HALL OF FAME – Die Western Awards

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HALL OF FAME – Die Western Awards

Infos – von unserem Gastautor Reinhard Windeler

Von Spur und Wrangler bis zum Pulitzer

Im deutschsprachigen Raum gab es zu keiner Zeit Bemühungen, Preise für Westernromane (in welcher Form auch immer) ins Leben zu rufen. Im Mutterland des Westernromans war das nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg der Fall.
1953 wurde der Verband der „Western Writers of America“ gegründet, der die SPUR AWARDS verleiht, die bis heute angesehenste Auszeichnung im Western-Genre. Eine fast ebenso lange Tradition haben die seit 1961 vergebenen WESTERN HERITAGE AWARDS, die etwas griffiger auch als WRANGLER AWARDS bezeichnet werden.


Die Logos der wichtigsten Preise…

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Daneben gab und gibt es natürlich auch Literaturpreise, die nicht auf den Westernbereich beschränkt waren und sind, mit denen aber Romane mit Westernthemen eher selten prämiert wurden, z.B. der PULITZER PRIZE und der NATIONAL BOOK AWARD.


Um die Jahrtausendwende, und vermehrt in den 2000er Jahren, kamen jedoch zahlreiche neue Auszeichnungen hinzu, sodass man mittlerweile von einer regelrechten Inflation sprechen kann, die den Anschein erweckt, dass mit ihr dem Niedergang der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung von Westernliteratur entgegengewirkt werden soll, denn auch in den USA ist die Blütezeit dieses Genres längst vorbei.

Insbesondere die PEACEMAKER AWARDS sind 2010 mit der Botschaft angetreten, den traditionellen Western zu fördern und ins Bewusstsein der potenziellen Leserschaft zu heben.

Außer den bereits genannten haben wir insbesondere noch folgende Auszeichnungen berücksichtigt:

Bei vielen Preisen wurde eine fast unüberschaubare Vielzahl von Kategorien geschaffen. Zudem umfassen manche Auszeichnungen nicht nur Romane, ja nicht einmal nur Bücher, sondern beispielsweise auch Filme und Musik. Bei gedruckten Texten wiederum werden auch Kurzgeschichten, Gedichte sowie Sach- und Bilderbücher, ja sogar Kochbücher erfasst.


Auswahl an Romanen, die wichtige Preise gewonnen haben.

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Die wichtigsten Preise

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Letztes Update: 7. August 2024

Die Spur-Awards

Seit 1953 wird der wohl bedeutendste Literaturpreis im Western-Genre verliehen. Er wird jährlich vom Schriftstellerverband Western Writers of America in mehreren Kategorien vergeben.

1953Law ManLee Leighton (Wayne D. Overholser)Gewinner1953Best Western Noveldt.: Befehl des Gesetzes / Wer den Stern trägt / Am Ende der Galgen
1953The Wheel and the HearthLucia MooreGewinner1953Best Western Historical Novel_
1953Sagebrush SorrelFrank C. RobertsonGewinner1953Best Western Juvenile Fictiondt.: Ollie und der Wildhengst
1954The Violent LandWayne D. OverholserGewinner1954Best Western Noveldt.: Weidekrieg
1954Young Hero of the RangeStephen PayneGewinner1954Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1954Journey by the RiverJohn PrescottGewinner1954Best Western Historical Novel_
1955Somewhere They DieL.P. HolmesGewinner1955Best Western Novel_
1956High GunLeslie ErnenweinGewinner1956Best Western Novel_
1956Generations of MenJohn Clinton HuntGewinner1956Best Western Historical Novel_
1956Trapping the Silver BeaverCharles NiehuisGewinner1956Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1957Silver MountainDan CushmanGewinner1957Best Western Historical Novel_
1957Buffalo WagonsElmer KeltonGewinner1957Best Western Noveldt.: Büffeljäger / Die letzte Jagd
1957Wolf BrotherJim KjelgaardGewinner1957Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1958The Fancher TrainAmelia BeanGewinner1958Best Western Historical Novel_
1958Short Cut to Red RiverNoel LoomisGewinner1958Best Western Novel_
1958Steamboat Up the MissouriDale WhiteGewinner1958Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1959Long RunNelson NyeGewinner1959Best Western Novel_
1959The Buffalo SoldiersJohn PrebbleGewinner1959Best Western Historical Novel_
1959Hold Back the HunterDale WhiteGewinner1959Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1960The Nameless BreedWill C. Brown (Clarence Boyles)Gewinner1960Best Western Noveldt.: … sie ritten für Texas
1960From Where the Sun Now StandsWill Henry (Henry Wilson Allen)Gewinner1960Best Western Historical Noveldt.: Weg der Tränen
1960Their Shining HourRamona Maher WeeksGewinner1960Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1961The Winter WarWilliam Wister HainesGewinner1961Best Western Historical Novel_
1961The HonyockerGiles LutzGewinner1961Best Western Novel_
1961The Horse TalkerJeanne WilliamsGewinner1961Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1962MoontrapDon BerryGewinner1962Best Western Historical Novel_
1962Comanche CaptivesFred GroveGewinner1962Best Western Novel_
1963Follow the Free WindLeigh BrackettGewinner1963Best Western Noveldt.: Frei wie der Wind
1963By the Great Horn Spoon!Sid FleischmanCo-Gewinner1963Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1963Gates of the MountainsWill Henry (Henry Wilson Allen)Gewinner1963Best Western Historical Noveldt.: Im Land der Schoschonen
1963The Story CatcherMari SandozCo-Gewinner1963Best Western Juvenile Fictiondt.: Schreib es auf die Haut des Büffels
1964The Trail to OgallalaBenjamin CappsGewinner1964Best Western Noveldt.: Das endlose Treiben
1964Indian FighterE.E. HalleranGewinner1964Best Western Historical Noveldt.: Bis zur letzten Patrone
1964Ride a Northbound HorseRichard WormserGewinner1964Best Western Juvenile Fictiondt.: Der Weg nach Kansas
1965Gold in CaliforniaTodhunter BallardCo-Gewinner1965Best Western Historical Noveldt.: Gold in Kalifornien
1965Sam ChanceBenjamin CappsGewinner1965Best Western Novel_
1965Mountain ManVardis FisherCo-Gewinner1965Best Western Historical Novel_
1965The Stubborn OneRutherford MontgomeryGewinner1965Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1966The Burning ClassAnnabel Johnson & Edgar JohnsonGewinner1966Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1966My Brother JohnHerbert R. PurdumGewinner1966Best Western Novel_
1966Hellfire JacksonGarland Roark & Charles ThomasGewinner1966Best Western Historical Novel_
1967The Dunderhead WarBetty BakerCo-Gewinner1967Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1967The Valdez HorsesLee HoffmanGewinner1967Best Western Noveldt.: Wilde Pferde
1967Half BreedEvelyn LampmanCo-Gewinner1967Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1967The Wolf is My BrotherChad OliverGewinner1967Best Western Historical Noveldt.: Der Wolf - mein Bruder
1968Middl'unElizabeth BurlesonGewinner1968Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1968Down the Long HillsLouis L'AmourGewinner1968Best Western Noveldt.: Allein in der Wildnis
1968The Red SabbathLewis B. PattenGewinner1968Best Western Historical Noveldt.: Little Big Horn
1969Tragg's ChoiceClifton AdamsGewinner1969Best Western Noveldt.: Satans Silberdollar
1969The White Man's RoadBenjamin CappsGewinner1969Best Western Historical Novel_
1969The Meeker MassacreWayne D. Overholser & Lewis B. PattenGewinner1969Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1969Big With VengeanceCecil SnyderGewinner1969Best First Western Novel_
1970The Last Days of Wolf GarnettClifton AdamsGewinner1970Best Western Noveldt.: Ein Grab in Texas
1970Cayuse CourageEvelyn LampmanGewinner1970Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1971The Day the Cowboys QuitElmer KeltonGewinner1971Best Western Noveldt.: Die letzten Cowboys
1971The Black MustangerRichard WormserGewinner1971Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1972Only Earth & Sky Last ForeverNathaniel BenchleyGewinner1973Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1972The True Memoirs of Charlie BlankenshipBenjamin CappsFinalist1972Best Western Novel_
1972ChiricahuaWill Henry
(Henry Wilson Allen)
Gewinner1972Best Western Historical Noveldt.: Apachen kennen kein Erbarmen
1972A Killing in KiowaLewis B. PattenGewinner1972Best Western Noveldt.: Die wilde Meute
1973The Time It Never RainedElmer KeltonGewinner1973Best Western Noveldt.: Der Weidekönig
1973Freedom TrailJeanne WilliamsGewinner1973Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1974Susy's ScoundrelHarold KeithGewinner1974Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1974A Hanging in SweetwaterStephen OverholserGewinner1974Best Western Novel_
1975Dust of the EarthVera Cleaver & Bill CleaverGewinner1975Best Western Juvenile Fictiondt.: Ab morgen hüte ich Schafe
1975The ShootistGlendon SwarthoutGewinner1975Best Western Noveldt.: Der Superschütze
1976The KincaidsMatt BraunGewinner1976Best Western Historical Novel_
1976The Spirit HorsesLou CameronCo-Gewinner1976Best Western Novel_
1976The Court Martial of George Armstrong CusterDouglas C. JonesCo-Gewinner1976Best Western Novel_
1977The Great Horse RaceFred GroveGewinner1977Best Western Novel_
1977A Shepherd Watches, a Shepherd Sings: Growing Up a Basque Shepherd in California's San Joaquin ValleyLouis Irigaray & Theodore TaylorGewinner1977Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1977Swimming Man BurningTerrence KilpatrickGewinner1977Best Western Historical Novel_
1978The No-Return TrailSonia LevitinGewinner1978Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1978Riders to CibolaNorman ZollingerGewinner1978Best Western Novel_
1979Woman ChiefBenjamin CappsFinalist1979Best Western Historical Noveldt.: Die Legende von Woman Chief
1979The HoldoutsWilliam DeckerGewinner1979Best Western Novel_
1979ThirstyAndrew DequasieGewinner1979Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1980The Valiant WomenJeanne WilliamsGewinner1980Best Western Novel_
1981Ride Down the WindWayne BartonGewinner1981Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1981Aces & EightsLoren D. EstlemanGewinner1981Best Western Historical Noveldt.: Der Teufel teilt die Karten aus
1981The Last RunMark Jonathan HarrisGewinner1981Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1981HorizonLee HeadCo-Gewinner1981Best Western Novel_
1981Eyes of the HawkElmer KeltonCo-Gewinner1981Best Western Noveldt.: Die Augen des Falken
1982Before the LarkIrene Bennett BrownGewinner1982Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1982Match RaceFred GroveGewinner1982Best Western Novel_
1982Carry the WindTerry C. JohnstonGewinner1982Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)# 1 der Serie „Titus Bass“
1982Ride the WindLucia St. Clair RobsonGewinner1982Best Western Historical Noveldt.: Die mit dem Wind reitet
1983Leaving KansasFrank RoderusGewinner1983Best Western Noveldt.: Rivalen in Kansas
1983Winter GrassRichard S. WheelerFinalist1983Best Western Novel_
1983Thunder on the TennesseeG. Clifton WislerGewinner1983Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1983Sam BassBryan WoolleyGewinner1983Best Western Historical Novel_
1984Gone the Dreams and DancingDouglas C. JonesGewinner1984Best Western Historical Novel_
1984WinterkillCraig LeslieGewinner1984Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1984Trapped in Slickrock CanyonGloria SkurzynskiGewinner1984Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1985Prairie SongsPam ConradGewinner1985Best Western Juvenile Fictiondt.: Lied der Prärie
1985The Snowblind MoonJohn Byrne CookeGewinner1985Best Western Historical Novel_
1985The Snowblind MoonJohn Byrne CookeGewinner1985Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1985Lonesome DoveLarry McMurtryGewinner1985Best Western Noveldt.: Weg in die Wildnis
1986The Blind CorralRalph Robert BeerGewinner1986Best Western Novel_
1986Come SpringCharlotte HingerGewinner1986Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1986RomanDouglas C. JonesGewinner1986Best Western Historical Novel_
1987Wanderer SpringsRobert FlynnGewinner1987Best Western Historical Novel_
1987SkinwalkersTony HillermanGewinner1987Best Western Novel# 7 der Serie „Leaphorn and Chee“; dt.: Die Nacht der Skinwalkers
1987Jenny's MountainElaine LongGewinner1987Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1987A Family ApartJoan Lowery NixonGewinner1987Best Western Juvenile Fiction# 1 der Serie „The Orphan Train“
1988MattieJudy AlterGewinner1988Best Western Novel_
1988In the Face of DangerJoan Lowery NixonGewinner1988Best Western Juvenile Fiction# 3 der Serie „The Orphan Train“
1988Spirit of the HillsDan O'BrienGewinner1988Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1988The HomesmanGlendon SwarthoutGewinner1988Best Novel of the Westdt.: The Homesman - Es führt ein Weg zurück
1989My DanielPam ConradGewinner1989Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1989South TexasAnn GabrielGewinner1989Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1989Panther in the SkyJames Alexander ThomGewinner1989Best Novel of the West_
1989Fool's CoachRichard S. WheelerGewinner1989Best Western Novel_
1989Among the EaglesG. Clifton WislerGewinner1989Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
1990The Changing WindDon ColdsmithGewinner1990Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
1990Honey GirlMadge HarrahGewinner1990Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1990Caesar of Santa FeTim MacCurdyGewinner1990Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1990SanctuaryGary D. SveeGewinner1990Best Western Novel_
1990Home MountainJeanne WilliamsGewinner1990Best Novel of the West_
1991Journal of the Gun YearsRichard MathesonGewinner1991Best Western Novel_
1991The Sixth RiderMax McCoyGewinner1991Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1991Rescue Josh McGuireBen MikaelsenGewinner1991Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1991The Medicine HornJory ShermanGewinner1991Best Novel of the West_
1991Rage in ChupaderaNorman ZollingerGewinner1991Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
1992NickajackRobert J. ConleyGewinner1992Best Western Novel_
1992John Stone and the Choctaw KidWayne Davis (Stephen Bly)Gewinner1992Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1992SlaughterElmer KeltonGewinner1992Best Novel of the West_
1992The Golden ChanceT.V. OlsenGewinner1992Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
1992The HaymeadowGary PaulsenGewinner1992Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1993FriendsCharles HackenberryGewinner1993Best Western Novel_
1993Empire of Bones: A Novel of Sam Houston and the Texas RevolutionJeff LongGewinner1993Best Novel of the West_
1993Leaving EldoradoJoann MazzioGewinner1993Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1993The Gila RiverGary McCarthyGewinner1993Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 10 der Reihe „Rivers West“
1993People of the Whistling WaterMardi Oakley MedawarGewinner1993Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1993Before HonorGeo. W. ProctorFinalist1993Best Western Novel_
1994The PlainswomanIrene Bennett BrownFinalist1994Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
1994Hey, Cowboy, Wanna Get Lucky?Baxter BlackFinalist1994Best Western Novel_
1994Shortgrass SongMike BlakelyFinalist1994Best Novel of the West_
1994Wyatt EarpMatt BraunFinalist1994Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
1994When Cowboys DiePatrick DearenFinalist1994Best Western Novel_
1994St. Agnes' StandThomas EidsonGewinner1994Best Western Novel_
1994St. Agnes' StandThomas EidsonGewinner1994Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1994City of WidowsLoren D. EstlemanFinalist1994Best Western Novel_
1994Wyatt EarpDan GordonFinalist1994Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)dt.: Wyatt Earp - Das Leben einer Legende
1994The HookmenTimothy HillmerFinalist1994Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1994Crockett of TennesseeCameron JuddFinalist1994Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
1994The Far CanyonElmer KeltonGewinner1994Best Novel of the West_
1994A Dangerous PromiseJoan Lowery NixonFinalist1994Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1994Survival: A Novel of the Donner PartyK.C. McKenna (Robert Vaughan)Gewinner1994Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
1994The Journey of Hector RabinalDonley WattFinalist1994Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1994CashboxRichard S. WheelerFinalist1994Best Novel of the West_
1994Mr. Lincoln's DrummerG. Clifton WislerFinalist1994Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1994Not of War OnlyNorman ZollingerFinalist1994Best Novel of the West_
1995Stone Song: A Novel of the Life of Crazy HorseWin BlevinsGewinner1995Best Novel of the West# 3 der Reihe „American Dreamers“
1995Lone SurvivorWill Camp (Preston Lewis)Finalist1995Best Western Novel_
1995The Dark IslandRobert J. ConleyGewinner1995Best Western Novel_
1995IndioSherry GarlandGewinner1995Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1995Thunder in the ValleyJim R. WoolardGewinner1995Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
1995Thunder in the ValleyJim R. WoolardGewinner1995Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1996Blood of TexasWill Camp (Preston Lewis)Gewinner1996Best Western Novel_
1996Far NorthWill HobbsGewinner1996Best Western Juvenile Fictiondt.: Weit im Norden
1996Death of a Healing WomanAllana MartinGewinner1996Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1996Potter's FieldsFrank RoderusGewinner1996Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
1996Ghost HorsesPamela Smith HallFinalist1996Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1996SierraRichard S. WheelerGewinner1996Best Novel of the West_
1997Keepers of the EarthLaVerne Harrell ClarkGewinner1998Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1997The Kiowa VerdictCynthia HaseloffGewinner1998Best Western Novel_
1997BrandishDouglas HirtFinalist1998Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
1997Comanche MoonLarry McMurtryGewinner1998Best Novel of the West_
1997Leaving MissouriEllen RecknorGewinner1998Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
1997Danger Along the OhioPatricia WillisGewinner1998Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1998Comanche DawnMike BlakelyFinalist1999Best Novel of the West_
1998The Spanish PeaksJon ChandlerGewinner1999Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1998Journey of the DeadLoren D. EstlemanGewinner1999Best Western Novel_
1998DeadwoodDouglas HirtFinalist1999Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 2 der Reihe „Boom Town“
1998Dark TrailHiram KingGewinner1999Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
1998PeteyBen MikaelsenGewinner1999Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1998The All-True Travels and
Adventures of Lidie Newton
Jane SmileyGewinner1999Best Novel of the Westdt.: Lidie Newton oder ein abenteuerliches Frauenleben
1999Ten and MeJohnny D. BoggsFinalist2000Best Western Novel_
1999WrangoBrian BurksGewinner2000Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
1999Mine WorkJim DavidsonGewinner2000Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
1999Mine WorkJim DavidsonGewinner2000Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1999Jason's GoldWill HobbsFinalist2000Best Western Juvenile Fictiondt.: Im Goldrausch
1999Prophet AnnieEllen RecknorGewinner2000Best Novel of the West_
1999MastersonRichard S. WheelerGewinner2000Best Western Novel_
2000The Chivalry of CrimeDesmond BarryGewinner2001Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
2000Summer of PearlsMike BlakelyGewinner2001Best Western Novel_
2000The Gates of the AlamoStephen HarriganGewinner2001Best Novel of the West_
2000Requiem at DawnSheldon RussellFinalist2001Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2000Bound for the Promise LandTroy D. SmithGewinner2001Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2000The Midnight Train HomeErika TamarGewinner2001Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2000The WitnessRichard S. WheelerFinalist2001?Best Western Novel?
2001Moon MedicineMike BlakelyFinalist2002Best Novel of the West_
2001Open SeasonC.J. BoxFinalist2002Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)# 1 der Serie „Joe Pickett“
2001The Master ExecutionerLoren D. EstlemanFinalist2002Best Western Novel_
2001Walk Across the SeaSusan FletcherFinalist2002Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2001Last Year's RiverAllen Morris JonesFinalist2002Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
2001The Way of the CoyoteElmer KeltonGewinner2002Best Western Novel_
2001Code of the WestAaron LathamFinalist2002Best Novel of the West_
2001Touching Spirit BearBen MikaelsenFinalist2002Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2001RockbusterGloria SkurzynskiGewinner2002Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2001Corps of DiscoveryJeffrey W. TenneyGewinner2002Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
2001Corps of DiscoveryJeffrey W. TenneyFinalist2002Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2001The Miracle Life of Edgar MintBrady UdallGewinner2002Best Novel of the Westdt.: Das wundersame Leben des Edgar Mint / Der Bierdosenbaum
2001Blind Your PoniesStanley Gordon WestFinalist2002Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2001Drum's RingRichard S. WheelerGewinner2002Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2001RestitutionRichard S. WheelerFinalist2002Best Western Novel_
2002The CallingsHenry C. ChappellFinalist2003Medicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
2002The Chili QueenSandra DallasGewinner2003Best Western Noveldt.: Die Chili Queen
2002The Big BurnJeanette IngoldGewinner2003Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2002Perma RedDebra Magpie EarlingGewinner2003Best Novel of the West_
2002Silver LiesAnn ParkerFinalist2003Best Novel of the West# 1 der Serie „Silver Rush Mystery“
2002Jo's TriumphNikki TateFinalist2003Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2002Oblivion's Altar: A Novel of CourageDavid Marion WilkinsonGewinner2003Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2003The LuckyH. Lee BarnesFinalist2004Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2003So Wild a DreamWin BlevinsGewinner2004Best Novel of the West# 1 der Serie „Rendezvous“
2003In the Eye of the Storm: The Adventures of Young Buffalo BillElizabeth Cody KimmelGewinner2004Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2003I Should Be Extremely Happy in Your CompanyBrian HallGewinner2004Best Western Novel_
2003The Long Way WestHershell H. NixonFinalist2004Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2003The Sergeant's LadyMiles Hood SwarthoutGewinner2004Best First Western Novel_
2003Plain LanguageBarbara WrightGewinner2004Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2004Ghost OceanRichard BenkeFinalist2005Best First Western Novel_
2004Field of HonorD.L. BirchfieldGewinner2005Best First Western Novel_
2004Blood KinHenry C. ChappellFinalist2005Best Novel of the West_
2004Fire in the Hole!Mary Cronk FarrellGewinner2005Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2004A Sudden CountryKaren FisherFinalist2005Best First Western Novel_
2004People of the RavenW. Michael Gear & Kathleen O'Neal GearGewinner2005Best Novel of the West# 12 der Serie „North America's Forgotten Past“
2004WorthA. LaFayeFinalist2005Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2004Buy the Chief a CadillacRick SteberGewinner2005Best Western Novel_
2004Vengeance ValleyRichard S. WheelerGewinner2005Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2005Camp FordJohnny D. BoggsCo-Gewinner2006Best Western Novel_
2005DakotaMatt BraunGewinner2006Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2005The Undertaker's WifeLoren D. EstlemanCo-Gewinner2006Best Western Novel_
2005Hombrecito's WarW. Michael FarmerFinalist2006Best First Western Novel_
2005Black Storm Comin'Diane Lee WilsonGewinner2006Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2005Big Lonesome: StoriesJim RulandFinalist2006Short Fiction Story_
2005High CountryWillard WymanGewinner2006Best Novel of the West_
2005High CountryWillard WymanGewinner2006Best First Western Novel_
2006DeserterPaul BagdonFinalist2007Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2006The Hart BrandJohnny D. BoggsFinalist2007Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2006GeronimoJoseph BruchacGewinner2007Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2006The Night JournalElizabeth CrookGewinner2007Best Western Long Novel_
2006The Lawless FrontierRandy DenmonFinalist2007Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2006The Whistling SeasonIvan DoigFinalist2007Best Western Long Novel_
2006The Adventures of Johnny VermillionLoren D. EstlemanFinalist2007Best Western Short Novel_
2006The Lost Thoughts of SoldiersDelia FalconerFinalist2007Best Western Short Novel_
2006Broken TrailAlan GeoffrionGewinner2007Best First Western Novel_
2006Teresa's JourneyJosephine Harper & Jo HarperFinalist2007Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2006Augusta LockeWilliam Haywood HendersonFinalist2007Best Western Long Novel_
2006The Shape ShifterTony HillermanGewinner2007Best Western Short Novel# 18 der Serie „Leaphorn and Chee“
2006The Horse Creek IncidentDusty RichardsGewinner2007Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 1 der Serie „Herschel Baker“
2006Elsie's BusinessFrances WashburnFinalist2007Best First Western Novel_
2006X-Indian Chronicles: The Book of MausapeThomas M. YeahpauFinalist2007Best First Western Novel_
2007Doubtful CañonJohnny D. BoggsGewinner2008Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2007NorthfieldJohnny D. BoggsFinalist2008Best Western Short Novel_
2007TallgrassSandra DallasGewinner2008Best Western Short Novel_
2007Lake of FireLinda JacobsFinalist2008Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 3 der Reihe „Yellowstone“
2007Ambush at Mustang CanyonMike KearbyFinalist2008Best Western Juvenile Fiction# 3 der Serie „Free Anderson & Parks Scott“
2007The God of AnimalsAryb KyleGewinner2008Best Western Long Novel_
2007The Night BirdsThomas MaltmanGewinner2008Best First Western Novel_
2007The Night BirdsThomas MaltmanFinalist2008Best Western Long Novel_
2007Pedrito’s WorldArturo O. MartínezFinalist2008Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2007Hellfire CanyonMax McCoyGewinner2008Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 1 der Serie „Jacob Gamble“
2007Raven SpringsJohn D. NesbittFinalist2008Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2007TurpentineSpring WarrenFinalist2008Best First Western Novel_
2007The Canyon of BonesRichard S. WheelerFinalist2008Best Western Short Novel# 15 der Serie „Barnaby Skye“
2008Dreams Beneath Your FeetWin BlevinsFinalist2009Best Western Short Novel# 6 der Serie „Rendezvous“
2008KillstraightJohnny D. BoggsFinalist2009Best Western Short Novel_
2008Wolves at Our DoorJ.P.S. BrownFinalist2009Best Western Long Novel_
2008God's Thunderbolt: The Vigilantes of MontanaCarol A. BuchananGewinner2009Best First Western Novel_
2008ShavetailThomas CobbGewinner2009Best Western Long Novel_
2008Undiscovered CountryLin EngerFinalist2009Best First Western Novel_
2008The Buffalo RockBob FaulknerFinalist2009Best First Western Novel_
2008The TrespassersAndrew J. FenadyFinalist2009Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2008Her Enemies, Blue and GrayEllen Gray MasseyFinalist2009Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2008Another Man's MoccasinsCraig JohnsonGewinner2009Best Western Short Novel# 4 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“
2008I am ApacheTanya LandmanGewinner2009Best Western Juvenile Fictiondt.: Apache
2008The Long Knives Are CryingJoseph M. Marshall IIIFinalist2009Best Western Long Novel_
2008I, QuantrillMax McCoyFinalist2009Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2008Trouble at the RedstoneJohn D. NesbittGewinner2009Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2008The Gold Rush KidMary WaldorfFinalist2009Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2009Wild SorrowSandi AultFinalist2010Best Western Short Novel# 3 der Reihe „Wild Mystery“
2009A Cold Place in HellWilliam BlinnFinalist2010Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2009Hard WinterJohnny D. BoggsGewinner2010Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2009Hanging JudgeLyle Brandt (Michael Newton)Finalist2010Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 5 der Serie „The Lawman“
2009One-Eyed JacksBob CherryFinalist2010Best Western Long Novel_
2009Journey to GoliadMelodie A. CuateFinalist2010Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2009Echoes of GloryRobert FlynnGewinner2010Best Western Long Novel_
2009SpoonRobert GreerFinalist2010Best Western Short Novel_
2009The Devil's PaintboxVictoria McKernanFinalist2010Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2009Stranger in Thunder BasinJohn D. NesbittGewinner2010Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2009Far Bright StarRobert OlmsteadGewinner2010Best Western Short Novel_
2009TenderfootMary E. TrimbleFinalist2010Best Western Long Novel_
2010Wild PenanceSandi AultFinalist2011Best Western Short Novel# 4 der Reihe „Wild Mystery“
2010 'NadaDaniel Boyd (Dan Stumpf)Finalist2011Best First Western Novel_
2010Avenging AngelsLyle Brandt (Michael Newton)Finalist2011Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 7 der Serie „The Lawman“
2010Gold Under IceCarol A. BuchananFinalist2011Best Western Long Novel_
2010CrosswireDotti EnderleFinalist2011Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2010Roy and Lillie: A Love StoryLoren D. EstlemanFinalist2011Best Western Short Novel_
2010Damnation RoadMax McCoyGewinner2011Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 3 der Serie „Jacob Gamble“
2010GalvestonNic PizzolattoGewinner2011Best First Western Noveldt.: Galveston
2010Wulf's TracksDusty RichardsFinalist2011Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 4 der Serie „Herschel Baker“
2010Last Train from CuernavacaLucia St. Clair RobsonGewinner2011Best Western Long Novel_
2010Going Through GhostsMary SojournerFinalist2011Best Western Long Novel_
2010The Last Summer of the Death WarriorsFrancisco X. StorkFinalist2011Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2010Moon Over ManifestClare VanderpoolGewinner2011Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2010SnowboundRichard S. WheelerGewinner2011Best Western Short Novel_
2010A Congregation of JackalsS. Craig ZahlerFinalist2011Best First Western Novel_
2011RodeThomas Fox AverillFinalist2012Best Western Long Novel_
2011Legacy of a LawmanJohnny D. BoggsGewinner2012Best Western Short Novel_
2011South By SouthwestJohnny D. BoggsFinalist2012Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2011West Texas KillJohnny D. BoggsGewinner2012Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2011Feast Day of FoolsJames Lee BurkeFinalist2012Best Western Long Novel# 3 der Reihe „Hackberry Holland“; dt.: Glut und Asche
2011Remember Ben ClaytonStephen HarriganGewinner2012Best Western Long Novel_
2011Lime CreekJoe HenryFinalist2012Best Western Short Novel_
2011UnbridledTammy HintonFinalist2012Best First Western Novel_
2011Killed By Indians 1871Alan C. HuffinesFinalist2012Best Western Short Novel_
2011The Long HuntCameron JuddFinalist2012Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2011Double CrossingMeg MimsGewinner2012Best First Western Novel# 1 der Reihe „Double Crossing“
2011Rescue in Poverty GulchNancy OswaldFinalist2012Best Western Juvenile Fiction# 1 der Serie „A Ruby and Maude Adventure“
2011Between Hell and TexasDusty RichardsFinalist2012Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 2 der Serie „Byrnes Family Ranch“
2011BirdieCandace SimarGewinner2012Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2011Whispers of the GreybullStephen B. SmartFinalist2012Best First Western Novel_
2012Wide OpenLarry BjornsonGewinner2013Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2012Wide OpenLarry BjornsonFinalist2013Best First Western Novel_
2012Country of the Bad WolfesJames Carlos BlakeFinalist2013Best Western Long Novel# 1 der Serie „Wolfe Family“
2012And There I'll Be A SoldierJohnny D. BoggsFinalist2013Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2012The Secret of LodestarTim ChamplinFinalist2013Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2012With Blood in Their EyesThomas CobbGewinner2013Best Western Long Novel_
2012PanhandleBrett CogburnGewinner2013Best First Western Novel_
2012The OrchardistAmanda CoplinFinalist2013Best Western Long Noveldt.: Im Licht von Apfelbäumen
2012The OrchardistAmanda CoplinFinalist2013Best First Western Noveldt.: Im Licht von Apfelbäumen
2012Lonesome AnimalsBruce HolbertFinalist2013Best Western Short Noveldt.: Einsame Tiere
2012Tucker's Reckoning: A Ralph Compton NovelMatthew P. MayoGewinner2013Best Western Short Novel_
2012Redemption: HuntersJames ReasonerFinalist2013Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 2 der Serie „Redemption“
2012Blooming PrairieCandace SimarFinalist2013Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2012The Coyote TrackerLarry D. SweazyGewinner2013Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 5 der Serie „Josiah Wolfe, Texas Ranger“
2012City of RocksMichael ZimmerFinalist2013Best Western Short Novel_
2013The Old Man's Love StoryRudolfo AnayaFinalist2014Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2013Kind of KinRilla AskewFinalist2014Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2013Greasy Grass: A Story of the Little Big HornJohnny D. BoggsFinalist2014Best Western Historical Novel_
2013Summer of the StarJohnny D. BoggsFinalist2014Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2013Light of the WorldJames Lee BurkeGewinner2014Best Western Contemporary Novel# 20 der Serie „Dave Robicheaux“
2013Silent We StoodHenry C. ChappellGewinner2014Best Western Historical Novel_
2013Destiny Made Them BrothersAndrew J. FenadyFinalist2014Best Western Traditional Novel_
2013Papa's GoldEllen Gray MasseyGewinner2014Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2013Spider Woman's DaughterAnne HillermanGewinner2014Best First Western Novel# 19 der Serie „Leaphorn and Chee“
2013The Hardest RideGordon L. RottmanFinalist2014Best Western Traditional Novel_
2013Crossing PurgatoryGary L. SchanbacherGewinner2014Best Western Traditional Novel_
2013Crossing PurgatoryGary L. SchanbacherFinalist2014Best First Western Novel_
2013How I Became a GhostTim TingleFinalist2014Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2013The PromiseAnn WeisgarberFinalist2014Best Western Historical Novel_
2013La GrullaJohn R. WrightFinalist2014Best First Western Novel_
2014Poison SpringJohnny D. BoggsFinalist2015Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2014Wild Ran the RiversJames D. CrownoverGewinner2015Best Western Historical Novel# 1 der Reihe „Five Trails West“
2014Wild Ran the RiversJames D. CrownoverGewinner2015Best First Western Novel# 1 der Reihe „Five Trails West“
2014Red Berries, White Clouds, Blue SkySandra DallasFinalist2015Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2014The Big DriftPatrick DearenGewinner2015Best Western Traditional Novel_
2014Any Other NameCraig JohnsonFinalist2015Best Western Contemporary Novel# 10 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“
2014A Light in the WildernessJane KirkpatrickFinalist2015Best Western Historical Noveldt.: Licht über weitem Land
2014Dance With the DevilJ.D. MarchFinalist2015Best Western Traditional Novel# 1 der Serie „Devil's Own“
2014BacklandsMichael McGarrityFinalist2015Best Western Historical Novel_
2014Bad CountryC.B. McKenzieGewinner2015Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2014Rawhide Robinson Rides the Range: True Adventures of Bravery and Daring in the Wild WestRod MillerGewinner2015Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2014A Promise Broken, a Promise KeptVicky J. RoseFinalist2015Short Fiction Story_
2014The Red Bird All-Indian Traveling BandFrances WashburnFinalist2015Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2014The Poacher's DaughterMichael ZimmerFinalist2015Best Western Traditional Novel_
2015The Darkness RollingWin Blevins & Meredith BlevinsFinalist2016Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2015Walk on Earth a StrangerRae CarsonGewinner2016Best Western Juvenile Fiction# 1 der Serie „Gold Seer Trilogy“
2015The CanyonStanley CrawfordFinalist2016Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2015The Last MidwifeSandra DallasGewinner2016Best Western Traditional Novel_
2015Lords of an Empty LandRandy DenmonGewinner2016Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2015CusterGerald DuffFinalist2016Best Western Historical Novel_
2015The Long High NoonLoren D. EstlemanFinalist2016Best Western Traditional Novel_
2015The Memory WeaverJane KirkpatrickFinalist2016Best Western Historical Novel_
2015Paradise SkyJoe R. LansdaleGewinner2016Best Western Historical Noveldt.: Das abenteuerliche Leben des Deadwood Dick
2015Chili Queen: Mi HistoriaMarian L. MartinelloFinalist2016Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2015Crazy Mountain KissKeith McCaffertyGewinner2016Best Western Contemporary Novel# 4 der Serie „Sean Stranahan Mystery“
2015Rawhide Robinson Rides the Tabby Trail: The True Tale of a Wild West CATastropheRod MillerFinalist2016Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2015American CopperShann RayGewinner2016Best First Western Novel_
2015FrontierSusan K. SalzerFinalist2016Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 1 der Reihe „Frontier“
2015Thunder at DawnSusan K. SalzerFinalist2016Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 2 der Reihe „Frontier“
2015BuellWallace J. SwensonFinalist2016Best Western Traditional Novel# 1 der Serie „Journey to the White Clouds“
2016Return to Red RiverJohnny D. BoggsGewinner2017Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2016Off The GridC.J. BoxGewinner2017Best Western Contemporary Novel# 16 der Serie „Joe Pickett“
2016Hidden StarCorinne Joy BrownFinalist2017Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2016Widowmaker JonesBrett CogburnFinalist2017Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 1 der Serie „Widowmaker Jones“
2016The Green ColtS.J. DahlstromFinalist2017Best Western Juvenile Fiction# 4 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“
2016Silver CityJeff GuinnGewinner2018Best Western Traditional Novel_
2016Jasper SpringJames T. HughesFinalist2017Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2016Jasper SpringJames T. HughesGewinner2017Best First Western Novel_
2016News of the WorldPaulette JilesFinalist2017Best Western Traditional Novel_
2016Trouble ReturnsNancy OswaldGewinner2017Best Western Juvenile Fiction# 3 der Serie „A Ruby and Maude Adventure“
2016Saddle Up!Donna Alice Patton & Emily Chase SmithFinalist2017Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2016The Mustanger and the LadyDusty RichardsGewinner2017Best Western Traditional Novel# 2 der Reihe „Brandiron“
2016Powder RiverSusan K. SalzerFinalist2017Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 3 der Reihe „Frontier“
2016Odell's BonesTroy D. SmithGewinner2017Short Fiction Story_
2016The ContractorJames C. WorkFinalist2017Best Western Traditional Novel_
2017Double WideLeo W. BanksGewinner2018Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2017Double WideLeo W. BanksGewinner2018Best First Western Novel_
2017Buzzard BaitBrett CogburnFinalist2018Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 2 der Serie „Widowmaker Jones“
2017Huck Out WestRobert CooverFinalist2018Best Western Traditional Novel_
2017Katrine: High Valley HomeJoseph DorrisFinalist2018Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2017The Stone PlaceRandy Lee EickhoffFinalist2018Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2017Moon Hunt: A People of Cahokia NovelW. Michael Gear & Kathleen O'Neal GearFinalist2018Best Western Historical Novel# 24 der Serie „North America's Forgotten Past“
2017Willene: Jewel of the WestSally Harper BatesFinalist2018Best Western Romance Novel_
2017Courting Carrie in WonderlandCarla KellyFinalist2018Best Western Romance Novel_
2017Viva, Rose!Susan KrawitzFinalist2018Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2017Copper SkyMilana MarsenichFinalist2018Best Western Historical Novel_
2017Stranded: A Story of Frontier SurvivalMatthew P. MayoGewinner2018Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2017The ComingDavid OsborneGewinner2018Best Western Historical Novel_
2017Murder on the Red RiverMarcie R. RendonFinalist2018Best Western Contemporary Noveldt.: Am roten Fluss
2017Valley of BonesDusty RichardsFinalist2018Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 10 der Serie „Byrnes Family Ranch“
2017Slate CreekWallace J. SwensonFinalist2018Best Western Traditional Novel# 4 der Serie „Journey to the White Clouds“
2017The Promise BrideGina Welborn & Becca WhithamGewinner2018Best Western Romance Novel# 1 der Reihe „Montana Brides Romance“
2017Hell Hath No FuryCharles G. WestGewinner2018Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 1 der Serie „John Hawk“
2018River of PorcupinesG.K. AalborgGewinner2019Best Western Historical Novel_
2018Taos LightningJohnny D. BoggsGewinner2019Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2018Line of Glory: A Novel of the AlamoThomas D. ClagettFinalist2019Best Western Historical Novel_
2018The Woman Who Built a BridgeC.K. CriggerGewinner2019Best Western Romance Novel_
2018HardscrabbleSandra DallasFinalist2019Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2018This Scorched Earth: A Novel of the Civil War and the American WestWilliam GearFinalist2019Best Western Historical Novel_
2018Deep Fire RiseJon GoschFinalist2019Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2018The Flicker of Old DreamsSusan HendersonGewinner2019Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2018Broken FieldJeff HullFinalist2019Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2018The Long ShadowBeth KanellFinalist2019Best Western Historical Novel_
2018Where the Bullets FlyTerrence McCauleyFinalist2019Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 1 der Serie „Sheriff Aaron Mackey“
2018Rawhide Robinson Rides a Dromedary: The True Tale of a Wild West Camel CaballeroRod MillerFinalist2019Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2018The River by StarlightEllen NotbohmGewinner2019Best First Western Novel_
2018The River by StarlightEllen NotbohmFinalist2019Best Western Traditional Novel_
2018Out of the AshesTracie Peterson & Kimberley WoodhouseFinalist2019Best Western Romance Novel# 2 der Reihe „The Heart of Alaska“
2018The Return of Kid CooperBrad SmithGewinner2019Best Western Traditional Novel_
2018Born to the BadgeMark WarrenFinalist2019Best Western Traditional Novel# 2 der Serie „Wyatt Earp, an American Odyssey“
2018The Kitchen MarriageGina Welborn & Becca WhithamFinalist2019Best Western Romance Novel# 2 der Reihe „Montana Brides Romance“
2018No Justice in HellCharles G. WestFinalist2019Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 2 der Serie „John Hawk“
2018Hawke's WarReavis Z. WorthamGewinner2019Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 2 der Serie „Sonny Hawke Thriller“
2019The Cost of DyingPeter BrandvoldFinalist2020Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 13 der Serie „Lou Prophet, Bounty Hunter“
2019Finding HomeCorinne Joy BrownFinalist2020Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2019Sweep out the AshesMary Clearman BlewFinalist2020Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2019Friends Call Me BatPaul Colt (Paul Schmelzer)Finalist2020Best Western Traditional Novel_
2019All Man's LandD. László ConhaimFinalist2020Best Western Traditional Novel_
2019The Yeggman's ApprenticeC.K. CriggerGewinner2020Best Western Romance Novel_
2019Someplace to Call HomeSandra DallasGewinner2020Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2019This New DayHarlan HagueFinalist2020Best Western Romance Novel_
2019Dark TerritoryTerrence McCauleyFinalist2020Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 2 der Serie „Sheriff Aaron Mackey“
2019The Fang of Bonfire CrossingBrad McLelland & Louis SylvesterFinalist2020Best Western Juvenile Fiction# 2 der Reihe „Legends of the Lost Causes“
2019On Swift HorsesShannon PufahlGewinner2020Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2019On Swift HorsesShannon PufahlGewinner2020Best First Western Novel_
2019A Forgotten EvilSheldon RussellGewinner2020Best Western Historical Novel_
2019Cut NoseRon SchwabFinalist2020Best Western Historical Novel_
2019This Side of NightJ. Todd ScottFinalist2020Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2019Cherokee AmericaMargaret VerbleGewinner2020Best Western Traditional Novel_
2019The GlovemakerAnn WeisgarberFinalist2020Best Western Historical Noveldt.: Unter Heiligen
2019The Telegraph ProposalGina Welborn & Becca WhithamFinalist2020Best Western Romance Novel# 3 der Reihe „Montana Brides Romance“
2019Hawke's TargetReavis Z. WorthamGewinner2020Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 3 der Serie „Sonny Hawke Thriller“
2020A Thousand Texas LonghornsJohnny D. BoggsGewinner2021Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2020The Fortunes and Vicissitudes of Stern WhitmanDerek BurnettFinalist2021Best Western Traditional Novel_
2020Gunpowder ExpressBrett CogburnFinalist2021Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 3 der Serie „Widowmaker Jones“
2020SilverbellyS.J. DahlstromFinalist2021Best Western Juvenile Fiction# 6 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“
2020Like Rum-Drunk AngelsTyler EnfieldGewinner2021Best Western Traditional Novel_
2020The King of TaosMax EvansFinalist2021Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2020Beyond the Goodnight TrailRoy V. GastonFinalist2021Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2020All God's ChildrenAaron GwynFinalist2021Best Western Traditional Novel_
2020City of GoldWill HobbsFinalist2021Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2020Midnight's WhispererTom LoweGewinner2021Best Western Romance Novel_
2020DillyMatthew P. MayoGewinner2021Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2020The Valley of DecisionMajor MitchellFinalist2021Best Western Romance Novel_
2020Forever HiddenTracie Peterson & Kimberley WoodhouseFinalist2021Best Western Romance Novel_
2020The Resurrection of Fulgencio RamirezRudy RuizFinalist2021Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2020Stardust TrailJ.R. SandersFinalist2021Best Western Historical Novel# 1 der Serie „Nate Ross“
2020Follow the Angels, Follow the DovesSidney ThompsonFinalist2021Best Western Historical Novel# 1 der Serie „The Bass Reeves Trilogy“
2020All Things Left WildJames WadeGewinner2021Best Western Historical Novel_
2020Winter CountsDavid Heska Wanbli WeidenGewinner2021Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2020Winter CountsDavid Heska Wanbli WeidenGewinner2021Best First Western Novel_
2021Dark SkyC.J. BoxGewinner2022Best Western Contemporary Novel# 21 der Serie „Joe Pickett“
2021This Side of HellBrett CogburnGewinner2022Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 4 der Serie „Widowmaker Jones“
2021Madame's DaughterC.K. CriggerFinalist2022Best Western Romance Novel_
2021The Last Comanche WarriorJames D. CrownoverFinalist2022Best Western Historical Novel_
2021Cow BoyhoodS.J. DahlstromGewinner2022Best Western Juvenile Fiction# 7 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“
2021The Comanche KidJames Robert DanielsFinalist2022Best Western Traditional Novel_
2021DeputizedT.L. DavisFinalist2022Best Western Traditional Novel_
2021DissolutionW. Michael GearFinalist2022Best Western Contemporary Novel# 1 der Reihe „The Wyoming Chronicles“
2021The Healing of Natalie CurtisJane KirkpatrickFinalist2022Best Western Historical Novel_
2021Imperfect PromiseSusanna LaneGewinner2022Best Western Romance Novel_
2021The Too Late TrailMatthew P. MayoFinalist2022Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2021The Transformation of Chastity JamesKathleen MorrisFinalist2022Best Western Romance Novel_
2021Bats, Bandits & BuggiesNancy OswaldFinalist2022Best Western Juvenile Fiction# 4 der Serie „A Ruby and Maude Adventure“
2021The Loving Wrath of Eldon QuintChase PlettsGewinner2022Best Western Traditional Novel_
2021The Loving Wrath of Eldon QuintChase PlettsGewinner2022Best First Western Novel_
2021RidgelineMichael PunkeGewinner2022Best Western Historical Novel_
2021Maddie McDowell and the Rodeo RobberyLuAnn M. RodFinalist2022Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2021A Particular MadnessSheldon RussellFinalist2022Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2021Lost Mountain PassLarry D. SweazyFinalist2022Best Original Western Paperback Novel# 1 der Serie „Trusty Dawson“
2021Land of HeroesDorothy WileyFinalist2022Best Western Romance Novel_
2022Where Duty CallsJennifer BohnhoffFinalist2023Best Western Juvenile Fiction# 1 der Serie „Rebels Along the Rio Grande“
2022All My Sins RememberedPeter BrandvoldFinalist2023Best Western Traditional Novel_
2022Blind EyeMartha BurnsFinalist2023Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2022Wish Upon a CrawdadCurtis W. CondonGewinner2023Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2022TenmileSandra DallasFinalist2023Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2022Proving Her Claim: On the Dakota FrontierC.K. van DamGewinner2023Best Western Romance Novel_
2022Proving Her Claim: On the Dakota FrontierC.K. van DamGewinner2023Best First Western Novel_
2022A Man Called JusticeJohn DeaconFinalist2023Best Western Traditional Novel_
2022The Wonder Stone and Other Stories About an Early African Settlement in Central TexasButch DennyFinalist2023Best Western Traditional Novel_
2022Hearts and MountainsLynn EldridgeFinalist2023Best Western Romance Novel_
2022River Woman, River DemonJennifer GivhamFinalist2023Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2022Yet I Will Love HimCarla KellyFinalist2023Best Western Romance Novel_
2022The Unlikely LawmanSteve KeltonFinalist2023Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2022Dead Man's TrailNate Morgan (Victor Gischler)Gewinner2023Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2022The Secret in the WallAnn ParkerGewinner2023Best Western Traditional Novel# 8 der Serie „Silver Rush Mystery“
2022Pony BoysRichard ProschFinalist2023Best Western Historical Novel_
2022Justice For All: The Search for Big Poker TomWayne E. PurcellFinalist2023Best Western Historical Novel_
2022Beasts of the EarthJames WadeGewinner2023Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2022Properties of ThirstMarianne WigginsGewinner2023Best Western Historical Novel_
2023The Heart Beneath the BadgeGeorge T. ArnoldCo-Gewinner2024Best Western Romance Novel_
2023The Worst EnemyJennifer BohnhoffFinalist2024Best Western Juvenile Fiction# 2 der Serie „Rebels Along the Rio Grande“
2023Aesop's Travels: A Crackerjack Tale of the Old WestDaniel Boyd (Dan Stumpf)Gewinner2024Best Western Traditional Novel_
2023The Redemption of Mattie SilksKimberly BurnsFinalist2024Best Western Historical Novel_
2023Jane FuryJames Robert DanielsFinalist2024Best Western Traditional Novel_
2023Grizzly MoonPatrick DearenFinalist2024Best Western Traditional Novel_
2023Chase CooperLynn EldridgeFinalist2024Best Western Romance Novel_
2023CalicoLee GoldbergFinalist2024Best Western Contemporary Novel_
2023The Last Man: A Novel of the 1927 Santa Claus Bank RobberyThomas GoodmanGewinner2024Best First Western Novel_
2023Love on TargetShanna HatfieldCo-Gewinner2024Best Western Romance Novel_
2023The Longmire DefenseCraig JohnsonGewinner2024Best Western Contemporary Novel# 19 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“
2023Tom Mix and The Wild West ChristmasScott McCrae (Bob Madison)Finalist2024Best Western Juvenile Fiction# 9 der Serie „Tales of Tom Mix“
2023A Sky Full of SongSusan Lynn MeyerGewinner2024Best Western Juvenile Fiction_
2023Standing DeadMargaret MizushimaFinalist2024Best Western Contemporary Novel# 8 der Serie „Timber Creek K-9 Mystery“
2023A Short Rope for a Tall ManNate Morgan (Victor Gischler)Finalist2024Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2023Golddigger: The Legendary Nellie CashmanKathleen MorrisFinalist2024Best Western Historical Novel_
2023… By the Way They Treat Their HorsesM. Timothy NoltingCo-Gewinner2024Best First Western Novel_
2023The Bundling YearAnne SchroederFinalist2024Best Western Romance Novel_
2023Gunmetal MountainJohn ShirleyGewinner2024Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2023Wild Bill and the Pirates!Thadd Turner; Ill.: Jeanne ConwayFinalist2024Children's Picture Book_
2023To Hell and GoneCharles G. WestFinalist2024Best Original Western Paperback Novel_
2023Death in the Tallgrass: A Young Man's Journey Through the Western FrontierDonald WillertonGewinner2024Best Western Historical Novel_

Die Wrangler-Awards

Seit 1961 wird der “Wrangler Bronze Cowboy” verliehen. Das National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum vergibt dabei eine Skulptur, den sogenannten “Wrangler”, die einen Cowboy auf seinem Pferd zeigt. Das Kunstwerk stammt vom Künstler John Free.

1961The Shadow CatcherJames D. HoranGewinner1962Outstanding Western Novel_
1962Fire on the MountainEdward AbbeyGewinner1963Outstanding Western Novel_
1963Killer-of-DeathBetty Baker; Ill.: John KaufmannGewinner1964Outstanding Western Juvenile Book_
1963Honor Thy FatherRobert A. RoripaughGewinner1964Outstanding Western Novel_
1964Little Big ManThomas BergerGewinner1965Outstanding Western Noveldt.: Der letzte Held
1965Mountain ManVardis FisherGewinner1966Outstanding Western Novel_
1966They Came to a ValleyBill GulickGewinner1967Outstanding Western Novel_
1966Mustang: Wild Spirit of the WestMarguerite Henry; Ill.: Robert LougheedGewinner1967Outstanding Western Juvenile Bookdt.: Wildpferd-Annie und die Mustangs / Annie und die Mustangs
1967North to YesterdayRobert FlynnGewinner1968Outstanding Western Noveldt.: Lampassas oder Der lange Weg
1968The Buffalo RunnersFred GroveGewinner1969Outstanding Western Novel_
1969The White Man's RoadBenjamin CappsGewinner1970Outstanding Western Novel_
1970And One Was a Wooden IndianBetty BakerGewinner1971Outstanding Western Juvenile Book_
1970ArfiveA.B. Guthrie Jr.Gewinner1971Outstanding Western Novel_
1971Pike's Peak: A Family SagaFrank WatersGewinner1972Outstanding Western Novel_
1971The Black MustangerRichard WormserGewinner1972Outstanding Western Juvenile Book_
1972ChiricahuaWill Henry
(Henry Wilson Allen)
Gewinner1973Outstanding Western Noveldt.: Apachen kennen kein Erbarmen
1973The Time It Never RainedElmer KeltonGewinner1974Outstanding Western Noveldt.: Der Weidekönig
1974Susy's ScoundrelHarold KeithGewinner1975Outstanding Western Juvenile Book_
1974CentennialJames A. MichenerGewinner1975Outstanding Western Noveldt.: Colorado-Saga
1975Owl in the Cedar TreeN. Scott MomadayGewinner1976Outstanding Western Juvenile Book_
1977Buffalo WomanDorothy M. JohnsonGewinner1978Outstanding Western Novel_
1978The Obstinate LandHarold KeithGewinner1979Outstanding Western Juvenile Book_
1978The Good Old BoysElmer KeltonGewinner1979Outstanding Western Noveldt.: Frei wie der Wind
1979Hanta Yo: An American SagaRuth Beebe HillGewinner1980Outstanding Western Noveldt.: Hanta Yo: Eine Indianer-Saga
1983The Long Riders' WinterFrank CalkinsGewinner1984Outstanding Western Novel_
1984English CreekIvan DoigGewinner1985Outstanding Western Novel_
1985Prairie SongsPam ConradGewinner1986Outstanding Western Juvenile Bookdt.: Lied der Prärie
1985Playing Catch-Up: A Sheriff Chick Charleston MysteryA.B. Guthrie Jr.Gewinner1986Outstanding Western Novel_
1986Heart of the CountryGreg MatthewsGewinner1987Outstanding Western Novel_
1987The Man Who Rode MidnightElmer KeltonGewinner1988Outstanding Western Novel_
1988The HomesmanGlendon SwarthoutGewinner1989Outstanding Western Noveldt.: The Homesman - Es führt ein Weg zurück
1988Stay Put, Robbie McAmisFrancis G. TunboGewinner1989Outstanding Western Juvenile Book_
1989Broken EagleChad OliverGewinner1990Outstanding Western Novel_
1990Buffalo GirlsLarry McMurtryGewinner1991Outstanding Western Noveldt.: Buffalo Girls
1991Set for LifeJudith FreemanGewinner1992Outstanding Western Novel_
1992All the Pretty HorsesCormac McCarthyGewinner1993Outstanding Western Noveldt.: All die schönen Pferde
1993Pigs in HeavenBarbara KingsolverGewinner1994Outstanding Western Noveldt.: Siebengestirn / Siebengestirn, meine Tochter
1994Bluefeather Fellini in the Sacred RealmMax EvansGewinner1995Outstanding Western Novel_
1995A Sweetness to the SoulJane KirkpatrickGewinner1996Outstanding Western Novel# 1 der Reihe „Dreamcatcher“
1996Out of EdenKate LehrerGewinner1997Outstanding Western Novel_
1997The Mercy SeatRilla AskewGewinner1998Outstanding Western Noveldt.: Meines Bruders Hüter
1998Journey of the DeadLoren D. EstlemanGewinner1999Outstanding Western Novel_
1998Alice Rose & SamKathryn LaskyGewinner1999Outstanding Western Juvenile Bookdt.: Alice Rose und die große Silberverschwörung
1999The Birchbark HouseLouise ErdrichGewinner2000Outstanding Western Juvenile Bookdt.: Ein Jahr mit sieben Wintern
1999The Contract SurgeonDan O'BrienGewinner2000Outstanding Western Novel_
2000The Gates of the AlamoStephen HarriganGewinner2001Outstanding Western Novel_
2001The Master ExecutionerLoren D. EstlemanGewinner2002Outstanding Western Novel_
2001Delfino's JourneyJo HarperGewinner2002Outstanding Western Juvenile Book_
2002Moon of Bitter ColdFrederick J. ChiaventoneGewinner2003Outstanding Western Novel_
2003Spark on the Prairie: The Trial of the Kiowa ChiefsJohnny D. BoggsGewinner2004Outstanding Western Novel_
2004And Not to Yield: A Novel of the Life and Times of Wild Bill HickokRandy Lee EickhoffGewinner2005Outstanding Western Novel_
2005Buffalo Calf Road Woman: The Story of a Warrior of the Little BighornRosemary Agonito & Joseph AgonitoGewinner2006Outstanding Western Novel_
2006Broken TrailAlan GeoffrionGewinner2007Outstanding Western Novel_
2007HarpsongRilla AskewGewinner2008Outstanding Western Novel_
2007Journey to San JacintoMelodie A. CuateGewinner2008Outstanding Western Juvenile Book_
2008Jackalope DreamsMary Clearman BlewGewinner2009Outstanding Western Novel_
2008Journey to GonzalesMelodie A. CuateGewinner2009Outstanding Western Juvenile Book_
2009Bull RiderSuzanne Morgan WilliamsGewinner2010Outstanding Western Juvenile Book_
2009The Sundown ChaserDusty RichardsGewinner2010Outstanding Western Novel# 3 der Serie „Herschel Baker“
2010Impatient with DesireGabrielle BurtonGewinner2011Outstanding Western Novel_
2011RodeThomas Fox AverillGewinner2012Outstanding Western Novel_
2011Milagro of the Spanish Bean PotEmerita Romero-AndersonGewinner2012Outstanding Western Juvenile Book_
2012The Quilt WalkSandra DallasGewinner2013Outstanding Western Juvenile Book_
2012Unbroke HorsesD.B. JacksonGewinner2013Outstanding Western Novel_
2013Grandmas Santo on Its Head / El santo patas arriba de mi abuelitaNasario GarcíaGewinner2014Outstanding Western Juvenile Book_
2013The SonPhilipp MeyerGewinner2014Outstanding Western Noveldt.: Der erste Sohn
2014The Poacher's DaughterMichael ZimmerGewinner2015Outstanding Western Novel_
2015EndangeredC.J. BoxGewinner2016Outstanding Western Novel# 15 der Serie „Joe Pickett“
2015The Ways of WaterTeresa Healy JanssenGewinner2024Outstanding Western Novel2023 wiederveröffentlicht?
2016The Green ColtS.J. DahlstromGewinner2017Outstanding Western Juvenile Book# 4 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“
2016Robert B. Parker's BlackjackRobert KnottGewinner2017Outstanding Western Novel# 8 der Serie „Virgil Cole & Everett Hitch“
2017Stranded: A Story of Frontier SurvivalMatthew P. MayoGewinner2018Outstanding Western Novel_
2018HardscrabbleSandra DallasGewinner2019Outstanding Western Juvenile Book_
2018The HungerAlma KatsuGewinner2019Outstanding Western Noveldt.: The Hunger - Die letzte Reise
2019J is for JackalopeTeal BlakeGewinner2020Outstanding Western Juvenile Book_
2019The Cheyenne Story: An Interpretation of CourageGerry RobinsonGewinner2020Outstanding Western Novel_
2020SilverbellyS.J. DahlstromGewinner2021Outstanding Western Juvenile Book# 6 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“
2020The King of TaosMax EvansGewinner2021Outstanding Western Novel_
2021Cow BoyhoodS.J. DahlstromGewinner2022Outstanding Western Juvenile Book# 7 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“
2021The RemovedBrandon HobsonGewinner2022Outstanding Western Novel_
2022Think of HorsesMary Clearman BlewGewinner2023Outstanding Western Novel_
2022The Rowdy Randy Wild West ShowCasey Rislov; Ill.: Zachary PullenGewinner2023Outstanding Western Juvenile Book_
2023Heartwood MountainS.J. DahlstromGewinner2024Outstanding Western Juvenile Book# 8 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“

Ein umfassender Überblick aller Auszeichnungen und wichtige Werke der Westernliteratur

Unser einzigartiger Überblick versucht, sich auf längere fiktionalisierte (eben: romanhafte) Texte zu beschränken, wobei das Themenspektrum allerdings breit gefächert ist. Die Aufstellungen umfassen nicht nur klassische Westernromane, sondern beispielsweise auch Geschichten, die im zeitgenössischen nordamerikanischen Westen spielen, und solche für Jugendliche und Kinder.
Dies liegt daran, dass die Kategorien der verschiedenen Preise sehr unterschiedlich definiert werden, wobei manchmal noch nicht einmal Fiktion und Nicht-Fiktion getrennt werden.

Leider gibt es nur von einem eher geringen Teil der prämierten Werke auch deutschsprachige Ausgaben.
Wir möchten hiermit auch Anregungen bieten, denn natürlich kommt es nicht von ungefähr, dass einige Titel und Autoren mehrfach auftauchen.
Es wurden außerdem ein paar Werke aufgenommen, die zwar nicht preisgekrönt sind, aber in diversen Listen der besten Westernromane aller Zeiten genannt oder empfohlen werden, und es daher verdient haben, hier zu erscheinen.

1902The Virginian, a Horseman of the PlainsOwen Wister____dt.: Virginian und Trampas / Der Virginier
1903The Log of a Cowboy: A Narrative of the Old Trail DaysAndy Adams____dt.: Der Trail im wilden Westen: Aus dem Tagebuch eines Cowboys / Das große Treiben / Ein Cowboy erzählt
1903The Call of the WildJack London____dt.: Der Ruf der Wildnis / Ruf der Wildnis
1912Riders of the Purple SageZane Grey____dt.: Das Gesetz der Mormonen
1913O Pioneers!Willa Cather____dt.: Neue Erde / Zwei Frauen / Unter den Hügeln die kommende Zeit
1918My ÁntoniaWilla Cather____dt.: Antonia / Meine Antonia
1921Stepsons of LightEugene Manlove Rhodes____dt.: Im Westen die Freiheit
1922One of OursWilla CatherGewinner1923Pulitzer PrizeNoveldt.: Einer von uns / Sei leise, wenn du gehst
1926Smoky the Cow HorseWill James (Joseph Dufault)Gewinner1927Newbery MedalBest Noveldt.: Smoky, das Cowboypferd
1927Death Comes for the ArchbishopWilla Cather____dt.: Der Tod kommt zum Erzbischof / Der Tod holt den Erzbischof / Der Tod bittet den Erzbischof
1929Laughing Boy: A Navajo Love StoryOliver la FargeGewinner1930Pulitzer PrizeNoveldt.: Der große Nachtgesang / Indianische Romanze / Indianische Liebesgeschichte
1930Destry Rides AgainMax Brand (Frederick Faust)____dt.: Destry reitet wieder
1930CimarronEdna Ferber____dt.: Cimarron
1932Little House in the Big WoodsLaura Ingalls Wilder____# 1 der Serie „Little House“; dt.: Kleines Haus im großen Wald / Laura im großen Wald
1935Honey in the HornHarold L. DavisGewinner1936Pulitzer PrizeNoveldt.: Nach dem großen Treck
1935Little House on the PrairieLaura Ingalls Wilder____# 2 der Serie „Little House“; dt.: Kleines Haus in der Prärie / Laura in der Prärie / Laura erlebt die Prärie
1935Tortilla FlatJohn SteinbeckSilber-Medaille1935California Book AwardGeneral Literaturedt.: Die wunderlichen Schelme von Tortilla Flat / Die Schelme von Tortilla Flat / Tortilla Flat
1936The Baron of Coyote RiverL. Ron HubbardFinalist2011International Book AwardFiction: Western2010 posthum wiederveröffentlicht
1936Gone With the WindMargaret MitchellGewinner1937Pulitzer PrizeNoveldt.: Vom Winde verweht
1936The Sea of GrassConrad Richter____dt.: Endlos ist die Prärie
1936In Dubious BattleJohn SteinbeckSilber-Medaille1936California Book AwardGeneral Literaturedt.: Stürmische Ernte
1937Pecos Bill: The Greatest Cowboy of All TimeJames Cloyd BowmanFinalist1938Newbery MedalBest Noveldt.: Pecos Bill, der größte Cowboy aller Zeiten
1937Cattle King for a DayL. Ron HubbardFinalist2011International Book AwardFiction: Western2010 posthum wiederveröffentlicht
1937Cattle King for a DayL. Ron HubbardFinalist2011Best Book AwardFiction: Western2010 posthum wiederveröffentlicht
1937Gunman's TallyL. Ron Hubbardlobend erwähnt2014Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction2013 posthum wiederveröffentlicht
1937On the Banks of Plum CreekLaura Ingalls WilderFinalist1938Newbery MedalBest Novel# 4 der Serie „Little House“; dt.: Kleines Haus am blauen Fluß / Laura und ihre Freunde
1937Of Mice and MenJohn Steinbeck____dt.: Von Mäusen und Menschen
1938Branded OutlawL. Ron HubbardFinalist2009Best Book AwardFiction: Western2008 posthum wiederveröffentlicht
1938Death Waits at SundownL. Ron HubbardGewinner2012International Book AwardFiction: Western2011 posthum wiederveröffentlicht
1938King of the GunmenL. Ron Hubbardlobend erwähnt2014Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction2013 posthum wiederveröffentlicht
1939By the Shores of Silver LakeLaura Ingalls WilderFinalist1940Newbery MedalBest Novel# 5 der Serie „Little House“; dt.: Kleines Haus am Silbersee / Laura und das schwarze Pony / Laura am Silbersee
1939The Grapes of WrathJohn SteinbeckSilber-Medaille1939California Book AwardGeneral Literaturedt.: Früchte des Zorns / Die Früchte des Zorns
1939The Grapes of WrathJohn SteinbeckGewinner1940Pulitzer PrizeNoveldt.: Früchte des Zorns / Die Früchte des Zorns
1940The Ox-Bow IncidentWalter van Tilburg Clark____dt.: Kurzen Prozeß, Sheriff! / Ritt zum Ox-Bow
1940Shadows from Boot HillL. Ron HubbardFinalist2012International Book AwardFiction: Western2011 posthum wiederveröffentlicht
1940Shadows from Boot HillL. Ron HubbardFinalist2013International Book AwardFiction: Short Story2011 posthum wiederveröffentlicht
1940The Long WinterLaura Ingalls WilderFinalist1941Newbery MedalBest Novel# 6 der Serie „Little House“; dt.: Der lange Winter / Laura und der lange Winter /
1941Little Town on the PrairieLaura Ingalls WilderFinalist1942Newbery MedalBest Novel# 7 der Serie „Little House“; dt.: Kleine Stadt auf weiter Prärie / Kleine Stadt auf der weiten Prärie / Laura in der kleinen Stadt
1941Indian Captive: The Story of Mary JemisonLois LenskiFinalist1942Newbery MedalBest Noveldt.: Die Abenteuer der jungen „Maisblüte“: Ein junges Mädchen wird Indianerin
1941HardcaseLuke Short (Frederick Glidden)____dt.: Ein Name wie der Hauch des Todes
1943These Happy Golden YearsLaura Ingalls WilderFinalist1944Newbery MedalBest Novel# 8 der Serie „Little House“; dt.: Diese glücklichen goldenen Jahre / Lauras glückliche Jahre
1944Bugles in the AfternoonErnest Haycox____dt.: Die Reinen und die Sündigen / Das letzte Gefecht
1947Blood BrotherElliott ArnoldGold-Medaille1947California Book AwardFictiondt.: Cochise [= Teil 1] / Blutsbrüder [= Teil 2]
1947The Big SkyA.B. Guthrie Jr.____dt.: Der weite Himmel
1949The Way WestA.B. Guthrie Jr.Gewinner1950Pulitzer PrizeFictiondt.: In ein schöneres Land / Der Weg nach Westen
1949Gun Boss of TumbleweedL. Ron HubbardFinalist2013Best Book AwardFiction: Western2012 posthum wiederveröffentlicht
1949Gun Boss of TumbleweedL. Ron Hubbardlobend erwähnt2014Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction2012 posthum wiederveröffentlicht
1949ShaneJack Schaefer____dt.: Mein großer Freund Shane
1950Devil's ManhuntL. Ron HubbardGewinner2011International Book AwardFiction: Western2010 posthum wiederveröffentlicht
1950Little Britches: Father and I Were RanchersRalph Moody____dt.: Bleib im Sattel! Vater und ich waren Siedler im wilden Westen
1950The TownConrad RichterGewinner1951Pulitzer PrizeFictiondt.: Die Stadt
1951The Grass Beyond the MountainsRich Hobson_____
1952Moccasin TrailEloise Jarvis McGrawFinalist1953Newbery MedalBest Noveldt.: Grüne Aue und frisches Wasser
1952East of EdenJohn SteinbeckFinalist1953National Book AwardFictiondt.: Jenseits von Eden
1953HondoLouis L'Amour____dt.: Hondo / Man nennt mich Hondo
1953Law ManLee Leighton (Wayne D. Overholser)Gewinner1953Spur AwardBest Western Noveldt.: Befehl des Gesetzes / Wer den Stern trägt / Am Ende der Galgen
1953The Wheel and the HearthLucia MooreGewinner1953Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
1953Sagebrush SorrelFrank C. RobertsonGewinner1953Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fictiondt.: Ollie und der Wildhengst
1954The SearchersAlan LeMay____dt.: Der schwarze Falke
1954The Last HuntMilton LottFinalist1955National Book AwardFictiondt.: Die letzte Jagd
1954Lord GrizzlyFrederick Manfred (Frederick Feikema)Finalist1955National Book AwardFiction_
1954The Violent LandWayne D. OverholserGewinner1954Spur AwardBest Western Noveldt.: Weidekrieg
1954Young Hero of the RangeStephen PayneGewinner1954Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1954Journey by the RiverJohn PrescottGewinner1954Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
1955Somewhere They DieL.P. HolmesGewinner1955Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1956The Brave CowboyEdward Abbey_____
1956High GunLeslie ErnenweinGewinner1956Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1956Old YellerFred Gipson; Ill.: Carl BurgerFinalist1957Newbery MedalBest Noveldt.: Old Yeller / Sein Freund Jello
1956These Thousand HillsA.B. Guthrie Jr.Finalist1957National Book AwardFiction_
1956Generations of MenJohn Clinton HuntGewinner1956Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
1956Generations of MenJohn Clinton HuntFinalist1957National Book AwardFiction_
1956The Authentic Death of Hendry JonesCharles Neider____dt.: Billy the Kid: Die einzig wahre Geschichte vom Leben und grausamen Ende des berühmten Revolverhelden Hendry Jones, genannt Billy the Kid
1956Trapping the Silver BeaverCharles NiehuisGewinner1956Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1957Silver MountainDan CushmanGewinner1957Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
1957Rifles for WatieHarold KeithGewinner1958Newbery MedalBest Novel_
1957Buffalo WagonsElmer KeltonGewinner1957Spur AwardBest Western Noveldt.: Büffeljäger / Die letzte Jagd
1957Wolf BrotherJim KjelgaardGewinner1957Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1957The Hell Bent KidCharles O. Locke_____
1957The Horse CatcherMari SandozFinalist1958Newbery MedalBest Novel_
1958The Fancher TrainAmelia BeanGewinner1958Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
1958WarlockOakley HallGold-Medaille1958California Book AwardFiction_
1958WarlockOakley HallFinalist1958Pulitzer PrizeFiction_
1958Short Cut to Red RiverNoel LoomisGewinner1958Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1958Steamboat Up the MissouriDale WhiteGewinner1958Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1959Long RunNelson NyeGewinner1959Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1959The Buffalo SoldiersJohn PrebbleGewinner1959Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
1959Hold Back the HunterDale WhiteGewinner1959Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1960The Nameless BreedWill C. Brown (Clarence Boyles)Gewinner1960Spur AwardBest Western Noveldt.: … sie ritten für Texas
1960Welcome to Hard TimesE.L. Doctorow____dt.: Willkommen in Hard Times
1960The RoundersMax Evans_____
1960From Where the Sun Now StandsWill Henry (Henry Wilson Allen)Gewinner1960Spur AwardBest Western Historical Noveldt.: Weg der Tränen
1960From Where the Sun Now StandsWill Henry (Henry Wilson Allen)Gewinner1961Saddleman Award_dt.: Weg der Tränen
1960Their Shining HourRamona Maher WeeksGewinner1960Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1960Old RamonJack SchaeferFinalist1961Newbery MedalBest Noveldt.: Die große Herde
1960Butcher's CrossingJohn Williams____dt.: Butcher's Crossing
1961The Winter WarWilliam Wister HainesGewinner1961Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
1961The Shadow CatcherJames D. HoranGewinner1962Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
1961HombreElmore Leonard____dt.: Man nannte ihn Hombre
1961The HonyockerGiles LutzGewinner1961Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1961Horseman, Pass ByLarry McMurtry____dt.: Der Wildeste unter Tausend
1961The Horse TalkerJeanne WilliamsGewinner1961Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1961The Horse TalkerJeanne WilliamsGewinner1962Saddleman Award__
1962Fire on the MountainEdward AbbeyGewinner1963Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
1962MoontrapDon BerryGewinner1962Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
1962Comanche CaptivesFred GroveGewinner1962Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1962Comanche CaptivesFred GroveGewinner1963Saddleman Award__
1963Killer-of-DeathBetty Baker; Ill.: John KaufmannGewinner1964Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Juvenile Book_
1963Follow the Free WindLeigh BrackettGewinner1963Spur AwardBest Western Noveldt.: Frei wie der Wind
1963By the Great Horn Spoon!Sid FleischmanCo-Gewinner1963Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1963Gates of the MountainsWill Henry (Henry Wilson Allen)Gewinner1963Spur AwardBest Western Historical Noveldt.: Im Land der Schoschonen
1963Honor Thy FatherRobert A. RoripaughGewinner1964Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
1963The Story CatcherMari SandozCo-Gewinner1963Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fictiondt.: Schreib es auf die Haut des Büffels
1963The Story CatcherMari SandozGewinner1964Saddleman Award_dt.: Schreib es auf die Haut des Büffels
1963Monte WalshJack Schaefer_____
1964Little Big ManThomas BergerGewinner1965Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Noveldt.: Der letzte Held
1964The Trail to OgallalaBenjamin CappsGewinner1964Spur AwardBest Western Noveldt.: Das endlose Treiben
1964The Trail to OgallalaBenjamin CappsGewinner1965Saddleman Award_dt.: Das endlose Treiben
1964Indian FighterE.E. HalleranGewinner1964Spur AwardBest Western Historical Noveldt.: Bis zur letzten Patrone
1964A Mule for the Marquesa / auch: The ProfessionalsFrank O'Rourke____dt.: Die Wölfe von Mexiko
1964Ride a Northbound HorseRichard WormserGewinner1964Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fictiondt.: Der Weg nach Kansas
1965Gold in CaliforniaTodhunter BallardCo-Gewinner1965Spur AwardBest Western Historical Noveldt.: Gold in Kalifornien
1965Sam ChanceBenjamin CappsGewinner1965Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1965Mountain ManVardis FisherCo-Gewinner1965Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
1965Mountain ManVardis FisherGewinner1966Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
1965The Stubborn OneRutherford MontgomeryGewinner1965Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1966They Came to a ValleyBill GulickGewinner1967Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
1966Mustang: Wild Spirit of the WestMarguerite Henry; Ill.: Robert LougheedGewinner1967Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Juvenile Bookdt.: Wildpferd-Annie und die Mustangs / Annie und die Mustangs
1966The Burning ClassAnnabel Johnson & Edgar JohnsonGewinner1966Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1966My Brother JohnHerbert R. PurdumGewinner1966Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1966Hellfire JacksonGarland Roark & Charles ThomasGewinner1966Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
1967The Dunderhead WarBetty BakerCo-Gewinner1967Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1967North to YesterdayRobert FlynnGewinner1968Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Noveldt.: Lampassas oder Der lange Weg
1967The Valdez HorsesLee HoffmanGewinner1967Spur AwardBest Western Noveldt.: Wilde Pferde
1967Half BreedEvelyn LampmanCo-Gewinner1967Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1967The Wolf is My BrotherChad OliverGewinner1967Spur AwardBest Western Historical Noveldt.: Der Wolf - mein Bruder
1967Die Söhne der großen BärinLiselotte Welskopf-HenrichGewinner1968Friedrich-Gerstäcker-Preis
für Jugendliteratur
1968Middl'unElizabeth BurlesonGewinner1968Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1968The Buffalo RunnersFred GroveGewinner1969Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
1968Down the Long HillsLouis L'AmourGewinner1968Spur AwardBest Western Noveldt.: Allein in der Wildnis
1968House Made of DawnN. Scott MomadayGewinner1969Pulitzer PrizeFictiondt.: Haus aus Dämmerung / Haus aus Morgendämmerung
1968The Red SabbathLewis B. PattenGewinner1968Spur AwardBest Western Historical Noveldt.: Little Big Horn
1968True GritCharles Portis____dt.: Die mutige Mattie / Der Marshal und die mutige Mattie / True Grit
1969Tragg's ChoiceClifton AdamsGewinner1969Spur AwardBest Western Noveldt.: Satans Silberdollar
1969The White Man's RoadBenjamin CappsGewinner1969Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
1969The White Man's RoadBenjamin CappsGewinner1970Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
1969GeheimauftragChristopher S. Hagen (Heinz-Josef Stammel)Gewinner1970Friedrich-Gerstäcker-Preis
für Jugendliteratur
_Überarbeitung eines Originals von 1962 (Fort der Verlorenen)
1969Valdez Is ComingElmore Leonard___dt.: Valdez
1969The Meeker MassacreWayne D. Overholser & Lewis B. PattenGewinner1969Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1969Big With VengeanceCecil SnyderGewinner1969Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
1970The Last Days of Wolf GarnettClifton AdamsGewinner1970Spur AwardBest Western Noveldt.: Ein Grab in Texas
1970And One Was a Wooden IndianBetty BakerGewinner1971Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Juvenile Book_
1970ArfiveA.B. Guthrie Jr.Gewinner1971Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
1970Cayuse CourageEvelyn LampmanGewinner1970Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1971The Day the Cowboys QuitElmer KeltonGewinner1971Spur AwardBest Western Noveldt.: Die letzten Cowboys
1971Angle of ReposeWallace StegnerGewinner1972Pulitzer PrizeFiction_
1971Pike's Peak: A Family SagaFrank WatersGewinner1972Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
1971The Black MustangerRichard WormserGewinner1971Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1971The Black MustangerRichard WormserGewinner1972Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Juvenile Book_
1972Only Earth & Sky Last ForeverNathaniel BenchleyGewinner1973Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1972The True Memoirs of Charlie BlankenshipBenjamin CappsFinalist1972Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1972ChiricahuaWill Henry
(Henry Wilson Allen)
Gewinner1972Spur AwardBest Western Historical Noveldt.: Apachen kennen kein Erbarmen
1972ChiricahuaWill Henry
(Henry Wilson Allen)
Gewinner1973Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Noveldt.: Apachen kennen kein Erbarmen
1972A Killing in KiowaLewis B. PattenGewinner1972Spur AwardBest Western Noveldt.: Die wilde Meute
1973The Outlaw Josey WalesForrest Carter_____
1973The Cowboy and the CossackClair HuffakerSilber-Medaille1973California Book AwardFiction_
1973The Time It Never RainedElmer KeltonGewinner1973Spur AwardBest Western Noveldt.: Der Weidekönig
1973The Time It Never RainedElmer KeltonGewinner1974Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Noveldt.: Der Weidekönig
1973Freedom TrailJeanne WilliamsGewinner1973Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1974Susy's ScoundrelHarold KeithGewinner1974Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1974Susy's ScoundrelHarold KeithGewinner1975Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Juvenile Book_
1974CentennialJames A. MichenerGewinner1975Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Noveldt.: Colorado-Saga
1974A Hanging in SweetwaterStephen OverholserGewinner1974Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1975Dust of the EarthVera Cleaver & Bill CleaverGewinner1975Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fictiondt.: Ab morgen hüte ich Schafe
1975Owl in the Cedar TreeN. Scott MomadayGewinner1976Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Juvenile Book_
1975The ShootistGlendon SwarthoutGewinner1975Spur AwardBest Western Noveldt.: Der Superschütze
1976The KincaidsMatt BraunGewinner1976Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
1976The Spirit HorsesLou CameronCo-Gewinner1976Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1976The Court Martial of George Armstrong CusterDouglas C. JonesCo-Gewinner1976Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1976A River Runs Through It, and Other StoriesNorman Maclean____dt.: Aus der Mitte entspringt ein Fluß
1977Silvermoon: Weißer Hengst aus der PrärieBarbara Bartos-HöppnerGewinner1978Friedrich-Gerstäcker-Preis
für Jugendliteratur
1977The Great Horse RaceFred GroveGewinner1977Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1977A Shepherd Watches, a Shepherd Sings: Growing Up a Basque Shepherd in California's San Joaquin ValleyLouis Irigaray & Theodore TaylorGewinner1977Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1977A Shepherd Watches, a Shepherd Sings: Growing Up a Basque Shepherd in California's San Joaquin ValleyLouis Irigaray & Theodore TaylorSilber-Medaille1977California Book AwardJuvenile_
1977Buffalo WomanDorothy M. JohnsonGewinner1978Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
1977Swimming Man BurningTerrence KilpatrickGewinner1977Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
1978The Obstinate LandHarold KeithGewinner1979Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Juvenile Book_
1978The Good Old BoysElmer KeltonGewinner1979Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Noveldt.: Frei wie der Wind
1978The No-Return TrailSonia LevitinGewinner1978Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1978Riders to CibolaNorman ZollingerGewinner1978Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1979Hanta Yo: An American SagaRuth Beebe HillGewinner1980Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Noveldt.: Hanta Yo: Eine Indianer-Saga
1979Woman ChiefBenjamin CappsFinalist1979Spur AwardBest Western Historical Noveldt.: Die Legende von Woman Chief
1979Woman ChiefBenjamin CappsFinalist1980National Book AwardWesterndt.: Die Legende von Woman Chief
1979The HoldoutsWilliam DeckerGewinner1979Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1979ThirstyAndrew DequasieGewinner1979Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1979The High RocksLoren D. EstlemanFinalist1980National Book AwardWestern# 1 der Serie „Page Murdock“; dt.: Der Skalpjäger
1979Wild TimesBrian GarfieldFinalist1980National Book AwardWestern_
1979DesperadoesRon Hansen_____
1979Bendigo ShafterLouis L'AmourGewinner1980National Book AwardWesterndt.: Bendigo Shafter
1979My Brother, the WindG. Clifton WislerFinalist1980National Book AwardWesterndt.: Mein Bruder, der Wind
1980The Valiant WomenJeanne WilliamsGewinner1980Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1981Ride Down the WindWayne BartonGewinner1981Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1981Aces & EightsLoren D. EstlemanGewinner1981Spur AwardBest Western Historical Noveldt.: Der Teufel teilt die Karten aus
1981The Last RunMark Jonathan HarrisGewinner1981Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1981HorizonLee HeadCo-Gewinner1981Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1981Eyes of the HawkElmer KeltonCo-Gewinner1981Spur AwardBest Western Noveldt.: Die Augen des Falken
1982Before the LarkIrene Bennett BrownGewinner1982Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1982Match RaceFred GroveGewinner1982Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1982Carry the WindTerry C. JohnstonGewinner1982Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)# 1 der Serie „Titus Bass“
1982The GunslingerStephen King____# 1 der Serie „Dark Tower“; dt.: Der dunkle Turm: Schwarz
1982Ride the WindLucia St. Clair RobsonGewinner1982Spur AwardBest Western Historical Noveldt.: Die mit dem Wind reitet
1983The Long Riders' WinterFrank CalkinsGewinner1984Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
1983The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert FordRon Hansen____dt.: Die Ermordung des Jesse James durch den Feigling Robert Ford
1983The Lonesome GodsLouis L'Amour____dt.: Die einsamen Götter
1983Leaving KansasFrank RoderusGewinner1983Spur AwardBest Western Noveldt.: Rivalen in Kansas
1983Winter GrassRichard S. WheelerFinalist1983Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1983Thunder on the TennesseeG. Clifton WislerGewinner1983Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1983Sam BassBryan WoolleyGewinner1983Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
1984English CreekIvan DoigGewinner1985Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
1984Gone the Dreams and DancingDouglas C. JonesGewinner1984Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
1984WinterkillCraig LeslieGewinner1984Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1984Trapped in Slickrock CanyonGloria SkurzynskiGewinner1984Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1984Ride the Laughing WindBlaine Yorgason & Brenton Yorgason_____
1985Prairie SongsPam ConradGewinner1985Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fictiondt.: Lied der Prärie
1985Prairie SongsPam ConradGewinner1986Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Juvenile Bookdt.: Lied der Prärie
1985The Snowblind MoonJohn Byrne CookeGewinner1985Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
1985The Snowblind MoonJohn Byrne CookeGewinner1985Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1985Playing Catch-Up: A Sheriff Chick Charleston MysteryA.B. Guthrie Jr.Gewinner1986Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
1985Jubal SackettLouis L'Amour____# 17 der Serie „The Sacketts“; dt.: Jubal Sackett
1985Blood Meridian or The Evening Redness in the WestCormac McCarthy____dt.: Die Abendröte im Westen
1985Lonesome DoveLarry McMurtryGewinner1985Spur AwardBest Western Noveldt.: Weg in die Wildnis
1985Lonesome DoveLarry McMurtryGewinner1986Pulitzer PrizeFictiondt.: Weg in die Wildnis
1986The Blind CorralRalph Robert BeerGewinner1986Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1986DeadwoodPete Dexter____dt.: Deadwood
1986Come SpringCharlotte HingerGewinner1986Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1986RomanDouglas C. JonesGewinner1986Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
1986Heart of the CountryGreg MatthewsGewinner1987Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
1987Wanderer SpringsRobert FlynnGewinner1987Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
1987SkinwalkersTony HillermanGewinner1987Spur AwardBest Western Novel# 7 der Serie „Leaphorn and Chee“; dt.: Die Nacht der Skinwalkers
1987The Man Who Rode MidnightElmer KeltonGewinner1988Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
1987The Haunted MesaLouis L'Amour____dt.: Berg des Unheils
1987Jenny's MountainElaine LongGewinner1987Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1987A Family ApartJoan Lowery NixonGewinner1987Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction# 1 der Serie „The Orphan Train“
1988MattieJudy AlterGewinner1988Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1988Dances With WolvesMichael Blake (Michael Webb)____dt.: Der mit dem Wolf tanzt
1988In the Face of DangerJoan Lowery NixonGewinner1988Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction# 3 der Serie „The Orphan Train“
1988Spirit of the HillsDan O'BrienGewinner1988Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1988The HomesmanGlendon SwarthoutGewinner1988Spur AwardBest Novel of the Westdt.: The Homesman - Es führt ein Weg zurück
1988The HomesmanGlendon SwarthoutGewinner1989Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Noveldt.: The Homesman - Es führt ein Weg zurück
1988Stay Put, Robbie McAmisFrancis G. TunboGewinner1989Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Juvenile Book_
1989My DanielPam ConradGewinner1989Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1989South TexasAnn GabrielGewinner1989Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1989Broken EagleChad OliverGewinner1990Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
1989Panther in the SkyJames Alexander ThomGewinner1989Spur AwardBest Novel of the West_
1989Fool's CoachRichard S. WheelerGewinner1989Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1989Among the EaglesG. Clifton WislerGewinner1989Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
1990The Changing WindDon ColdsmithGewinner1990Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
1990Honey GirlMadge HarrahGewinner1990Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1990Caesar of Santa FeTim MacCurdyGewinner1990Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1990Buffalo GirlsLarry McMurtryGewinner1991Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Noveldt.: Buffalo Girls
1990SanctuaryGary D. SveeGewinner1990Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1990Home MountainJeanne WilliamsGewinner1990Spur AwardBest Novel of the West_
1991Set for LifeJudith FreemanGewinner1992Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
1991Journal of the Gun YearsRichard MathesonGewinner1991Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1991The Sixth RiderMax McCoyGewinner1991Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1991Rescue Josh McGuireBen MikaelsenGewinner1991Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1991The Medicine HornJory ShermanGewinner1991Spur AwardBest Novel of the West_
1991A Thousand AcresJane SmileyGewinner1992Pulitzer PrizeFictiondt.: Tausend Morgen
1991Rage in ChupaderaNorman ZollingerGewinner1991Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
1992NickajackRobert J. ConleyGewinner1992Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1992John Stone and the Choctaw KidWayne Davis (Stephen Bly)Gewinner1992Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1992SlaughterElmer KeltonGewinner1992Spur AwardBest Novel of the West_
1992All the Pretty HorsesCormac McCarthyGewinner1992National Book AwardFictiondt.: All die schönen Pferde
1992All the Pretty HorsesCormac McCarthyGewinner1993Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Noveldt.: All die schönen Pferde
1992The Golden ChanceT.V. OlsenGewinner1992Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
1992The HaymeadowGary PaulsenGewinner1992Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1993FriendsCharles HackenberryGewinner1993Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1993Pigs in HeavenBarbara KingsolverGewinner1994Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Noveldt.: Siebengestirn / Siebengestirn, meine Tochter
1993Empire of Bones: A Novel of Sam Houston and the Texas RevolutionJeff LongGewinner1993Spur AwardBest Novel of the West_
1993Leaving EldoradoJoann MazzioGewinner1993Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1993The Gila RiverGary McCarthyGewinner1993Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 10 der Reihe „Rivers West“
1993People of the Whistling WaterMardi Oakley MedawarGewinner1993Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1993Before HonorGeo. W. ProctorFinalist1993Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1994The PlainswomanIrene Bennett BrownFinalist1994Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
1994Hey, Cowboy, Wanna Get Lucky?Baxter BlackFinalist1994Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1994Shortgrass SongMike BlakelyFinalist1994Spur AwardBest Novel of the West_
1994Wyatt EarpMatt BraunFinalist1994Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
1994When Cowboys DiePatrick DearenFinalist1994Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1994St. Agnes' StandThomas EidsonGewinner1994Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1994St. Agnes' StandThomas EidsonGewinner1994Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1994City of WidowsLoren D. EstlemanFinalist1994Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1994Bluefeather Fellini in the Sacred RealmMax EvansGewinner1995Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
1994Wyatt EarpDan GordonFinalist1994Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)dt.: Wyatt Earp - Das Leben einer Legende
1994The HookmenTimothy HillmerFinalist1994Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1994Crockett of TennesseeCameron JuddFinalist1994Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
1994The Far CanyonElmer KeltonGewinner1994Spur AwardBest Novel of the West_
1994A Dangerous PromiseJoan Lowery NixonFinalist1994Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1994Survival: A Novel of the Donner PartyK.C. McKenna (Robert Vaughan)Gewinner1994Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
1994The Journey of Hector RabinalDonley WattFinalist1994Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1994CashboxRichard S. WheelerFinalist1994Spur AwardBest Novel of the West_
1994Mr. Lincoln's DrummerG. Clifton WislerFinalist1994Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1994Not of War OnlyNorman ZollingerFinalist1994Spur AwardBest Novel of the West_
1995Stone Song: A Novel of the Life of Crazy HorseWin BlevinsGewinner1995Spur AwardBest Novel of the West# 3 der Reihe „American Dreamers“
1995Lone SurvivorWill Camp (Preston Lewis)Finalist1995Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1995The Dark IslandRobert J. ConleyGewinner1995Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1995IndioSherry GarlandGewinner1995Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1995A Sweetness to the SoulJane KirkpatrickGewinner1996Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel# 1 der Reihe „Dreamcatcher“
1995Thunder in the ValleyJim R. WoolardGewinner1995Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
1995Thunder in the ValleyJim R. WoolardGewinner1995Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1996Blood of TexasWill Camp (Preston Lewis)Gewinner1996Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1996Pushing the Bear: A Novel of the Trail of TearsDiane GlancyFinalist1997Minnesota Book AwardNovel_
1996Far NorthWill HobbsGewinner1996Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fictiondt.: Weit im Norden
1996Out of EdenKate LehrerGewinner1997Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
1996Death of a Healing WomanAllana MartinGewinner1996Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1996Potter's FieldsFrank RoderusGewinner1996Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
1996Ghost HorsesPamela Smith HallFinalist1996Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1996SierraRichard S. WheelerGewinner1996Spur AwardBest Novel of the West_
1997The Mercy SeatRilla AskewGewinner1998Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Noveldt.: Meines Bruders Hüter
1997The Mercy SeatRilla AskewGewinner1998Oklahoma Book AwardFictiondt.: Meines Bruders Hüter
1997Keepers of the EarthLaVerne Harrell ClarkGewinner1998Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1997The Kiowa VerdictCynthia HaseloffGewinner1998Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1997BrandishDouglas HirtFinalist1998Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
1997Comanche MoonLarry McMurtryGewinner1998Spur AwardBest Novel of the West_
1997Leaving MissouriEllen RecknorGewinner1998Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
1997Danger Along the OhioPatricia WillisGewinner1998Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1998Comanche DawnMike BlakelyFinalist1999Spur AwardBest Novel of the West_
1998The Spanish PeaksJon ChandlerGewinner1999Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1998The Story TellerMargaret CoelFinalist1999WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction# 4 der Reihe „Wind River Mystery“
1998Journey of the DeadLoren D. EstlemanGewinner1999Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1998Journey of the DeadLoren D. EstlemanGewinner1999Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
1998DeadwoodDouglas HirtFinalist1999Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 2 der Reihe „Boom Town“
1998Waltzing the CatPam HoustonGewinner1999WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fictiondt.: Die Farbe des Abenteuers
1998Dark TrailHiram KingGewinner1999Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
1998Alice Rose & SamKathryn LaskyGewinner1999Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Juvenile Bookdt.: Alice Rose und die große Silberverschwörung
1998Daughter of JoyJoAnn LevyGewinner1999WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
1998PeteyBen MikaelsenGewinner1999Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1998Riding FreedomPam Muñoz Ryan; Ill.: Brian SelznickGewinner1999WILLA Literary AwardYoung Adult Fiction_
1998The All-True Travels and
Adventures of Lidie Newton
Jane SmileyGewinner1999Spur AwardBest Novel of the Westdt.: Lidie Newton oder ein abenteuerliches Frauenleben
1998River of Our ReturnGladys SmithGewinner1999WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Paperback Fiction_
1998These Is My Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881-1901Nancy E. TurnerFinalist1999WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
1999Daughter of Fortune / im Original: Hija de la fortunaIsabel AllendeGewinner2000WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fictiondt.: Fortunas Tochter
1999The White HorsesC.A. BauerFinalist2000WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Paperback Fiction_
1999Ten and MeJohnny D. BoggsFinalist2000Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
1999Right from WrongCindy BonnerFinalist2000WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
1999WrangoBrian BurksGewinner2000Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
1999Mine WorkJim DavidsonGewinner2000Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
1999Mine WorkJim DavidsonGewinner2000Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
1999The Birchbark HouseLouise ErdrichFinalist1999National Book AwardYoung People's Literaturedt.: Ein Jahr mit sieben Wintern
1999The Birchbark HouseLouise ErdrichGewinner2000Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Juvenile Bookdt.: Ein Jahr mit sieben Wintern
1999The Birchbark HouseLouise ErdrichGewinner2000WILLA Literary AwardYoung Adult Fictiondt.: Ein Jahr mit sieben Wintern
1999Jason's GoldWill HobbsFinalist2000Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fictiondt.: Im Goldrausch
1999The Contract SurgeonDan O'BrienGewinner2000Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
1999Close Range: Wyoming StoriesAnnie ProulxGewinner2000WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fictiondt.: Weit draußen: Geschichten aus Wyoming
1999Close Range: Wyoming StoriesAnnie ProulxFinalist2000Pulitzer PrizeFictiondt.: Weit draußen: Geschichten aus Wyoming
1999Prophet AnnieEllen RecknorGewinner2000Spur AwardBest Novel of the West_
1999Prophet AnnieEllen RecknorGewinner2000WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Paperback Fiction_
1999Red Flower Goes WestAnn Turner; Ill.: Dennis NolanGewinner2000WILLA Literary AwardChildren's Fiction_
1999MastersonRichard S. WheelerGewinner2000Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
2000Smoke EatersChristine AndreaeFinalist2001WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2000The Chivalry of CrimeDesmond BarryGewinner2001Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
2000Summer of PearlsMike BlakelyGewinner2001Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
2000Dead Man FallsPaula BoydGewinner2001WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Paperback Fiction# 2 der Serie „Jolene Jackson Mystery“
2000The Spirit WomanMargaret CoelGewinner2001WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction# 6 der Reihe „Wind River Mystery“
2000The Spirit WomanMargaret CoelGewinner2001Colorado Book AwardMystery Fiction# 6 der Reihe „Wind River Mystery“
2000Alice's TulipsSandra DallasFinalist2001WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2000A Rant of RavensChristine GoffFinalist2001WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Paperback Fiction# 1 der Serie „Birdwatcher's Mystery“
2000Holding Up the EarthDianne E. GrayFinalist2001WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2000Painted by the SunElizabeth Grayson (Karen Witmer-Gow)Finalist2001WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Paperback Fiction_
2000Twisted RiverMel HagueGewinner2012Global ebook AwardWestern Fiction2011 wiederveröffentlicht; # 1 der Serie „Sheriff Jud Harris“
2000Catching HeavenSands HallFinalist2001WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fictiondt.: Den Himmel umarmen
2000The Gates of the AlamoStephen HarriganGewinner2001Spur AwardBest Novel of the West_
2000The Gates of the AlamoStephen HarriganGewinner2001Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
2000For California's GoldJoAnn LevyGewinner2001WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2000Soul of the Sacred EarthVella MunnFinalist2001WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction# 4 der Serie „Soul Searchers“
2000Esperanza RisingPam Muñoz RyanGewinner2001WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2000The Likes of MeRandall PlattFinalist2001WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2000Requiem at DawnSheldon RussellFinalist2001Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2000Bound for the Promise LandTroy D. SmithGewinner2001Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2000The Midnight Train HomeErika TamarGewinner2001Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2000The WitnessRichard S. WheelerFinalist2001Spur Award?Best Western Novel?
2001Moon MedicineMike BlakelyFinalist2002Spur AwardBest Novel of the West_
2001Open SeasonC.J. BoxFinalist2002Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)# 1 der Serie „Joe Pickett“
2001The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No HorseLouise ErdrichFinalist2001National Book AwardFictiondt.: Die Wunder von Little No Horse
2001The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No HorseLouise ErdrichGewinner2002Minnesota Book AwardNoveldt.: Die Wunder von Little No Horse
2001The Master ExecutionerLoren D. EstlemanGewinner2002Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
2001The Master ExecutionerLoren D. EstlemanFinalist2002Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
2001Walk Across the SeaSusan FletcherFinalist2002Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2001Walk Across the SeaSusan FletcherFinalist2002WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2001The Good JourneyMicaela GilchristGewinner2002WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2001Death of a SongbirdChristine GoffFinalist2002WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Paperback Fiction# 2 der Serie „Birdwatcher's Mystery“
2001The Jasmine TradeDenise HamiltonFinalist2002WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2001Delfino's JourneyJo HarperGewinner2002Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Juvenile Book_
2001Boston Jane: An AdventureJennifer L. HolmFinalist2002WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fictiondt.: Boston Jane: Ein Mädchen in der Wildnis
2001The Magic of Ordinary DaysAnn Howard CreelFinalist2002WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2001Across the Sweet Grass HillsGail L. JennerGewinner2002WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Paperback Fiction_
2001Last Year's RiverAllen Morris JonesFinalist2002Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
2001The Way of the CoyoteElmer KeltonGewinner2002Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
2001Code of the WestAaron LathamFinalist2002Spur AwardBest Novel of the West_
2001This House of WomenPaul Scott MaloneGewinner2002WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2001Touching Spirit BearBen MikaelsenFinalist2002Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2001Fragile TreatiesFaye RobertsFinalist2002WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Paperback Fiction_
2001RockbusterGloria SkurzynskiGewinner2002Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2001Cissy FunkKim TaylorGewinner2002WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2001Corps of DiscoveryJeffrey W. TenneyGewinner2002Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
2001Corps of DiscoveryJeffrey W. TenneyFinalist2002Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2001The Water and the BloodNancy E. TurnerFinalist2002WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2001The Miracle Life of Edgar MintBrady UdallGewinner2002Spur AwardBest Novel of the Westdt.: Das wundersame Leben des Edgar Mint / Der Bierdosenbaum
2001Heart of the BeastJoyce WeatherfordFinalist2002WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2001Blind Your PoniesStanley Gordon WestFinalist2002Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2001Drum's RingRichard S. WheelerGewinner2002Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2001RestitutionRichard S. WheelerFinalist2002Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
2002Flight from FearSarah Byrn RickmanFinalist2003WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Paperback Fiction_
2002The CallingsHenry C. ChappellFinalist2003Spur AwardMedicine Pipe Bearer Award (Best First Novel)_
2002Moon of Bitter ColdFrederick J. ChiaventoneGewinner2003Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
2002The Shadow DancerMargaret CoelGewinner2003Colorado Book AwardMystery Fiction# 8 der Reihe „Wind River Mystery“
2002The Chili QueenSandra DallasGewinner2003Spur AwardBest Western Noveldt.: Die Chili Queen
2002The Chili QueenSandra DallasFinalist2003WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fictiondt.: Die Chili Queen
2002Strength of StoneDianne ElliottFinalist2003WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2002Whistler in the DarkKathleen ErnstFinalist2003WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2002Together ApartDianne E. GrayGewinner2003Nebraska Book AwardChildren / Young Adult_
2002Together ApartDianne E. GrayFinalist2003WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2002The Big BurnJeanette IngoldGewinner2003Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2002Enemy WomenPaulette JilesGewinner2003WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2002Small Rocks RisingSusan LangGewinner2003WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Paperback Fiction_
2002The Caballeros of Ruby, TexasCynthia Leal MasseyFinalist2003WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Paperback Fiction_
2002Perma RedDebra Magpie EarlingGewinner2003Spur AwardBest Novel of the West_
2002Perma RedDebra Magpie EarlingGewinner2003WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2002A Circle of Time: A Time Travel MysteryMarisa MontesGewinner2003WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2002Silver LiesAnn ParkerFinalist2003Spur AwardBest Novel of the West# 1 der Serie „Silver Rush Mystery“
2002Silver LiesAnn ParkerGewinner2004WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction# 1 der Serie „Silver Rush Mystery“
2002The Revenant: A Novel of RevengeMichael Punke____dt.: Der Totgeglaubte: Eine wahre Geschichte / The Revenant - Der Rückkehrer
2002No Man StandingBarbara SeranellaFinalist2003WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction# 5 der Serie „Munch Mancini“
2002Jo's TriumphNikki TateFinalist2003Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2002Bad FaithAimée Thurlo & David ThurloFinalist2003WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction# 1 der Serie „Sister Agatha Mystery“
2002Oblivion's Altar: A Novel of CourageDavid Marion WilkinsonGewinner2003Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2003The ScoutLynna BanningFinalist2004WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2003The LuckyH. Lee BarnesFinalist2004Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2003So Wild a DreamWin BlevinsGewinner2004Spur AwardBest Novel of the West# 1 der Serie „Rendezvous“
2003Spark on the Prairie: The Trial of the Kiowa ChiefsJohnny D. BoggsGewinner2004Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
2003MatchlessJane Candia ColemanFinalist2004WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2003In the Eye of the Storm: The Adventures of Young Buffalo BillElizabeth Cody KimmelGewinner2004Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2003RodzinaKaren CushmanGewinner2004WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fictiondt.: Rodzina
2003Fireweed: A Woman's Saga in Gold Rush AmericaCarolyn Evans CampbellFinalist2004WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2003Stone Heart: A Novel of SacajaweaDiane GlancyFinalist2004Minnesota Book AwardNovel_
2003I Should Be Extremely Happy in Your CompanyBrian HallGewinner2004Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
2003The Long Way WestHershell H. NixonFinalist2004Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2003All Over CreationRuth OzekiGewinner2004WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2003Meadow LarkMary Peace FinleyFinalist2004WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2003Unpaid DuesBarbara SeranellaFinalist2004WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction# 6 der Serie „Munch Mancini“
2003Deliverance ValleyGladys SmithGewinner2004WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2003The Sergeant's LadyMiles Hood SwarthoutGewinner2004Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2003Desert WivesBetty WebbFinalist2004WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction# 2 der Serie „Lena Jones Mystery“
2003Plain LanguageBarbara WrightGewinner2004Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2004Ghost OceanRichard BenkeFinalist2005Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2004Field of HonorD.L. BirchfieldGewinner2005Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2004Where Heaven BeginsRosanne BittnerFinalist2005WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2004Tombstone Travesty: Allie Earp RemembersJane Candia ColemanGewinner2005WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2004Blood KinHenry C. ChappellFinalist2005Spur AwardBest Novel of the West_
2004Wife of MoonMargaret CoelGewinner2005Colorado Book AwardMystery Fiction# 10 der Reihe „Wind River Mystery“
2004Fire in the Hole!Mary Cronk FarrellGewinner2005Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2004And Not to Yield: A Novel of the Life and Times of Wild Bill HickokRandy Lee EickhoffGewinner2005Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
2004Four SoulsLouise ErdrichFinalist2005WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2004A Sudden CountryKaren FisherFinalist2005Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2004People of the RavenW. Michael Gear & Kathleen O'Neal GearGewinner2005Spur AwardBest Novel of the West# 12 der Serie „North America's Forgotten Past“
2004EchoesErin GradyGewinner2005WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2004Moon in the WaterElizabeth Grayson (Karen Witmer-Gow)Finalist2005WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2004Last LullabyDenise HamiltonFinalist2005WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2004WorthA. LaFayeFinalist2005Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2004Nothing Here but StonesNancy OswaldGewinner2005WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2004Bad Dirt: Wyoming Stories 2Annie Proulx____dt.: Hinterland: Neue Geschichten aus Wyoming
2004The Real MinervaMary SharrattGewinner2005WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2004Higher GroundGladys SmithFinalist2005WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2004Buy the Chief a CadillacRick SteberGewinner2005Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
2004Useful GirlMarcus StevensFinalist2005WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2004Vengeance ValleyRichard S. WheelerGewinner2005Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2005Buffalo Calf Road Woman: The Story of a Warrior of the Little BighornRosemary Agonito & Joseph AgonitoGewinner2006Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
2005Loving MercyTeresa BodwellFinalist2006WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2005Loving MirandaTeresa BodwellFinalist2006WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2005Camp FordJohnny D. BoggsCo-Gewinner2006Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
2005DakotaMatt BraunGewinner2006Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2005Apache Lance, Franciscan CrossFlorence Byham WeinbergFinalist2006WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2005Eye of the WolfMargaret CoelGewinner2006Colorado Book AwardMystery Fiction# 11 der Reihe „Wind River Mystery“
2005A Feather in the RainAlex CordFinalist2006Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2005New MerciesSandra DallasGewinner2006WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2005The Undertaker's WifeLoren D. EstlemanCo-Gewinner2006Spur AwardBest Western Novel_
2005Hombrecito's WarW. Michael FarmerFinalist2006Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2005Anna's BlizzardAlison HartFinalist2006WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2005Under A Stand Still MoonAnn Howard CreelFinalist2006WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2005Summer of FireLinda JacobsGewinner2006WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction# 1 der Reihe „Yellowstone“
2005Summer of FireLinda Jacobs4. Platz (geteilt)2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance2019 wiederveröffentlicht
2005Black Storm Comin'Diane Lee WilsonGewinner2006Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2005No Country for Old MenCormac McCarthy____dt.: Kein Land für alte Männer
2005Return to AboSharon NiedermanFinalist2006WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2005AppaloosaRobert B. Parker____# 1 der Serie „Virgil Cole & Everett Hitch“; dt.: Appaloosa
2005Crazy QuiltPaula PaulFinalist2006WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2005Sky BridgeLaura PritchettGewinner2006WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2005Big Lonesome: StoriesJim RulandFinalist2006Spur AwardShort Fiction Story_
2005Sarah's QuiltNancy E. TurnerFinalist2006WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fictiondt.: Goldenes Land
2005High CountryWillard WymanGewinner2006Spur AwardBest Novel of the West_
2005High CountryWillard WymanGewinner2006Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2006Bleeding HeartsSusan Wittig AlbertFinalist2007WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2006Hallowed GroundLori G. ArmstrongGewinner2007WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction# 2 der Serie „PI Julie Collins“
2006DeserterPaul BagdonFinalist2007Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2006AbsarokaJoan BochmannFinalist2006Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2006The Hart BrandJohnny D. BoggsFinalist2007Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2006The Last JaguarBruce BradleyFinalist2006Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2006GeronimoJoseph BruchacGewinner2007Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2006The Girl from CharnelleK.L. CookGewinner2007WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2006The Night JournalElizabeth CrookGewinner2007Spur AwardBest Western Long Novel_
2006The Night JournalElizabeth CrookGewinner2007WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2006QuarrySusan Cummins MillerFinalist2007WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2006The Lawless FrontierRandy DenmonFinalist2007Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2006The Whistling SeasonIvan DoigFinalist2007Spur AwardBest Western Long Novel_
2006The Adventures of Johnny VermillionLoren D. EstlemanFinalist2007Spur AwardBest Western Short Novel_
2006The Lost Thoughts of SoldiersDelia FalconerFinalist2007Spur AwardBest Western Short Novel_
2006Broken TrailAlan GeoffrionGewinner2006Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2006Broken TrailAlan GeoffrionGewinner2007Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2006Broken TrailAlan GeoffrionGewinner2007Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
2006Horses They RodeSid GustafsonFinalist2007High Plains Book AwardBook of the Year_
2006Teresa's JourneyJosephine Harper & Jo HarperFinalist2007Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2006Augusta LockeWilliam Haywood HendersonFinalist2007WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2006Augusta LockeWilliam Haywood HendersonFinalist2007Spur AwardBest Western Long Novel_
2006Nick & Slim: The Legend of Falcon MinePamela L.V. HennFinalist2006Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2006The Shape ShifterTony HillermanGewinner2007Spur AwardBest Western Short Novel# 18 der Serie „Leaphorn and Chee“
2006Call Me the CanyonAnn Howard CreelFinalist2007WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2006Rain of FireLinda JacobsFinalist2007WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction# 2 der Reihe „Yellowstone“
2006Rain of FireLinda Jacobs4. Platz (geteilt)2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance2019 wiederveröffentlicht
2006A Clearing in the WildJane KirkpatrickFinalist2007WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction# 1 der Serie „Change and Cherish“
2006Hattie Big SkyKirby LarsonGewinner2006Montana Book Award__
2006Hattie Big SkyKirby LarsonFinalist2007Newbery MedalBest Novel_
2006One Night in a Bad InnChristy LeskovarFinalist2007High Plains Book AwardBest New Book_
2006Iron TiesAnn ParkerGewinner2007Colorado Book AwardMystery Fiction# 2 der Serie „Silver Rush Mystery“
2006The Horse Creek IncidentDusty RichardsGewinner2007Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 1 der Serie „Herschel Baker“
2006Dreams to Dust: A Tale of the Oklahoma Land RushSheldon RussellGewinner2007Oklahoma Book AwardFiction_
2006Elsie's BusinessFrances WashburnFinalist2007Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2006Harvey GirlSheila Wood FoardGewinner2007WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2006X-Indian Chronicles: The Book of MausapeThomas M. YeahpauFinalist2007Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2007Spanish DaggerSusan Wittig AlbertFinalist2008WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2007Shallow GraveLori G. ArmstrongFinalist2008WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction# 3 der Serie „PI Julie Collins“
2007Shallow GraveLori G. ArmstrongFinalist2008High Plains Book AwardFiction# 3 der Serie „PI Julie Collins“
2007HarpsongRilla AskewGewinner2008Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
2007HarpsongRilla AskewGewinner2008WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2007HarpsongRilla AskewGewinner2008Oklahoma Book AwardFiction_
2007Doubtful CañonJohnny D. BoggsGewinner2008Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2007NorthfieldJohnny D. BoggsFinalist2008Spur AwardBest Western Short Novel_
2007The Girl With Braided HairMargaret CoelGewinner2008Colorado Book AwardMystery Fiction# 13 der Reihe „Wind River Mystery“
2007Journey to San JacintoMelodie A. CuateGewinner2008Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Juvenile Book_
2007TallgrassSandra DallasGewinner2008Spur AwardBest Western Short Novel_
2007TallgrassSandra DallasFinalist2008WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2007Blood on the RimrockPhil DunlapFinalist2009Best Books of IndianaFiction_
2007Bronc Buster: Short Stories of the American WestDave P. FisherGewinner2008Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2007The Hearts of HorsesMolly GlossFinalist2008WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2007Lake of FireLinda JacobsFinalist2008Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 3 der Reihe „Yellowstone“
2007Lake of FireLinda JacobsFinalist2008WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction# 3 der Reihe „Yellowstone“
2007Lake of FireLinda Jacobs4. Platz (geteilt)2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance2019 wiederveröffentlicht
2007Ambush at Mustang CanyonMike KearbyFinalist2008Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction# 3 der Serie „Free Anderson & Parks Scott“
2007A Tendering in the StormJane KirkpatrickGewinner2008WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction# 2 der Serie „Change and Cherish“
2007A Feast of LongingSarah KlassenGewinner2008High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2007Pioneer LadyLester Fulford KramerFinalist2007Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2007The God of AnimalsAryb KyleGewinner2008Spur AwardBest Western Long Novel_
2007CiboleroKermit D. LopezGewinner2007Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2007The Night BirdsThomas MaltmanGewinner2008Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2007The Night BirdsThomas MaltmanFinalist2008Spur AwardBest Western Long Novel_
2007Pedrito’s WorldArturo O. MartínezFinalist2008Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2007Hellfire CanyonMax McCoyGewinner2008Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 1 der Serie „Jacob Gamble“
2007Hellfire CanyonMax McCoyCo-Gewinner2008Kansas Notable Book_# 1 der Serie „Jacob Gamble“
2007Where the Rivers Run NorthSam MortonFinalist2008High Plains Book AwardFirst Book_
2007Paint the WindPam Muñoz RyanFinalist2008WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2007Raven SpringsJohn D. NesbittFinalist2008Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2007What the Thunder SaidJanet PeeryGewinner2008WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2007Toquop: The Warrior StallionMike PrinceGewinner2008Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Young Adult_
2007Longhorn LullabiesJoanne K. RhoadesGewinner2008Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Elementary_
2007Seven Ox Seven, Part One: Escondido BoundP.A. RitzerGewinner2008Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2007Seven Ox Seven, Part One: Escondido BoundP.A. RitzerGewinner2008National Indie Excellence AwardHistorical Fiction_
2007Seven Ox Seven, Part One: Escondido BoundP.A. RitzerGewinner2008Hollywood Book FestivalWestern_
2007The Watershed YearsRussell RowlandFinalist2008High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2007Migration Patterns: StoriesGary L. SchanbacherGewinner2008High Plains Book AwardFirst Book_
2007Deadman's SwitchBarbara SeranellaFinalist2008WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction# 1 der Serie „Charlotte Lyon“
2007TurpentineSpring WarrenFinalist2008Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2007TurpentineSpring WarrenFinalist2008High Plains Book AwardFirst Book_
2007The Canyon of BonesRichard S. WheelerFinalist2008Spur AwardBest Western Short Novel# 15 der Serie „Barnaby Skye“
2008Wild InfernoSandi AultFinalist2009WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction# 2 der Reihe „Wild Mystery“
2008A Dance Around the DesertRaechel Bailey KolbFinalist2008Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2008Dreams Beneath Your FeetWin BlevinsFinalist2009Spur AwardBest Western Short Novel# 6 der Serie „Rendezvous“
2008KillstraightJohnny D. BoggsFinalist2009Spur AwardBest Western Short Novel_
2008Wolves at Our DoorJ.P.S. BrownFinalist2009Spur AwardBest Western Long Novel_
2008God's Thunderbolt: The Vigilantes of MontanaCarol A. BuchananGewinner2009Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2008Beyond the SmokeTerry W. BurnsGewinner2009Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Young Adult_
2008The Sky Took HimDonis CaseyFinalist2010WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction# 4 der Serie „Alafair Tucker Mystery“
2008Jackalope DreamsMary Clearman BlewGewinner2009Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
2008ShavetailThomas CobbGewinner2009Spur AwardBest Western Long Novel_
2008Journey to GonzalesMelodie A. CuateGewinner2009Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Juvenile Book_
2008HoodooSusan Cummins MillerFinalist2009WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2008So Brave, Young, and HandsomeLeif EngerGewinner2009High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2008Undiscovered CountryLin EngerFinalist2009Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2008The Plague of DovesLouise ErdrichGewinner2009Minnesota Book AwardNoveldt.: Solange du lebst
2008The Plague of DovesLouise ErdrichFinalist2009Pulitzer PrizeFictiondt.: Solange du lebst
2008The Buffalo RockBob FaulknerFinalist2009Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2008The TrespassersAndrew J. FenadyFinalist2009Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2008Sherlock Holmes: The Montana ChroniclesJohn S. FitzpatrickFinalist2009High Plains Book AwardFirst Book_
2008Her Enemies, Blue and GrayEllen Gray MasseyFinalist2009Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2008Arizona WarMelody GrovesGewinner2008New Mexico/Arizona Book AwardHistorical Fiction# 1 der Serie „Colton Brothers Saga“
2008Charley's Choice: The Life and Times of Charley ParkhurstFern J. HillGewinner2009WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2008Another Man's MoccasinsCraig JohnsonGewinner2009Spur AwardBest Western Short Novel# 4 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“
2008Another Man's MoccasinsCraig JohnsonFinalist2009High Plains Book AwardFiction# 4 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“
2008I am ApacheTanya LandmanGewinner2009Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fictiondt.: Apache
2008Massacre at Pilgrim's PassTim ListerFinalist2008Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2008El TigreJohn H. ManholdFinalist2008Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2008The Long Knives Are CryingJoseph M. Marshall IIIFinalist2009Spur AwardBest Western Long Novel_
2008I, QuantrillMax McCoyFinalist2009Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2008Kyleah's TreeJanet Muirhead HillFinalist2009High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2008Trouble at the RedstoneJohn D. NesbittGewinner2009Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2008ChancesPamela NowakFinalist2009WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2008Sittin' Round the Stove: Stories from the Real WestKen OvercastGewinner2009Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2008The Last CowgirlJana RichmanGewinner2009WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2008River of the Arms of GodIrene SandellFinalist2009WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2008Buffalo Bill's DefunctSheila SimonsonGewinner2009WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction# 1 der Reihe „Latouche County Mystery“
2008In the Shadow of RebellionGladys SmithFinalist2009WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2008The Gold Rush KidMary WaldorfFinalist2009Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2009Counting the CostLiz AdairFinalist2009Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2009Counting the CostLiz AdairFinalist2010WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2009Wild SorrowSandi AultGewinner2010WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction# 3 der Reihe „Wild Mystery“
2009Wild SorrowSandi AultFinalist2010Spur AwardBest Western Short Novel# 3 der Reihe „Wild Mystery“
2009The General and Monaville, TexasJoe G. BaxCo-Gewinner?2011Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2009The General and Monaville, TexasJoe G. BaxFinalist2010International Book AwardFiction: Historical_
2009The General and Monaville, TexasJoe G. BaxFinalist2010International Book AwardFiction: Young Adult_
2009A Cold Place in HellWilliam BlinnFinalist2010Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2009Hard WinterJohnny D. BoggsGewinner2010Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2009Adam's DaughterDavid BowlesFinalist2010International Book AwardFiction: Historical# 2 der Serie „Westward Sagas“
2009Hanging JudgeLyle Brandt (Michael Newton)Finalist2010Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 5 der Serie „The Lawman“
2009Wind DancerJamie CarieFinalist2010Best Books of IndianaFiction_
2009One-Eyed JacksBob CherryFinalist2010Spur AwardBest Western Long Novel_
2009White Seed: The Untold Story of the Lost Colony of RoanokePaul ClaytonFinalist2010International Book AwardFiction: Historical_
2009Journey to GoliadMelodie A. CuateFinalist2010Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2009Prayers for SaleSandra DallasFinalist2010WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2009Love Finds You in Liberty, IndianaMelanie DobsonGewinner2010Best Books of IndianaFiction# 10 der Reihe „Love Finds You“
2009Sheepeater: To Cry for a VisionJoseph L. DorrisFinalist2009Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2009Power's GardenDianne Ebertt BeeaffFinalist2010International Book AwardFiction: Historical_
2009Jacob's HollowDuane Vadron EvansGewinner2010International Book AwardFiction: Western# 1 der Serie „Jacob Keever“
2009The Mimbre TrailDuane Vadron EvansFinalist2010International Book AwardFiction: Western# 2 der Serie „Jacob Keever“
2009The Mimbre TrailDuane Vadron EvansFinalist2010International Book AwardFiction: Historical# 2 der Serie „Jacob Keever“
2009Echoes of GloryRobert FlynnGewinner2010Spur AwardBest Western Long Novel_
2009EuphoriaConnie GaultFinalist2010High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2009SpoonRobert GreerFinalist2010Spur AwardBest Western Short Novel_
2009SpoonRobert GreerFinalist2010High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2009The White Ox: The Journey of Emily Swain SquiresRuth Hailstone, Ill.: Dan BurrFinalist2010WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2009Lee and Eli's QuestWC HargisFinalist2009Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2009Ride for JusticeJohn W. HarteGewinner2009Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2009A Flickering LightJane KirkpatrickGewinner2010WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction# 1 der Serie „Portrait of the Heart“
2009600 Hours of EdwardCraig LancasterFinalist2009Montana Book Award_dt.: 600 Stunden aus Edwards Leben
2009600 Hours of EdwardCraig LancasterGewinner2010High Plains Book AwardFirst Bookdt.: 600 Stunden aus Edwards Leben
2009The Devil's PaintboxVictoria McKernanFinalist2010Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2009Twisted TreeKent MeyersGewinner2010High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2009Bull RiderSuzanne Morgan WilliamsGewinner2010Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Juvenile Book_
2009What Lies WestLaDene MortonFinalist2010WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2009The Healing OneDeb MurzynFinalist2010WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2009Stranger in Thunder BasinJohn D. NesbittGewinner2010Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2009Far Bright StarRobert OlmsteadGewinner2010Spur AwardBest Western Short Novel_
2009Dry GulchJudith Parr SimmonsFinalist2009Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2009Hellie JondoeRandall PlattGewinner2010WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2009Hellie JondoeRandall PlattGewinner2010Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Young Adult_
2009Texas Blood FeudDusty RichardsGewinner2010Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 1 der Serie „Byrnes Family Ranch“
2009The Sundown ChaserDusty RichardsGewinner2010Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel# 3 der Serie „Herschel Baker“
2009A Sandhills BalladLadette RudolphFinalist2010WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2009Desert Heat, Desert Cold, and Other Tales of the WestCharlie SteelFinalist2009Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2009Three Threads WovenLucinda SteinFinalist2010WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2009The Rattlesnake SeasonLarry D. SweazyFinalist2010Best Books of IndianaFiction# 1 der Serie „Josiah Wolfe, Texas Ranger“
2009Cowgirl DreamsHeidi M. ThomasFinalist2009Best Book AwardFiction: Western# 1 der Serie „Cowgirl Dreams“
2009TenderfootMary E. TrimbleFinalist2010Spur AwardBest Western Long Novel_
2009My Name is Falon: One Woman's Saga from Scotland to the Texas FrontierKim WieseGewinner2010WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2010No MercyLori G. ArmstrongFinalist2011WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction# 1 der Serie „Mercy Gunderson“
2010Wild PenanceSandi AultFinalist2011Spur AwardBest Western Short Novel# 4 der Reihe „Wild Mystery“
2010 'NadaDaniel Boyd (Dan Stumpf)Finalist2011Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2010ManhuntLyle Brandt (Michael Newton)Gewinner2011Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel# 6 der Serie „The Lawman“
2010Avenging AngelsLyle Brandt (Michael Newton)Finalist2011Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 7 der Serie „The Lawman“
2010Avenging AngelsLyle Brandt (Michael Newton)Finalist2011Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel# 7 der Serie „The Lawman“
2010Gold Under IceCarol A. BuchananFinalist2011Spur AwardBest Western Long Novel_
2010Impatient with DesireGabrielle BurtonGewinner2011Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
2010The Spider's WebMargaret CoelGewinner2011Colorado Book AwardMystery Fiction# 15 der Reihe „Wind River Mystery“
2010Whiter Than SnowSandra DallasFinalist2011WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2010Red Fox WomanJudy Ann DavisFinalist2011Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2010Red Fox WomanJudy Ann DavisFinalist2011International Book AwardFiction: Western_
2010CrosswireDotti EnderleFinalist2011Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2010Settler's ChaseD.H. EraldiFinalist2011WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2010Settler's ChaseD.H. EraldiFinalist2011Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2010Roy and Lillie: A Love StoryLoren D. EstlemanFinalist2011Spur AwardBest Western Short Novel_
2010UnbrokenJamie Lisa ForbesGewinner2011WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2010Ghosts of Wyoming: StoriesAlyson HagyGewinner2011High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2010Stealing the WildBeth HodderFinalist2011WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2010They Rode Good HorsesD.B. JacksonCo-Gewinner?2012Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2010They Rode Good HorsesD.B. JacksonGewinner2013Laramie AwardPrairie/Pioneer_
2010Jackson Hole JourneyLinda Jacobs4. Platz2014Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 4 der Reihe „Yellowstone“
2010The Chameleon RancherPat JacobsCo-Gewinner?2011Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2010A Hundred Miles to WaterMike KearbyCo-Gewinner?2011Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2010Blessing, Bullets and Bad Bad MenB.A. KellyFinalist2012Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2010An Absence So GreatJane KirkpatrickFinalist2011WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction# 2 der Serie „Portrait of the Heart“
2010Take Me HomeBrian LeungGewinner2011WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2010Damnation RoadMax McCoyGewinner2011Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 3 der Serie „Jacob Gamble“
2010Love Finds You in Golden, New MexicoLena Nelson DooleyCo-Gewinner?2011Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 27 der Reihe „Love Finds You“
2010The Midnight Ride of Blackwell StationMary Peace FinleyFinalist2011WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2010Catch a Killer by the ToePete PetersonFinalist2011Peacemaker AwardBest Western Short Fiction_
2010Just a CowboyKenny PhippsCo-Gewinner?2011Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Humor_
2010The Scent of Rain and LightningNancy PickardFinalist2011High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2010GalvestonNic PizzolattoGewinner2011Spur AwardBest First Western Noveldt.: Galveston
2010Long Ride to LimboKit PrateFinalist2011Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2010The Burning JacketNel RandFinalist2011WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2010Wulf's TracksDusty RichardsFinalist2011Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 4 der Serie „Herschel Baker“
2010Wulf's TracksDusty RichardsFinalist2011Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel# 4 der Serie „Herschel Baker“
2010Threads West: An American SagaReid Lance RosenthalGewinner2010Best Book AwardFiction: Western# 1 der Serie „Threads West“
2010Threads West: An American SagaReid Lance RosenthalFinalist2011International Book AwardFiction: Romance# 1 der Serie „Threads West“
2010Threads West: An American SagaReid Lance RosenthalFinalist2014International Book AwardFiction: Western# 1 der Serie „Threads West“
2010Last Train from CuernavacaLucia St. Clair RobsonGewinner2011Spur AwardBest Western Long Novel_
2010Last Train from CuernavacaLucia St. Clair RobsonFinalist2011WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2010Light on a Distant HillB.J. ScottGewinner2011WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2010Going Through GhostsMary SojournerFinalist2011Spur AwardBest Western Long Novel_
2010The Last Summer of the Death WarriorsFrancisco X. StorkFinalist2011Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2010The Scorpion TrailLarry D. SweazyCo-Gewinner?2011Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 2 der Serie „Josiah Wolfe, Texas Ranger“
2010The Scorpion TrailLarry D. SweazyGewinner2011Best Books of IndianaFiction# 2 der Serie „Josiah Wolfe, Texas Ranger“
2010Follow the DreamHeidi M. ThomasGewinner2011WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction# 2 der Serie „Cowgirl Dreams“
2010Moon Over ManifestClare VanderpoolGewinner2011Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2010Moon Over ManifestClare VanderpoolGewinner2011Newbery MedalBest Novel_
2010Moon Over ManifestClare VanderpoolCo-Gewinner2011Kansas Notable Book__
2010Trail of StormsMarsha WardFinalist2010Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2010Aliens in the Prime of Their LivesBrad WatsonFinalist2011High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2010Hotter 'n PecosBobby WeaverCo-Gewinner?2011Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Humor_
2010SnowboundRichard S. WheelerGewinner2011Spur AwardBest Western Short Novel_
2010A Congregation of JackalsS. Craig ZahlerFinalist2011Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2010A Congregation of JackalsS. Craig ZahlerFinalist2011Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2011RodeThomas Fox AverillFinalist2012Spur AwardBest Western Long Novel_
2011RodeThomas Fox AverillGewinner2012Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
2011RodeThomas Fox AverillCo-Gewinner2012Kansas Notable Book__
2011The Legend of Dynamite George, The Mining Pack RatCarroll BennettFinalist2011Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2011Séance in SepiaMichelle BlackFinalist2012WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2011Legacy of a LawmanJohnny D. BoggsGewinner2012Spur AwardBest Western Short Novel_
2011South By SouthwestJohnny D. BoggsFinalist2012Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2011West Texas KillJohnny D. BoggsGewinner2012Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2011Blood TrailsLyle Brandt (Michael Newton)Finalist2012Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel# 8 der Serie „The Lawman“
2011Feast Day of FoolsJames Lee BurkeFinalist2012Spur AwardBest Western Long Novel# 3 der Reihe „Hackberry Holland“; dt.: Glut und Asche
2011The Guerrilla Man: Bloody Trail to KansasSteven ClarkFinalist2012Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2011FractureSusan Cummins MillerFinalist2012WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2011The Bride's HouseSandra DallasGewinner2012WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fictiondt.: Das Brauthaus
2011The Sisters BrothersPatrick deWittFinalist2011Man Booker PrizeBest Noveldt.: Die Sisters Brothers
2011The Sisters BrothersPatrick deWittGewinner2012Oregon Book AwardKen Kesey Award for Fictiondt.: Die Sisters Brothers
2011The Sisters BrothersPatrick deWittFinalist2012Walter Scott PrizeBest Historical Noveldt.: Die Sisters Brothers
2011Dismal RiverWayne D. DundeeGewinner2012Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2011The Year We Were FamousCarole Estby DaggGewinner2012WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2011The Year We Were FamousCarole Estby DaggGewinner2012Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Young Adult_
2011Love Finds You in Sundance, WyomingMiralee FerrellCo-Gewinner?2012Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 43 der Reihe „Love Finds You“
2011ForgivenJanet FoxFinalist2012WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2011Secrets of the Plumed Saint: A Tale of Intrigue from Northern New MexicoElizabeth Ann GalliganFinalist2012International Book AwardFiction: Western_
2011The Inn at Little BendBobbi GrooverGewinner2012Blue Ribbon AwardRomance/Western_
2011Remember Ben ClaytonStephen HarriganGewinner2012Spur AwardBest Western Long Novel_
2011Lime CreekJoe HenryFinalist2012Spur AwardBest Western Short Novel_
2011Kings of ColoradoDavid E. HiltonGewinner2012High Plains Book AwardFirst Bookdt.: Wir sind die Könige von Colorado
2011Kings of ColoradoDavid E. HiltonFinalist2012High Plains Book AwardFictiondt.: Wir sind die Könige von Colorado
2011UnbridledTammy HintonFinalist2012Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2011UnbridledTammy HintonFinalist2012WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2011UnbridledTammy HintonFinalist2012Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2011UnbridledTammy HintonCo-Gewinner?2012Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2011UnbridledTammy HintonFinalist2014Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2011The American CaféSara Sue HoklotubbeGewinner2012WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction# 2 der Serie „Sadie Walela Mystery“
2011The American CaféSara Sue HoklotubbeGewinner2012New Mexico/Arizona Book AwardFiction: Mystery/Suspense# 2 der Serie „Sadie Walela Mystery“
2011Killed By Indians 1871Alan C. HuffinesFinalist2012Spur AwardBest Western Short Novel_
2011The Long HuntCameron JuddFinalist2012Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2011Day unto DayLouise Lenahan Wallacelobend erwähnt2012Blue Ribbon AwardCozy Novel_
2011The Sonora NooseJackson Lowry (Robert E. Vardeman)Finalist2012Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2011The Assassination of Governor BoggsRod MillerFinalist2012Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2011Double CrossingMeg MimsGewinner2012Spur AwardBest First Western Novel# 1 der Reihe „Double Crossing“
2011Double CrossingMeg MimsFinalist2012Best Book AwardFiction: Western# 1 der Reihe „Double Crossing“
2011Rescue in Poverty GulchNancy OswaldFinalist2012Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction# 1 der Serie „A Ruby and Maude Adventure“
2011Captive TrailSusan Page DavisFinalist2012WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2011Captive TrailSusan Page DavisCo-Gewinner?2012Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2011Mercury's RiseAnn ParkerFinalist2012WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction# 4 der Serie „Silver Rush Mystery“
2011American Masculine: StoriesShann RayGewinner2012High Plains Book AwardShort Stories_
2011American Masculine: StoriesShann RayGewinner2012High Plains Book AwardFirst Book_
2011Redemption, KansasJames ReasonerGewinner2012Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel# 1 der Serie „Redemption“
2011Between Hell and TexasDusty RichardsFinalist2012Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 2 der Serie „Byrnes Family Ranch“
2011Between Hell and TexasDusty RichardsFinalist2012Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel# 2 der Serie „Byrnes Family Ranch“
2011Milagro of the Spanish Bean PotEmerita Romero-AndersonGewinner2012Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Juvenile Book_
2011DocMary Doria RussellCo-Gewinner2012Kansas Notable Book__
2011The RingerJenny ShankGewinner2012High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2011Look for MeJanet K. ShawgoGewinner2012Blue Ribbon AwardHistorical Fiction_
2011Look for MeJanet K. ShawgoGewinner2012International Book AwardFiction: Romance_
2011Look for MeJanet K. ShawgoFinalist2012International Book AwardFiction: Historical_
2011The Last LetterKathleen ShoopGewinner2011Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2011BirdieCandace SimarGewinner2012Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2011Whispers of the GreybullStephen B. SmartFinalist2012Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2011Ride a Lonely WindEd StowersSilber-Medaille2013Global ebook AwardWestern Fiction# 1 der Serie „Matt Brannigan“
2011The Cougar's PreyLarry D. SweazyCo-Gewinner?2012Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 4 der Serie „Josiah Wolfe, Texas Ranger“
2011The Black HillsRod ThompsonFinalist2012Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2011Liberty LanesRobin TroyFinalist2012High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2011The Snake DenChuck Tyrell (Charles Whipple)Gewinner2011Global ebook AwardWestern Fiction_
2011A Race to SplendorCiji WareFinalist2012WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2011Raising WreckerSummer WoodGewinner2012WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2011A Book for Black-Eyed SusanJudy YoungFinalist2012WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2011Heart's BloodElizabeth ZinnFinalist2012International Book AwardFiction: Western_
2012A Texas Destiny: The Saga BeginsJoe G. BaxGewinner2013International Book AwardFiction: Historical_
2012A Texas Destiny: The Saga BeginsJoe G. Bax2. Platz2013Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2012Wide OpenLarry BjornsonGewinner2013Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2012Wide OpenLarry BjornsonFinalist2013Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2012Wide OpenLarry BjornsonGewinner2013Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2012Wide OpenLarry BjornsonFinalist2013Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2012Wide OpenLarry BjornsonCo-Gewinner2013Kansas Notable Book__
2012Because of the CamelsBrenda BlairGewinner2013Laramie AwardHistorical Fiction_
2012Because of the CamelsBrenda BlairGewinner2014Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2012Country of the Bad WolfesJames Carlos BlakeFinalist2013Spur AwardBest Western Long Novel# 1 der Serie „Wolfe Family“
2012A Growing SeasonSue Boggio & Mare PearlFinalist2013WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2012And There I'll Be A SoldierJohnny D. BoggsFinalist2013Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2012The Secret of LodestarTim ChamplinFinalist2013Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2012With Blood in Their EyesThomas CobbGewinner2013Spur AwardBest Western Long Novel_
2012PanhandleBrett CogburnGewinner2013Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2012The OrchardistAmanda CoplinFinalist2013Spur AwardBest Western Long Noveldt.: Im Licht von Apfelbäumen
2012The OrchardistAmanda CoplinFinalist2013Spur AwardBest First Western Noveldt.: Im Licht von Apfelbäumen
2012The OrchardistAmanda CoplinGewinner2013National Book Award5 Under 35dt.: Im Licht von Apfelbäumen
2012Confessions of a GunfighterTell CottenGewinner2013Laramie AwardFirst Novel# 1 der Serie „Landon Saga“
2012Confessions of a GunfighterTell CottenBronze-Medaille2013Global ebook AwardWestern Fiction# 1 der Serie „Landon Saga“
2012Journey to Plum CreekMelodie A. Cuate2. Platz2013Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Juvenile_
2012The Quilt WalkSandra DallasGewinner2013Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Juvenile Book_
2012The Quilt WalkSandra DallasFinalist2013WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2012True SistersSandra DallasGewinner2013WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2012The Miseducation of Cameron PostEmily M. DanforthGewinner2012Montana Book Award__
2012The Miseducation of Cameron PostEmily M. DanforthGewinner2013High Plains Book AwardYoung Adult Book_
2012The Miseducation of Cameron PostEmily M. DanforthGewinner2013High Plains Book AwardWoman Writer_
2012To Hell or the PecosPatrick Dearen4. Platz2013Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2012Apache LawmanPhil DunlapFinalist2013Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2012Secret History of the CherokeesDeborah L. Duvall & Murv Jacob & James MurrayFinalist2012Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2012The Round HouseLouise ErdrichGewinner2012National Book AwardFictiondt.: Das Haus des Windes
2012The Round HouseLouise ErdrichGewinner2013High Plains Book AwardFictiondt.: Das Haus des Windes
2012The Round HouseLouise ErdrichGewinner2013Minnesota Book AwardNoveldt.: Das Haus des Windes
2012The NationsKen Farmer & Buck StienkeFinalist2013Elmer Kelton Book AwardFiction# 1 der Serie „The Nations“
2012The NationsKen Farmer & Buck StienkeGewinner2014Laramie AwardClassic# 1 der Serie „The Nations“
2012Haunted FallsKen Farmer & Buck StienkeGewinner2013Laramie AwardAction/Adventure# 2 der Serie „The Nations“
2012Haunted FallsKen Farmer & Buck StienkeFinalist2013Best Book AwardFiction: Western# 2 der Serie „The Nations“
2012The Auction HorseDave P. FisherGewinner2013Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Humor_
2012CanadaRichard FordFinalist2013High Plains Book AwardFictiondt.: Kanada
2012Outcasts of River FallsJacqueline GuestFinalist2013WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2012Outcasts of River FallsJacqueline GuestFinalist2013High Plains Book AwardYoung Adult Book_
2012Tales from the B-O RanchBuck Helton2. Platz2013Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Humor_
2012Lonesome AnimalsBruce HolbertFinalist2013Spur AwardBest Western Short Noveldt.: Einsame Tiere
2012The Bones and the BookJane IsenbergGewinner2013WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2012Unbroke HorsesD.B. JacksonGewinner2013Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
2012Unbroke HorsesD.B. JacksonGewinner2013Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2012Unbroke HorsesD.B. JacksonGewinner2013Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2012Unbroke HorsesD.B. JacksonGewinner2013Laramie AwardLiterary Western_
2012Unbroke HorsesD.B. JacksonGewinner2013Laramie AwardGrand Prize_
2012The WhipKaren KondazianGewinner2012International Book AwardFiction: Western_
2012The WhipKaren KondazianFinalist2012Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2012The WhipKaren KondazianGewinner2013National Indie Excellence AwardWestern Fiction_
2012The WhipKaren KondazianGold-Medaille2013Global ebook AwardWestern Fiction_
2012Lick CreekDeborah LincolnGewinner2013Laramie AwardBest Manuscript_
2012Dog Soldier MoonMcKendree LongFinalist2013International Book AwardFiction: Western_
2012TheftBK LorenGewinner2013WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2012Tucker's Reckoning: A Ralph Compton NovelMatthew P. MayoGewinner2013Spur AwardBest Western Short Novel_
2012The Royal Wulff MurdersKeith McCaffertyFinalist2013High Plains Book AwardFiction# 1 der Serie „Sean Stranahan Mystery“
2012Ford at ValverdeAnita MelilloGewinner2013Laramie AwardCivil War_
2012The Boarding HouseMarcia Melton; Ill.: Fran DoranFinalist2013High Plains Book AwardFirst Book_
2012Double or NothingMeg MimsGewinner2013Laramie AwardMystery# 2 der Serie „Double Crossing“
2012Sipping Whiskey in a Shallow GraveMark MittenFinalist2013Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2012In Need of a Good WifeKelly O'Connor McNeesFinalist2013WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2012Dance with a GunfighterJoanne PenceFinalist2013WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2012Liberty's ChristmasRandall PlattGewinner2013WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2012Liberty's ChristmasRandall PlattGewinner2013Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Juvenile_
2012Dead Girl MoonCharlie PriceFinalist2013High Plains Book AwardYoung Adult Book_
2012Redemption: HuntersJames ReasonerFinalist2013Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 2 der Serie „Redemption“
2012TributaryBarbara K. RichardsonFinalist2013WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2012Last Stand at Bitter CreekTom RizzoFinalist2013Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2012Maps of FateReid Lance RosenthalGewinner2012Best Book AwardFiction: Western# 2 der Serie „Threads West“
2012Maps of FateReid Lance RosenthalGewinner2014International Book AwardFiction: Western# 2 der Serie „Threads West“
2012Maps of FateReid Lance RosenthalFinalist2022Best Book AwardFiction: Western# 2 der Serie „Threads West“; 2021 wiederveröffentlicht?
2012The Lonesome WindAllen Russell3. Platz2013Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 1 der Serie „Buffalo Grass Rider“
2012The House on Swiss AvenueIrene SandellFinalist2013WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2012Blooming PrairieCandace SimarFinalist2013Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2012Elizabeth's Christmas Eve GiftChesna Smith3. Platz2013Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Juvenile_
2012High StakesChad StrongFinalist2013Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2012The Coyote TrackerLarry D. SweazyGewinner2013Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 5 der Serie „Josiah Wolfe, Texas Ranger“
2012The Coyote TrackerLarry D. SweazyGewinner2013Elmer Kelton Book AwardFiction# 5 der Serie „Josiah Wolfe, Texas Ranger“
2012Red Lands Outlaw: The Ballad of Henry StarrPhil TrumanFinalist2013Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2012Red Lands Outlaw: The Ballad of Henry StarrPhil Truman5. Platz2013Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2012City of RocksMichael ZimmerFinalist2013Spur AwardBest Western Short Novel_
2012City of RocksMichael ZimmerFinalist2013Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2012Rio TintoMichael ZimmerFinalist2013Elmer Kelton Book AwardFiction_
2012Rio TintoMichael Zimmer5. Platz2014Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2013A Wilder RoseSusan Wittig AlbertFinalist2014WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2013The Old Man's Love StoryRudolfo AnayaFinalist2014Spur AwardBest Western Contemporary Novel_
2013MercilessLori G. ArmstrongFinalist2014WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction# 3 der Serie „Mercy Gunderson“
2013Kind of KinRilla AskewFinalist2014Spur AwardBest Western Contemporary Novel_
2013Greasy Grass: A Story of the Little Big HornJohnny D. BoggsFinalist2014Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
2013Summer of the StarJohnny D. BoggsFinalist2014Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2013Our Daily BreadPaul C. BreslinFinalist2014Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2013Light of the WorldJames Lee BurkeGewinner2014Spur AwardBest Western Contemporary Novel# 20 der Serie „Dave Robicheaux“
2013Blood of the White BearMarcia Calhoun Forecki & Gerald SchnitzerFinalist2014WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2013Taking the ReinsDayle Campbell GaetzFinalist2014WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2013Forgiving Effie BeckKaren Casey FitzjerrellGewinner2014Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Fiction_
2013Silent We StoodHenry C. ChappellGewinner2014Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
2013Demon GateMarty ChanFinalist2014High Plains Book AwardYoung Adult Book# 1 der Serie „The Ehrich Weisz Chronicles“
2013The Pursuit of MurietaThomas D. Clagettlobend erwähnt2014Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2013Along the Way HomeChristi CorbettGewinner2014Laramie AwardCivil War# 1 der Serie „Along the Way“
2013The Adventures of the Lone Jack KidJoe CorsoFinalist2014Laramie Awardunbekannt# 1 der Serie „Lone Jack Kid“
2013Heart-ScarredTheo CzukGewinner2014Laramie AwardLiterary Western_
2013CopperheadJuliette DouglasGewinner2014Laramie AwardDebut Novel# 1 der Serie „Freckled Venom“
2013Hell HoleKen FarmerFinalist2014Laramie Awardunbekannt# 3 der Serie „The Nations“
2013Terms of SurrenderLorrie FarrellyGewinner2014Laramie AwardAdventure_
2013The Parson of Styx CrossingRobert M. FellsFinalist2014Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2013Destiny Made Them BrothersAndrew J. FenadyFinalist2014Spur AwardBest Western Traditional Novel_
2013Jury of SixDave P. FisherGewinner2014Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2013Shadow TrailsGraham J. FlowersFinalist2014Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2013Songs of Willow FrostJamie FordFinalist2014High Plains Book AwardFictiondt.: Die chinesische Sängerin
2013Grandmas Santo on Its Head / El santo patas arriba de mi abuelitaNasario GarcíaGewinner2014Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Juvenile Book_
2013Papa's GoldEllen Gray MasseyGewinner2014Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2013Lakota BetrayalA.P. GreenwoodFinalist2014International Book AwardFiction: Western_
2013The ThroneBeth GoobieFinalist2014High Plains Book AwardYoung Adult Book_
2013West From YesterdayRandolph Carter HarrisonFinalist2014Peacemaker AwardBest Independently Published Western Novel_
2013Come Home to MePeggy L. HendersonGewinner2014Laramie AwardBlended Genre# 1 der Reihe „Second Chances Time Travel Romance“
2013Spider Woman's DaughterAnne HillermanGewinner2014Spur AwardBest First Western Novel# 19 der Serie „Leaphorn and Chee“
2013Spider Woman's DaughterAnne HillermanGewinner2014New Mexico/Arizona Book AwardFiction: Mystery/Suspense# 19 der Serie „Leaphorn and Chee“
2013RetributionTammy Hinton2. Platz2014Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Fiction_
2013RetributionTammy HintonFinalist2014Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2013Capturing CharlieSusan HorsnellFinalist2014Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2013SongbirdColby Jackson (Bill Crider)Gewinner2014Peacemaker AwardBest Independently Published Western Novel# 8 der Reihe „Rancho Diablo“
2013Deadman's LamentLinell JeppsenFinalist2014Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel# 1 der Serie „The Deadman“
2013Deadman's LamentLinell JeppsenFinalist2014Laramie Awardunbekannt# 1 der Serie „The Deadman“
2013Deadman's LamentLinell JeppsenSilber-Medaille2014Global ebook AwardWestern Fiction# 1 der Serie „The Deadman“
2013A Serpent's ToothCraig JohnsonCo-Gewinner2015Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 9 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“
2013Spirit of SteamboatCraig JohnsonCo-Gewinner2015Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 9 ½ der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“
2013Jackson's Pond, TexasTeddy JonesFinalist2014WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2013The OutcastsKathleen Kent3. Platz2014Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2013Where They Bury YouSteven W. KohlhagenGewinner2014National Indie Excellence AwardWestern Fictiondt.: Wo man dich begräbt
2013Louis L'Amour: Law of the Desert BornBeau L'Amour & Katherine Nolan; Ill.: Thomas YeatesGewinner2014Will Rogers Medallion AwardGraphic Novels_
2013West: Journey Across the PlainsDavid S. LarsonFinalist2014Peacemaker AwardBest Independently Published Western Novel_
2013Junction, UtahRebecca LawtonGewinner2014WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2013DollybirdAnne LazurkoGewinner2014WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2013My Magic CowboyKaty LenteFinalist2014WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2013SilverKristen LynchFinalist2014Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2013Cowboys and East IndiansNina McConigleyGewinner2014High Plains Book AwardShort Stories_
2013Mundy's LawMonty McCordGewinner2014Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel# 1 der Serie „The Legend of Joe Mundy“
2013Mundy's LawMonty McCordFinalist2014Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel# 1 der Serie „The Legend of Joe Mundy“
2013Mundy's LawMonty McCordlobend erwähnt2014Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 1 der Serie „The Legend of Joe Mundy“
2013Not on My MountainJared McVayGewinner2014Laramie AwardContemporary Western_
2013Not on My MountainJared McVayGewinner2014Laramie AwardGrand Prize_
2013The SonPhilipp MeyerGewinner2014Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Noveldt.: Der erste Sohn
2013The SonPhilipp MeyerFinalist2014Pulitzer PrizeFictiondt.: Der erste Sohn
2013The First Raven MockerCourtney MillerFinalist2014International Book AwardFiction: Historical_
2013Between Heaven & HellJacqui NelsonGewinner2014Laramie AwardRomance/Dramatic# 1 der Reihe „Lonesome Hearts“
2013Catherine's PursuitLena Nelson Dooley3. Platz2014Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Fiction_
2013Dark PrairieJohn D. Nesbitt2. Platz2014Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2013The Avenging AngelMichael NewtonFinalist2014Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel# 2 der Reihe „West of the Big River“
2013Written in StoneRosanne ParryGewinner2014WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2013Boy SoldierRoger W. PeckFinalist2014Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2013Bone HorsesLesley Poling-KempesGewinner2014WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2013Flint Pierce: The Adventures of a Young Nevada CowboyMike Prince2. Platz2014Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers_
2013The Last DesperadoRebecca RockwellGewinner2014Laramie AwardHistorical_
2013Much Ado about MinersJacquie RogersGewinner2014Laramie AwardRomance/Comedy# 4 der Serie „Hearts of Owyhee“
2013Uncompahgre: Where Water Turns Rock RedReid Lance RosenthalFinalist2014International Book AwardFiction: Romance# 3 der Serie „Threads West“
2013Uncompahgre: Where Water Turns Rock RedReid Lance RosenthalGewinner2015International Book AwardFiction: Western# 3 der Serie „Threads West“
2013The Hardest RideGordon L. RottmanGewinner2014Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2013The Hardest RideGordon L. RottmanFinalist2014Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2013The Hardest RideGordon L. RottmanFinalist2014Spur AwardBest Western Traditional Novel_
2013A River DividesMichael J. RouecheGewinner2014Laramie AwardDrama# 2 der Serie „Beyond the Wood“
2013High and InsideRussell RowlandFinalist2014High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2013Crossing PurgatoryGary L. SchanbacherGewinner2014Spur AwardBest Western Traditional Novel_
2013Crossing PurgatoryGary L. SchanbacherFinalist2014Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2013Lantern in the Mist: Book OneLiliana ShelbrookBronze-Medaille2014Global ebook AwardWestern Fiction_
2013Lantern in the Mist: Book OneLiliana ShelbrookFinalist2015Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2013BodieAnne Sweazy-KuljuFinalist2014WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2013How I Became a GhostTim TingleFinalist2014Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2013Wolf Eye's SilenceElisabeth WardGewinner2014Laramie AwardYoung Adult_
2013Spinster's FollyMarsha WardGewinner2013Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2013Spinster's FollyMarsha WardFinalist2014International Book AwardFiction: Western_
2013Let Him GoLarry WatsonGewinner2014High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2013The PromiseAnn WeisgarberFinalist2014Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
2013Bronco Sam and the MustangVaughn Wilson, Ill.: Kevin CordtzCo-Gewinner2014Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers_
2013Lecile and the Racing Rodeo MuleVaughn Wilson, Ill.: Kevin CordtzCo-Gewinner2014Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers_
2013Trevor and the Cow-Shy Cow-HorseVaughn Wilson, Ill.: Kevin CordtzCo-Gewinner2014Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers_
2013MeadowlarkDawn WinkFinalist2014WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2013MeadowlarkDawn WinkFinalist2014High Plains Book AwardWoman Writer_
2013Black HelicoptersBlythe WoolstonGewinner2014High Plains Book AwardYoung Adult Book_
2013La GrullaJohn R. WrightFinalist2014Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2014Teresa of the New WorldSharman Apt RussellFinalist2016WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2014Pioneer PupsNancy Kay Arnold; Ill.: Ellen Berger2. Platz2015Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated_
2014The Story Is the ThingAmy Hale AukerFinalist2015WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2014Blood LinesS. Thomas BaileyFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt# 4 der Serie „The Gauntlet Runner“
2014Camp OutlookBrenda BakerGewinner2015High Plains Book AwardYoung Adult Book_
2014To Swallow the EarthKarl Beckstrand & Ransom WilcoxFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014To Swallow the EarthKarl Beckstrand & Ransom WilcoxGewinner2016International Book AwardFiction: Western_
2014Poison SpringJohnny D. BoggsFinalist2015Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2014Winter Bride: A Stone Mountain NovelCaroline ClemmonsFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014Destiny's JourneyCheri Kay CliftonFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt# 2 der Serie „Wheels of Destiny“
2014Thieving ForestMartha ConwayGewinner2015Laramie AwardAdventure/Drama_
2014Tainted DreamsChristi CorbettFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt# 2 der Serie „Along the Way“
2014The Devil's Own DesperadoLynda J. CoxGewinner2015Laramie AwardDebut_
2014Okatibbee CreekLori CraneFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014Monday, MondayElizabeth CrookFinalist2015WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2014Wild Ran the RiversJames D. CrownoverGewinner2015Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel# 1 der Reihe „Five Trails West“
2014Wild Ran the RiversJames D. CrownoverGewinner2015Spur AwardBest First Western Novel# 1 der Reihe „Five Trails West“
2014Journey to GalvestonMelodie A. Cuate2. Platz2015Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers_
2014Texas GritS.J. DahlstromGewinner2015Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers# 2 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“
2014Doctor Kinney's Housekeeper / auch: Widow 1881Sara DahmenGewinner2015Laramie AwardWomen's Historical# 1 der Serie „Flats Junction“
2014Doctor Kinney's Housekeeper / auch: Widow 1881Sara DahmenGewinner2015Laramie AwardGrand Prize# 1 der Serie „Flats Junction“
2014A Quilt for ChristmasSandra DallasGewinner2015WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2014Red Berries, White Clouds, Blue SkySandra DallasFinalist2015Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2014Red Berries, White Clouds, Blue SkySandra DallasFinalist2015WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2014Red Berries, White Clouds, Blue SkySandra DallasFinalist2015High Plains Book AwardChildren's Book_
2014Girls and GunsmokeMikki Daniel3. Platz2015Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Fiction_
2014The Big DriftPatrick DearenGewinner2014Elmer Kelton Book AwardFiction_
2014The Big DriftPatrick DearenGewinner2015Spur AwardBest Western Traditional Novel_
2014The Big DriftPatrick DearenGewinner2015Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2014The Big DriftPatrick Dearen3. Platz2015Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2014Fugitive TrailWayne D. DundeeFinalist2015Peacemaker AwardBest Independently Published Western Novel_
2014Trail RevengeWayne D. DundeeFinalist2015Peacemaker AwardBest Independently Published Western Novel_
2014Ragtime CowboysLoren D. Estleman5. Platz2015Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2014Across the RedKen Farmer & Buck StienkeFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt# 4 der Serie „The Nations“
2014The Long TrampleRobert Morgan FisherFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014Left-Hand KellyElisabeth Grace FoleyFinalist2015Peacemaker AwardBest Independently Published Western Novel_
2014The Widow Smalls and other StoriesJamie Lisa ForbesGewinner2015High Plains Book AwardShort Stories_
2014The Accidental WifeC.J. FosdickFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014Queen of FireRegine HaenselFinalist2015High Plains Book AwardYoung Adult Book_
2014My Pony BucksJay Hahnkamp; Ill.: Bonnie ShieldsGewinner2015Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated_
2014The CallingJames P. HanleyFinalist2015Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2014Stein HouseMyra Hargrave McIlvainFinalist2015International Book AwardFiction: Historical_
2014Zeke's FateJenna HestekinFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014The March of the 18th: A Story of Crippled Heroes in the Civil WarKevin HorganFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014The March of the Orphans and the Battle of Stones RiverKevin HorganFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014Pleasant HillDriskell HortonFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014Saving GraceSandy JamesFinalist2014Best Book AwardFiction: Western# 1 der Serie „Safe Havens“
2014Second ChanceLinell JeppsenGewinner2015Laramie AwardMystery# 5 der Serie „The Deadman“
2014Mariano's ChoiceDavid M. JessupFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014The New IndiansJoe JessupFinalist2015National Indie Excellence AwardWestern Fiction_
2014The New IndiansJoe JessupFinalist2015International Book AwardFiction: Western_
2014Any Other NameCraig JohnsonCo-Gewinner2015Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 10 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“
2014Any Other NameCraig JohnsonFinalist2015Spur AwardBest Western Contemporary Novel# 10 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“
2014Any Other NameCraig JohnsonFinalist2015High Plains Book AwardFiction# 10 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“
2014Wait for SignsCraig JohnsonCo-Gewinner2015Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 10 ½ der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“
2014Silver StateQuinn Kayser-CochranFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014A Light in the WildernessJane KirkpatrickGewinner2015WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fictiondt.: Licht über weitem Land
2014A Light in the WildernessJane KirkpatrickFinalist2015Spur AwardBest Western Historical Noveldt.: Licht über weitem Land
2014The Other Side of LifeAndy KutlerFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014Colorado GoldJ.v.L. Bell (Julie van Lamnen Bell)Finalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014Children of the DayLouise Lenahan WallaceFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014Agnes Canon's WarDeborah LincolnFinalist2015WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2014Higher GroundMcKendree LongGewinner2015Laramie AwardClassic_
2014Dance With the DevilJ.D. MarchFinalist2015Spur AwardBest Western Traditional Novel# 1 der Serie „Devil's Own“
2014WrangeJonnie Martin2. Platz2015Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance_
2014The BlackbirdKristy McCaffreyGewinner2015Laramie AwardRomance# 4 der Reihe „Wings of the West“; dt.: Verliebt in Arizona
2014BacklandsMichael McGarrityFinalist2015Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
2014A Gunfighter's GiftVonn McKeeFinalist2015Peacemaker AwardBest Western Short Fiction_
2014Bad CountryC.B. McKenzieGewinner2015Spur AwardBest Western Contemporary Novel_
2014Winter ShadowsLaura McMennaminFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014Deliverance, Mary Fields: First African American Woman Star Route Mail Carrier in the United StatesMiantae Metcalf McConnellFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014Deliverance, Mary Fields: First African American Woman Star Route Mail Carrier in the United StatesMiantae Metcalf McConnellFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014Rawhide Robinson Rides the Range: True Adventures of Bravery and Daring in the Wild WestRod MillerGewinner2015Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2014Searching for SilverheelsJeannie MobleyGewinner2015WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2014Searching for SilverheelsJeannie MobleyGewinner2015Colorado Book AwardJuvenile Literature_
2014Looking for LynneJohn L. Moore2. Platz2015Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2014Eagle TalonsRobert Lee Murphy3. Platz2015Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers# 1 der Serie „The Iron Horse Chronicles“
2014Leroy Watches Jr. & the Badass BullSandy NathanFinalist2014Best Book AwardFiction: Western# 3 der Reihe „Bloodsong“
2014The White HartRebecca S. NieminenFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014The Piano PlayerCarolyn NiethammerFinalist2015Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2014The Piano PlayerCarolyn NiethammerFinalist2015Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2014The Piano PlayerCarolyn NiethammerFinalist2015International Book AwardFiction: Western_
2014Anung's Journey: An Ancient Ojibway Legend as told by Steve FobisterCarl Nordgren; Ill:: Brita WolfFinalist2015International Book AwardChildren's Fiction_
2014Timber RoseJanet L. OakleyFinalist2015WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2014Trouble on the TracksNancy Oswald5. Platz2015Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers# 2 der Serie „A Ruby and Maude Adventure“
2014Stars Go BlueLaura PritchettGewinner2015High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2014Stars Go BlueLaura PritchettFinalist2015WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2014Return to Sierra Valley: A California Cowboy's Quest for AdventureArthur RathburnFinalist2014Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2014Outlaw RangerJames ReasonerFinalist2015Peacemaker AwardBest Independently Published Western Novel# 1 der Serie „Outlaw Ranger“
2014Hangman's KnotJames ReasonerGewinner2015Peacemaker AwardBest Independently Published Western Novel# 2 der Serie „Outlaw Ranger“
2014Prodigal GunKathleen Rice AdamsFinalist2015Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2014MorganFrank RoderusFinalist2015Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2014A Promise Broken, a Promise KeptVicky J. RoseFinalist2015Spur AwardShort Fiction Story_
2014Rough River GoldAllen Russell4. Platz2015Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 3 der Serie „Buffalo Grass Rider“
2014Crow Feather: A Rough River WesternAllen RussellFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014The Rail QueenB.J. Scott3. Platz2015Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance_
2014The Home PlaceCarrie La SeurGewinner2015High Plains Book AwardWoman Writerdt.: Denn wir waren Schwestern
2014The Home PlaceCarrie La SeurFinalist2015High Plains Book AwardFictiondt.: Denn wir waren Schwestern
2014Bust OutW.M. ShockleyFinalist2015Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2014Texas: Cowboys and CampfiresNancy Sifford Alana4. Platz2015Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers_
2014Vanishing RavenStephen Smart2. Platz2015Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Fiction_
2014Romancing the WidowDavalynn SpencerGewinner2015Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Fiction_
2014Desperate StraightsJanet SquiresFinalist2015Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2014Devil's CanyonBuck StienkeFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014Comanche Trail: A Ralph Compton NovelCarlton StowersFinalist2015Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2014A Soldier's CovenantD.W. TarmanFinalist2015Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014Of Art and AirMichele VennéFinalist2015International Book AwardFiction: Romance# 1 der Serie „The Tanner Trilogy“
2014Of Hoof Prints and HeartbeatsMichele VennéGewinner2015International Book AwardFiction: Romance# 2 der Serie „The Tanner Trilogy“
2014The Red Bird All-Indian Traveling BandFrances WashburnFinalist2015Spur AwardBest Western Contemporary Novel_
2014Point of DirectionRachel WeaverGewinner2015WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fictiondt.: Die Stille unter dem Eis
2014Walls for the WindAlethea WilliamsGewinner2015Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance_
2014Walls for the WindAlethea WilliamsGewinner2015Laramie AwardPrairie_
2014Walls for the WindAlethea WilliamsFinalist2014Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2014Walls for the WindAlethea WilliamsFinalist2015WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2014A Desperate Cattle DriveBig Jim WilliamsGewinner2015Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2014The Poacher's DaughterMichael ZimmerGewinner2015Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
2014The Poacher's DaughterMichael ZimmerFinalist2015Spur AwardBest Western Traditional Novel_
2015Caldera - A Man of BloodDan BaldwinFinalist2015National Indie Excellence AwardWestern Fiction# 3 der Serie „Caldera“
2015The OrphanageSara BarnardFinalist2016Peacemaker AwardBest Western Young Adult / Children Fiction_
2015Crazy Old HorsesT.A. BarnesFinalist2015Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2015Petey and CecilDenny Bertrand2. Platz2016Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Humor - Written# 1 der Serie „Somewhere Outwest“
2015Cat HouseJack BessieBronze-Medaille2016Global ebook AwardWestern Fiction_
2015The Darkness RollingWin Blevins & Meredith BlevinsFinalist2016Spur AwardBest Western Contemporary Novel_
2015EndangeredC.J. BoxGewinner2016Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel# 15 der Serie „Joe Pickett“
2015Five Shots LeftBen Bridges (David Whitehead)Finalist2016Peacemaker AwardBest Western Short Fiction_
2015The Skeleton WalkersDerek BurnettFinalist2016Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2015Anywhere but ParadiseAnne BustardFinalist2016WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2015Marshal BannerJerry E. BustinFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2015A Blanket of ButterfliesRichard van CampFinalist2016High Plains Book AwardYoung Adult Book_
2015Three FeathersRichard van CampFinalist2016High Plains Book AwardYoung Adult Book_
2015The Wild Inside: A Novel of SuspenseChristine CarboFinalist2016High Plains Book AwardFirst Book_
2015Walk on Earth a StrangerRae CarsonGewinner2016Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction# 1 der Serie „Gold Seer Trilogy“
2015The Maynwarings: A Game of ChanceDigger CartwrightFinalist2015National Indie Excellence AwardWestern Fiction_
2015Pistol ManDaniel CassidyFinalist2016Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2015Shootout in CheyenneJoe CorsoFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2015Seize the FlameLynda J. CoxGewinner2016Laramie AwardWestern Romance_
2015The CanyonStanley CrawfordFinalist2016Spur AwardBest Western Contemporary Novel_
2015ChasmSusan Cummins MillerFinalist2016WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2015Becoming Doctor KinneySara DahmenFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2015Friends in DeedRandall DaleCo-Gewinner2016Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers_
2015Pardner's TrustRandall DaleCo-Gewinner2016Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers_
2015The Last MidwifeSandra DallasGewinner2016Spur AwardBest Western Traditional Novel_
2015The Last MidwifeSandra DallasFinalist2016WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2015Lords of an Empty LandRandy DenmonGewinner2016Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2015Rough PatchesDeanna Dickinson McCallFinalist2016WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2015Rough PatchesDeanna Dickinson McCall2. Platz2016Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Short Stories_
2015The Devils That Have Come to StayPamela DiFrancescoGewinner2015Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2015Perfume, Powder, and Lead: Holy SistersJuliette DouglasFinalist2016Laramie AwardAdventure/Caper_
2015CusterGerald DuffFinalist2016Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
2015High Meadow StormWayne D. DundeeFinalist2016Peacemaker AwardBest Western Short Fiction_
2015Madder CarmineTyler EnfieldGewinner2016High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2015The Taylor Legacy: An American Family SagaBert EntwistleFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2015The Long High NoonLoren D. EstlemanFinalist2016Spur AwardBest Western Traditional Novel_
2015Bass and the LadyKen Farmer & Buck StienkeFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt# 5 der Serie „The Nations“
2015Killer of WitchesW. Michael FarmerFinalist2016New Mexico/Arizona Book AwardHistorical Fiction# 1 der Serie „The Life and Times of Yellow Boy, Mescalero Apache“
2015Killer of WitchesW. Michael FarmerFinalist2016New Mexico/Arizona Book AwardFiction: Adventure# 1 der Serie „The Life and Times of Yellow Boy, Mescalero Apache“
2015Killer of WitchesW. Michael Farmer4. Platz2016Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 1 der Serie „The Life and Times of Yellow Boy, Mescalero Apache“
2015FirebreakTricia FieldsGewinner2016WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction# 4 der Serie „Josie Gray Mysteries“
2015Women and Thieves of Two PanB.K. FromanFinalist2016WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2015Arnie Armadillo and the Texas Heroes: Juan N. SeguínKathy GauseGewinner2016Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated_
2015The Land of Rain Shadow: Horned Toad, TexasJoyce Gibson RoachGewinner2016Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Short Stories_
2015Green Mountain Gunfighter / auch: Nathan Gould, Gunfighter from Green MountainBruce GrahamFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2015Vladimir Petrov: An American LifeJohn R. Green Jr.Finalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2015A Ranger to Stand WithJames J. GriffinFinalist2016Peacemaker AwardBest Western Young Adult / Children Fiction# 5 der Serie „Lone Star Ranger“
2015A Place for Mei LinHarlan HagueFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2015A Place for Mei LinHarlan HagueGewinner2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance_
2015GlintJ.D. HarperFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2015The Judas SteerTammy Hinton3. Platz2016Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2015The Judas SteerTammy HintonFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2015Bone DiggerDouglas HirtGewinner2016Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2015Blood to RubiesDeborah HuffordFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2015Blood to RubiesDeborah HuffordGewinner2024National Indie Excellence AwardHistorical Fiction2023 wiederveröffentlicht?
2015Blood to RubiesDeborah HuffordFinalist2023Laramie Awardunbekannt2023 wiederveröffentlicht?
2015Blood to RubiesDeborah HuffordFinalist2023Best Book AwardFiction: Western2023 wiederveröffentlicht?
2015The Wild East: Drunk on PowerJames HunterSilber-Medaille2015Global ebook AwardWestern Fiction_
2015The ActorBeth Hunter McHughGewinner2016High Plains Book AwardFirst Book_
2015The ActorBeth Hunter McHughFinalist2016High Plains Book AwardWoman Writer_
2015Strong ConvictionsGP HutchinsonGewinner2015National Indie Excellence AwardWestern Fiction# 1 der Serie „Emmett Strong“
2015Strong ConvictionsGP HutchinsonGewinner2016Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel# 1 der Serie „Emmett Strong“
2015The Ways of WaterTeresa Healy JanssenFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2015The Ways of WaterTeresa Healy JanssenGewinner2023Best Book AwardFiction: Western2023 wiederveröffentlicht?
2015The Ways of WaterTeresa Healy JanssenGewinner2024Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel2023 wiederveröffentlicht?
2015The Ways of WaterTeresa Healy Janssennoch offen2024Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Modern2023 wiederveröffentlicht?
2015The Seeds of InjusticeMicheal E. JimersonGewinner2016Royal Dragonfly Book AwardWesterns_
2015Dry BonesCraig JohnsonGewinner2016Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 11 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“
2015Shadow of the HawkK.S. JonesGewinner2016WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2015The Memory WeaverJane KirkpatrickGewinner2016Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Fiction_
2015The Memory WeaverJane KirkpatrickFinalist2016Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
2015Chief of ThievesSteven W. KohlhagenFinalist2015Best Book AwardFiction: Westerndt.: Häuptling der Diebe
2015Chief of ThievesSteven W. KohlhagenFinalist2016National Indie Excellence AwardWestern Fictiondt.: Häuptling der Diebe
2015This Is What I WantCraig LancasterFinalist2016High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2015Paradise SkyJoe R. LansdaleGewinner2016Spur AwardBest Western Historical Noveldt.: Das abenteuerliche Leben des Deadwood Dick
2015Chili Queen: Mi HistoriaMarian L. MartinelloFinalist2016Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2015Crazy Mountain KissKeith McCaffertyGewinner2016Spur AwardBest Western Contemporary Novel# 4 der Serie „Sean Stranahan Mystery“
2015Crazy Mountain KissKeith McCaffertyFinalist2016High Plains Book AwardFiction# 4 der Serie „Sean Stranahan Mystery“
2015Crazy Mountain KissKeith McCaffertylobend erwähnt2016Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 4 der Serie „Sean Stranahan Mystery“
2015Gabriel's AtonementVickie McDonough2. Platz2016Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Fiction# 1 der Reihe „Land Rush Dreams“
2015The Deer Walking Upside DownJerry McGahanFinalist2016High Plains Book AwardShort Stories_
2015Dakota TrailsRobert D. McKeeFinalist2016Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2015Dakota TrailsRobert D. McKee2. Platz2016Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2015Stranger on a Black StallionJared McVayFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt# 1 der Serie „Clay Brentwood“
2015Rawhide Robinson Rides the Tabby Trail: The True Tale of a Wild West CATastropheRod MillerGewinner2016Peacemaker AwardBest Western Young Adult / Children Fiction_
2015Rawhide Robinson Rides the Tabby Trail: The True Tale of a Wild West CATastropheRod MillerFinalist2016Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2015Redneck OperaMargaret MooneyGewinner2016Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Humor - Written_
2015Bear ClawsRobert Lee Murphy2. Platz2016Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers# 2 der Serie „The Iron Horse Chronicles“
2015Between Love & LiesJacqui NelsonFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt# 1 der Reihe „Gambling Hearts“
2015When the Cowboy Rides AwayMollie Noble Bull3. Platz2016Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Fiction_
2015The Outlaw Takes a BrideSusan Page Davis3. Platz2016Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance_
2015The Box MakerScott Dennis ParkerFinalist2016Peacemaker AwardBest Western Short Fiction_
2015Hidden TrailsCheryl PiersonFinalist2016Peacemaker AwardBest Western Short Fiction_
2015Dogbread and DiamondsRichard ProschFinalist2016Peacemaker AwardBest Western Young Adult / Children Fiction_
2015Redbuds and BulletsRichard ProschFinalist2016Peacemaker AwardBest Western Young Adult / Children Fiction_
2015The Man Who Moiled for GoldDavid G. RasmussenFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2015American CopperShann RayGewinner2016Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2015American CopperShann RayFinalist2016High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2015A Bride for GilDusty RichardsFinalist2016Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel# 1 der Reihe „Brandiron“
2015A Bride for GilDusty Richards2. Platz2016Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance# 1 der Reihe „Brandiron“
2015Seven Ox Seven, Part Two: Escondido Loosed. Volume OneP.A. RitzerFinalist2015Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2015The Captive BoyJulia RobbFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2015Hot Work in Fry Pan GulchJacquie RogersGewinner2016Laramie AwardAdventure/Caper# 1 der Serie „Honey Beaulieu - Man Hunter“
2015Hot Work in Fry Pan GulchJacquie RogersGewinner2016Laramie AwardGrand Prize# 1 der Serie „Honey Beaulieu - Man Hunter“
2015Hot Work in Fry Pan GulchJacquie RogersCo-Gewinner2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Humor - Written# 1 der Serie „Honey Beaulieu - Man Hunter“
2015Much Ado about MustangsJacquie RogersFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt# 5 der Serie „Hearts of Owyhee“
2015Big Horse WomanBarbara SalvatoreGewinner2016Laramie AwardPrairie/First Nation# 1 der Serie „Big Horse Woman“
2015MagghieBarbara SalvatoreFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt# 2 der Serie „Big Horse Woman“
2015FrontierSusan K. SalzerFinalist2016Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 1 der Reihe „Frontier“
2015Thunder at DawnSusan K. SalzerFinalist2016Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 2 der Reihe „Frontier“
2015Last WillRon SchwabFinalist2016Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel# 1 der Serie „The Lockes“
2015Night of the CoyoteRon SchwabFinalist2016Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel# 1 der Serie „The Coyote Saga“
2015Lincoln's Hat and the TEA Movement's AngerDavid SelcerGewinner2016Laramie AwardCivil War_
2015Hidden ShadowsLinda Lucretia ShulerGewinner2016WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2015Hidden ShadowsLinda Lucretia ShulerGewinner2016Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance_
2015ShelterbeltsCandace SimarFinalist2016WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2015General Houston's Little SpyCara Skinner3. Platz2016Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers_
2015The Legend of Caleb YorkMickey Spillane & Max Allan CollinsFinalist2016Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel# 1 der Serie „Caleb York“
2015Unforgiving PlainsChristine SteendamFinalist2015National Indie Excellence AwardWestern Fiction_
2015Windmill PointJim StempelFinalist2016Laramie AwardCivil War_
2015The BooksellerCynthia SwansonGewinner2016WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fictiondt.: Als ich erwachte
2015The BooksellerCynthia SwansonFinalist2016High Plains Book AwardFirst Bookdt.: Als ich erwachte
2015Clevenger Gold: The True Story of Murder and Unfound TreasureScott Eldon SwappGewinner2016Laramie AwardClassic Western (Manuscript)_
2015Grog WarsAnne Sweazy-KuljuFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2015Eliza WaiteAshley E. SweeneyFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2015Eliza WaiteAshley E. SweeneyFinalist2017WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2015Eliza WaiteAshley E. SweeneyFinalist2017International Book AwardFiction: Historical_
2015BuellWallace J. SwensonFinalist2016Spur AwardBest Western Traditional Novel# 1 der Serie „Journey to the White Clouds“
2015Ana of CaliforniaAndi TeranFinalist2016WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2015Dare to DreamHeidi M. ThomasFinalist2016International Book AwardFiction: Young Adult# 3 der Serie „Cowgirl Dreams“
2015Lincoln's BodyguardT.J. TurnerGewinner2016International Book AwardFiction: Historical# 1 der Serie „Lincoln’s Bodyguard“
2015Maud's LineMargaret VerbleFinalist2016Pulitzer PrizeFiction_
2015Whispering Hills of LoveDorothy WileyFinalist2015Best Book AwardFiction: Western# 3 der Reihe „American Wilderness Series Romance“
2015Frontier Gift of LoveDorothy WileyFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt# 5 der Reihe „American Wilderness Series Romance“
2015Far Enough: A Western in FragmentsJoe WilkinsGewinner2016High Plains Book AwardShort Stories_
2015Náápiikoan WinterAlethea WilliamsFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2015Náápiikoan WinterAlethea Williams3. Platz2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Fiction_
2015Dark PlacesReavis Z. Worthamlobend erwähnt2016Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 5 der Serie „Red River Mystery“
2015Finding Billy Battles: An Account of Peril, Transgression and RedemptionRonald E. YatesFinalist2016Laramie Awardunbekannt# 1 der Serie „Finding Billy Battles“
2016Away at War: A Civil War Story of the Family Left BehindNick K. AdamsGewinner2017Laramie Award?Civil War?_
2016The Bones of ParadiseJonis AgeeGewinner2017High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2016The Waiting PlaceSharron ArkseyFinalist2017High Plains Book AwardFirst Book_
2016The Waiting PlaceSharron ArkseyFinalist2017High Plains Book AwardWoman Writer_
2016The Silver Baron's WifeDonna Baier SteinFinalist2017Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2016The Silver Baron's WifeDonna Baier Stein3. Platz2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance_
2016The Burning HourJessica Barksdale InclánGewinner2016Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2016The Burning HourJessica Barksdale InclánGewinner2017Royal Dragonfly Book AwardWesterns_
2016The Burning HourJessica Barksdale InclánFinalist2017WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2016The Burning HourJessica Barksdale InclánFinalist2017National Indie Excellence AwardWestern Fiction_
2016Days Without EndSebastian BarryGewinner2017Walter Scott PrizeBest Historical Noveldt.: Tage ohne Ende
2016Days Without EndSebastian BarryGewinner2018High Plains Book AwardFictiondt.: Tage ohne Ende
2016For a Little WhileRick BassGewinner2017High Plains Book AwardShort Stories_
2016On a RanchDenny Bertrand2. Platz2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Humor - Written# 2 der Serie „Somewhere Outwest“
2016Soldier Sister, Fly HomeNancy Bo Flood, Ill.: Shonto BegayGewinner2017WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2016Return to Red RiverJohnny D. BoggsGewinner2017Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel_
2016Off The GridC.J. BoxGewinner2017Spur AwardBest Western Contemporary Novel# 16 der Serie „Joe Pickett“
2016The River of CattleAlice V. BrockFinalist2017Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel# 1 der Serie „Will and Buck“
2016The River of CattleAlice V. BrockGewinner2017Peacemaker AwardBest Western Young Adult / Children Fiction# 1 der Serie „Will and Buck“
2016The River of CattleAlice V. Brock4. Platz2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers# 1 der Serie „Will and Buck“
2016Hidden StarCorinne Joy BrownCo-Gewinner2016New Mexico/Arizona Book AwardHistorical Fiction_
2016Hidden StarCorinne Joy BrownFinalist2017Spur AwardBest Western Contemporary Novel_
2016Hidden StarCorinne Joy BrownFinalist2017WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2016Arizona Lawmen, Renegades, and Prickly Pear JamJerry E. BustinFinalist2017Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2016Mortal Fall: A Novel of SuspenseChristine CarboGewinner2017High Plains Book AwardWoman Writer_
2016All I Want Is What You’ve Got Glen ChamberlainFinalist2017High Plains Book AwardShort Stories_
2016West of PenanceThomas D. ClagettCo-Gewinner2016New Mexico/Arizona Book AwardHistorical Fiction_
2016West of PenanceThomas D. ClagettGewinner2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Fiction_
2016Widowmaker JonesBrett CogburnFinalist2017Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 1 der Serie „Widowmaker Jones“
2016Threads of PassionT.K. ConklinGewinner2017Laramie Award?Western Romance?_
2016Along Comes a Wolfe: A Shepherd & Wolfe MysteryAngie Counios & David GaneFinalist2017High Plains Book AwardYoung Adult Book# 1 der Serie „Shepherd & Wolfe Mystery“
2016Triple PlayJames D. CrownoverFinalist2017New Mexico/Arizona Book AwardHistorical Fiction_
2016Triple PlayJames D. Crownover5. Platz2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2016The Green ColtS.J. DahlstromFinalist2017Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction# 4 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“
2016The Green ColtS.J. DahlstromGewinner2017Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Juvenile Book# 4 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“
2016The Green ColtS.J. DahlstromGewinner2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers# 4 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“
2016A Good Man GoneRandall Dale3. Platz (geteilt)2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers_
2016Hidden RegretsRandall Dale3. Platz (geteilt)2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers_
2016Piano TideKathleen Dean MooreGewinner2017WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2016Dead Man's BootPatrick DearenGewinner2017Elmer Kelton Book AwardFiction_
2016Dead Man's BootPatrick DearenFinalist2017Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2016Dead Man's BootPatrick Dearen3. Platz2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2016Sweet Home AlaskaCarole Estby DaggFinalist2017WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2016Notable Women of TexasKathy Gause2. Platz2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated_
2016The Canyon HouseJanice GilbertsonFinalist2017WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2016The Pain EaterBeth GoobieGewinner2017High Plains Book AwardYoung Adult Book_
2016A Ranger RedeemedJames J. GriffinFinalist2017Peacemaker AwardBest Western Young Adult / Children Fiction# 7 der Serie „Lone Star Ranger“
2016El PasoWinston Groom_____
2016She Was SheriffMelody GrovesGewinner2017New Mexico/Arizona Book AwardFiction: Adventure_
2016Silver CityJeff GuinnGewinner2018Spur AwardBest Western Traditional Novel_
2016A Bad Place to BeJohn HansenGewinner2016National Indie Excellence AwardWestern Fiction_
2016A Bad Place to BeJohn HansenFinalist2017Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2016Chasing DemonsJohn Hansen2. Platz (geteilt)2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Fiction_
2016Chasing DemonsJohn HansenGewinner2018Laramie Award?Classic?_
2016Corsets and CuffsShanna Hatfield4. Platz2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance# 3 der Reihe „Baker City Brides“
2016A Rebel Among Us: A Novel of the Civil WarJ.D.R. HawkinsFinalist2017Laramie Award?Civil War?# 3 der Serie „The Renegade“
2016First RodeoJudith Hennessey5. Platz2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance_
2016Roosevelt's BoysJohn C. HorstFinalist2017Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2016Grandpa and the KidCliff HudginsFinalist2017Peacemaker AwardBest Western Young Adult / Children Fiction_
2016Jasper SpringJames T. HughesFinalist2017Spur AwardBest Western Contemporary Novel_
2016Jasper SpringJames T. HughesGewinner2017Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2016Strong SuspicionsGP HutchinsonFinalist2016Best Book AwardFiction: Western# 2 der Serie „Emmett Strong“
2016Strong SuspicionsGP HutchinsonFinalist2016National Indie Excellence AwardWestern Fiction# 2 der Serie „Emmett Strong“
2016Far West: The Diary of Eleanor HigginsLinell JeppsenGewinner2017Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2016News of the WorldPaulette JilesFinalist2016National Book AwardFiction_
2016News of the WorldPaulette JilesFinalist2017Spur AwardBest Western Traditional Novel_
2016The HighwaymanCraig JohnsonCo-Gewinner2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 11 ½ der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“
2016An Obvious FactCraig JohnsonCo-Gewinner2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 12 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“
2016An Obvious FactCraig JohnsonFinalist2017High Plains Book AwardFiction# 12 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“
2016Recapturing Lisdoonvarna: An Irishman's OdysseyFrank S. JohnsonFinalist2017Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2016This Road We TraveledJane KirkpatrickFinalist2017WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2016This Road We TraveledJane Kirkpatrick2. Platz (geteilt)2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Fiction_
2016Robert B. Parker's BlackjackRobert KnottGewinner2017Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel# 8 der Serie „Virgil Cole & Everett Hitch“
2016Museum PieceBrian KoukolGewinner2017Peacemaker AwardBest Western Short Fiction_
2016The Grant Conspiracy: Wake of the Civil WarLee MartinFinalist2016National Indie Excellence AwardWestern Fiction_
2016Buffalo Jump BluesKeith McCafferty2. Platz (geteilt)2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 5 der Serie „Sean Stranahan Mystery“
2016Killing BloodRobert D. McKeeFinalist2017Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2016Gold CityM.T. MeyerFinalist2016Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2016Silence Rides AloneCharles MillstedFinalist2017Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2016Death in CanteraJohn D. Nesbitt4. Platz2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2016Good WaterJohn D. NesbittFinalist2017Peacemaker AwardBest Western Young Adult / Children Fiction_
2016Good WaterJohn D. Nesbitt2. Platz2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers_
2016Calamity Jane: How the West BeganBryan NeyFinalist2017Peacemaker AwardBest Western Young Adult / Children Fiction_
2016DesertionMichael Aloysius O'ReillyGewinner2017Laramie Award?Western Young Adult?_
2016Mist-chi-mas: A Novel of CaptivityJanet L. OakleyGewinner2017Laramie Award?Adventure/Caper?_
2016Mist-chi-mas: A Novel of CaptivityJanet L. OakleyFinalist2018Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2016Mist-chi-mas: A Novel of CaptivityJanet L. OakleyFinalist2018WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2016Mist-chi-mas: A Novel of CaptivityJanet L. Oakley2. Platz2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance_
2016Trouble ReturnsNancy OswaldGewinner2017Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction# 3 der Serie „A Ruby and Maude Adventure“
2016Trouble ReturnsNancy Oswald3. Platz2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Humor - Written# 3 der Serie „A Ruby and Maude Adventure“
2016What Gold BuysAnn Parker2. Platz2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance# 5 der Serie „Silver Rush Mystery“
2016The Turn of the TideRosanne ParryFinalist2017WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2016Saddle Up!Donna Alice Patton & Emily Chase SmithFinalist2017Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2016And Then the Sky ExplodedDavid A. PoulsenFinalist2017High Plains Book AwardYoung Adult Book_
2016Improbable FortunesJeffrey PriceGewinner2016Laramie AwardContemporary Western_
2016Improbable FortunesJeffrey PriceFinalist2017High Plains Book AwardFirst Book_
2016Gun Devils of the Rio GrandeJames ReasonerFinalist2017Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel# 5 der Serie „Outlaw Ranger“
2016Hour GlassMichelle ReneGewinner2017Laramie Award?Classic?_
2016Hour GlassMichelle ReneGewinner2017Laramie AwardGrand Prize_
2016The Mustanger and the LadyDusty RichardsGewinner2017Spur AwardBest Western Traditional Novel# 2 der Reihe „Brandiron“
2016Sidetracked in Silver CityJacquie RogersCo-Gewinner2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Humor - Written# 2 der Serie „Honey Beaulieu - Man Hunter“
2016Powder RiverSusan K. SalzerFinalist2017Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 3 der Reihe „Frontier“
2016Beloved Over AllIrene SandellGewinner2017WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2016Beloved Over AllIrene Sandell2. Platz (geteilt)2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2016Magpie's BlanketKimberly D. SchmidtFinalist2017WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2016Maria InesAnne Schroeder4. Platz2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Fiction_
2016Sary's Gold: A Tale of Love, Lust, and RevengeSharon ShipleyFinalist2017Laramie Awardunbekannt# 1 der Serie „Sary's Adventures“
2016ConvictionsJudith SilverthorneFinalist2017High Plains Book AwardWoman Writer_
2016Sacrificial LionsJohn Simons & David SimonsGewinner2017Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2016The Wanted LawmanA.C. SmithFinalist2017Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2016Hurt PeopleCote SmithGewinner2017High Plains Book AwardFirst Book_
2016Hurt PeopleCote SmithCo-Gewinner2017Kansas Notable Book__
2016Odell's BonesTroy D. SmithGewinner2017Spur AwardShort Fiction Story_
2016Odell's BonesTroy D. SmithFinalist2017Peacemaker AwardBest Western Short Fiction_
2016The Purest GoldHeather StarsongFinalist2017Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2016The Bat BookConrad J. Storad; Ill.: Nate Jensen & Tristan JensenGewinner2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated_
2016The Bat BookNate Jensen & Tristan Jensen; Text: Conrad J. StoradGewinner2017Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Humor - Graphics and Illustrations_
2016Echoes of Massacre CanyonBen Tyler (Ben Goheen)Gewinner2017Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2016Grasshoppers at DuskKiki WatkinsGewinner2017Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2016As Good As GoneLarry WatsonFinalist2017High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2016The Guns of Pecos CountyDavid WattsGold-Medaille2017Global ebook AwardWestern Fiction# 1 der Serie „The Hell or High Water“
2016The Guns of Pecos CountyDavid WattsFinalist2017Best Book AwardFiction: Western# 1 der Serie „The Hell or High Water“
2016The Guns of Pecos CountyDavid WattsFinalist2017Laramie Awardunbekannt# 1 der Serie „The Hell or High Water“
2016Basque MoonJulie WestonGewinner2017WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2016Death in the Black PatchBruce WilsonGewinner2017Laramie Award?Contemporary?_
2016The ContractorJames C. WorkFinalist2017Spur AwardBest Western Traditional Novel_
2017A Female Doctor in the Civil WarRichard Alan (Richard Alan Schwartz)Gewinner2018Laramie Award?Drama?_
2017West From the CradleBrigid AmosFinalist2018Peacemaker AwardBest Western Young Adult / Children Fiction_
2017RedemptionR. Scott AmsbaughGewinner2017National Indie Excellence AwardWestern Fiction_
2017The Tragically True Adventures of Kit DonovanPatricia BaileyGewinner2018WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2017The Tragically True Adventures of Kit DonovanPatricia Bailey3. Platz2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers_
2017Bock's CanyonDan BaldwinGewinner2017Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2017Double WideLeo W. BanksGewinner2018Spur AwardBest Western Contemporary Novel_
2017Double WideLeo W. BanksGewinner2018Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2017Double WideLeo W. BanksGewinner2018New Mexico/Arizona Book AwardFiction: Mystery/Crime_
2017The BloodlettingGreg BarthFinalist2018Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2017In the Middle of NowhereDenny Bertrand2. Platz (geteilt)2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Humor - Written# 3 der Serie „Somewhere Outwest“
2017Somewhere Outwest TrilogyDenny Bertrand2. Platz (geteilt)2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Humor - Written# 1 bis 3 der Serie „Somewhere Outwest“
2017Blind TributeMari Anne ChristieFinalist2018Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2017Buzzard BaitBrett CogburnFinalist2018Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 2 der Serie „Widowmaker Jones“
2017Living Where the Rabbits DanceJ.R. CollinsGewinner2018Laramie Award?Young Adult?# 2 der Serie „Choestoe“
2017Promise of TomorrowT.K. ConklinGewinner2018Laramie Award?Romance?# 1 der Reihe „Rimrock“
2017Huck Out WestRobert CooverFinalist2018Spur AwardBest Western Traditional Novel_
2017Life, Cowboys and the Free PressCharles „Dave“ Cox3. Platz2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Short Stories_
2017The Widow's Guide to Edible MushroomsChauna CraigFinalist2018High Plains Book AwardShort Stories_
2017The Widow's Guide to Edible MushroomsChauna CraigFinalist2018High Plains Book AwardFirst Book_
2017The Captain's CoatRandall Dale5. Platz2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2017Stronger Than MountainsLynn Dean2. Platz2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Fiction_
2017Rough Patches IIDeanna Dickinson McCallGewinner2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Short Stories_
2017Katrine: High Valley HomeJoseph DorrisFinalist2018Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2017Miss Birgit's Dilemma: Mail Order BrideJuliette DouglasFinalist2018Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2017Pinto: The Chisholm PonyStella Dutton5. Platz2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated_
2017Shortgrass: A Novel of World War IIJohn J. DwyerGewinner2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Fiction_
2017Tad Lucas: Trick Riding Rodeo CowgirlLaura B. Edge; Ill.: Stephanie FordGewinner2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated_
2017Tad Lucas: Trick Riding Rodeo CowgirlStephanie Ford; Text: Laura B. EdgeGewinner2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Illustrations, Graphics & Iconic Images_
2017The Stone PlaceRandy Lee EickhoffFinalist2018Spur AwardBest Western Contemporary Novel_
2017Clown WilliamRobin ElnoFinalist2019National Indie Excellence AwardWestern Fiction# 1 der Serie „Clown William“
2017El RenoKevin L. EvansFinalist2018Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2017BurialsMary Anna EvansFinalist2018WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction# 10 der Serie „Faye Longchamp Mysteries“
2017BurialsMary Anna Evans3. Platz2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 10 der Serie „Faye Longchamp Mysteries“
2017Blood of the DevilW. Michael FarmerFinalist2017New Mexico/Arizona Book AwardHistorical Fiction# 2 der Serie „The Life and Times of Yellow Boy, Mescalero Apache“
2017Blood of the DevilW. Michael FarmerFinalist2017New Mexico/Arizona Book AwardFiction: Adventure# 2 der Serie „The Life and Times of Yellow Boy, Mescalero Apache“
2017Blood of the DevilW. Michael Farmer2. Platz (geteilt)2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 2 der Serie „The Life and Times of Yellow Boy, Mescalero Apache“
2017Mariana's Knight: The Revenge of Henry FountainW. Michael FarmerGewinner2017New Mexico/Arizona Book AwardHistorical Fiction# 1 der Serie „Legends of the Desert“
2017Mariana's Knight: The Revenge of Henry FountainW. Michael FarmerFinalist2017New Mexico/Arizona Book AwardFiction: Adventure# 1 der Serie „Legends of the Desert“
2017Mariana's Knight: The Revenge of Henry FountainW. Michael Farmer2. Platz (geteilt)2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 1 der Serie „Legends of the Desert“
2017Hidden Ones: A Veil of MemoriesMarcia FineFinalist2017New Mexico/Arizona Book AwardHistorical Fiction_
2017Hidden Ones: A Veil of MemoriesMarcia FineGewinner2018WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2017Love and Other Consolation PrizesJamie FordFinalist2018High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2017Light of the Northern DancersRobin F. GaineyFinalist2018WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2017Light of the Northern DancersRobin F. Gainey2. Platz2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Maverick_
2017Moon Hunt: A People of Cahokia NovelW. Michael Gear & Kathleen O'Neal GearFinalist2018Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel# 24 der Serie „North America's Forgotten Past“
2017A Ranger ReturnsJames J. GriffinFinalist2018Peacemaker AwardBest Western Young Adult / Children Fiction# 9 der Serie „Lone Star Ranger“
2017Home to WyomingHarlan HagueCo-Gewinner2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance_
2017If I Should DieHarlan HagueCo-Gewinner2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance_
2017Unfortunate WordsJohn Hansen4. Platz2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance_
2017Willene: Jewel of the WestSally Harper BatesFinalist2018Spur AwardBest Western Romance Novel_
2017Coyote CourageScott HarrisFinalist2018Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2017The Widow NashJamie HarrisonFinalist2018High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2017DallyShanna Hatfield5. Platz2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance# 8 der Reihe „Pendleton Petticoats“
2017Steve, the MuleShanna Hatfield; Ill.: Rob Foote3. Platz2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated_
2017Bicker and the SoolivansJenna HestekinFinalist2018Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2017Mary Fields aka Stagecoach MaryErich Martin HicksFinalist2017Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2017Bill Riley's HeadDouglas HirtFinalist2018Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2017The Open RoadM.M. HoladayFinalist2018Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2017GibJohn R. Horton4. Platz2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2017The Cry Not HeardCliff HudginsFinalist2018Peacemaker AwardBest Western Young Adult / Children Fiction_
2017Barney, the Lopsided MuleLiz Hughey & Son; Ill.: Bonnie Shields2. Platz2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated# 1 der Serie „Children's Mule Packing“
2017Blood Moon: A Captive's TaleRuth Hull ChatlienGewinner2018Laramie Award?Adventure/Caper?_
2017Blood Moon: A Captive's TaleRuth Hull ChatlienGewinner2018Laramie AwardGrand Prize_
2017The Pecos UndertakerColby Jackson (Mel Odom)Gewinner2018Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2017The Armadillo's Hole SaloonColby Jackson (Mel Odom)Co-Gewinner2018Peacemaker AwardBest Western Short Fiction# 10 der Reihe „Rancho Diablo“
2017New American Western: The Complete CollectionVon KambroFinalist2017Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2017Courting Carrie in WonderlandCarla KellyFinalist2018Spur AwardBest Western Romance Novel_
2017All She Left BehindJane KirkpatrickFinalist2018WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2017CloakedRachel KovacinyFinalist2018Peacemaker AwardBest Western Young Adult / Children Fiction# 1 der Reihe „Once Upon a Western“
2017Viva, Rose!Susan KrawitzFinalist2018Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2017The Lucky Hat MineJ.v.L. Bell (Julie van Lamnen Bell)3. Platz2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Humor - Written_
2017Bluster's Last StandPreston LewisGewinner2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Humor - Written_
2017Splintered: A Civil War SagaCurt LocklearGewinner2018Laramie Award?Civil War?# 2 der Serie „Asunder“
2017Cap Guns & Stick PoniesGeoff „Poppa Mac“ Mackay4. Platz2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated_
2017DesplazadoBev MagennisFinalist2018WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2017Bad Kansas: StoriesBecky L. MandelbaumGewinner2018High Plains Book AwardFirst Book_
2017RushJayme H. MansfieldFinalist2018Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2017Copper SkyMilana MarsenichFinalist2018Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
2017Stranded: A Story of Frontier SurvivalMatthew P. MayoGewinner2018Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2017Stranded: A Story of Frontier SurvivalMatthew P. MayoGewinner2018Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Novel_
2017Stranded: A Story of Frontier SurvivalMatthew P. MayoGewinner2018WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2017Stranded: A Story of Frontier SurvivalMatthew P. MayoGewinner2018Peacemaker AwardBest Western Young Adult / Children Fiction_
2017Stranded: A Story of Frontier SurvivalMatthew P. MayoGewinner2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers_
2017Stranded: A Story of Frontier SurvivalMatthew P. MayoGewinner2018High Plains Book AwardYoung Adult Book_
2017Cold Hearted RiverKeith McCaffertyGewinner2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 6 der Serie „Sean Stranahan Mystery“
2017Out of the DarknessRobert D. McKeeFinalist2018Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2017Addie: Courage Rides A Gray HorseLyn Miller3. Platz2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Fiction_
2017Hard to QuitMark MittenFinalist2018Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2017Lily's MountainHannah ModerowFinalist2018WILLA Literary AwardChildren's / Young Adult Fiction_
2017Golden SpikeRobert Lee Murphy2. Platz2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers# 3 der Serie „The Iron Horse Chronicles“
2017Blood BrothersColleen NelsonFinalist2018High Plains Book AwardYoung Adult Book_
2017Destiny at Dry CampJohn D. NesbittFinalist2018Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2017FirewaterOlivia NoremFinalist2018Peacemaker AwardBest Western Short Fiction# 1 der Serie „Brothers in Justice“
2017Train RobberyMel OdomCo-Gewinner2018Peacemaker AwardBest Western Short Fiction# 2 der Serie „Bass Reeves, Frontier Marshal“
2017Encountering RielDavid OrrFinalist2018High Plains Book AwardFirst Book_
2017The ComingDavid OsborneGewinner2018Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
2017Charley Weston: The Cowboy and the KidMike Prince4. Platz2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers_
2017Murder on the Red RiverMarcie R. RendonFinalist2018Spur AwardBest Western Contemporary Noveldt.: Am roten Fluss
2017Gold in the SunDusty RichardsSpecial Memorial2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 5 der Reihe „Brandiron“
2017Valley of BonesDusty RichardsFinalist2018Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 10 der Serie „Byrnes Family Ranch“
2017StrangersDavid A. RobertsonGewinner2018High Plains Book AwardIndigenous Writer# 1 der Serie „The Reckoner Trilogy“; dt.: Strangers
2017StrangersDavid A. RobertsonFinalist2018High Plains Book AwardYoung Adult Book# 1 der Serie „The Reckoner Trilogy“; dt.: Strangers
2017Crossing at Sweet GrassLaurie G. RobertsonFinalist2017Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2017Crossing at Sweet GrassLaurie G. RobertsonFinalist2017National Indie Excellence AwardWestern Fiction_
2017Relentless Pursuit: The Race of a LifetimeJack E. SanfordFinalist2018Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2017Life in a CasketPreston ShiresFinalist2018Laramie Awardunbekannt# 1 der Serie „Nebraska Mystery“
2017Sophia's Storm: The 1900 StormCara Skinner5. Platz2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction -
Younger Readers
2017Meghan's ChoiceDonna L.H. Smith4. Platz2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Fiction# 1 der Reihe „Known By Heart“
2017Meghan's ChoiceDonna L.H. SmithFinalist2019Laramie Awardunbekannt# 1 der Reihe „Known By Heart“
2017The Treasure of Cedar CreekBrenda StanleyFinalist2018Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2017Dry Run, OklahomaLucinda SteinFinalist2018WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2017Slate CreekWallace J. SwensonFinalist2018Spur AwardBest Western Traditional Novel# 4 der Serie „Journey to the White Clouds“
2017MaureenMary E. Trimble3. Platz2018Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance_
2017Galloway's GambleHoward WeinsteinGewinner2018Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2017The Promise BrideGina Welborn & Becca WhithamGewinner2018Spur AwardBest Western Romance Novel# 1 der Reihe „Montana Brides Romance“
2017Hell Hath No FuryCharles G. WestGewinner2018Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 1 der Serie „John Hawk“
2017ZettyDebra Whiting AlexanderGewinner2018WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2017The Lost Years of Billy BattlesRonald E. YatesFinalist2018Laramie Awardunbekannt# 3 der Serie „Finding Billy Battles“
2018River of PorcupinesG.K. AalborgGewinner2019Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
2018Across Unstill WatersD.L. AndersenFinalist2019Laramie Awardunbekannt# 1 der Serie „The Stephenson House Chronicles“
2018The Dove Shall FlyJudith Austin MillsGewinner2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Western Fiction_
2018Found Documents from the Life of Nell Johnson DoerrThomas Fox AverillFinalist2019WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2018Slott CanyonDan BaldwinGewinner2019Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2018The Last Grand AdventureRebecca BehrensFinalist2019WILLA Literary AwardChildren's Fiction_
2018The Wanderer and the New WestAdam BenderGewinner2018National Indie Excellence AwardWestern Fiction_
2018Miss Royal's MulesIrene Bennett Brown2. Platz2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Western Fiction# 1 der Serie „Nickel Hill“
2018Mis-Adventures of Petey and CecilDenny BertrandGewinner2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Illustrations, Graphics & Iconic Images_
2018Taos LightningJohnny D. BoggsGewinner2019Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2018The Scarred OneTyler BooneFinalist2019Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2018Mystery on the PecosAlice V. BrockFinalist2019Peacemaker AwardBest Western Young Adult / Children Fiction# 2 der Serie „Will and Buck“
2018Mystery on the PecosAlice V. Brock3. Platz2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers# 2 der Serie „Will and Buck“
2018Seven AprilsEileen CharbonneauGewinner2019Laramie Awardunbekannt# 1 der Reihe „American Civil War Brides“
2018Seven AprilsEileen CharbonneauGewinner2019Laramie AwardGrand Prize# 1 der Reihe „American Civil War Brides“
2018BuriedRuth ChorneyFinalist2019High Plains Book AwardWoman Writer_
2018Line of Glory: A Novel of the AlamoThomas D. ClagettFinalist2019Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
2018Cowboys, Bulls & Thorns: A Texas Ranch RomanceGenie ClarkFinalist2018Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2018Spirit of the Rabbit PlaceJ.R. CollinsGewinner2019Laramie Awardunbekannt# 3 der Serie „Choestoe“
2018Remember TexasLaura Conner Kestner3. Platz2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Western Fiction_
2018Wolfe in Shepherd's ClothingAngie Counios & David GaneFinalist2019High Plains Book AwardYoung Adult Book# 3 der Serie „Shepherd & Wolfe Mystery“
2018The Woman Who Built a BridgeC.K. CriggerGewinner2019Spur AwardBest Western Romance Novel_
2018The Which Way TreeElizabeth CrookGewinner2019WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2018Black Rock BrothersS.J. Dahlstrom2. Platz2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers# 5 der Serie „The Adventures of Wilder Good“
2018HardscrabbleSandra DallasGewinner2019Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Juvenile Book_
2018HardscrabbleSandra DallasGewinner2019WILLA Literary AwardChildren's Fiction_
2018HardscrabbleSandra DallasFinalist2019Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2018The Patchwork BrideSandra DallasFinalist2019WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2018The Chapman LegacyJohn Neely DavisFinalist2019Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2018Bed of ConspiracyJuliette DouglasGewinner2019Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2018Clown William and the Lincoln County WarRobin ElnoGewinner2019National Indie Excellence AwardWestern Fiction# 2 der Serie „Clown William“
2018Knight's Odyssey: The Return of Henry FountainW. Michael FarmerCo-Gewinner2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 2 der Serie „Legends of the Desert“
2018Knight of the Tiger: The Betrayals of Henry FountainW. Michael FarmerCo-Gewinner2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 3 der Serie „Legends of the Desert“
2018Knight of the Tiger: The Betrayals of Henry FountainW. Michael FarmerGewinner2019New Mexico Book AwardFiction: Adventure# 3 der Serie „Legends of the Desert“
2018Girls from CentroJuni FisherFinalist2019WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2018Wanders Far: An Unlikely Hero's JourneyDavid Fitz-GeraldGewinner2019Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2018Wanders Far: An Unlikely Hero's JourneyDavid Fitz-GeraldFinalist2019Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2018RescuedE. Alan FleischauerGewinner2019Laramie Awardunbekannt# 1 der Serie „JT Thomas Adventures“
2018RescuedE. Alan Fleischauer¼ Gewinner2021Laramie AwardBook Series# 1 der Serie „JT Thomas Adventures“
2018Escape from Ruby's RanchRhonda FrankhouserFinalist2019Laramie Awardunbekannt# 2 der Serie „Ruby's Ranch“
2018This Scorched Earth: A Novel of the Civil War and the American WestWilliam GearFinalist2019Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
2018Deep Fire RiseJon GoschFinalist2019Spur AwardBest Western Contemporary Novel_
2018Rebecca's HopeKimberly GristFinalist2019Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel# 1 der Reihe „Carrie Town Texas“
2018Black Range RevengeMelody GrovesFinalist2018New Mexico/Arizona Book AwardFiction: Adventure# 5 der Serie „Colton Brothers Saga“
2018Leaving Ah-wah-neeHarlan Hague2. Platz2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance_
2018Hard TimesJohn HansenGewinner2019Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2018The OutfitJohn HansenFinalist2019Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2018The Flicker of Old DreamsSusan HendersonFinalist2018Montana Book Award__
2018The Flicker of Old DreamsSusan HendersonGewinner2019Spur AwardBest Western Contemporary Novel_
2018The Flicker of Old DreamsSusan HendersonGewinner2019WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2018The Flicker of Old DreamsSusan HendersonGewinner2019High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2018The Flicker of Old DreamsSusan HendersonGewinner2019High Plains Book AwardWoman Writer_
2018The Legend of Deputy JimDan E. HendricksonFinalist2019Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2018Pack String Hang-Up… A Mule Trail TaleLiz Hughey & Son; Ill.: Bonnie ShieldsCo-Gewinner2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated# 2 der Serie „Children's Mule Packing“
2018Trash TalkLiz Hughey & Son; Ill.: Bonnie ShieldsCo-Gewinner2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated# 3 der Serie „Children's Mule Packing“
2018Broken FieldJeff HullFinalist2019Spur AwardBest Western Contemporary Novel_
2018Go Ask FannieElisabeth HydeFinalist2019High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2018A Bad Place to DieEasy Jackson (Vicky J. Rose)5. Platz2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance# 1 der Serie „Tennessee Smith“
2018The Pistolman's ApprenticeLinell JeppsenFinalist2019Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2018Depth of WinterCraig Johnson3. Platz2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 14 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“
2018The Long ShadowBeth KanellFinalist2019Spur AwardBest Western Historical Novel_
2018The HungerAlma KatsuGewinner2019Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Noveldt.: The Hunger - Die letzte Reise
2018An American in CaliforniaPeter KazaksFinalist2018Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2018The Gamble: Lost TreasuresLynwood Kelly (Troy Abell & Kelly Abell)Gewinner2019Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2018Whiskey When We're DryJohn LarisonGewinner2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Maverick_
2018Come West and See: StoriesMaxim LoskutoffCo-Gewinner2019High Plains Book AwardShort Stories_
2018Stories from M2 RanchGeoff „Poppa Mac“ Mackay5. Platz2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers_
2018American RedDavid MarlettFinalist2019International Book AwardFiction: Historical_
2018The Swan KeeperMilana MarsenichFinalist2019WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2018TimberlineMatthew P. MayoFinalist2019Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2018A Death in EdenKeith McCafferty2. Platz2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 7 der Serie „Sean Stranahan Mystery“
2018A Death in EdenKeith McCaffertyFinalist2019High Plains Book AwardFiction# 7 der Serie „Sean Stranahan Mystery“
2018Where the Bullets FlyTerrence McCauleyCo-Gewinner2019Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel# 1 der Serie „Sheriff Aaron Mackey“
2018Where the Bullets FlyTerrence McCauleyFinalist2019Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 1 der Serie „Sheriff Aaron Mackey“
2018When I DieMonty McCord4. Platz (geteilt)2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 2 der Serie „The Legend of Joe Mundy“
2018Cloudbursts: Collected and New StoriesThomas McGuaneCo-Gewinner2019High Plains Book AwardShort Stories_
2018Gypsy RockRobert D. McKeeFinalist2019Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel# 1 der Serie „Billy Young and Hugo Dorling“
2018Gypsy RockRobert D. McKee3. Platz2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Maverick# 1 der Serie „Billy Young and Hugo Dorling“
2018Father unto Many SonsRod MillerFinalist2019Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2018Rawhide Robinson Rides a Dromedary: The True Tale of a Wild West Camel CaballeroRod MillerFinalist2019Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2018Rawhide Robinson Rides a Dromedary: The True Tale of a Wild West Camel CaballeroRod MillerFinalist2019Peacemaker AwardBest Western Young Adult / Children Fiction_
2018The Unnamed Girl: The Woodard ChroniclesMike H. MizrahiFinalist2019Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2018Burning RidgeMargaret MizushimaFinalist2019WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction# 4 der Serie „Timber Creek K-9 Mystery“
2018SadiaColleen NelsonGewinner2019High Plains Book AwardYoung Adult Book_
2018Lollypop and LarenDawn Nelson2. Platz2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated_
2018Castle ButteJohn D. NesbittFinalist2019Peacemaker AwardBest Western Young Adult / Children Fiction_
2018Castle ButteJohn D. Nesbitt4. Platz2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers_
2018The River by StarlightEllen NotbohmGewinner2019Spur AwardBest First Western Novel_
2018The River by StarlightEllen NotbohmFinalist2019Spur AwardBest Western Traditional Novel_
2018The River by StarlightEllen NotbohmFinalist2019High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2018A Dying NoteAnn Parker4. Platz2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Maverick# 6 der Serie „Silver Rush Mystery“
2018Katydids & Trains: Fading Sounds of the Cherokee FringeB.L. PerrymanGewinner2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Humor - Written_
2018Out of the AshesTracie Peterson & Kimberley WoodhouseFinalist2019Spur AwardBest Western Romance Novel# 2 der Reihe „The Heart of Alaska“
2018Apple in the MiddleDawn QuigleyFinalist2019WILLA Literary AwardYoung Adult Fiction_
2018Payback Is HellWes RandFinalist2019Best Book AwardFiction: Western# 3 der Serie „Evil Stryker“
2018ZekialDusty RichardsGewinner2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction Special Award_
2018Fiery Star: The Journals of Emma Rose LightfootLeslie RiversFinalist2019National Indie Excellence AwardHistorical Fiction_
2018The Christmas BearB.N. RundellFinalist2019Peacemaker AwardBest Western Young Adult / Children Fiction_
2018The Wind Called My NameMary Louise SanchezFinalist2019WILLA Literary AwardChildren's Fiction_
2018A Different Kind of FireSuanne SchaferFinalist2019Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2018Walk the Promise RoadAnne SchroederGewinner2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance_
2018GritRon SchwabGewinner2019Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2018Peyote SpiritsRon SchwabFinalist2019Peacemaker AwardBest Western Short Fiction_
2018Underground: Traitors and Spies in Lincoln's WarKit SergeantFinalist2019Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2018Armed Men and ArmadillosJohn Earl SharpGewinner2018Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2018Armed Men and ArmadillosJohn Earl Sharplobend erwähnt2018Royal Dragonfly Book AwardWesterns_
2018Escape to Fort AbercrombieCandace SimarGewinner2019Peacemaker AwardBest Western Young Adult / Children Fiction_
2018Escape to Fort AbercrombieCandace SimarGewinner2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers_
2018The Return of Kid CooperBrad SmithGewinner2019Spur AwardBest Western Traditional Novel_
2018The RemovesTatjana SoliFinalist2019WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2018An Unexpected RedemptionDavalynn SpencerGewinner2019American Fiction AwardWestern# 2 der Reihe „Front Range Brides“
2018Gracie JaneJanet Squires3. Platz2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers, Illustrated_
2018Bronte's ThunderLucinda SteinFinalist2019High Plains Book AwardYoung Adult Book_
2018Make Me No Grave: A Weird West NovelHayley StoneFinalist2019Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2018See Also ProofLarry D. SweazyGewinner2019WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction# 3 der Serie „Marjorie Trumaine Mystery“
2018A Child Went ForthBoston TeranFinalist2019International Book AwardFiction: Historical# 2 der Reihe „The Defiant Americans“
2018Finding True HomeHeidi M. Thomas4. Platz2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Western Fiction# 2 der Serie „American Dream“
2018Saving the Oldest Town in TexasLinda Thorson BondFinalist2019International Book AwardFiction: Historical_
2018Saving the Oldest Town in TexasLinda Thorson BondFinalist2019American Fiction AwardHistorical Fiction_
2018Thorn-FieldJames TrettwerFinalist2019High Plains Book AwardShort Stories_
2018The Trappers PromiseBronwyn TrotterFinalist2019Best Book AwardFiction: Western# 1 der Serie „The Trappers Promise“
2018Dire Wolf of the QuapawPhil Truman4. Platz2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance_
2018Angel in the FogT.J. TurnerFinalist2019International Book AwardFiction: Historical# 3 der Serie „Lincoln’s Bodyguard“
2018Angel in the FogT.J. TurnerFinalist2019International Book AwardFiction: Historical# 3 der Serie „Lincoln’s Bodyguard“
2018Angel in the FogT.J. TurnerFinalist2019American Fiction AwardHistorical Fiction# 3 der Serie „Lincoln’s Bodyguard“
2018The Cattle DriverRyan UytdewilligenGewinner2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Short Stories_
2018The Communing TreeTheresa VerboortGewinner2019WILLA Literary AwardYoung Adult Fiction_
2018I am Mrs. Jesse JamesPat WahlerCo-Gewinner2019Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2018I am Mrs. Jesse JamesPat WahlerFinalist2018Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2018Born to the BadgeMark WarrenFinalist2019Spur AwardBest Western Traditional Novel# 2 der Serie „Wyatt Earp, an American Odyssey“
2018The Kitchen MarriageGina Welborn & Becca WhithamFinalist2019Spur AwardBest Western Romance Novel# 2 der Reihe „Montana Brides Romance“
2018No Justice in HellCharles G. WestFinalist2019Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 2 der Serie „John Hawk“
2018MarshallvilleJohn WestFinalist2019Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2018Joy That Long EnduresAlethea Williams3. Platz2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance_
2018Becoming BeatriceFrances L. WoodFinalist2019WILLA Literary AwardYoung Adult Fiction_
2018Gold DustReavis Z. Wortham4. Platz (geteilt)2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 7 der Serie „Red River Mystery“
2018Hawke's WarReavis Z. WorthamGewinner2019Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 2 der Serie „Sonny Hawke Thriller“
2018Hawke's WarReavis Z. Wortham4. Platz (geteilt)2019Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 2 der Serie „Sonny Hawke Thriller“
2019Angel ThievesKathi AppeltFinalist2020WILLA Literary AwardYoung Adult Fiction_
2019Wyandotte BoundGeorge T. ArnoldGewinner2021Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2019Petey and Cecil Ride AgainDenny BertrandGewinner2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Humor - Written_
2019J is for JackalopeTeal BlakeGewinner2020Wrangler AwardOutstanding Western Juvenile Book_
2019The Cost of DyingPeter BrandvoldFinalist2020Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 13 der Serie „Lou Prophet, Bounty Hunter“
2019Finding HomeCorinne Joy BrownFinalist2020Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2019Soyala: Daughter of the DesertCindy Burkart MaynardFinalist2020WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2019Iron DogsNeil ChaseGold-Medaille2019Global ebook AwardWestern Fiction_
2019Iron DogsNeil ChaseFinalist2020American Fiction AwardWestern_
2019Sweep out the AshesMary Clearman BlewFinalist2020Spur AwardBest Western Contemporary Novel_
2019Friends Call Me BatPaul Colt (Paul Schmelzer)Finalist2020Spur AwardBest Western Traditional Novel_
2019All Man's LandD. László ConhaimFinalist2020Spur AwardBest Western Traditional Novel_
2019All Man's LandD. László Conhaim3. Platz2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Maverick_
2019Promise of SpringT.K. ConklinFinalist2020Laramie Awardunbekannt# 2 der Serie „Rimrock“
2019Promise of SpringT.K. ConklinGewinner2023Laramie Awardunbekannt# 2 der Serie „Rimrock“
2019A Texas PromiseLaura Conner Kestner3. Platz2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Western Fiction_
2019Beautiful Courage: A Young Woman's Journey West, 1852Diane M. Covington-Carter; Ill.: Susan WhitingFinalist2020WILLA Literary AwardChildren's Fiction_
2019The Yeggman's ApprenticeC.K. CriggerGewinner2020Spur AwardBest Western Romance Novel_
2019Yester's RideC.K. CriggerFinalist2020Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2019Someplace to Call HomeSandra DallasGewinner2020Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction_
2019Someplace to Call HomeSandra DallasCo-Gewinner2020WILLA Literary AwardChildren's Fiction_
2019The Daughter's PredicamentMary Davis3. Platz2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance_
2019Apache LamentPatrick DearenGewinner2019Elmer Kelton Book AwardFiction_
2019Apache LamentPatrick DearenGewinner2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Western Fiction_
2019Trouble the WaterRebecca Dwight BruffGewinner2019American Fiction AwardAfrican American Fiction_
2019Trouble the WaterRebecca Dwight BruffGewinner2020Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2019Trouble the WaterRebecca Dwight BruffGewinner2020Laramie AwardGrand Prize_
2019Mustang: A Novel of World War IIJohn J. Dwyer4. Platz2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Western Fiction_
2019Leftover Soldiers: Life on the Western FrontierBert EntwistleGewinner2020National Indie Excellence AwardWestern Fiction# 1 der Serie „Leftover Soldiers“
2019Leftover Soldiers: Life on the Western FrontierBert EntwistleFinalist2019Laramie Awardunbekannt# 1 der Serie „Leftover Soldiers“
2019Leftover Soldiers: Life on the Western FrontierBert EntwistleFinalist2021American Fiction AwardWestern# 1 der Serie „Leftover Soldiers“
2019CatacombsMary Anna EvansGewinner2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Maverick# 12 der Serie „Faye Longchamp Mysteries“
2019CatacombsMary Anna EvansGewinner2020Oklahoma Book AwardFiction# 12 der Serie „Faye Longchamp Mysteries“
2019Death Stalks Apache OroSam Judd Fadala3. Platz2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction_
2019Blood-Soaked Earth: The Trial of Oliver LeeW. Michael Farmer2. Platz (geteilt)2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 4 der Serie „Legends of the Desert“
2019The Last WarriorW. Michael Farmer2. Platz (geteilt)2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 3 der Serie „The Life and Times of Yellow Boy, Mescalero Apache“
2019My Wife's WishesJames Filomio Jr.Finalist2019Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2019HuntedE. Alan FleischauerFinalist2020Laramie Awardunbekannt# 2 der Serie „JT Thomas Adventures“
2019HuntedE. Alan Fleischauer¼ Gewinner2021Laramie AwardBook Series# 2 der Serie „JT Thomas Adventures“
2019Madam in SilkGini GrossenbacherFinalist2020National Indie Excellence AwardHistorical Fiction_
2019Cold White SunSue Farrell HollerGewinner2020High Plains Book AwardYoung Adult Book_
2019The Red Dirt HymnbookRoxie Faulkner KirkGewinner2020WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2019The MustangersAndrew J. FenadyGewinner2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction Special Award_
2019A Crow to PluckBob GielFinalist2020Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2019Northern WolfDaniel GreeneGewinner2020Laramie Awardunbekannt# 1 der Serie „Northern Wolf“
2019Northern HuntDaniel GreeneSemi-Finalist2021Laramie Awardunbekannt# 2 der Serie „Northern Wolf“
2019The Reckless Oath We MadeBryn GreenwoodCo-Gewinner2020Kansas Notable Book__
2019The Reckless Oath We MadeBryn GreenwoodFinalist2020WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction_
2019Chasing GoldGerald L. GuyFinalist2019Laramie Awardunbekannt# 2 der Serie „The McIntyre Adventures“
2019Chasing the PastGerald L. GuyFinalist2019Laramie Awardunbekannt# 3 der Serie „The McIntyre Adventures“
2019This New DayHarlan HagueFinalist2020Spur AwardBest Western Romance Novel_
2019This New DayHarlan HagueFinalist2020Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2019This New DayHarlan HagueGewinner2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Romance_
2019Alamo All-StarsNathan HaleGewinner2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardGraphic Novels & Iconic Images_
2019CalamityLibbie HawkerFinalist2020WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2019One for the Blackbird, One for the CrowOlivia HawkerFinalist2020WILLA Literary AwardHistorical Fiction_
2019The First Lady and the RebelSusan HigginbothamFinalist2020Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2019The Tale TellerAnne HillermanFinalist2020Oklahoma Book AwardFiction# 23 der Serie „Leaphorn and Chee“
2019The Healer's DaughterCharlotte HingerCo-Gewinner2020Kansas Notable Book__
2019The Healer's DaughterCharlotte Hinger2. Platz2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Maverick_
2019The Healer's DaughterCharlotte HingerFinalist2020High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2019Sweet Twisted PineLori R. HodgesFinalist2020Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2019Sweet Twisted PineLori R. HodgesFinalist2020American Fiction AwardWestern_
2019The Survival of Margaret ThomasDel HowisonFinalist2020Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2019Sit a Tall HorsePaul Hunter4. Platz (geteilt)2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Short Stories_
2019Land of WolvesCraig JohnsonGewinner2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction# 15 der Serie „Walt Longmire Mystery“
2019Lockett's CrucibleT.J. JohnsonFinalist2020Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2019MatamorosJames KahnGewinner2020Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2019MatamorosJames KahnFinalist2020American Fiction AwardWestern_
2019A Perfect EyeStephanie KaneFinalist2020WILLA Literary AwardOriginal Softcover Fiction_
2019North in the SpringFrank Kelso4. Platz2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Maverick# 2 der Serie „The Apprentice“
2019One More River to CrossJane Kirkpatrick2. Platz2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardInspirational Western Fiction_
2019QaqaviiMiriam KörnerFinalist2020High Plains Book AwardYoung Adult Book_
2019Kunze Up Front!Otto KunzeGewinner2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Maverick Special Award_
2019All the Impossible ThingsLindsay LackeyFinalist2020WILLA Literary AwardChildren's Fictiondt.: Das Mädchen, das den Sturm ruft
2019The Line BetweenTosca LeeFinalist2020High Plains Book AwardFiction_
2019Crawl: Larcena's StoryElle Marlow; Ill.: R.C. MatthewsGewinner2020The Wild Bunch Film Festival Western WriterBest Arizona Manuscript# 1 der Serie „Before Arizona“
2019Two Thousand Grueling MilesL.J. MartinFinalist2020Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2019Nickel's LuckS.L. MatthewsGewinner2020Peacemaker AwardBest Western Novel_
2019Nickel's LuckS.L. MatthewsFinalist2020Best Book AwardFiction: Western_
2019Dark TerritoryTerrence McCauleyFinalist2020Spur AwardBest Original Western Paperback Novel# 2 der Serie „Sheriff Aaron Mackey“
2019UnforsakenJohn Dwaine McKennaFinalist2020Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel_
2019The Fang of Bonfire CrossingBrad McLelland & Louis SylvesterFinalist2020Spur AwardBest Western Juvenile Fiction# 2 der Reihe „Legends of the Lost Causes“
2019Fire BlossomGail MeathFinalist2020Laramie Awardunbekannt_
2019All Their YesterdaysKaren Mireau2. Platz2020Will Rogers Medallion AwardWestern Fiction - Younger Readers_
2019Tracking GameMargaret MizushimaFinalist2020WILLA Literary AwardContemporary Fiction# 5 der Serie „Timber Creek K-9 Mystery“
2019The Lily of the WestKathleen MorrisGewinner2020Peacemaker AwardBest First Western Novel