: A Novel of Suspense | Christine Carbo | Finalist | 2016 | High Plains Book Award | First Book | _ | |
2015 | Walk on Earth a Stranger | Rae Carson | Gewinner | 2016 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Gold Seer Trilogy“ | |
2015 | The Maynwarings: A Game of Chance | Digger Cartwright | Finalist | 2015 | National Indie Excellence Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Pistol Man | Daniel Cassidy | Finalist | 2016 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2015 | Shootout in Cheyenne | Joe Corso | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2015 | Seize the Flame | Lynda J. Cox | Gewinner | 2016 | Laramie Award | Western Romance | _ | |
2015 | The Canyon | Stanley Crawford | Finalist | 2016 | Spur Award | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2015 | Chasm | Susan Cummins Miller | Finalist | 2016 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Becoming Doctor Kinney | Sara Dahmen | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2015 | Friends in Deed | Randall Dale | Co-Gewinner | 2016 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | _ | |
2015 | Pardner's Trust | Randall Dale | Co-Gewinner | 2016 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | _ | |
2015 | The Last Midwife | Sandra Dallas | Gewinner | 2016 | Spur Award | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2015 | The Last Midwife | Sandra Dallas | Finalist | 2016 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Lords of an Empty Land | Randy Denmon | Gewinner | 2016 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2015 | Rough Patches | Deanna Dickinson McCall | Finalist | 2016 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Rough Patches | Deanna Dickinson McCall | 2. Platz | 2016 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Short Stories | _ | |
2015 | The Devils That Have Come to Stay | Pamela DiFrancesco | Gewinner | 2015 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2015 | Perfume, Powder, and Lead: Holy Sisters | Juliette Douglas | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | Adventure/Caper | _ | |
2015 | Custer | Gerald Duff | Finalist | 2016 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2015 | High Meadow Storm | Wayne D. Dundee | Finalist | 2016 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Short Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Madder Carmine | Tyler Enfield | Gewinner | 2016 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2015 | The Taylor Legacy: An American Family Saga | Bert Entwistle | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2015 | The Long High Noon | Loren D. Estleman | Finalist | 2016 | Spur Award | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2015 | Bass and the Lady | Ken Farmer & Buck Stienke | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 5 der Serie „The Nations“ | |
2015 | Killer of Witches | W. Michael Farmer | Finalist | 2016 | New Mexico/Arizona Book Award | Historical Fiction | # 1 der Serie „The Life and Times of Yellow Boy, Mescalero Apache“ | |
2015 | Killer of Witches | W. Michael Farmer | Finalist | 2016 | New Mexico/Arizona Book Award | Fiction: Adventure | # 1 der Serie „The Life and Times of Yellow Boy, Mescalero Apache“ | |
2015 | Killer of Witches | W. Michael Farmer | 4. Platz | 2016 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 1 der Serie „The Life and Times of Yellow Boy, Mescalero Apache“ | |
2015 | Firebreak | Tricia Fields | Gewinner | 2016 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | # 4 der Serie „Josie Gray Mysteries“ | |
2015 | Women and Thieves of Two Pan | B.K. Froman | Finalist | 2016 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Arnie Armadillo and the Texas Heroes: Juan N. Seguín | Kathy Gause | Gewinner | 2016 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated | _ | |
2015 | The Land of Rain Shadow: Horned Toad, Texas | Joyce Gibson Roach | Gewinner | 2016 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Short Stories | _ | |
2015 | Green Mountain Gunfighter / auch: Nathan Gould, Gunfighter from Green Mountain | Bruce Graham | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2015 | Vladimir Petrov: An American Life | John R. Green Jr. | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2015 | A Ranger to Stand With | James J. Griffin | Finalist | 2016 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Young Adult / Children Fiction | # 5 der Serie „Lone Star Ranger“ | |
2015 | A Place for Mei Lin | Harlan Hague | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2015 | A Place for Mei Lin | Harlan Hague | Gewinner | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | _ | |
2015 | Glint | J.D. Harper | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2015 | The Judas Steer | Tammy Hinton | 3. Platz | 2016 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2015 | The Judas Steer | Tammy Hinton | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2015 | Bone Digger | Douglas Hirt | Gewinner | 2016 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2015 | Blood to Rubies | Deborah Hufford | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2015 | Blood to Rubies | Deborah Hufford | Gewinner | 2024 | National Indie Excellence Award | Historical Fiction | 2023 wiederveröffentlicht? | |
2015 | Blood to Rubies | Deborah Hufford | Finalist | 2023 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | 2023 wiederveröffentlicht? | |
2015 | Blood to Rubies | Deborah Hufford | Finalist | 2023 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | 2023 wiederveröffentlicht? | |
2015 | The Wild East: Drunk on Power | James Hunter | Silber-Medaille | 2015 | Global ebook Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2015 | The Actor | Beth Hunter McHugh | Gewinner | 2016 | High Plains Book Award | First Book | _ | |
2015 | The Actor | Beth Hunter McHugh | Finalist | 2016 | High Plains Book Award | Woman Writer | _ | |
2015 | Strong Convictions | GP Hutchinson | Gewinner | 2015 | National Indie Excellence Award | Western Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Emmett Strong“ | |
2015 | Strong Convictions | GP Hutchinson | Gewinner | 2016 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | # 1 der Serie „Emmett Strong“ | |
2015 | The Ways of Water | Teresa Healy Janssen | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2015 | The Ways of Water | Teresa Healy Janssen | Gewinner | 2023 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | 2023 wiederveröffentlicht? | |
2015 | The Ways of Water | Teresa Healy Janssen | Gewinner | 2024 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | 2023 wiederveröffentlicht? | |
2015 | The Ways of Water | Teresa Healy Janssen | noch offen | 2024 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Modern | 2023 wiederveröffentlicht? | |
2015 | The Seeds of Injustice | Micheal E. Jimerson | Gewinner | 2016 | Royal Dragonfly Book Award | Westerns | _ | |
2015 | Dry Bones | Craig Johnson | Gewinner | 2016 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 11 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“ | |
2015 | Shadow of the Hawk | K.S. Jones | Gewinner | 2016 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2015 | The Memory Weaver | Jane Kirkpatrick | Gewinner | 2016 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Fiction | _ | |
2015 | The Memory Weaver | Jane Kirkpatrick | Finalist | 2016 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2015 | Chief of Thieves | Steven W. Kohlhagen | Finalist | 2015 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | dt.: Häuptling der Diebe | |
2015 | Chief of Thieves | Steven W. Kohlhagen | Finalist | 2016 | National Indie Excellence Award | Western Fiction | dt.: Häuptling der Diebe | |
2015 | This Is What I Want | Craig Lancaster | Finalist | 2016 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Paradise Sky | Joe R. Lansdale | Gewinner | 2016 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | dt.: Das abenteuerliche Leben des Deadwood Dick | |
2015 | Chili Queen: Mi Historia | Marian L. Martinello | Finalist | 2016 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Crazy Mountain Kiss | Keith McCafferty | Gewinner | 2016 | Spur Award | Best Western Contemporary Novel | # 4 der Serie „Sean Stranahan Mystery“ | |
2015 | Crazy Mountain Kiss | Keith McCafferty | Finalist | 2016 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | # 4 der Serie „Sean Stranahan Mystery“ | |
2015 | Crazy Mountain Kiss | Keith McCafferty | lobend erwähnt | 2016 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 4 der Serie „Sean Stranahan Mystery“ | |
2015 | Gabriel's Atonement | Vickie McDonough | 2. Platz | 2016 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Fiction | # 1 der Reihe „Land Rush Dreams“ | |
2015 | The Deer Walking Upside Down | Jerry McGahan | Finalist | 2016 | High Plains Book Award | Short Stories | _ | |
2015 | Dakota Trails | Robert D. McKee | Finalist | 2016 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2015 | Dakota Trails | Robert D. McKee | 2. Platz | 2016 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Stranger on a Black Stallion | Jared McVay | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 1 der Serie „Clay Brentwood“ | |
2015 | Rawhide Robinson Rides the Tabby Trail: The True Tale of a Wild West CATastrophe | Rod Miller | Gewinner | 2016 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Young Adult / Children Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Rawhide Robinson Rides the Tabby Trail: The True Tale of a Wild West CATastrophe | Rod Miller | Finalist | 2016 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Redneck Opera | Margaret Mooney | Gewinner | 2016 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Humor - Written | _ | |
2015 | Bear Claws | Robert Lee Murphy | 2. Platz | 2016 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | # 2 der Serie „The Iron Horse Chronicles“ | |
2015 | Between Love & Lies | Jacqui Nelson | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 1 der Reihe „Gambling Hearts“ | |
2015 | When the Cowboy Rides Away | Mollie Noble Bull | 3. Platz | 2016 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Fiction | _ | |
2015 | The Outlaw Takes a Bride | Susan Page Davis | 3. Platz | 2016 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | _ | |
2015 | The Box Maker | Scott Dennis Parker | Finalist | 2016 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Short Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Hidden Trails | Cheryl Pierson | Finalist | 2016 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Short Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Dogbread and Diamonds | Richard Prosch | Finalist | 2016 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Young Adult / Children Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Redbuds and Bullets | Richard Prosch | Finalist | 2016 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Young Adult / Children Fiction | _ | |
2015 | The Man Who Moiled for Gold | David G. Rasmussen | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2015 | American Copper | Shann Ray | Gewinner | 2016 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2015 | American Copper | Shann Ray | Finalist | 2016 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2015 | A Bride for Gil | Dusty Richards | Finalist | 2016 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | # 1 der Reihe „Brandiron“ | |
2015 | A Bride for Gil | Dusty Richards | 2. Platz | 2016 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | # 1 der Reihe „Brandiron“ | |
2015 | Seven Ox Seven, Part Two: Escondido Loosed. Volume One | P.A. Ritzer | Finalist | 2015 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2015 | The Captive Boy | Julia Robb | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2015 | Hot Work in Fry Pan Gulch | Jacquie Rogers | Gewinner | 2016 | Laramie Award | Adventure/Caper | # 1 der Serie „Honey Beaulieu - Man Hunter“ | |
2015 | Hot Work in Fry Pan Gulch | Jacquie Rogers | Gewinner | 2016 | Laramie Award | Grand Prize | # 1 der Serie „Honey Beaulieu - Man Hunter“ | |
2015 | Hot Work in Fry Pan Gulch | Jacquie Rogers | Co-Gewinner | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Humor - Written | # 1 der Serie „Honey Beaulieu - Man Hunter“ | |
2015 | Much Ado about Mustangs | Jacquie Rogers | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 5 der Serie „Hearts of Owyhee“ | |
2015 | Big Horse Woman | Barbara Salvatore | Gewinner | 2016 | Laramie Award | Prairie/First Nation | # 1 der Serie „Big Horse Woman“ | |
2015 | Magghie | Barbara Salvatore | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 2 der Serie „Big Horse Woman“ | |
2015 | Frontier | Susan K. Salzer | Finalist | 2016 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 1 der Reihe „Frontier“ | |
2015 | Thunder at Dawn | Susan K. Salzer | Finalist | 2016 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 2 der Reihe „Frontier“ | |
2015 | Last Will | Ron Schwab | Finalist | 2016 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | # 1 der Serie „The Lockes“ | |
2015 | Night of the Coyote | Ron Schwab | Finalist | 2016 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | # 1 der Serie „The Coyote Saga“ | |
2015 | Lincoln's Hat and the TEA Movement's Anger | David Selcer | Gewinner | 2016 | Laramie Award | Civil War | _ | |
2015 | Hidden Shadows | Linda Lucretia Shuler | Gewinner | 2016 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Hidden Shadows | Linda Lucretia Shuler | Gewinner | 2016 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | _ | |
2015 | Shelterbelts | Candace Simar | Finalist | 2016 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2015 | General Houston's Little Spy | Cara Skinner | 3. Platz | 2016 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | _ | |
2015 | The Legend of Caleb York | Mickey Spillane & Max Allan Collins | Finalist | 2016 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | # 1 der Serie „Caleb York“ | |
2015 | Unforgiving Plains | Christine Steendam | Finalist | 2015 | National Indie Excellence Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Windmill Point | Jim Stempel | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | Civil War | _ | |
2015 | The Bookseller | Cynthia Swanson | Gewinner | 2016 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | dt.: Als ich erwachte | |
2015 | The Bookseller | Cynthia Swanson | Finalist | 2016 | High Plains Book Award | First Book | dt.: Als ich erwachte | |
2015 | Clevenger Gold: The True Story of Murder and Unfound Treasure | Scott Eldon Swapp | Gewinner | 2016 | Laramie Award | Classic Western (Manuscript) | _ | |
2015 | Grog Wars | Anne Sweazy-Kulju | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2015 | Eliza Waite | Ashley E. Sweeney | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2015 | Eliza Waite | Ashley E. Sweeney | Finalist | 2017 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Eliza Waite | Ashley E. Sweeney | Finalist | 2017 | International Book Award | Fiction: Historical | _ | |
2015 | Buell | Wallace J. Swenson | Finalist | 2016 | Spur Award | Best Western Traditional Novel | # 1 der Serie „Journey to the White Clouds“ | |
2015 | Ana of California | Andi Teran | Finalist | 2016 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Dare to Dream | Heidi M. Thomas | Finalist | 2016 | International Book Award | Fiction: Young Adult | # 3 der Serie „Cowgirl Dreams“ | |
2015 | Lincoln's Bodyguard | T.J. Turner | Gewinner | 2016 | International Book Award | Fiction: Historical | # 1 der Serie „Lincoln’s Bodyguard“ | |
2015 | Maud's Line | Margaret Verble | Finalist | 2016 | Pulitzer Prize | Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Whispering Hills of Love | Dorothy Wiley | Finalist | 2015 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | # 3 der Reihe „American Wilderness Series Romance“ | |
2015 | Frontier Gift of Love | Dorothy Wiley | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 5 der Reihe „American Wilderness Series Romance“ | |
2015 | Far Enough: A Western in Fragments | Joe Wilkins | Gewinner | 2016 | High Plains Book Award | Short Stories | _ | |
2015 | Náápiikoan Winter | Alethea Williams | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2015 | Náápiikoan Winter | Alethea Williams | 3. Platz | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Fiction | _ | |
2015 | Dark Places | Reavis Z. Wortham | lobend erwähnt | 2016 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 5 der Serie „Red River Mystery“ | |
2015 | Finding Billy Battles: An Account of Peril, Transgression and Redemption | Ronald E. Yates | Finalist | 2016 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 1 der Serie „Finding Billy Battles“ | |
2016 | Away at War: A Civil War Story of the Family Left Behind | Nick K. Adams | Gewinner | 2017 | Laramie Award | ?Civil War? | _ | |
2016 | The Bones of Paradise | Jonis Agee | Gewinner | 2017 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2016 | The Waiting Place | Sharron Arksey | Finalist | 2017 | High Plains Book Award | First Book | _ | |
2016 | The Waiting Place | Sharron Arksey | Finalist | 2017 | High Plains Book Award | Woman Writer | _ | |
2016 | The Silver Baron's Wife | Donna Baier Stein | Finalist | 2017 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2016 | The Silver Baron's Wife | Donna Baier Stein | 3. Platz | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | _ | |
2016 | The Burning Hour | Jessica Barksdale Inclán | Gewinner | 2016 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2016 | The Burning Hour | Jessica Barksdale Inclán | Gewinner | 2017 | Royal Dragonfly Book Award | Westerns | _ | |
2016 | The Burning Hour | Jessica Barksdale Inclán | Finalist | 2017 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2016 | The Burning Hour | Jessica Barksdale Inclán | Finalist | 2017 | National Indie Excellence Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Days Without End | Sebastian Barry | Gewinner | 2017 | Walter Scott Prize | Best Historical Novel | dt.: Tage ohne Ende | |
2016 | Days Without End | Sebastian Barry | Gewinner | 2018 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | dt.: Tage ohne Ende | |
2016 | For a Little While | Rick Bass | Gewinner | 2017 | High Plains Book Award | Short Stories | _ | |
2016 | On a Ranch | Denny Bertrand | 2. Platz | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Humor - Written | # 2 der Serie „Somewhere Outwest“ | |
2016 | Soldier Sister, Fly Home | Nancy Bo Flood, Ill.: Shonto Begay | Gewinner | 2017 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Return to Red River | Johnny D. Boggs | Gewinner | 2017 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | _ | |
2016 | Off The Grid | C.J. Box | Gewinner | 2017 | Spur Award | Best Western Contemporary Novel | # 16 der Serie „Joe Pickett“ | |
2016 | The River of Cattle | Alice V. Brock | Finalist | 2017 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | # 1 der Serie „Will and Buck“ | |
2016 | The River of Cattle | Alice V. Brock | Gewinner | 2017 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Young Adult / Children Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Will and Buck“ | |
2016 | The River of Cattle | Alice V. Brock | 4. Platz | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | # 1 der Serie „Will and Buck“ | |
2016 | Hidden Star | Corinne Joy Brown | Co-Gewinner | 2016 | New Mexico/Arizona Book Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Hidden Star | Corinne Joy Brown | Finalist | 2017 | Spur Award | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2016 | Hidden Star | Corinne Joy Brown | Finalist | 2017 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Arizona Lawmen, Renegades, and Prickly Pear Jam | Jerry E. Bustin | Finalist | 2017 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2016 | Mortal Fall: A Novel of Suspense | Christine Carbo | Gewinner | 2017 | High Plains Book Award | Woman Writer | _ | |
2016 | All I Want Is What You’ve Got | Glen Chamberlain | Finalist | 2017 | High Plains Book Award | Short Stories | _ | |
2016 | West of Penance | Thomas D. Clagett | Co-Gewinner | 2016 | New Mexico/Arizona Book Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2016 | West of Penance | Thomas D. Clagett | Gewinner | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Widowmaker Jones | Brett Cogburn | Finalist | 2017 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 1 der Serie „Widowmaker Jones“ | |
2016 | Threads of Passion | T.K. Conklin | Gewinner | 2017 | Laramie Award | ?Western Romance? | _ | |
2016 | Along Comes a Wolfe: A Shepherd & Wolfe Mystery | Angie Counios & David Gane | Finalist | 2017 | High Plains Book Award | Young Adult Book | # 1 der Serie „Shepherd & Wolfe Mystery“ | |
2016 | Triple Play | James D. Crownover | Finalist | 2017 | New Mexico/Arizona Book Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Triple Play | James D. Crownover | 5. Platz | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2016 | The Green Colt | S.J. Dahlstrom | Finalist | 2017 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 4 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“ | |
2016 | The Green Colt | S.J. Dahlstrom | Gewinner | 2017 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | # 4 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“ | |
2016 | The Green Colt | S.J. Dahlstrom | Gewinner | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | # 4 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“ | |
2016 | A Good Man Gone | Randall Dale | 3. Platz (geteilt) | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | _ | |
2016 | Hidden Regrets | Randall Dale | 3. Platz (geteilt) | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | _ | |
2016 | Piano Tide | Kathleen Dean Moore | Gewinner | 2017 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Dead Man's Boot | Patrick Dearen | Gewinner | 2017 | Elmer Kelton Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Dead Man's Boot | Patrick Dearen | Finalist | 2017 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2016 | Dead Man's Boot | Patrick Dearen | 3. Platz | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Sweet Home Alaska | Carole Estby Dagg | Finalist | 2017 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Notable Women of Texas | Kathy Gause | 2. Platz | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated | _ | |
2016 | The Canyon House | Janice Gilbertson | Finalist | 2017 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2016 | The Pain Eater | Beth Goobie | Gewinner | 2017 | High Plains Book Award | Young Adult Book | _ | |
2016 | A Ranger Redeemed | James J. Griffin | Finalist | 2017 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Young Adult / Children Fiction | # 7 der Serie „Lone Star Ranger“ | |
2016 | El Paso | Winston Groom | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | |
2016 | She Was Sheriff | Melody Groves | Gewinner | 2017 | New Mexico/Arizona Book Award | Fiction: Adventure | _ | |
2016 | Silver City | Jeff Guinn | Gewinner | 2018 | Spur Award | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2016 | A Bad Place to Be | John Hansen | Gewinner | 2016 | National Indie Excellence Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2016 | A Bad Place to Be | John Hansen | Finalist | 2017 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2016 | Chasing Demons | John Hansen | 2. Platz (geteilt) | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Chasing Demons | John Hansen | Gewinner | 2018 | Laramie Award | ?Classic? | _ | |
2016 | Corsets and Cuffs | Shanna Hatfield | 4. Platz | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | # 3 der Reihe „Baker City Brides“ | |
2016 | A Rebel Among Us: A Novel of the Civil War | J.D.R. Hawkins | Finalist | 2017 | Laramie Award | ?Civil War? | # 3 der Serie „The Renegade“ | |
2016 | First Rodeo | Judith Hennessey | 5. Platz | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | _ | |
2016 | Roosevelt's Boys | John C. Horst | Finalist | 2017 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2016 | Grandpa and the Kid | Cliff Hudgins | Finalist | 2017 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Young Adult / Children Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Jasper Spring | James T. Hughes | Finalist | 2017 | Spur Award | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2016 | Jasper Spring | James T. Hughes | Gewinner | 2017 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2016 | Strong Suspicions | GP Hutchinson | Finalist | 2016 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | # 2 der Serie „Emmett Strong“ | |
2016 | Strong Suspicions | GP Hutchinson | Finalist | 2016 | National Indie Excellence Award | Western Fiction | # 2 der Serie „Emmett Strong“ | |
2016 | Far West: The Diary of Eleanor Higgins | Linell Jeppsen | Gewinner | 2017 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2016 | News of the World | Paulette Jiles | Finalist | 2016 | National Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2016 | News of the World | Paulette Jiles | Finalist | 2017 | Spur Award | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2016 | The Highwayman | Craig Johnson | Co-Gewinner | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 11 ½ der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“ | |
2016 | An Obvious Fact | Craig Johnson | Co-Gewinner | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 12 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“ | |
2016 | An Obvious Fact | Craig Johnson | Finalist | 2017 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | # 12 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“ | |
2016 | Recapturing Lisdoonvarna: An Irishman's Odyssey | Frank S. Johnson | Finalist | 2017 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2016 | This Road We Traveled | Jane Kirkpatrick | Finalist | 2017 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2016 | This Road We Traveled | Jane Kirkpatrick | 2. Platz (geteilt) | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Robert B. Parker's Blackjack | Robert Knott | Gewinner | 2017 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | # 8 der Serie „Virgil Cole & Everett Hitch“ | |
2016 | Museum Piece | Brian Koukol | Gewinner | 2017 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Short Fiction | _ | |
2016 | The Grant Conspiracy: Wake of the Civil War | Lee Martin | Finalist | 2016 | National Indie Excellence Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Buffalo Jump Blues | Keith McCafferty | 2. Platz (geteilt) | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 5 der Serie „Sean Stranahan Mystery“ | |
2016 | Killing Blood | Robert D. McKee | Finalist | 2017 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2016 | Gold City | M.T. Meyer | Finalist | 2016 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2016 | Silence Rides Alone | Charles Millsted | Finalist | 2017 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2016 | Death in Cantera | John D. Nesbitt | 4. Platz | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Good Water | John D. Nesbitt | Finalist | 2017 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Young Adult / Children Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Good Water | John D. Nesbitt | 2. Platz | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | _ | |
2016 | Calamity Jane: How the West Began | Bryan Ney | Finalist | 2017 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Young Adult / Children Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Desertion | Michael Aloysius O'Reilly | Gewinner | 2017 | Laramie Award | ?Western Young Adult? | _ | |
2016 | Mist-chi-mas: A Novel of Captivity | Janet L. Oakley | Gewinner | 2017 | Laramie Award | ?Adventure/Caper? | _ | |
2016 | Mist-chi-mas: A Novel of Captivity | Janet L. Oakley | Finalist | 2018 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2016 | Mist-chi-mas: A Novel of Captivity | Janet L. Oakley | Finalist | 2018 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Mist-chi-mas: A Novel of Captivity | Janet L. Oakley | 2. Platz | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | _ | |
2016 | Trouble Returns | Nancy Oswald | Gewinner | 2017 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 3 der Serie „A Ruby and Maude Adventure“ | |
2016 | Trouble Returns | Nancy Oswald | 3. Platz | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Humor - Written | # 3 der Serie „A Ruby and Maude Adventure“ | |
2016 | What Gold Buys | Ann Parker | 2. Platz | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | # 5 der Serie „Silver Rush Mystery“ | |
2016 | The Turn of the Tide | Rosanne Parry | Finalist | 2017 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Saddle Up! | Donna Alice Patton & Emily Chase Smith | Finalist | 2017 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2016 | And Then the Sky Exploded | David A. Poulsen | Finalist | 2017 | High Plains Book Award | Young Adult Book | _ | |
2016 | Improbable Fortunes | Jeffrey Price | Gewinner | 2016 | Laramie Award | Contemporary Western | _ | |
2016 | Improbable Fortunes | Jeffrey Price | Finalist | 2017 | High Plains Book Award | First Book | _ | |
2016 | Gun Devils of the Rio Grande | James Reasoner | Finalist | 2017 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | # 5 der Serie „Outlaw Ranger“ | |
2016 | Hour Glass | Michelle Rene | Gewinner | 2017 | Laramie Award | ?Classic? | _ | |
2016 | Hour Glass | Michelle Rene | Gewinner | 2017 | Laramie Award | Grand Prize | _ | |
2016 | The Mustanger and the Lady | Dusty Richards | Gewinner | 2017 | Spur Award | Best Western Traditional Novel | # 2 der Reihe „Brandiron“ | |
2016 | Sidetracked in Silver City | Jacquie Rogers | Co-Gewinner | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Humor - Written | # 2 der Serie „Honey Beaulieu - Man Hunter“ | |
2016 | Powder River | Susan K. Salzer | Finalist | 2017 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 3 der Reihe „Frontier“ | |
2016 | Beloved Over All | Irene Sandell | Gewinner | 2017 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Beloved Over All | Irene Sandell | 2. Platz (geteilt) | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Magpie's Blanket | Kimberly D. Schmidt | Finalist | 2017 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Maria Ines | Anne Schroeder | 4. Platz | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Sary's Gold: A Tale of Love, Lust, and Revenge | Sharon Shipley | Finalist | 2017 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 1 der Serie „Sary's Adventures“ | |
2016 | Convictions | Judith Silverthorne | Finalist | 2017 | High Plains Book Award | Woman Writer | _ | |
2016 | Sacrificial Lions | John Simons & David Simons | Gewinner | 2017 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2016 | The Wanted Lawman | A.C. Smith | Finalist | 2017 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2016 | Hurt People | Cote Smith | Gewinner | 2017 | High Plains Book Award | First Book | _ | |
2016 | Hurt People | Cote Smith | Co-Gewinner | 2017 | Kansas Notable Book | _ | _ | |
2016 | Odell's Bones | Troy D. Smith | Gewinner | 2017 | Spur Award | Short Fiction Story | _ | |
2016 | Odell's Bones | Troy D. Smith | Finalist | 2017 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Short Fiction | _ | |
2016 | The Purest Gold | Heather Starsong | Finalist | 2017 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2016 | The Bat Book | Conrad J. Storad; Ill.: Nate Jensen & Tristan Jensen | Gewinner | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated | _ | |
2016 | The Bat Book | Nate Jensen & Tristan Jensen; Text: Conrad J. Storad | Gewinner | 2017 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Humor - Graphics and Illustrations | _ | |
2016 | Echoes of Massacre Canyon | Ben Tyler (Ben Goheen) | Gewinner | 2017 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2016 | Grasshoppers at Dusk | Kiki Watkins | Gewinner | 2017 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2016 | As Good As Gone | Larry Watson | Finalist | 2017 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2016 | The Guns of Pecos County | David Watts | Gold-Medaille | 2017 | Global ebook Award | Western Fiction | # 1 der Serie „The Hell or High Water“ | |
2016 | The Guns of Pecos County | David Watts | Finalist | 2017 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | # 1 der Serie „The Hell or High Water“ | |
2016 | The Guns of Pecos County | David Watts | Finalist | 2017 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 1 der Serie „The Hell or High Water“ | |
2016 | Basque Moon | Julie Weston | Gewinner | 2017 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2016 | Death in the Black Patch | Bruce Wilson | Gewinner | 2017 | Laramie Award | ?Contemporary? | _ | |
2016 | The Contractor | James C. Work | Finalist | 2017 | Spur Award | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2017 | A Female Doctor in the Civil War | Richard Alan (Richard Alan Schwartz) | Gewinner | 2018 | Laramie Award | ?Drama? | _ | |
2017 | West From the Cradle | Brigid Amos | Finalist | 2018 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Young Adult / Children Fiction | _ | |
2017 | Redemption | R. Scott Amsbaugh | Gewinner | 2017 | National Indie Excellence Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2017 | The Tragically True Adventures of Kit Donovan | Patricia Bailey | Gewinner | 2018 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2017 | The Tragically True Adventures of Kit Donovan | Patricia Bailey | 3. Platz | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | _ | |
2017 | Bock's Canyon | Dan Baldwin | Gewinner | 2017 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2017 | Double Wide | Leo W. Banks | Gewinner | 2018 | Spur Award | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2017 | Double Wide | Leo W. Banks | Gewinner | 2018 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2017 | Double Wide | Leo W. Banks | Gewinner | 2018 | New Mexico/Arizona Book Award | Fiction: Mystery/Crime | _ | |
2017 | The Bloodletting | Greg Barth | Finalist | 2018 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2017 | In the Middle of Nowhere | Denny Bertrand | 2. Platz (geteilt) | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Humor - Written | # 3 der Serie „Somewhere Outwest“ | |
2017 | Somewhere Outwest Trilogy | Denny Bertrand | 2. Platz (geteilt) | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Humor - Written | # 1 bis 3 der Serie „Somewhere Outwest“ | |
2017 | Blind Tribute | Mari Anne Christie | Finalist | 2018 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2017 | Buzzard Bait | Brett Cogburn | Finalist | 2018 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 2 der Serie „Widowmaker Jones“ | |
2017 | Living Where the Rabbits Dance | J.R. Collins | Gewinner | 2018 | Laramie Award | ?Young Adult? | # 2 der Serie „Choestoe“ | |
2017 | Promise of Tomorrow | T.K. Conklin | Gewinner | 2018 | Laramie Award | ?Romance? | # 1 der Reihe „Rimrock“ | |
2017 | Huck Out West | Robert Coover | Finalist | 2018 | Spur Award | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2017 | Life, Cowboys and the Free Press | Charles „Dave“ Cox | 3. Platz | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Short Stories | _ | |
2017 | The Widow's Guide to Edible Mushrooms | Chauna Craig | Finalist | 2018 | High Plains Book Award | Short Stories | _ | |
2017 | The Widow's Guide to Edible Mushrooms | Chauna Craig | Finalist | 2018 | High Plains Book Award | First Book | _ | |
2017 | The Captain's Coat | Randall Dale | 5. Platz | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2017 | Stronger Than Mountains | Lynn Dean | 2. Platz | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Fiction | _ | |
2017 | Rough Patches II | Deanna Dickinson McCall | Gewinner | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Short Stories | _ | |
2017 | Katrine: High Valley Home | Joseph Dorris | Finalist | 2018 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2017 | Miss Birgit's Dilemma: Mail Order Bride | Juliette Douglas | Finalist | 2018 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2017 | Pinto: The Chisholm Pony | Stella Dutton | 5. Platz | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated | _ | |
2017 | Shortgrass: A Novel of World War II | John J. Dwyer | Gewinner | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Fiction | _ | |
2017 | Tad Lucas: Trick Riding Rodeo Cowgirl | Laura B. Edge; Ill.: Stephanie Ford | Gewinner | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated | _ | |
2017 | Tad Lucas: Trick Riding Rodeo Cowgirl | Stephanie Ford; Text: Laura B. Edge | Gewinner | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Illustrations, Graphics & Iconic Images | _ | |
2017 | The Stone Place | Randy Lee Eickhoff | Finalist | 2018 | Spur Award | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2017 | Clown William | Robin Elno | Finalist | 2019 | National Indie Excellence Award | Western Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Clown William“ | |
2017 | El Reno | Kevin L. Evans | Finalist | 2018 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2017 | Burials | Mary Anna Evans | Finalist | 2018 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | # 10 der Serie „Faye Longchamp Mysteries“ | |
2017 | Burials | Mary Anna Evans | 3. Platz | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 10 der Serie „Faye Longchamp Mysteries“ | |
2017 | Blood of the Devil | W. Michael Farmer | Finalist | 2017 | New Mexico/Arizona Book Award | Historical Fiction | # 2 der Serie „The Life and Times of Yellow Boy, Mescalero Apache“ | |
2017 | Blood of the Devil | W. Michael Farmer | Finalist | 2017 | New Mexico/Arizona Book Award | Fiction: Adventure | # 2 der Serie „The Life and Times of Yellow Boy, Mescalero Apache“ | |
2017 | Blood of the Devil | W. Michael Farmer | 2. Platz (geteilt) | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 2 der Serie „The Life and Times of Yellow Boy, Mescalero Apache“ | |
2017 | Mariana's Knight: The Revenge of Henry Fountain | W. Michael Farmer | Gewinner | 2017 | New Mexico/Arizona Book Award | Historical Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Legends of the Desert“ | |
2017 | Mariana's Knight: The Revenge of Henry Fountain | W. Michael Farmer | Finalist | 2017 | New Mexico/Arizona Book Award | Fiction: Adventure | # 1 der Serie „Legends of the Desert“ | |
2017 | Mariana's Knight: The Revenge of Henry Fountain | W. Michael Farmer | 2. Platz (geteilt) | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Legends of the Desert“ | |
2017 | Hidden Ones: A Veil of Memories | Marcia Fine | Finalist | 2017 | New Mexico/Arizona Book Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2017 | Hidden Ones: A Veil of Memories | Marcia Fine | Gewinner | 2018 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2017 | Love and Other Consolation Prizes | Jamie Ford | Finalist | 2018 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2017 | Light of the Northern Dancers | Robin F. Gainey | Finalist | 2018 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2017 | Light of the Northern Dancers | Robin F. Gainey | 2. Platz | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Maverick | _ | |
2017 | Moon Hunt: A People of Cahokia Novel | W. Michael Gear & Kathleen O'Neal Gear | Finalist | 2018 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | # 24 der Serie „North America's Forgotten Past“ | |
2017 | A Ranger Returns | James J. Griffin | Finalist | 2018 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Young Adult / Children Fiction | # 9 der Serie „Lone Star Ranger“ | |
2017 | Home to Wyoming | Harlan Hague | Co-Gewinner | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | _ | |
2017 | If I Should Die | Harlan Hague | Co-Gewinner | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | _ | |
2017 | Unfortunate Words | John Hansen | 4. Platz | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | _ | |
2017 | Willene: Jewel of the West | Sally Harper Bates | Finalist | 2018 | Spur Award | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2017 | Coyote Courage | Scott Harris | Finalist | 2018 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2017 | The Widow Nash | Jamie Harrison | Finalist | 2018 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2017 | Dally | Shanna Hatfield | 5. Platz | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | # 8 der Reihe „Pendleton Petticoats“ | |
2017 | Steve, the Mule | Shanna Hatfield; Ill.: Rob Foote | 3. Platz | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated | _ | |
2017 | Bicker and the Soolivans | Jenna Hestekin | Finalist | 2018 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2017 | Mary Fields aka Stagecoach Mary | Erich Martin Hicks | Finalist | 2017 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2017 | Bill Riley's Head | Douglas Hirt | Finalist | 2018 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2017 | The Open Road | M.M. Holaday | Finalist | 2018 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2017 | Gib | John R. Horton | 4. Platz | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2017 | The Cry Not Heard | Cliff Hudgins | Finalist | 2018 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Young Adult / Children Fiction | _ | |
2017 | Barney, the Lopsided Mule | Liz Hughey & Son; Ill.: Bonnie Shields | 2. Platz | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated | # 1 der Serie „Children's Mule Packing“ | |
2017 | Blood Moon: A Captive's Tale | Ruth Hull Chatlien | Gewinner | 2018 | Laramie Award | ?Adventure/Caper? | _ | |
2017 | Blood Moon: A Captive's Tale | Ruth Hull Chatlien | Gewinner | 2018 | Laramie Award | Grand Prize | _ | |
2017 | The Pecos Undertaker | Colby Jackson (Mel Odom) | Gewinner | 2018 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2017 | The Armadillo's Hole Saloon | Colby Jackson (Mel Odom) | Co-Gewinner | 2018 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Short Fiction | # 10 der Reihe „Rancho Diablo“ | |
2017 | New American Western: The Complete Collection | Von Kambro | Finalist | 2017 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2017 | Courting Carrie in Wonderland | Carla Kelly | Finalist | 2018 | Spur Award | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2017 | All She Left Behind | Jane Kirkpatrick | Finalist | 2018 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2017 | Cloaked | Rachel Kovaciny | Finalist | 2018 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Young Adult / Children Fiction | # 1 der Reihe „Once Upon a Western“ | |
2017 | Viva, Rose! | Susan Krawitz | Finalist | 2018 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2017 | The Lucky Hat Mine | J.v.L. Bell (Julie van Lamnen Bell) | 3. Platz | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Humor - Written | _ | |
2017 | Bluster's Last Stand | Preston Lewis | Gewinner | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Humor - Written | _ | |
2017 | Splintered: A Civil War Saga | Curt Locklear | Gewinner | 2018 | Laramie Award | ?Civil War? | # 2 der Serie „Asunder“ | |
2017 | Cap Guns & Stick Ponies | Geoff „Poppa Mac“ Mackay | 4. Platz | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated | _ | |
2017 | Desplazado | Bev Magennis | Finalist | 2018 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2017 | Bad Kansas: Stories | Becky L. Mandelbaum | Gewinner | 2018 | High Plains Book Award | First Book | _ | |
2017 | Rush | Jayme H. Mansfield | Finalist | 2018 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2017 | Copper Sky | Milana Marsenich | Finalist | 2018 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2017 | Stranded: A Story of Frontier Survival | Matthew P. Mayo | Gewinner | 2018 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2017 | Stranded: A Story of Frontier Survival | Matthew P. Mayo | Gewinner | 2018 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | _ | |
2017 | Stranded: A Story of Frontier Survival | Matthew P. Mayo | Gewinner | 2018 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2017 | Stranded: A Story of Frontier Survival | Matthew P. Mayo | Gewinner | 2018 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Young Adult / Children Fiction | _ | |
2017 | Stranded: A Story of Frontier Survival | Matthew P. Mayo | Gewinner | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | _ | |
2017 | Stranded: A Story of Frontier Survival | Matthew P. Mayo | Gewinner | 2018 | High Plains Book Award | Young Adult Book | _ | |
2017 | Cold Hearted River | Keith McCafferty | Gewinner | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 6 der Serie „Sean Stranahan Mystery“ | |
2017 | Out of the Darkness | Robert D. McKee | Finalist | 2018 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2017 | Addie: Courage Rides A Gray Horse | Lyn Miller | 3. Platz | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Fiction | _ | |
2017 | Hard to Quit | Mark Mitten | Finalist | 2018 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2017 | Lily's Mountain | Hannah Moderow | Finalist | 2018 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's / Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2017 | Golden Spike | Robert Lee Murphy | 2. Platz | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | # 3 der Serie „The Iron Horse Chronicles“ | |
2017 | Blood Brothers | Colleen Nelson | Finalist | 2018 | High Plains Book Award | Young Adult Book | _ | |
2017 | Destiny at Dry Camp | John D. Nesbitt | Finalist | 2018 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2017 | Firewater | Olivia Norem | Finalist | 2018 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Short Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Brothers in Justice“ | |
2017 | Train Robbery | Mel Odom | Co-Gewinner | 2018 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Short Fiction | # 2 der Serie „Bass Reeves, Frontier Marshal“ | |
2017 | Encountering Riel | David Orr | Finalist | 2018 | High Plains Book Award | First Book | _ | |
2017 | The Coming | David Osborne | Gewinner | 2018 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2017 | Charley Weston: The Cowboy and the Kid | Mike Prince | 4. Platz | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | _ | |
2017 | Murder on the Red River | Marcie R. Rendon | Finalist | 2018 | Spur Award | Best Western Contemporary Novel | dt.: Am roten Fluss | |
2017 | Gold in the Sun | Dusty Richards | Special Memorial | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 5 der Reihe „Brandiron“ | |
2017 | Valley of Bones | Dusty Richards | Finalist | 2018 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 10 der Serie „Byrnes Family Ranch“ | |
2017 | Strangers | David A. Robertson | Gewinner | 2018 | High Plains Book Award | Indigenous Writer | # 1 der Serie „The Reckoner Trilogy“; dt.: Strangers | |
2017 | Strangers | David A. Robertson | Finalist | 2018 | High Plains Book Award | Young Adult Book | # 1 der Serie „The Reckoner Trilogy“; dt.: Strangers | |
2017 | Crossing at Sweet Grass | Laurie G. Robertson | Finalist | 2017 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2017 | Crossing at Sweet Grass | Laurie G. Robertson | Finalist | 2017 | National Indie Excellence Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2017 | Relentless Pursuit: The Race of a Lifetime | Jack E. Sanford | Finalist | 2018 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2017 | Life in a Casket | Preston Shires | Finalist | 2018 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 1 der Serie „Nebraska Mystery“ | |
2017 | Sophia's Storm: The 1900 Storm | Cara Skinner | 5. Platz | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | _ | |
2017 | Meghan's Choice | Donna L.H. Smith | 4. Platz | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Fiction | # 1 der Reihe „Known By Heart“ | |
2017 | Meghan's Choice | Donna L.H. Smith | Finalist | 2019 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 1 der Reihe „Known By Heart“ | |
2017 | The Treasure of Cedar Creek | Brenda Stanley | Finalist | 2018 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2017 | Dry Run, Oklahoma | Lucinda Stein | Finalist | 2018 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2017 | Slate Creek | Wallace J. Swenson | Finalist | 2018 | Spur Award | Best Western Traditional Novel | # 4 der Serie „Journey to the White Clouds“ | |
2017 | Maureen | Mary E. Trimble | 3. Platz | 2018 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | _ | |
2017 | Galloway's Gamble | Howard Weinstein | Gewinner | 2018 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2017 | The Promise Bride | Gina Welborn & Becca Whitham | Gewinner | 2018 | Spur Award | Best Western Romance Novel | # 1 der Reihe „Montana Brides Romance“ | |
2017 | Hell Hath No Fury | Charles G. West | Gewinner | 2018 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 1 der Serie „John Hawk“ | |
2017 | Zetty | Debra Whiting Alexander | Gewinner | 2018 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2017 | The Lost Years of Billy Battles | Ronald E. Yates | Finalist | 2018 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 3 der Serie „Finding Billy Battles“ | |
2018 | River of Porcupines | G.K. Aalborg | Gewinner | 2019 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2018 | Across Unstill Waters | D.L. Andersen | Finalist | 2019 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 1 der Serie „The Stephenson House Chronicles“ | |
2018 | The Dove Shall Fly | Judith Austin Mills | Gewinner | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Western Fiction | _ | |
2018 | Found Documents from the Life of Nell Johnson Doerr | Thomas Fox Averill | Finalist | 2019 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2018 | Slott Canyon | Dan Baldwin | Gewinner | 2019 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2018 | The Last Grand Adventure | Rebecca Behrens | Finalist | 2019 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's Fiction | _ | |
2018 | The Wanderer and the New West | Adam Bender | Gewinner | 2018 | National Indie Excellence Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2018 | Miss Royal's Mules | Irene Bennett Brown | 2. Platz | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Western Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Nickel Hill“ | |
2018 | Mis-Adventures of Petey and Cecil | Denny Bertrand | Gewinner | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Illustrations, Graphics & Iconic Images | _ | |
2018 | Taos Lightning | Johnny D. Boggs | Gewinner | 2019 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2018 | The Scarred One | Tyler Boone | Finalist | 2019 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2018 | Mystery on the Pecos | Alice V. Brock | Finalist | 2019 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Young Adult / Children Fiction | # 2 der Serie „Will and Buck“ | |
2018 | Mystery on the Pecos | Alice V. Brock | 3. Platz | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | # 2 der Serie „Will and Buck“ | |
2018 | Seven Aprils | Eileen Charbonneau | Gewinner | 2019 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 1 der Reihe „American Civil War Brides“ | |
2018 | Seven Aprils | Eileen Charbonneau | Gewinner | 2019 | Laramie Award | Grand Prize | # 1 der Reihe „American Civil War Brides“ | |
2018 | Buried | Ruth Chorney | Finalist | 2019 | High Plains Book Award | Woman Writer | _ | |
2018 | Line of Glory: A Novel of the Alamo | Thomas D. Clagett | Finalist | 2019 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2018 | Cowboys, Bulls & Thorns: A Texas Ranch Romance | Genie Clark | Finalist | 2018 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2018 | Spirit of the Rabbit Place | J.R. Collins | Gewinner | 2019 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 3 der Serie „Choestoe“ | |
2018 | Remember Texas | Laura Conner Kestner | 3. Platz | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Western Fiction | _ | |
2018 | Wolfe in Shepherd's Clothing | Angie Counios & David Gane | Finalist | 2019 | High Plains Book Award | Young Adult Book | # 3 der Serie „Shepherd & Wolfe Mystery“ | |
2018 | The Woman Who Built a Bridge | C.K. Crigger | Gewinner | 2019 | Spur Award | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2018 | The Which Way Tree | Elizabeth Crook | Gewinner | 2019 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2018 | Black Rock Brothers | S.J. Dahlstrom | 2. Platz | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | # 5 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“ | |
2018 | Hardscrabble | Sandra Dallas | Gewinner | 2019 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
2018 | Hardscrabble | Sandra Dallas | Gewinner | 2019 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's Fiction | _ | |
2018 | Hardscrabble | Sandra Dallas | Finalist | 2019 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2018 | The Patchwork Bride | Sandra Dallas | Finalist | 2019 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2018 | The Chapman Legacy | John Neely Davis | Finalist | 2019 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2018 | Bed of Conspiracy | Juliette Douglas | Gewinner | 2019 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2018 | Clown William and the Lincoln County War | Robin Elno | Gewinner | 2019 | National Indie Excellence Award | Western Fiction | # 2 der Serie „Clown William“ | |
2018 | Knight's Odyssey: The Return of Henry Fountain | W. Michael Farmer | Co-Gewinner | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 2 der Serie „Legends of the Desert“ | |
2018 | Knight of the Tiger: The Betrayals of Henry Fountain | W. Michael Farmer | Co-Gewinner | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 3 der Serie „Legends of the Desert“ | |
2018 | Knight of the Tiger: The Betrayals of Henry Fountain | W. Michael Farmer | Gewinner | 2019 | New Mexico Book Award | Fiction: Adventure | # 3 der Serie „Legends of the Desert“ | |
2018 | Girls from Centro | Juni Fisher | Finalist | 2019 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2018 | Wanders Far: An Unlikely Hero's Journey | David Fitz-Gerald | Gewinner | 2019 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2018 | Wanders Far: An Unlikely Hero's Journey | David Fitz-Gerald | Finalist | 2019 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2018 | Rescued | E. Alan Fleischauer | Gewinner | 2019 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 1 der Serie „JT Thomas Adventures“ | |
2018 | Rescued | E. Alan Fleischauer | ¼ Gewinner | 2021 | Laramie Award | Book Series | # 1 der Serie „JT Thomas Adventures“ | |
2018 | Escape from Ruby's Ranch | Rhonda Frankhouser | Finalist | 2019 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 2 der Serie „Ruby's Ranch“ | |
2018 | This Scorched Earth: A Novel of the Civil War and the American West | William Gear | Finalist | 2019 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2018 | Deep Fire Rise | Jon Gosch | Finalist | 2019 | Spur Award | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2018 | Rebecca's Hope | Kimberly Grist | Finalist | 2019 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | # 1 der Reihe „Carrie Town Texas“ | |
2018 | Black Range Revenge | Melody Groves | Finalist | 2018 | New Mexico/Arizona Book Award | Fiction: Adventure | # 5 der Serie „Colton Brothers Saga“ | |
2018 | Leaving Ah-wah-nee | Harlan Hague | 2. Platz | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | _ | |
2018 | Hard Times | John Hansen | Gewinner | 2019 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2018 | The Outfit | John Hansen | Finalist | 2019 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2018 | The Flicker of Old Dreams | Susan Henderson | Finalist | 2018 | Montana Book Award | _ | _ | |
2018 | The Flicker of Old Dreams | Susan Henderson | Gewinner | 2019 | Spur Award | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2018 | The Flicker of Old Dreams | Susan Henderson | Gewinner | 2019 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2018 | The Flicker of Old Dreams | Susan Henderson | Gewinner | 2019 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2018 | The Flicker of Old Dreams | Susan Henderson | Gewinner | 2019 | High Plains Book Award | Woman Writer | _ | |
2018 | The Legend of Deputy Jim | Dan E. Hendrickson | Finalist | 2019 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2018 | Pack String Hang-Up… A Mule Trail Tale | Liz Hughey & Son; Ill.: Bonnie Shields | Co-Gewinner | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated | # 2 der Serie „Children's Mule Packing“ | |
2018 | Trash Talk | Liz Hughey & Son; Ill.: Bonnie Shields | Co-Gewinner | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated | # 3 der Serie „Children's Mule Packing“ | |
2018 | Broken Field | Jeff Hull | Finalist | 2019 | Spur Award | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2018 | Go Ask Fannie | Elisabeth Hyde | Finalist | 2019 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2018 | A Bad Place to Die | Easy Jackson (Vicky J. Rose) | 5. Platz | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | # 1 der Serie „Tennessee Smith“ | |
2018 | The Pistolman's Apprentice | Linell Jeppsen | Finalist | 2019 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2018 | Depth of Winter | Craig Johnson | 3. Platz | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 14 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“ | |
2018 | The Long Shadow | Beth Kanell | Finalist | 2019 | Spur Award | Best Western Historical Novel | _ | |
2018 | The Hunger | Alma Katsu | Gewinner | 2019 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Novel | dt.: The Hunger - Die letzte Reise | |
2018 | An American in California | Peter Kazaks | Finalist | 2018 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2018 | The Gamble: Lost Treasures | Lynwood Kelly (Troy Abell & Kelly Abell) | Gewinner | 2019 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2018 | Whiskey When We're Dry | John Larison | Gewinner | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Maverick | _ | |
2018 | Come West and See: Stories | Maxim Loskutoff | Co-Gewinner | 2019 | High Plains Book Award | Short Stories | _ | |
2018 | Stories from M2 Ranch | Geoff „Poppa Mac“ Mackay | 5. Platz | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | _ | |
2018 | American Red | David Marlett | Finalist | 2019 | International Book Award | Fiction: Historical | _ | |
2018 | The Swan Keeper | Milana Marsenich | Finalist | 2019 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2018 | Timberline | Matthew P. Mayo | Finalist | 2019 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2018 | A Death in Eden | Keith McCafferty | 2. Platz | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 7 der Serie „Sean Stranahan Mystery“ | |
2018 | A Death in Eden | Keith McCafferty | Finalist | 2019 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | # 7 der Serie „Sean Stranahan Mystery“ | |
2018 | Where the Bullets Fly | Terrence McCauley | Co-Gewinner | 2019 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | # 1 der Serie „Sheriff Aaron Mackey“ | |
2018 | Where the Bullets Fly | Terrence McCauley | Finalist | 2019 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 1 der Serie „Sheriff Aaron Mackey“ | |
2018 | When I Die | Monty McCord | 4. Platz (geteilt) | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 2 der Serie „The Legend of Joe Mundy“ | |
2018 | Cloudbursts: Collected and New Stories | Thomas McGuane | Co-Gewinner | 2019 | High Plains Book Award | Short Stories | _ | |
2018 | Gypsy Rock | Robert D. McKee | Finalist | 2019 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | # 1 der Serie „Billy Young and Hugo Dorling“ | |
2018 | Gypsy Rock | Robert D. McKee | 3. Platz | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Maverick | # 1 der Serie „Billy Young and Hugo Dorling“ | |
2018 | Father unto Many Sons | Rod Miller | Finalist | 2019 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2018 | Rawhide Robinson Rides a Dromedary: The True Tale of a Wild West Camel Caballero | Rod Miller | Finalist | 2019 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2018 | Rawhide Robinson Rides a Dromedary: The True Tale of a Wild West Camel Caballero | Rod Miller | Finalist | 2019 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Young Adult / Children Fiction | _ | |
2018 | The Unnamed Girl: The Woodard Chronicles | Mike H. Mizrahi | Finalist | 2019 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2018 | Burning Ridge | Margaret Mizushima | Finalist | 2019 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | # 4 der Serie „Timber Creek K-9 Mystery“ | |
2018 | Sadia | Colleen Nelson | Gewinner | 2019 | High Plains Book Award | Young Adult Book | _ | |
2018 | Lollypop and Laren | Dawn Nelson | 2. Platz | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated | _ | |
2018 | Castle Butte | John D. Nesbitt | Finalist | 2019 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Young Adult / Children Fiction | _ | |
2018 | Castle Butte | John D. Nesbitt | 4. Platz | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | _ | |
2018 | The River by Starlight | Ellen Notbohm | Gewinner | 2019 | Spur Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2018 | The River by Starlight | Ellen Notbohm | Finalist | 2019 | Spur Award | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2018 | The River by Starlight | Ellen Notbohm | Finalist | 2019 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2018 | A Dying Note | Ann Parker | 4. Platz | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Maverick | # 6 der Serie „Silver Rush Mystery“ | |
2018 | Katydids & Trains: Fading Sounds of the Cherokee Fringe | B.L. Perryman | Gewinner | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Humor - Written | _ | |
2018 | Out of the Ashes | Tracie Peterson & Kimberley Woodhouse | Finalist | 2019 | Spur Award | Best Western Romance Novel | # 2 der Reihe „The Heart of Alaska“ | |
2018 | Apple in the Middle | Dawn Quigley | Finalist | 2019 | WILLA Literary Award | Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2018 | Payback Is Hell | Wes Rand | Finalist | 2019 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | # 3 der Serie „Evil Stryker“ | |
2018 | Zekial | Dusty Richards | Gewinner | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction Special Award | _ | |
2018 | Fiery Star: The Journals of Emma Rose Lightfoot | Leslie Rivers | Finalist | 2019 | National Indie Excellence Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2018 | The Christmas Bear | B.N. Rundell | Finalist | 2019 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Young Adult / Children Fiction | _ | |
2018 | The Wind Called My Name | Mary Louise Sanchez | Finalist | 2019 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's Fiction | _ | |
2018 | A Different Kind of Fire | Suanne Schafer | Finalist | 2019 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2018 | Walk the Promise Road | Anne Schroeder | Gewinner | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | _ | |
2018 | Grit | Ron Schwab | Gewinner | 2019 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2018 | Peyote Spirits | Ron Schwab | Finalist | 2019 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Short Fiction | _ | |
2018 | Underground: Traitors and Spies in Lincoln's War | Kit Sergeant | Finalist | 2019 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2018 | Armed Men and Armadillos | John Earl Sharp | Gewinner | 2018 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2018 | Armed Men and Armadillos | John Earl Sharp | lobend erwähnt | 2018 | Royal Dragonfly Book Award | Westerns | _ | |
2018 | Escape to Fort Abercrombie | Candace Simar | Gewinner | 2019 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Young Adult / Children Fiction | _ | |
2018 | Escape to Fort Abercrombie | Candace Simar | Gewinner | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | _ | |
2018 | The Return of Kid Cooper | Brad Smith | Gewinner | 2019 | Spur Award | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2018 | The Removes | Tatjana Soli | Finalist | 2019 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2018 | An Unexpected Redemption | Davalynn Spencer | Gewinner | 2019 | American Fiction Award | Western | # 2 der Reihe „Front Range Brides“ | |
2018 | Gracie Jane | Janet Squires | 3. Platz | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated | _ | |
2018 | Bronte's Thunder | Lucinda Stein | Finalist | 2019 | High Plains Book Award | Young Adult Book | _ | |
2018 | Make Me No Grave: A Weird West Novel | Hayley Stone | Finalist | 2019 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2018 | See Also Proof | Larry D. Sweazy | Gewinner | 2019 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | # 3 der Serie „Marjorie Trumaine Mystery“ | |
2018 | A Child Went Forth | Boston Teran | Finalist | 2019 | International Book Award | Fiction: Historical | # 2 der Reihe „The Defiant Americans“ | |
2018 | Finding True Home | Heidi M. Thomas | 4. Platz | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Western Fiction | # 2 der Serie „American Dream“ | |
2018 | Saving the Oldest Town in Texas | Linda Thorson Bond | Finalist | 2019 | International Book Award | Fiction: Historical | _ | |
2018 | Saving the Oldest Town in Texas | Linda Thorson Bond | Finalist | 2019 | American Fiction Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2018 | Thorn-Field | James Trettwer | Finalist | 2019 | High Plains Book Award | Short Stories | _ | |
2018 | The Trappers Promise | Bronwyn Trotter | Finalist | 2019 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | # 1 der Serie „The Trappers Promise“ | |
2018 | Dire Wolf of the Quapaw | Phil Truman | 4. Platz | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | _ | |
2018 | Angel in the Fog | T.J. Turner | Finalist | 2019 | International Book Award | Fiction: Historical | # 3 der Serie „Lincoln’s Bodyguard“ | |
2018 | Angel in the Fog | T.J. Turner | Finalist | 2019 | International Book Award | Fiction: Historical | # 3 der Serie „Lincoln’s Bodyguard“ | |
2018 | Angel in the Fog | T.J. Turner | Finalist | 2019 | American Fiction Award | Historical Fiction | # 3 der Serie „Lincoln’s Bodyguard“ | |
2018 | The Cattle Driver | Ryan Uytdewilligen | Gewinner | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Short Stories | _ | |
2018 | The Communing Tree | Theresa Verboort | Gewinner | 2019 | WILLA Literary Award | Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2018 | I am Mrs. Jesse James | Pat Wahler | Co-Gewinner | 2019 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2018 | I am Mrs. Jesse James | Pat Wahler | Finalist | 2018 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2018 | Born to the Badge | Mark Warren | Finalist | 2019 | Spur Award | Best Western Traditional Novel | # 2 der Serie „Wyatt Earp, an American Odyssey“ | |
2018 | The Kitchen Marriage | Gina Welborn & Becca Whitham | Finalist | 2019 | Spur Award | Best Western Romance Novel | # 2 der Reihe „Montana Brides Romance“ | |
2018 | No Justice in Hell | Charles G. West | Finalist | 2019 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 2 der Serie „John Hawk“ | |
2018 | Marshallville | John West | Finalist | 2019 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2018 | Joy That Long Endures | Alethea Williams | 3. Platz | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | _ | |
2018 | Becoming Beatrice | Frances L. Wood | Finalist | 2019 | WILLA Literary Award | Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2018 | Gold Dust | Reavis Z. Wortham | 4. Platz (geteilt) | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 7 der Serie „Red River Mystery“ | |
2018 | Hawke's War | Reavis Z. Wortham | Gewinner | 2019 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 2 der Serie „Sonny Hawke Thriller“ | |
2018 | Hawke's War | Reavis Z. Wortham | 4. Platz (geteilt) | 2019 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 2 der Serie „Sonny Hawke Thriller“ | |
2019 | Angel Thieves | Kathi Appelt | Finalist | 2020 | WILLA Literary Award | Young Adult Fiction | _ | |
2019 | Wyandotte Bound | George T. Arnold | Gewinner | 2021 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2019 | Petey and Cecil Ride Again | Denny Bertrand | Gewinner | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Humor - Written | _ | |
2019 | J is for Jackalope | Teal Blake | Gewinner | 2020 | Wrangler Award | Outstanding Western Juvenile Book | _ | |
2019 | The Cost of Dying | Peter Brandvold | Finalist | 2020 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 13 der Serie „Lou Prophet, Bounty Hunter“ | |
2019 | Finding Home | Corinne Joy Brown | Finalist | 2020 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2019 | Soyala: Daughter of the Desert | Cindy Burkart Maynard | Finalist | 2020 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2019 | Iron Dogs | Neil Chase | Gold-Medaille | 2019 | Global ebook Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2019 | Iron Dogs | Neil Chase | Finalist | 2020 | American Fiction Award | Western | _ | |
2019 | Sweep out the Ashes | Mary Clearman Blew | Finalist | 2020 | Spur Award | Best Western Contemporary Novel | _ | |
2019 | Friends Call Me Bat | Paul Colt (Paul Schmelzer) | Finalist | 2020 | Spur Award | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2019 | All Man's Land | D. László Conhaim | Finalist | 2020 | Spur Award | Best Western Traditional Novel | _ | |
2019 | All Man's Land | D. László Conhaim | 3. Platz | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Maverick | _ | |
2019 | Promise of Spring | T.K. Conklin | Finalist | 2020 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 2 der Serie „Rimrock“ | |
2019 | Promise of Spring | T.K. Conklin | Gewinner | 2023 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 2 der Serie „Rimrock“ | |
2019 | A Texas Promise | Laura Conner Kestner | 3. Platz | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Western Fiction | _ | |
2019 | Beautiful Courage: A Young Woman's Journey West, 1852 | Diane M. Covington-Carter; Ill.: Susan Whiting | Finalist | 2020 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's Fiction | _ | |
2019 | The Yeggman's Apprentice | C.K. Crigger | Gewinner | 2020 | Spur Award | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2019 | Yester's Ride | C.K. Crigger | Finalist | 2020 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2019 | Someplace to Call Home | Sandra Dallas | Gewinner | 2020 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | _ | |
2019 | Someplace to Call Home | Sandra Dallas | Co-Gewinner | 2020 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's Fiction | _ | |
2019 | The Daughter's Predicament | Mary Davis | 3. Platz | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | _ | |
2019 | Apache Lament | Patrick Dearen | Gewinner | 2019 | Elmer Kelton Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2019 | Apache Lament | Patrick Dearen | Gewinner | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Western Fiction | _ | |
2019 | Trouble the Water | Rebecca Dwight Bruff | Gewinner | 2019 | American Fiction Award | African American Fiction | _ | |
2019 | Trouble the Water | Rebecca Dwight Bruff | Gewinner | 2020 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2019 | Trouble the Water | Rebecca Dwight Bruff | Gewinner | 2020 | Laramie Award | Grand Prize | _ | |
2019 | Mustang: A Novel of World War II | John J. Dwyer | 4. Platz | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Western Fiction | _ | |
2019 | Leftover Soldiers: Life on the Western Frontier | Bert Entwistle | Gewinner | 2020 | National Indie Excellence Award | Western Fiction | # 1 der Serie „Leftover Soldiers“ | |
2019 | Leftover Soldiers: Life on the Western Frontier | Bert Entwistle | Finalist | 2019 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 1 der Serie „Leftover Soldiers“ | |
2019 | Leftover Soldiers: Life on the Western Frontier | Bert Entwistle | Finalist | 2021 | American Fiction Award | Western | # 1 der Serie „Leftover Soldiers“ | |
2019 | Catacombs | Mary Anna Evans | Gewinner | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Maverick | # 12 der Serie „Faye Longchamp Mysteries“ | |
2019 | Catacombs | Mary Anna Evans | Gewinner | 2020 | Oklahoma Book Award | Fiction | # 12 der Serie „Faye Longchamp Mysteries“ | |
2019 | Death Stalks Apache Oro | Sam Judd Fadala | 3. Platz | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | _ | |
2019 | Blood-Soaked Earth: The Trial of Oliver Lee | W. Michael Farmer | 2. Platz (geteilt) | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 4 der Serie „Legends of the Desert“ | |
2019 | The Last Warrior | W. Michael Farmer | 2. Platz (geteilt) | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 3 der Serie „The Life and Times of Yellow Boy, Mescalero Apache“ | |
2019 | My Wife's Wishes | James Filomio Jr. | Finalist | 2019 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2019 | Hunted | E. Alan Fleischauer | Finalist | 2020 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 2 der Serie „JT Thomas Adventures“ | |
2019 | Hunted | E. Alan Fleischauer | ¼ Gewinner | 2021 | Laramie Award | Book Series | # 2 der Serie „JT Thomas Adventures“ | |
2019 | Madam in Silk | Gini Grossenbacher | Finalist | 2020 | National Indie Excellence Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2019 | Cold White Sun | Sue Farrell Holler | Gewinner | 2020 | High Plains Book Award | Young Adult Book | _ | |
2019 | The Red Dirt Hymnbook | Roxie Faulkner Kirk | Gewinner | 2020 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2019 | The Mustangers | Andrew J. Fenady | Gewinner | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction Special Award | _ | |
2019 | A Crow to Pluck | Bob Giel | Finalist | 2020 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2019 | Northern Wolf | Daniel Greene | Gewinner | 2020 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 1 der Serie „Northern Wolf“ | |
2019 | Northern Hunt | Daniel Greene | Semi-Finalist | 2021 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 2 der Serie „Northern Wolf“ | |
2019 | The Reckless Oath We Made | Bryn Greenwood | Co-Gewinner | 2020 | Kansas Notable Book | _ | _ | |
2019 | The Reckless Oath We Made | Bryn Greenwood | Finalist | 2020 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | _ | |
2019 | Chasing Gold | Gerald L. Guy | Finalist | 2019 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 2 der Serie „The McIntyre Adventures“ | |
2019 | Chasing the Past | Gerald L. Guy | Finalist | 2019 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | # 3 der Serie „The McIntyre Adventures“ | |
2019 | This New Day | Harlan Hague | Finalist | 2020 | Spur Award | Best Western Romance Novel | _ | |
2019 | This New Day | Harlan Hague | Finalist | 2020 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2019 | This New Day | Harlan Hague | Gewinner | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Romance | _ | |
2019 | Alamo All-Stars | Nathan Hale | Gewinner | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Graphic Novels & Iconic Images | _ | |
2019 | Calamity | Libbie Hawker | Finalist | 2020 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2019 | One for the Blackbird, One for the Crow | Olivia Hawker | Finalist | 2020 | WILLA Literary Award | Historical Fiction | _ | |
2019 | The First Lady and the Rebel | Susan Higginbotham | Finalist | 2020 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2019 | The Tale Teller | Anne Hillerman | Finalist | 2020 | Oklahoma Book Award | Fiction | # 23 der Serie „Leaphorn and Chee“ | |
2019 | The Healer's Daughter | Charlotte Hinger | Co-Gewinner | 2020 | Kansas Notable Book | _ | _ | |
2019 | The Healer's Daughter | Charlotte Hinger | 2. Platz | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Maverick | _ | |
2019 | The Healer's Daughter | Charlotte Hinger | Finalist | 2020 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2019 | Sweet Twisted Pine | Lori R. Hodges | Finalist | 2020 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2019 | Sweet Twisted Pine | Lori R. Hodges | Finalist | 2020 | American Fiction Award | Western | _ | |
2019 | The Survival of Margaret Thomas | Del Howison | Finalist | 2020 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2019 | Sit a Tall Horse | Paul Hunter | 4. Platz (geteilt) | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Short Stories | _ | |
2019 | Land of Wolves | Craig Johnson | Gewinner | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction | # 15 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“ | |
2019 | Lockett's Crucible | T.J. Johnson | Finalist | 2020 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2019 | Matamoros | James Kahn | Gewinner | 2020 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2019 | Matamoros | James Kahn | Finalist | 2020 | American Fiction Award | Western | _ | |
2019 | A Perfect Eye | Stephanie Kane | Finalist | 2020 | WILLA Literary Award | Original Softcover Fiction | _ | |
2019 | North in the Spring | Frank Kelso | 4. Platz | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Maverick | # 2 der Serie „The Apprentice“ | |
2019 | One More River to Cross | Jane Kirkpatrick | 2. Platz | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Inspirational Western Fiction | _ | |
2019 | Qaqavii | Miriam Körner | Finalist | 2020 | High Plains Book Award | Young Adult Book | _ | |
2019 | Kunze Up Front! | Otto Kunze | Gewinner | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Maverick Special Award | _ | |
2019 | All the Impossible Things | Lindsay Lackey | Finalist | 2020 | WILLA Literary Award | Children's Fiction | dt.: Das Mädchen, das den Sturm ruft | |
2019 | The Line Between | Tosca Lee | Finalist | 2020 | High Plains Book Award | Fiction | _ | |
2019 | Crawl: Larcena's Story | Elle Marlow; Ill.: R.C. Matthews | Gewinner | 2020 | The Wild Bunch Film Festival Western Writer | Best Arizona Manuscript | # 1 der Serie „Before Arizona“ | |
2019 | Two Thousand Grueling Miles | L.J. Martin | Finalist | 2020 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2019 | Nickel's Luck | S.L. Matthews | Gewinner | 2020 | Peacemaker Award | Best Western Novel | _ | |
2019 | Nickel's Luck | S.L. Matthews | Finalist | 2020 | Best Book Award | Fiction: Western | _ | |
2019 | Dark Territory | Terrence McCauley | Finalist | 2020 | Spur Award | Best Original Western Paperback Novel | # 2 der Serie „Sheriff Aaron Mackey“ | |
2019 | Unforsaken | John Dwaine McKenna | Finalist | 2020 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | _ | |
2019 | The Fang of Bonfire Crossing | Brad McLelland & Louis Sylvester | Finalist | 2020 | Spur Award | Best Western Juvenile Fiction | # 2 der Reihe „Legends of the Lost Causes“ | |
2019 | Fire Blossom | Gail Meath | Finalist | 2020 | Laramie Award | unbekannt | _ | |
2019 | All Their Yesterdays | Karen Mireau | 2. Platz | 2020 | Will Rogers Medallion Award | Western Fiction - Younger Readers | _ | |
2019 | Tracking Game | Margaret Mizushima | Finalist | 2020 | WILLA Literary Award | Contemporary Fiction | # 5 der Serie „Timber Creek K-9 Mystery“ | |
2019 | The Lily of the West | Kathleen Morris | Gewinner | 2020 | Peacemaker Award | Best First Western Novel | <